54 research outputs found

    Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery for efficient, rapid and marker-free gene editing in Trypanosoma and Leishmania

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    Kinetoplastids are unicellular eukaryotic flagellated parasites found in a wide range of hosts within the animal and plant kingdoms. They are known to be responsible in humans for African sleeping sickness ( Trypanosoma brucei ), Chagas disease ( Trypanosoma cruzi ), and various forms of leishmaniasis ( Leishmania spp.), as well as several animal diseases with important economic impact (African trypanosomes, including T. congolense ). Understanding the biology of these parasites necessarily implies the ability to manipulate their genomes. In this study, we demonstrate that transfection of a ribonucleoprotein complex, composed of recombinant Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 ( Sp Cas9) and an in vitro -synthesized guide RNA, results in rapid and efficient genetic modifications of trypanosomatids, in marker-free conditions. This approach was successfully developed to inactivate, delete and mutate candidate genes in various stages of the life cycle of T. brucei and T. congolense , and Leishmania promastigotes. The functionality of Sp Cas9 in these parasites now provides, to the research community working on these parasites, a rapid and efficient method of genome editing, without requiring plasmid construction and selection by antibiotics. Importantly, this approach is adaptable to any wild-type parasite, including field isolates

    PLoS Biol

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    Microorganisms must make the right choice for nutrient consumption to adapt to their changing environment. As a consequence, bacteria and yeasts have developed regulatory mechanisms involving nutrient sensing and signaling, known as "catabolite repression," allowing redirection of cell metabolism to maximize the consumption of an energy-efficient carbon source. Here, we report a new mechanism named "metabolic contest" for regulating the use of carbon sources without nutrient sensing and signaling. Trypanosoma brucei is a unicellular eukaryote transmitted by tsetse flies and causing human African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness. We showed that, in contrast to most microorganisms, the insect stages of this parasite developed a preference for glycerol over glucose, with glucose consumption beginning after the depletion of glycerol present in the medium. This "metabolic contest" depends on the combination of 3 conditions: (i) the sequestration of both metabolic pathways in the same subcellular compartment, here in the peroxisomal-related organelles named glycosomes; (ii) the competition for the same substrate, here ATP, with the first enzymatic step of the glycerol and glucose metabolic pathways both being ATP-dependent (glycerol kinase and hexokinase, respectively); and (iii) an unbalanced activity between the competing enzymes, here the glycerol kinase activity being approximately 80-fold higher than the hexokinase activity. As predicted by our model, an approximately 50-fold down-regulation of the GK expression abolished the preference for glycerol over glucose, with glucose and glycerol being metabolized concomitantly. In theory, a metabolic contest could be found in any organism provided that the 3 conditions listed above are met

    PLoS Pathog

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    Metabolomics coupled with heavy-atom isotope-labelled glucose has been used to probe the metabolic pathways active in cultured bloodstream form trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma brucei, a parasite responsible for human African trypanosomiasis. Glucose enters many branches of metabolism beyond glycolysis, which has been widely held to be the sole route of glucose metabolism. Whilst pyruvate is the major end-product of glucose catabolism, its transamination product, alanine, is also produced in significant quantities. The oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway is operative, although the non-oxidative branch is not. Ribose 5-phosphate generated through this pathway distributes widely into nucleotide synthesis and other branches of metabolism. Acetate, derived from glucose, is found associated with a range of acetylated amino acids and, to a lesser extent, fatty acids; while labelled glycerol is found in many glycerophospholipids. Glucose also enters inositol and several sugar nucleotides that serve as precursors to macromolecule biosynthesis. Although a Krebs cycle is not operative, malate, fumarate and succinate, primarily labelled in three carbons, were present, indicating an origin from phosphoenolpyruvate via oxaloacetate. Interestingly, the enzyme responsible for conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to oxaloacetate, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, was shown to be essential to the bloodstream form trypanosomes, as demonstrated by the lethal phenotype induced by RNAi-mediated downregulation of its expression. In addition, glucose derivatives enter pyrimidine biosynthesis via oxaloacetate as a precursor to aspartate and orotate

    Real-time imaging of sodium glucose transporter (SGLT1) trafficking and activity in single cells.

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    The processes controlling targeting of glucose transporters to apical and basolateral membranes of polarized cells are complex and not-well understood. We have engineered SGLT1 and GLUT4 constructs linked to fluorescent proteins to highlight the differences in transporter expression and trafficking, in real time, in different cell types. Activity was assessed in parallel using a FRET glucose sensor. In COS cells and HEK cells, SGLT1 was distributed between the plasma membrane and intracellular compartments, but there was little expression in CHO cells. Trafficking was investigated using the lysosome inhibitors NH4Cl (10 mmol/L) and chloroquine (150 ÎŒmol/L) and the proteasome inhibitors MG-262 (1 ÎŒmol/L) and lactacystin (5 ÎŒmol/L). Lysosome inhibitors caused SGLT1 accumulation into intracellular bodies, whereas proteasome inhibitors induced SGLT1 accumulation in the plasma membrane, even in CHO cells. Our data suggest that a fraction of SGLT1 is rapidly degraded by lysosomes and never reached the plasma membrane; another fraction reaches the membrane and is subsequently degraded by lysosomes following internalization. The latter process is regulated by the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway, acting at a late stage of the lysosomal pathway. Using the cholesterol inhibitor MÎČCD (3 mmol/L), a dominant negative dynamin (K44A) and caveolin, we showed that SGLT1 internalization is lipid raft-mediated, but caveolin-independent. In contrast, GLUT4 internalization is dynamin-dependent, but cholesterol-independent. The physiological relevance of these data is discussed in terms of differential membrane compartmentalization of the transporters and expression under stress conditions

    Impact of epicatechin on fibrin clot structure

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    International audienceFibrin clot structure and function are major determinants of thromboembolic diseases. The study aim was to determine the impact of epicatechin (a flavonoid with cardiovascular protective effects) on fibrin clot structure and permeability.Plasma samples from 12 healthy subjects were incubated with increasing concentrations of epicatechin. Turbidity of fibrin clot was analyzed by absorbance measurement at 405 nm. The fibrin clot nanostructure was determined by scanning spectrometry (wavelength from 500 to 800 nm) and fibrin fiber size by electron microscopy. Permeability was analyzed to assess the fibrin clot functional properties.Epicatechin addition increased the maximum absorbance from 0.34 +/- 0.066 (vehicle) to 0.35 +/- 0.077 (P = 0.1), 0.35 +/- 0.072 (P < 0.05) and 0.34 +/- 0.065 (P = 0.5) for 1, 10 and 100 mu M epicatechin, respectively. Epicatechin increased the fibrin clot fiber radius (nm) from 109.2 +/- 3.2 (vehicle) to 108.9 +/- 4.3 (P = 0.9), 110.0 +/- 3.6 (P < 0.05) and 109.5 +/- 3.3 (P = 0.4), and the distance between protofibrils (nm) from 22.2 +/- 1.5 (vehicle) to 22.1 +/- 2.3 (P = 0.9), 22.6 +/- 1.8 (P < 0.05) and 22.3 +/- 1.8 (P = 0.9) for 1, 10 and 100 mu M epicatechin respectively. Electron microscopy confirmed these changes. Fibrin clot permeability, expressed as Darcy's constant (Ks, cm(2)), increased from 2.97 +/- 1.17 (vehicle) to 3.36 +/- 1.21 (P < 0.05), 3.81 +/- 1.41 (P < 0.01) and 3.38 +/- 1.33 (P = 0.9).Upon epicatechin addition, the fibrin clot structure became less dense and more permeable

    Hepatitis C virus whole genome sequencing: Current methods/issues and future challenges

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    International audienceTherapy for hepatitis C is currently undergoing a revolution. The arrival of new antiviral agents targeting viral proteins reinforces the need for a better knowledge of the viral strains infecting each patient. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) whole genome sequencing provides essential information for precise typing, study of the viral natural history or identification of resistance-associated variants. First performed with Sanger sequencing, the arrival of next-generation sequencing (NGS) has simplified the technical process and provided more detailed data on the nature and evolution of viral quasi-species. We will review the different techniques used for HCV complete genome sequencing and their applications, both before and after the apparition of NGS. The progress brought by new and future technologies will also be discussed, as well as the remaining difficulties, largely due to the genomic variability

    The characterization and evolutionary relationships of a trypanosomal thiolase

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    Thiolases are enzymes that remove an acetyl-coenzyme A group from acyl-CoA in the catabolic ÎČ-oxidation of fatty acids, or catalyse the reverse condensation reaction for anabolic processes such as the biosynthesis of sterols and ketone bodies. In humans, six homologous isoforms of thiolase have been described, differing from each other in sequence, oligomeric state, substrate specificity and subcellular localization. A bioinformatics analysis of parasite genomes, being (i) different species of African trypanosomes, (ii) Trypanosoma cruzi and (iii) Leishmania spp., using the six human sequences as queries, showed that the distribution of thiolases in human and each of the studied Trypanosomatidae is completely different. Only one of these isoforms, called SCP2-thiolase, was found in each of the Trypanosomatidae, whereas the TFE-thiolase was also found in T. cruzi and Leishmania spp., and the AB-thiolase only in T. cruzi. Each of the trypanosomatid thiolases clusters with its orthologues from other organisms in a phylogenetic analysis and shares with them the isoform-specific sequence fingerprints. The single T. brucei SCP2-thiolase has been expressed in Escherichia coli and characterized. It shows activity in both the degradative and synthetic directions. Transcripts of this thiolase were detected in both bloodstream- and procyclic-form trypanosomes, but the protein was found only in the procyclic form. The encoded protein has both a predicted N-terminal mitochondrial signal peptide and a C-terminal candidate type 1 peroxisomal-targeting signal for sorting it into glycosomes. However experimentally, only a mitochondrial localization was found for both procyclic trypanosomes grown with glucose and cells cultured with amino acids as an energy source. When the thiolase expression in procyclic cells was knocked down by RNA interference, no important change in growth rate occurred, irrespective of whether the cells were grown with or without glucose, indicating that the metabolic pathway(s) involving this enzyme is/are not essential for the parasite under either of these growth conditions. © 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc
