30 research outputs found

    Cultivation of Human Corneal Endothelial Cells Isolated from Paired Donor Corneas

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    Consistent expansion of human corneal endothelial cells (hCECs) is critical in the development of tissue engineered endothelial constructs. However, a wide range of complex culture media, developed from different basal media have been reported in the propagation of hCECs, some with more success than others. These results are further confounded by donor-to-donor variability. The aim of this study is to evaluate four culture media in the isolation and propagation of hCECs isolated from a series of paired donor corneas in order to negate donor variability

    Mucin Variable Number Tandem Repeat Polymorphisms and Severity of Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease: Significant Association with MUC5AC

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    Variability in cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease is partially due to non-CFTR genetic modifiers. Mucin genes are very polymorphic, and mucins play a key role in the pathogenesis of CF lung disease; therefore, mucin genes are strong candidates as genetic modifiers. DNA from CF patients recruited for extremes of lung phenotype was analyzed by Southern blot or PCR to define variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) length polymorphisms for MUC1, MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC7. VNTR length polymorphisms were tested for association with lung disease severity and for linkage disequilibrium (LD) with flanking single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). No strong associations were found for MUC1, MUC2, or MUC7. A significant association was found between the overall distribution of MUC5AC VNTR length and CF lung disease severity (p = 0.025; n = 468 patients); plus, there was robust association of the specific 6.4 kb HinfI VNTR fragment with severity of lung disease (p = 6.2 x 10(-4) after Bonferroni correction). There was strong LD between MUC5AC VNTR length modes and flanking SNPs. The severity-associated 6.4 kb VNTR allele of MUC5AC was confirmed to be genetically distinct from the 6.3 kb allele, as it showed significantly stronger association with nearby SNPs. These data provide detailed respiratory mucin gene VNTR allele distributions in CF patients. Our data also show a novel link between the MUC5AC 6.4 kb VNTR allele and severity of CF lung disease. The LD pattern with surrounding SNPs suggests that the 6.4 kb allele contains, or is linked to, important functional genetic variation

    International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Nutritional recommendations for single-stage ultra-marathon; training and racing

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    Background. In this Position Statement, the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) provides an objective and critical review of the literature pertinent to nutritional considerations for training and racing in single-stage ultra-marathon. Recommendations for Training. i) Ultra-marathon runners should aim to meet the caloric demands of training by following an individualized and periodized strategy, comprising a varied, food-first approach; ii) Athletes should plan and implement their nutrition strategy with sufficient time to permit adaptations that enhance fat oxidative capacity; iii) The evidence overwhelmingly supports the inclusion of a moderate-to-high carbohydrate diet (i.e., ~60% of energy intake, 5 – 8 g⸱kg−1·d−1) to mitigate the negative effects of chronic, training-induced glycogen depletion; iv) Limiting carbohydrate intake before selected low-intensity sessions, and/or moderating daily carbohydrate intake, may enhance mitochondrial function and fat oxidative capacity. Nevertheless, this approach may compromise performance during high-intensity efforts; v) Protein intakes of ~1.6 g·kg−1·d−1 are necessary to maintain lean mass and support recovery from training, but amounts up to 2.5 g⸱kg−1·d−1 may be warranted during demanding training when calorie requirements are greater; Recommendations for Racing. vi) To attenuate caloric deficits, runners should aim to consume 150 - 400 kcal⸱h−1 (carbohydrate, 30 – 50 g⸱h−1; protein, 5 – 10 g⸱h−1) from a variety of calorie-dense foods. Consideration must be given to food palatability, individual tolerance, and the increased preference for savory foods in longer races; vii) Fluid volumes of 450 – 750 mL⸱h−1 (~150 – 250 mL every 20 min) are recommended during racing. To minimize the likelihood of hyponatraemia, electrolytes (mainly sodium) may be needed in concentrations greater than that provided by most commercial products (i.e., >575 mg·L−1 sodium). Fluid and electrolyte requirements will be elevated when running in hot and/or humid conditions; viii) Evidence supports progressive gut-training and/or low-FODMAP diets (fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol) to alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal distress during racing; ix) The evidence in support of ketogenic diets and/or ketone esters to improve ultra-marathon performance is lacking, with further research warranted; x) Evidence supports the strategic use of caffeine to sustain performance in the latter stages of racing, particularly when sleep deprivation may compromise athlete safety

    Modulation of disease severity in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator deficient mice by a secondary genetic factor

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    Mice that have been made deficient for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (Cftr) usually die of intestinal obstruction. We have created Cftr-deficient mice and demonstrate prolonged survival among backcross and intercross progeny with different inbred strains, suggesting that modulation of disease severity is genetically determined. A genome scan showed that the major modifier locus maps near the centromere of mouse chromosome 7. Electrophysiological studies on mice with prolonged survival show that the partial rectification of Cl- and Na+ ion transport abnormalities can be explained in part by up-regulation of a calcium- activated Cl- conductance. Identification of modifier genes in our Cftr(m1HSC)/Cftr(m1HSC) mice should provide important insight into the heterogeneous disease presentation observed among CF patients.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Events : Fashion Moda / Taller Boricua / Artists Invite Artists

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    Commenting on three separate exhibitions involving nearly 100 artists, Gumpert writes on the importance of community involvement for the New York alternative spaces Fashion Moda and Taller Boricua, while Jones describes the premise of the third exhibition as a dialogue between minority artists. Artist's statements. Biographical notes. 13 bibl. ref