52 research outputs found

    Filosofia e filosofia política em Hannah Arendt

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    This paper presents the main motivations in the political thought of Hannah Arendt. It analyses the passion of understanding, taken as reconciliation of thought and experience. And finally, it states that the agent that enables that reconciliation are the members of society that judge the political events.O artigo aborda as motivações do pensamento político de Hannah Arendt. Analisa a paixão de compreender, percebendo-a como forma de reconciliação do pensamento e da experiência. Verifica, finalmente, que o agente que possibilita a reconciliação é o espectador que julga os acontecimentos políticos

    Reproductive success or failure in four breed groups of beef bulls

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    The objective of this study was to determine the main causes of failure in bull breeding using a soundness evaluation in Rio Grande do Sul State/Brazil. We evaluated 19,836 bulls from 15 different breeds with ages ranging from two to eight years. The failures of bulls in each step were analyzed by logistic regression. The binary logistic regression was applied because the response variable had only two responses: Success (1) and Failure (0). Older bulls are more likely to be rejected than are younger bulls, regardless of their genetic group. Depending on the step of the assessment, one or another group is rejected. All steps of bull breeding soundness evaluation (BBSE) are important, with special attention to the failures of the behavioral evaluation (libido and physical ability). A BBSE performed before the breeding season reduces the risk of sub-fertile bulls in the herd

    Tema e variantes do mito: sobre a morte e a ressurreição do boi

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    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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