1,057 research outputs found

    L’intelligence collective dans un contexte de dĂ©veloppement professionnel continu : ACoPĂ©, l’exemple d’une communautĂ© de pratique

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    International audienceCooperating with a view to furthering professional development, taking decisions and functioning interoperatively within a community implies working with participants committed to fostering strong relationships, reflective practice, and reaching shared understanding.The collaboration between the ACoPĂ© educational advisors takes place within this context itself part of the wider framework of a higher education environment with intersectoral, interprofessional, interdisciplinary and inter-regional issues.The ACoPĂ© educational advisors undertake professional development activities thus creating synergies as a basis for the emergence and the enhancement of collective intelligence and competence.After having explicited these two concepts, the educational advisors present an analysis of determining factors specific to their organization which facilitate situations of collective production. They also put forward characteristic situational variables which could potentially hinder the expression and development of cooperative actions. Their analysis leads to broader reflections on the professional development issues generated within the association.CoopĂ©rer, dans un environnement d'enseignement supĂ©rieur intersectoriel, interprofessionnel, interdisciplinaire et interrĂ©gional, en vue d'atteindre un but de dĂ©veloppement professionnel, de prendre des dĂ©cisions et de rĂ©aliser des actions interopĂ©rantes au sein d’un collectif implique, d’une part, des qualitĂ©s relationnelles et rĂ©flexives et, d’autre part, un dĂ©sir d'intercomprĂ©hension. S'inscrivant dans cet environnement, ACoPĂ© (Association des collaborateurs pĂ©dagogiques) entreprend des actions de dĂ©veloppement professionnel favorisant l’émergence d’une intelligence collective et le dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences.AprĂšs avoir explicitĂ© ces deux concepts, les collaborateurs pĂ©dagogiques prĂ©senteront une analyse des facteurs dĂ©terminants de son organisation facilitant des situations de production collective. Ils prĂ©senteront Ă©galement les variables situationnelles caractĂ©risĂ©es qui, potentiellement, limiteraient l'expression et le dĂ©veloppement d’actions coopĂ©ratives. Enfin, ils ouvriront sur le dĂ©veloppement professionnel suscitĂ© au sein de l’association

    Rupture quasifragile des bétons et mortiers. MLER équivalente et courbe-R

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    Le bĂ©ton tout comme le mortier sont des matĂ©riaux considĂ©rĂ©s comme quasi fragiles, du fait de la prĂ©sence d’une zone endommagĂ©e (FPZ) microfissurĂ©e se dĂ©veloppant en avant du front de fissure. L’existence de la FPZ complique considĂ©rablement l’étude du comportement mĂ©canique du matĂ©riau : les calculs « linĂ©aires » de la MLER ne sont plus possibles. Dans cette Ă©tude, on se propose d’estimer les propriĂ©tĂ©s de rupture de ces deux matĂ©riaux Ă  partir d’un essai par enfoncement d’un coin (WST). Ce test permet de solliciter une Ă©prouvette prĂ©-fissurĂ©e en mode I (ouverture de fissure) sans effet du poids propre de l’échantillon. Le MLER Ă©quivalente est ici utilisĂ©e afin de dĂ©terminer les propriĂ©tĂ©s de rupture : taux de restitution critique et longueur de fissure critique par le biais de courbe de rĂ©sistance. En effet la diminution de la raideur apparente de l’éprouvette correspond Ă  la raideur engendrĂ©e par une fissure en rĂ©gime Ă©lastique qui donnerait, au sens de la MLER, la mĂȘme raideur que la fissure rĂ©elle avec sa FPZ. Des essais charge-dĂ©charge ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s afin de vĂ©rifier l’adaptabilitĂ© de la MLEReq sur ces matĂ©riaux : la mĂ©thode est applicable en prĂ©-pic et au tout dĂ©but du post-pic. Suite au post-pic, on retrouve des dĂ©placements irrĂ©versibles s’accompagnant de mĂ©canismes dissipatifs, autre que l’endommagement quasi-fragile et l’existence d’une fissure principale. C’est sur cette constatation que des courbes de rĂ©sistance sont calculĂ©es Ă  partir de courbes force-dĂ©placement expĂ©rimentales. Dans la derniĂšre phase de l’étude le comportement quasifragile est modĂ©lisĂ© Ă  l’aide du ModĂšle de Zone CohĂ©sif (MCZ) .Les diffĂ©rents paramĂštres (l’énergie de rupture, l’ouverture critique, la rĂ©sistance Ă  la traction ainsi que le ratio entre l’énergie de microfissuration et l’énergie de rupture) sont estimĂ©s sur la base des relations entre courbe de rĂ©sistance et comportement adoucissant (suivant une loi bilinĂ©aire)

    Prostate biopsies assisted by comanipulated probe-holder: first in man

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    International audiencePurpose: a comanipulator for assisting endorectal prostate biopsies is evaluated through a first-in man clinical trial. This lightweight system, based on conventional robotic components, possesses 6 degrees of freedom. It uses 3 electric motors and 3 brakes. It features a free mode, where its low friction and inertia allow for natural manipulation of the probe and a locked mode, exhibiting both a very low stiffness and a high steady state precision. Methods: Clinical trials focusing on the free mode and the locked mode of the robot are presented. The objective is to evaluate the practical usability and performance of the robot during clinical procedures. A research protocol for a prospective randomized clinical trial has been designed. Its specific goal is to compare the accuracy of biopsies performed with and without the assistance of the comanipulator. Results:The accuracy is compared between biopsies performed with and without the assistance of the comanipulator, across the 10 first patients included in the trial. Results show a statistically significant increase of the precision.. This work is partially funded french state funds managed by the ANR within the Investissements d'Avenir programme (Labex CAMI) under reference ANR-11-LABX-0004. 2 Marie-Aude Vitrani et al

    Prise En Charge Des Péritonites Aiguës Dans Un HÎpital De District En Afrique Sub-saharienne : Cas Du Bénin

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    Introduction: Peritonitis remains a public health problem in Africa. We aim to describe the epidemiological, etiological and therapeutic aspects of acute peritonitis in a district hospital in Sub Saharan Africa. Methods: This was a descriptive study with prospective data collection over a period of 15 months from May 1 st 2015 to July 31st 2016 in Bembereke district hospital. It has taken into account all the patients managed in the general surgery department for acute generalized peritonitis that has been confirmed at laparotomy. Results: Fifty-three patients, 38 men (71.7 %) and 15 women (28.3 %) had been registered. The average age of the patients was 19.8 ± 16.9 years. The main etiologies were: non-traumatic ileal perforation from typhoid infection 52.8%; perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer 17%; complicated appendicitis and abdominal traumas 11.3% each one. Twenty nine patients (54.7%) have been operated by a surgeon and the 24 remaining (45.3%) by a general practitioner with surgical skills. Twenty one patients (39.6%) had postoperative complications of which 11 cases of parietal suppurations (52.4%). The mortality rate was 11.3%. The mean hospital stay was 22.5 ± 4 days. Conclusion: In northern-Benin, peritonitis remains dominated by the complications of typhoid fever. The mortality rate remains high. Prevention requires good hygiene and awareness of early consultations

    Dynamically-Fulfilled Application Constraints through Technical Services - Towards Flexible Component Deployments

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    We propose in this paper, a mechanism for Grid computing frameworks, for specifying environmental requirements that may set and be optimized by deployers. Specified by designers by parameterizing deployment abstractions, the constraints can be dynamically mapped onto the infrastructure. This work is integrated in the ProActive middleware with the concept of technical services. We illustrate this mechanism with a concrete use case: deploying a component-based application with fault-tolerance on an heterogeneous grid provided by the ProActive Peer-to-Peer infrastructure

    Dynamically-Fulfilled Application Constraints through Technical Services - Towards Flexible Component Deployments

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    We propose in this paper, a mechanism for Grid computing frameworks, for specifying environmental requirements that may set and be optimized by deployers. Specified by designers by parameterizing deployment abstractions, the constraints can be dynamically mapped onto the infrastructure. This work is integrated in the ProActive middleware with the concept of technical services. We illustrate this mechanism with a concrete use case: deploying a component-based application with fault-tolerance on an heterogeneous grid provided by the ProActive Peer-to-Peer infrastructure

    Assessment of concrete fracture parameters using Wedge Splitting Test and Mark Tracking method

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    This paper deals with the characterization of mode I fracture parameters using a kinematic approach integrating the experimental displacement measured by Mark Tracking Method. Tests are carried out using a wedge splitting sample made in concrete. The analysis of the fracture parameters was performed using the Crack Relative Displacement Factor approach and J-integral. By using the optical mark tracking method, the displacement field evolution close to the crack tip is recorded during the test. An adjustment procedure was used to improve the displacement fields and avoid experimental noise. The stress and strain fields are calculated using a finite element model generated from the experimental displacement fields. Further, the energy release rate is evaluated for different crowns defined around the crack tip and for different loading values
