1,740 research outputs found

    Pneumatosis Coli Treated with Metronidazole and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Successful Case

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    A pneumatose intestinal, caracterizada pela presença de gás na parede do cólon, é uma condição incomum com um espectro de apresentação variável. Pode ser idiopática ou secundária a outras doenças. A tomografia computorizada é o método de diagnóstico com maior sensibilidade. Na ausência de sinais e sintomas sugestivos de complicações, como a perfuração e a peritonite, a pneumatose intestinal pode ser tratada de forma conservadora. Apresenta-se o caso de uma mulher de 59 anos com pneumatose cólica secundária a teratoma ovárico benigno. Após a cirurgia, manteve-se sintomática e foi tratada com sucesso com metronidazol e oxigenoterapia hiperbárica

    Self-criticism, dependency, and adolescents’ externalising and internalising problems

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    Objectives: The present study examines the role of dependency (interpersonal relatedness) and self-criticism (self-definition) in internalising and externalising problems. Methods: Three hundred forty-six suburban Portuguese high-school students age 14–18 (mean = 16.14, standard deviation = 1.19) responded to the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire and the Youth Self-Report. The impact of depression, measured by the Children’s Depression Inventory, on the relationship of dependency and self-criticism on internalising and externalising problem behaviours was examined. Results: Both self-criticism and dependency, controlled for level of depression, were associated with internalising behaviour problems in both girls and boys. Gender differences, however, were observed in externalising problems. Externalising problems in boys were also associated with self-criticism. But externalising problems in girls were not associated with psychological variables and thus may be more a function of environmental rather than psychological factors. Conclusions: Implications of these findings for intervention are discussed

    Parasitic phases at the origin of magnetic moment in BiFeO3 thin films grown by low deposition rate RF sputtering

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    FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQA series of epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films has been grown under high partial pressure in a pure O-2 atmosphere, which leads to a low deposition rate. The samples grown under these conditions have presented an evolution of the quality of the epitaxy as the deposition temperature increases, however, spurious beta-Bi2O3 and supertetragonal BiFeO3 phases are present in the films grown at higher temperatures. The presence of gamma-Fe2O3 is reported in one growing condition, and has been attributed to the origin of hysteretic ferromagnetic behavior. A second kind of magnetism, with higher magnetic moment and anhysteretic behaviour, is attributed to the presence of mixed phases of BiFeO3.1221215FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPCONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ2012/18397-12012/51198-2309354/2015-3This work was supported by FAPESP (Project No. 2012/51198-2). Some of the XRD measurements were performed at the XRD2 beamline of the LNLS/CNPEM under Project Nos. 20150162 and 20160908. The authors thank the LNNano/CNPEM for XRD/XRR, AFM and sputtering facilities, the LIEC/UFSCar for the SQUID measurements, and M. M. Soares for important discussions regarding the structural characterization. P.S. thanks FAPESP for financial support (Project No. 2012/18397-1). J.C.C. acknowledges support from CNPq (Project No. 309354/2015-3)

    Patterns of variation in the biochemical composition of Mesopodopsis slabberi (Van Beneden, 1861) (Crustacea: Mysidacea)

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    In order to assess the patterns of variation in the biochemical composition of Mesopodopsis slabberi (Van Beneden, 1861) in a temperate estuary, we determined the protein, carbohydrate, chitin and lipid contents of freshly caught immature individuals (juveniles), adult males, and adult females during two annual cycles. Statistical analysis (anova) revealed significant differences in the biochemical components between months and development stages for the months analysed. All of the biochemical components showed significant differences between months. Environmental and trophic conditions were the main processes determining seasonal patterns of variation in biochemical composition. The results of complementary experiments carried out to estimate the effects of starvation on biochemical composition showed that the process of starvation consumed mostly carbohydrates, and also that these compounds, together with lipids, were the most affected during the refeeding period. Our findings also indicate that all body reserves were almost fully replenished during refeeding, except for carbohydrates and lipids in adult females and immature individuals (juveniles) and protein content in immature individuals (juveniles). These results indicate that responses to fasting in M. slabberi may be dependent on individual development stages, an observation that is corroborated by the significant differences in the biochemical components observed between development stages for the months analysed. Reproduction was also found to influence patterns of variation in biochemical composition.Para evaluar los modelos de variación de la composición bioquímica de Mesopodopsis slabberi (Van Beneden, 1861) en un estuario templado, determinamos los contenidos en proteínas, hidratos de carbono, quitina y lípidos de individuos inmaduros (juveniles) recién cogidos, y de machos y hembras adultos, durante dos ciclos anuales. Los análisis estadísticos (anova) revelaron, para los meses analizados, diferencias significativas en las composiciones bioquímicas entre los meses y los estados de desarrollo. Todos los componentes bioquímicos mostraron diferencias significativas entre meses. Los factores ambientales y tróficos fueron los principales procesos que determinaron los modelos estacionales de variación en la composición bioquímica. Los resultados de los experimentos complementarios, realizados para determinar los efectos de la inanición sobre la composición bioquímica, pusieron de manifiesto que los procesos de inanición consumen, fundamentalmente, hidratos de carbono, y, también, que estos compuestos, junto con los lípidos, son los más afectados durante el periodo de vuelta a la alimentación. Nuestros descubrimientos indicaron también que todas las reservas corporales son casi completamente repuestas durante la vuelta a la alimentación, excepto los hidratos de carbono y los lípidos en las hembras adultas y en los inmaduros (juveniles), y el contenido en proteínas en los juveniles. Estos resultados indican que las respuestas al ayuno de M. slabberi podrían depender del estado de desarrollo individual, observación que es corroborada por las diferencias significativas observadas, en los componentes bioquímicos y para los meses analizados, entre los distintos estados de desarrollo. Se encontró también que la reproducción tenía influencia sobre los modelos de variación de la composición bioquímica.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Ankyloglossia, Syndactyly and Polydactyly in the Pediatric Patient

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    Ankyloglossia is a congenital alteration in the development of the tongue characterized by the presence of a short or thick lingual frenulum, which leads to a limitation in its movements. There is an associative inconsistency between ankyloglossia and complications with breastfeeding, speech, swallowing, breathing, and the development of orofacial structures, and it is urgent to make more scientific research in this area. In the presence of polydactyly and syndactyly may be also present ankyloglossia. The purpose of this paper is to present two ankyloglossia cases with finger alterations, without a syndromic disease, and lead the medical team to research this topic and make an improved treatment plan for these cases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MALDI-TOF ICMS for bacterial classification and identification : how many cells are needed?

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    The identification of species is fundamental to taxonomy. In microbiology, information about each microorganism (e.g., morphological and molecular descriptions, physiological and biochemical properties, ecological roles, and societal risks or benefits) is the key element in this process. Identifications can been a long process with frequent revisions of the taxonomic schemes. These changes make identifications even more complicated for the non-specialised researchers as each taxonomic group has specialised literature, terminology and characters. Analysis of microbial cells for their identification using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation – Time Of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is a modern approach for these studies. MALDI-TOF MS has contributed to increasing scientific knowledge about the microorganisms and is now used as a reliable tool for rapid tests in hospitals and health centres. Taking into account MALDI-TOF MS is a sound technique for microbial classification/identification and authentication, it follows that it can be used for quality control programmes of culture collections. However, it is necessary to employ the correct number of cells per sample in the each analysis, as it is a critical issue that requires to be clarified. The main objective of this work was the establishment of the minimum number of cells of Escherichia coli strain DH5α required for identifications by MALDI-TOF MS. E. coli strain DH5α was grown in liquid Luria Bertani (LB) medium at 37°C with shaking for 20 h. The cells were centrifuged and washed with deionised water and subjected to dilution and counted with a Neubauer chamber. Final aqueous bacterial suspensions containing from ca. 103 up to 109 cells per sample were analysed by MALDI-TOF MS using two different matrices, namely 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and α-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA). Spectra obtained were analysed by SARAMIS™ Software and final results indicated that for DHB and CHCA the optimal cell concentrations were 107 and 106 cells per MALDI sample, respectively

    On exact time-averages of a massive Poisson particle

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    In this work we study, under the Stratonovich definition, the problem of the damped oscillatory massive particle subject to a heterogeneous Poisson noise characterised by a rate of events, \lambda (t), and a magnitude, \Phi, following an exponential distribution. We tackle the problem by performing exact time-averages over the noise in a similar way to previous works analysing the problem of the Brownian particle. From this procedure we obtain the long-term equilibrium distributions of position and velocity as well as analytical asymptotic expressions for the injection and dissipation of energy terms. Considerations on the emergence of stochastic resonance in this type of system are also set forth.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. To be published in Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experimen

    Critical scaling in standard biased random walks

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    The spatial coverage produced by a single discrete-time random walk, with asymmetric jump probability p1/2p\neq 1/2 and non-uniform steps, moving on an infinite one-dimensional lattice is investigated. Analytical calculations are complemented with Monte Carlo simulations. We show that, for appropriate step sizes, the model displays a critical phenomenon, at p=pcp=p_c. Its scaling properties as well as the main features of the fragmented coverage occurring in the vicinity of the critical point are shown. In particular, in the limit ppcp\to p_c, the distribution of fragment lengths is scale-free, with nontrivial exponents. Moreover, the spatial distribution of cracks (unvisited sites) defines a fractal set over the spanned interval. Thus, from the perspective of the covered territory, a very rich critical phenomenology is revealed in a simple one-dimensional standard model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gastric and Enteric Metastization of Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma

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    O carcinoma lobular invasivo (CLI) representa 5-15% dos casos de cancro invasivo da mama, diferindo do carcinoma ductal invasivo(CDI), o tumor invasivo mais frequente da mama, quer na forma de apresentação clínica, quer nos aspectos imagiológicos e histológicos, assim como no padrão de metastização. O objectivo deste artigo passa pelo relato clínico de um padrão atípico de metastização de cancro da mama. Mulher de 80 anos, que apresentava queixas de dor abdominal, com 6 meses de evolução, de carácter generalizado, com maior intensidade nos quadrantes direitos, associada a episódios de sub-oclusão. O exame objectivo revelou volumosa hérnia incisional paramediana direita sem sinais de sofrimento e uma lesão ulcerada da mama esquerda nunca antes revelada pela doente. Realizou uma mamografia que mostrou uma lesão T4 e a biópsia da mesma revelou Carcinoma Ductal Invasivo. Por apresentar anemia microcítica hipocrómica de 7 g/dL realizou também uma Endoscopia Digestiva Alta que demonstrou uma úlcera da pequena curvatura gástrica cuja biópsia revelou um carcinoma difuso. Optou-se pela intervenção cirúrgica com ideação paliativa. Foi efectuada mastectomia simples esquerda e correcção de hérnia incisional com enterectomia segmentar. Os resultados histológicos das peças operatórias foram surpreendentes: Carcinoma lobular invasivo da mama e metástase do mesmo no segmento de intestino ressecado. Foram revistas as lâminas referentes à biópsia gástrica previamente realizada, tendo sido feito estudo imunohistoquímico que mostrou positividade para os receptores hormonais o que favorecia tratar-se de metástase de carcinoma lobular da mama no estômago. Como conclusão temos a referir que o CLI apresenta um padrão distinto de metastização em relação ao CDI, com diferentes órgãos-alvo, realçando o papel fundamental da suspeição clínica e de uma histologia exigente para o seu diagnóstico

    Contribution of commercial fish species to human mercury exposure: an evaluation near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Fish consumption is frequently associated with the prevention of some human diseases, being simultaneously a major pathway of mercury (Hg) exposure. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the contribution of 28 commercial fish species to the human Hg exposure in the Azores archipelago (Portuguese region with highest fish consumption per capita). These species potentially contributed on average to 7.47 mg of Hg per capita, although low Hg levels had been detected in fish. Mora moro and Zeus faber exceeded the maximum permitted for fish consumption (> 0.5 μg g−1 ww) even though they were not the species contributing the most to human Hg exposure. On the other hand, Katsuwonus pelamis was the main contributor due to increased fish landings. Furthermore, an increase in Hg content with trophic level has been suggested, as carnivore fish exhibited higher Hg levels than omnivores. In addition, demersal fish generally presented higher Hg concentration (although non-significant) than pelagic ones, possibly related with increased Hg values of their prey at this depth. Notwithstanding, THQ (Target Hazard Quotient) being < 1 for all species indicates that the daily human exposure to Hg via fish consumption is not likely to cause any negative health risks.publishe