74 research outputs found

    Allelopathy Effect of the Blue Diatom HasleaOstrearia (Gaillon) Simonsen: Growth Inhibition in Aquaculture Relevant Microalgae

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    We are well known that the marine pennate diatom Hasleaostrearia (Gaillon) Simonsen produces the blue-green pigment called marennine. Marennine was identified as a polyphenolic compound. This compound is capable to inhibit the growth of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and several bacteria, including pathogens as Vibrio sp. The aim of this study was to determine how strong the allelophatic effect of marennine is generated byH. ostrearia and identifying its minimal concentration that inhibits the growth of other microalgae. The experiment consisted of two phases of research activities. The first phase was biovolumecomparaison between H. ostrearia and microalgae suitable for aquaculture tested to take into account the differences in size of the microalgae tested(Tetraselmissuecica, Chaetocerosgracilis, Skeletonemacostatum, PavlovalutheriandIsochrysisgalbana (T-Iso) in term of H. ostrearia biomass and production of marennine. The second phase was the bioactivity tests, which is include growth kinetics, allelophatic effects and concentration of marennine in the culture medium, measured with spectrophotometer. The results of this study showed that H. ostrearia could inhibit several species of microalgae currently used in aquaculture (T. suecica, C. gracilis and S. costatum). The statistical analysis (One way ANOVA) showed that there are significant differences (P < 0, 05) between treatments andwhen co-cultured with H. ostrearia, these microalgae exhibited a significant growth inhibition. The highest inhibition value was 97.77% (on the treatementH. ostrearia+C. gracilis). In this treatment, the concentration of marennine in the culture was 5.35 mg L-1. According to the results, we can conclude that the supernatant of H. ostrearia with marennine acts as an allelochemical. The minimal concentration is 0.23 mg L-1 and the highest is 5.35 mg L-1. The treatments H. ostreariawithP. lutheri and T-Iso did not performed any inhibition

    Large Surface X-Ray Pixel Detector

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    Time-dependent upregulation of electron transport with concomitant induction of regulated excitation dissipation in Haslea diatoms

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    International audiencePhotoacclimation by strains of Haslea "blue" diatom species H. ostrearia and H. silbo sp. nov. ined. was investigated with rapid light curves and induction-recovery curves using fast repetition rate fluorescence. Cultures were grown to exponential phase under 50 µmol m −2 s −1 photosynthetic available radiation (PAR) and then exposed to non-sequential rapid light curves where, once electron transport rate (ETR) had reached saturation, light intensity was decreased and then further increased prior to returning to near growth light intensity. The non-sequential rapid light curve revealed that ETR was not proportional to the instantaneously applied light intensity, due to rapid photoacclimation. Changes in the effective absorption cross sections for open PSII reaction centres (σ PSII ′) or reaction centre connectivity (ρ) did not account for the observed increases in ETR under extended high light. σ PSII ′ in fact decreased as a function of a time-dependent induction of regulated excitation dissipation Y(NPQ), once cells were at or above a PAR coinciding with saturation of ETR. Instead, the observed increases in ETR under extended high light were explained by an increase in the rate of PSII reopening, i.e. Q A − oxidation. This acceleration of electron transport was strictly light dependent and relaxed within seconds after a return to low light or darkness. The time-dependent nature of ETR upregulation and regulated NPQ induction was verified using induction-recovery curves. Our findings show a time-dependent induction of excitation dissipation, in parallel with very rapid photoacclimation of electron transport, which combine to make ETR independent of short-term changes in PAR. This supports a selective advantage for these diatoms when exposed to fluctuating light in their environment

    XPAD: pixel detector for material sciences

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    Currently available 2D detectors do not make full use of the high flux and high brilliance of third generation synchrotron sources. The XPAD prototype, using active pixels, has been developed to fulfil the needs of materials science scattering experiments. At the time, its prototype is build of eight modules of eight chips. The threshold calibration of /spl ap/4 10/sup 4/ pixels is discussed. Applications to powder diffraction or SAXS experiments prove that it allows to record high quality data

    Harmful or harmless: Biological effects of marennine on marine organisms

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    Marennine is a water-soluble blue-green pigment produced by the marine diatom Haslea ostrearia. The diatom and its pigment are well known from oyster farming areas as the source of the greening of oyster gills, a natural process increasing their market value in Western France. Blooms of blue Haslea are also present outside oyster ponds and hence marine organisms can be exposed, periodically and locally, to significant amounts of marennine in natural environments. Due to its demonstrated antibacterial activities against marine pathogenic bacteria (e.g. Vibrio) and possible prophylactic effects toward bivalve larvae, marennine is of special interest for the aquaculture industry, especially bivalve hatcheries. The present study aimed to provide new insights into the effects of marennine on a large spectrum of marine organisms belonging to different phyla, including species of aquaculture interest and organisms frequently employed in standardised ecotoxicological assays. Different active solutions containing marennine were tested: partially purified Extracellular Marennine (EMn), and concentrated solutions of marennine present in H. ostrearia culture supernatant; the Blue Water (BW) and a new process called Concentrated Supernatant (CS). Biological effects were meanwhile demonstrated in invertebrate species for the three marennine-based solutions at the highest concentrations tested (e.g., decrease of fertilization success, delay of embryonic developmental stages or larval mortality). Exposure to low concentrations did not impact larval survival or development and even tended to enhance larval physiological state. Furthermore, no effects of marennine were observed on the fish gill cell line tested. Marennine could be viewed as a Jekyll and Hyde molecule, which possibly affects the earliest stages of development of some organisms but with no direct impacts on adults. Our results emphasize the need to determine dosages that optimize beneficial effects and critical concentrations not to be exceeded before considering the use of marennine in bivalve or fish hatcheries

    Silencing of the Violaxanthin De-Epoxidase Gene in the Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Reduces Diatoxanthin Synthesis and Non-Photochemical Quenching

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    Diatoms are a major group of primary producers ubiquitous in all aquatic ecosystems. To protect themselves from photooxidative damage in a fluctuating light climate potentially punctuated with regular excess light exposures, diatoms have developed several photoprotective mechanisms. The xanthophyll cycle (XC) dependent non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching (NPQ) is one of the most important photoprotective processes that rapidly regulate photosynthesis in diatoms. NPQ depends on the conversion of diadinoxanthin (DD) into diatoxanthin (DT) by the violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE), also called DD de-epoxidase (DDE). To study the role of DDE in controlling NPQ, we generated transformants of P. tricornutum in which the gene (Vde/Dde) encoding for DDE was silenced. RNA interference was induced by genetic transformation of the cells with plasmids containing either short (198 bp) or long (523 bp) antisense (AS) fragments or, alternatively, with a plasmid mediating the expression of a self-complementary hairpin-like construct (inverted repeat, IR). The silencing approaches generated diatom transformants with a phenotype clearly distinguishable from wildtype (WT) cells, i.e. a lower degree as well as slower kinetics of both DD de-epoxidation and NPQ induction. Real-time PCR based quantification of Dde transcripts revealed differences in transcript levels between AS transformants and WT cells but also between AS and IR transformants, suggesting the possible presence of two different gene silencing mediating mechanisms. This was confirmed by the differential effect of the light intensity on the respective silencing efficiency of both types of transformants. The characterization of the transformants strengthened some of the specific features of the XC and NPQ and confirmed the most recent mechanistic model of the DT/NPQ relationship in diatoms

    Haslea silbo, a novel cosmopolitan species of blue diatoms

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    Specimens of a new species of blue diatoms from the genus Haslea Simonsen were discovered in geographically distant sampling sites, first in the Canary Archipelago, then North Carolina, Gulf of Naples, the Croatian South Adriatic Sea, and Turkish coast of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. An exhaustive characterization of these specimens, using a combined morphological and genomic approach led to the conclusion that they belong to a single new to science cosmopolitan species, Haslea silbo sp. nov. A preliminary characterization of its blue pigment shows similarities to marennine produced by Haslea ostrearia, as evidenced by UV–visible spectrophotometry and Raman spectrome-try. Life cycle stages including auxosporulation were also observed, providing data on the cardinal points of this species. For the two most geographically distant populations (North Carolina and East Mediterranean), complete mitochondrial and plastid genomes were sequenced. The mitogenomes of both strains share a rare atp6 pseudogene, but the number, nature, and positions of the group II introns inside its cox1 gene differ between the two populations. There are also two pairs of genes fused in single ORFs. The plastid genomes are characterized by large regions of recombination with plasmid DNA, which are in both cases located between the ycf35 and psbA genes, but whose content differs between the strains. The two sequenced strains hosts three plasmids coding for putative serine recombinase protein whose sequences are compared, and four out of six of these plasmids were highly conserved

    Synergistic carbon metabolism in a fast growing mixotrophic freshwater microalgal species Micractinium inermum

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    In recent years microalgae have attracted significant interest as a potential source of sustainable biofuel. Mixotrophic microalgae are able to simultaneously photosynthesise while assimilating and metabolising organic carbon. By combining autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolic pathways biomass productivity can be significantly increased. In this study, acetate-fed mixotrophic Micractinium inermum cultures were found to have a specific growth rate 1.74 times the sum of autotrophic and heterotrophic growth. It was hypothesised that gas exchange between the two metabolic pathways within mixotrophic cultures may have prevented growth limitation and enhanced growth. To determine the extent of synergistic gas exchange and its influence on metabolic activity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved oxygen (DO) and photosynthesis and respiration rates were measured under different trophic conditions. A 32.7 fold and 2.4 fold increase in DIC and DO concentrations, relative to autotrophic and heterotrophic cultures respectively, were coupled with significant increases in rates of photosynthesis and respiration. These data strongly support the hypothesis of mixotrophic gas exchange within M. inermum cultures. In addition to enhanced growth, this phenomenon may provide reductions in aeration and oxygen stripping costs related to microalgae production