58 research outputs found

    A source code based model to generate GUI: GUI generation based on source code with declarative language extensions

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    Due to data-driven application nature and its increasing complexity, developing its user interface can be a repetitive and time-consuming activity. Consequently, developers tend to focus more on the user interface aspects and less on business related code. In this paper, we present an alternative approach to graphical user interface development for data-driven applications, where the key concept is the generation of concrete graphical user interface from a source code based model. The model includes the original source code metadata and non-intrusive declarative language extensions that describes the user interface structure. Some Object Relational Mapping tools already use a similar concept to handle interoperability between the data layer and the business layer. Our approach applies the same concept to handle business and presentation layer interoperability. Also, concrete user interface implementation will be delegated to specialized software packages, developed by external entities, that provide complete graphical user interfaces services to the application. When applying our approach, we expect faster graphical user interface development, allowing developers to refocus on the source code and concentrate their efforts on application core logic

    A proposal to delegate GUI implementation using a source code based model

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    In this paper we propose an architecture whose main goal is to improve productivity in user interface development for data-intensive applications. This objective is to be achieved by defining a high level model that describes the user interface structure. That model will be integrated in the source code through non-functional language extensions. Our final goal is allowing developers to define user interface model by adding language extensions to the source code and then acquiring an external software package to which they delegate the implementation of the concrete user interface

    GUI generation based on language extensions: a model to generate GUI, based on source code with custom attributes

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    Due to data-driven application nature and its increasing complexity, developing its user interface can be a repetitive and time-consuming activity. Consequently, developers tend to focus more on the user interface aspects and less on business related code. In this paper, we’re presenting an alternative approach to graphical user interface development for data-driven applications, that allows developers to refocus on the source code and concentrate their efforts on application core logic. The key concept behind our approach is the generation of concrete graphical user interface from a source code based model, which includes the original source code metadata and non-intrusive declarative language extensions that describes the user interface structure. Concrete user interface implementation will be delegated to specialized software packages, developed by external entities, that provides complete graphical user interfaces services to the application. When applying our approach, we’re expecting faster graphical user interface development

    Model for Health Risk Assessment in Portuguese Housing Spaces

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    Currently, people spend most of their time inside their homes. However, poor conditions in terms of comfort and quality of the indoor environment can pose high risks to the inhabitants’ health. Therefore, a good quality environment is essential, since, in addition to the hazards present in indoor air (e.g., particles, (S)VOCs, CO, radon and tobacco smoke), extreme temperatures, relative humidity levels, pests (e.g., mold, dust mites and bioaerosols), noise, airborne infectious agents (e.g., SARS-CoV-2) and contamination through water and soil can cause physical injuries, respiratory diseases, damage to multiple organ systems as well as harmful effects on the mental health of the occupants. Faced with this requirement, housing evaluation models were studied together with the main types of risk that could affect the health of the inhabitants, with the objective of proposing a new evaluation model for housing health and safety risks, fitted to the occupants, and especially suitable for Portuguese dwellings, although applicable in other geographical contexts. As a result of this analysis, this article proposes a new model for evaluating health and safety risks in housing, applicable in Portugal, supported by an inspection form and, as the main difference from the existing models, parameter measurements, providing complementary data for the evaluation. This model was created based on a set of functional and regulatory requirements that were identified for the healthy use of living spaces. Twenty-eight hazards were identified, and the respective risk factors were assessed using different processes and target demographics, including visual inspection, parameter measurements, occupants’ age and location and age of housing. In order to validate the model and determine its usefulness, it was applied to a set of houses with different construction dates, locations and occupants. This exercise enabled the identification of hazard classes and the calibration and fine tuning of the model application. Finally, proposals for future work are presented in order to create a base of evolution for the model.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistema de seguimento solar em produção de energia fotovoltaica

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Interactive/automated method to count bacterial colonies

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    The growth and maintenance of bacteria on agar plates (Petri dishes) has long been a common practice in microbiology. The number of colonies in a culture is usually counted manually to calculate the concentration of bacteria, however, this process is time-consuming, tedious and error prone. Most automated counting systems, existing on the literature, perform adequately when the colonies are well spaced, large, circular in shape and with good contrast from the background. When these assumptions are violated, most automated colony analysis systems can rapidly lose reliability, accuracy and utility. To address the above problems, the goal of this study is to design and implement a cost-effective, software-centred system that accepts general digital camera images as its input, for detecting as well as enumerating bacterial colonies in a fully automatic manner. An interactive semi-automatic system is also proposed to overcome any error from fully automatic system. The two systems (automated and interactive) combine thresholding, median filter and morphological operations to segment the colonies on a Petri dish image. The next step consists in separating the individual colonies from the clustered colonies. Then, the units colonies are counted. To separate and count the clustered colonies, the automatic system uses a watershed transformation and the interactive system uses the clicks of the user. The proposed systems are capable to reduce the manpower and time required for counting colonies while producing correct colony counting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Toxic metals in indoor dust collected from houses included in the “6x60x6” Project (Covilhã, Portugal) during the cooling season

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    We spend more than 90 per cent of our daily lives indoors. Managing the indoor environment so that we feel comfortable and healthy is therefore very important. However, this management is only possible if rigorous data on both construction parameters and indoor environment exists. Moreover, the evolution of construction techniques and materials used modulates both aspects. As a consequence, it is necessary that the information obtained reflects a long period of time. That is the main driver for the project “Six by Sixty by Six” undertaken by the Civil Engineering and Architecture Department and the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Beira Interior. Six houses constructed in six different decades (1960’s-2010’s) were surveyed for sixty days regarding a set of parameters (e.g., temperature, humidity, CO2, CO, VOCs). Additionally, dust was collected by the vacuum cleaner bag and was analyzed for specific contaminants. This work presents the results obtained for the toxics metals mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and lead in dust samples. There is no legislation regulating maximum permissible levels for any of the studied metals in dust. A comparison with ”Portaria Nº 1450/2007” which regulates the maximum metal contents in dredged sediment that can be safely deposited in soils (here used as an action threshold) reveals that the values for As in all houses were transcended. For Cd and Hg they were only transcended in one house, whereas for lead all the values were below this threshold. Linear regression with age of construction used as independent variable revealed no relationship between this variable and metal concentrations with the exception of As (R2 adjusted= 0.41). Findings are discussed under the light of potential health outcomes upon the residents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Project 6.60.6 - Experimental Campaign

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    Atualmente as pessoas passam grande parte do seu tempo no interior das habitações. Contudo, as condições de conforto e ambiente interior de espaços habitacionais podem provocar efeitos adversos na saúde dos ocupantes. Neste âmbito, está atualmente a ser desenvolvida uma campanha experimental de medição de parâmetros de caraterização de ambientes interiores em 6 habitações representativas de 6 décadas, realizada por uma equipa multidisciplinar da Universidade da Beira Interior. Foram realizadas medições semanais, sendo as amostragens efetuadas nos compartimentos representativos das principais atividades ocupacionais dos moradores. Em cada habitação foram ainda recolhidas amostras de partículas em suspensão e pó doméstico (bem como do solo da área de enquadramento da habitação) para quantificar os níveis de metais, organometais e fungos no ambiente doméstico. Pretende-se assim obter uma descrição o mais exaustiva possível das condições dos diferentes domicílios e do seu potencial reflexo nos habitantes, por forma a tecer um conjunto de recomendações sobre caraterísticas construtivas, materiais de revestimento e condições de utilização dos espaços habitacionais conducentes à redução dos riscos para a saúde e bem-estar dos ocupantes.Nowadays people spend a large amount of their time indoors. However, prevailing indoor conditions in terms of comfort and environmental quality could present health challenges to the inhabitants. In this context, a pilot campaign was launched by an interdisciplinary team from University of Beira Interior in order to collect indoor environment data from 6 households representing 6 different decades. Weekly measurements were obtained from the rooms most involved in the household activities. Additionally, suspended particles, settled dust and outdoor soil were collected in order to quantify metals, organometals and fungi. We aim to obtain a picture as detailed as possible of the household indoor characteristics and their potential reflection in its inhabitants. Ultimate this study can give rise to a set of recommendations regarding construction characteristics, finishing materials, and space usage so as to reduce health risks and hazards, as well as promoting the inhabitants well-being.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    House dust fungal communities’ characterization: a double take on the six by sixty by six (6 × 60 × 6) project

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    Fungi are a group of microbes that are found with particular incidence in the indoor environment. Their direct toxicity or capability of generating toxic compounds has been associated with a large number of adverse health effects, such as infectious diseases and allergies. Given that in modern society people spend a large part of their time indoors; fungal communities’ characterization of this environmental compartment assumes paramount importance in the comprehension of health effects. House dustThis work was supported by European Funds through COMPETE and by National Funds through the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) within project PEstOE/SAU/UI0709/2014. Ana C. A. Sousa and Sónia D. Coelho acknowledge FCT for the grants SFRH/BPD/65884/2009 and SFRH/ BD/78168/2011 (supported by funding from the Human Potential Operational Programme POPH, inscribed in the National Strategic Reference Framework and partially subsidized by the European Social Fund).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio