46 research outputs found

    “Hvordan anvendes medarbeiderundersøkelsen i Luftforsvaret som et verktøy til å utvikle Luftforsvaret som en organisasjon? Og i hvilken grad blir innsiktene fra undersøkelsene implementert og omsatt til en mobbe- og trakasseringsforebyggende praksis?».

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    I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersøkt hvordan Luftforsvaret anvender medarbeiderundersøkelsen som et verktøy for å utvikle seg som en organisasjon, samt undersøkt hvilke og hvordan de overordnende tiltakene til Forvaret har blitt implementert og omsatt til en mobbe- og trakasseringsforebyggende praksis. Videre har jeg undersøkt hvilke tiltak, ressurser og om det foreligger motstand til implementering i 133 Luftving. Når det kommer til metode har jeg valgt en kvalitativ tilnærming i oppgaven, gjennom individuelle intervjuer fordelt på fem forskjellige informanter - på forskjellige avdelinger innad i Luftvingen, både på Stasjonsgruppe Andøya og Evenes. Oppgaven er belyst med relevant teori innenfor translatørkompetanse og implementering, i lys av forskjellige perspektiver. Herunder begrepsavklaringer, kontekst og teori rundt valgt metode. Når det kommer til funn i oppgaven har jeg identifisert hvilke tiltak som har/ikke har blitt implementert i avdelingene og hvilke konsekvenser dette vil ha for Luftforsvaret på sikt

    Livssmerte hos pasienter med uhelbredelig kreft – en reviewstudie

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    Studentarbeid i sykepleie (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Forvaringsstraff mot barn

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    Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er forvaringsstraff mot barn. Verken ved innføringen av forvaringsordningen ved straffeloven 1902 § 39 c i 2002, eller ved videreføringen i straffe­­­­­loven 2005 § 40, var det gitt noen særskilt begrensning i adgangen til å bruke forvaring som straff mot barn. På samme vilkår som voksne, kunne altså barn over 15 år frihetsberøves på ubestemt tid. Ti år senere, i 2012, ble adgangen til å idømme barn forvaring skjerpet ved vedtakelsen av særvilkåret om «helt ekstraordinære omstendigheter». Før skjerpelsen hadde ingen barn noensinne blitt idømt forvaring i norske domstoler. Selv om straffelovgivningen åpnet for det, var det flere som tvilte på at det kunne bli aktuelt å benytte «lovens strengeste straff» mot et barn. Så sent som i 2015 skrev tidligere politimester og riksadvokatfullmektig Rolf B. Wegner at «[s]annsynligheten for at dette ville skje i fremtiden er nokså liten». I årene 2017 frem til i dag foreligger det likevel fem rettskraftige forvaringsdommer mot personer som var barn da de begikk de straffbare handlingene. Utviklingen de fire siste årene har vekket oppsikt, både i det juridiske fagmiljøet og blant befolkningen for øvrig. At dommene er avsagt først etter at adgangen til å idømme barn forvaring ble skjerpet, har fått mange til å klø seg i hodet. Den ferske rettspraksisen etterlater seg usikkerhet knyttet til hva som er gjeldende rett med hensyn til bruk av forvaring overfor barn. Vi har derfor valgt å fordype oss i når et barn kan idømmes forvaring. Problemstillingen retter seg i utgangspunktet mot innholdet i alle vilkårene som må være innfridd for at forvaring skal kunne benyttes overfor barn. Vi ønsker imidlertid å foreta en dybdebehandling av det som skaper størst tvil om rettstilstanden på området, nemlig særvilkåret om at det må foreligge «helt ekstraordinære omstendigheter».MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJURMAJUR-

    Immunogenic Properties of Lactobacillus plantarum Producing Surface-Displayed Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains among the most deadly diseases in the world. The only available vaccine against tuberculosis is the bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, which does not ensure full protection in adults. There is a global urgency for the development of an effective vaccine for preventing disease transmission, and it requires novel approaches. We are exploring the use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as a vector for antigen delivery to mucosal sites. Here, we demonstrate the successful expression and surface display of a Mycobacterium tuberculosis fusion antigen (comprising Ag85B and ESAT-6, referred to as AgE6) on Lactobacillus plantarum. The AgE6 fusion antigen was targeted to the bacterial surface using two different anchors, a lipoprotein anchor directing the protein to the cell membrane and a covalent cell wall anchor. AgE6-producing L. plantarum strains using each of the two anchors induced antigen-specific proliferative responses in lymphocytes purified from TB-positive donors. Similarly, both strains induced immune responses in mice after nasal or oral immunization. The impact of the anchoring strategies was reflected in dissimilarities in the immune responses generated by the two L. plantarum strains in vivo. The present study comprises an initial step toward the development of L. plantarum as a vector for M. tuberculosis antigen delivery. IMPORTANCE This work presents the development of Lactobacillus plantarum as a candidate mucosal vaccine against tuberculosis. Tuberculosis remains one of the top infectious diseases worldwide, and the only available vaccine, bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), fails to protect adults and adolescents. Direct antigen delivery to mucosal sites is a promising strategy in tuberculosis vaccine development, and lactic acid bacteria potentially provide easy, safe, and low-cost delivery vehicles for mucosal immunization. We have engineered L. plantarum strains to produce a Mycobacterium tuberculosis fusion antigen and to anchor this antigen to the bacterial cell wall or to the cell membrane. The recombinant strains elicited proliferative antigenspecific T-cell responses in white blood cells from tuberculosis-positive humans and induced specific immune responses after nasal and oral administrations in mice

    Dishwashing sponges and brushes: consumer practices and bacterial growth and survival

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    Sponges are frequently used in kitchens and have been shown to harbor large numbers of bacteria, occasionally also pathogens. Less is known about kitchen brushes regarding usage and presence of bacteria. In the present study, the use of sponges and brushes was studied in a survey among 9966 European consumers in ten countries, and growth and survival of bacteria in sponges and brushes were examined in laboratory experiments. Sponges were the preferred hand-cleaning utensils for washing-up in the majority of countries, while brushes were most frequently used in Denmark and Norway. Consumers mostly change their sponges at regular times, but also sensory cues (looks dirty, smelly, slimy) and usage occurrences such as wiping up meat juices may trigger replacement. Besides cleaning the dishes, over a quarter of the dish brush users also use it to clean a chopping board after soilage from chicken meat juices. The water uptake and drying rate varied considerably, both between different sponges and between brushes and sponges, where brushes dried fastest. Campylobacter survived one day in all sponges and Salmonella more than seven days in two of three types of sponges. In the type of sponge that dried slowest, Salmonella grew on the first day and was always found in higher levels than in the other sponges. Non-pathogenic bacteria grew in the sponges and reached levels around 9 log CFU/sponge. In brushes all types of bacteria died over time. Campylobacter and Salmonella were reduced by more than 2.5 log to below the detection limit after one and three days, respectively. Bacteriota studies revealed a tendency for a dominance by Gram-negative bacteria and a shift to high relative prevalence of Pseudomonas over time in sponges. Both enumeration by agar plating and bacteriota analysis confirmed that the pathogens were in a minority compared to the other bacteria. Treatments of sponges and brushes with chlorine, boiling or in the dishwasher were effective to reduce Salmonella. We conclude that brushes are more hygienic than sponges and that their use should be encouraged. Contaminated sponges or brushes should be replaced or cleaned when they may have been in contact with pathogenic microorganisms, e.g. used on raw food spills. Cleaning of sponges and brushes with chlorine, boiling or dishwasher may be a safe alternative to replacing them with new ones.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A tumor DNA complex aberration index is an independent predictor of survival in breast and ovarian cancer

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    Complex focal chromosomal rearrangements in cancer genomes, also called "firestorms", can be scored from DNA copy number data. The complex arm-wise aberration index (CAAI) is a score that captures DNA copy number alterations that appear as focal complex events in tumors, and has potential prognostic value in breast cancer. This study aimed to validate this DNA-based prognostic index in breast cancer and test for the first time its potential prognostic value in ovarian cancer. Copy number alteration (CNA) data from 1950 breast carcinomas (METABRIC cohort) and 508 high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas (TCGA dataset) were analyzed. Cases were classified as CAAI positive if at least one complex focal event was scored. Complex alterations were frequently localized on chromosome 8p (n = 159), 17q (n = 176) and 11q (n = 251). CAAI events on 11q were most frequent in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) cases and on 17q in estrogen receptor negative (ER) cases. We found only a modest correlation between CAAI and the overall rate of genomic instability (GII) and number of breakpoints (r = 0.27 and r = 0.42, p <0.001). Breast cancer specific survival (BCSS), overall survival (OS) and ovarian cancer progression free survival (PUS) were used as clinical end points in Cox proportional hazard model survival analyses. CAAI positive breast cancers (43%) had higher mortality: hazard ratio (HR) of 1.94 (95%CI, 1.62-2.32) for BCSS, and of 1.49 (95%CI, 1.30-1.71) for OS. Representations of the 70-gene and the 21-gene predictors were compared with CAAI in multivariable models and CAAI was independently significant with a Cox adjusted HR of 1.56 (95%CI, 1.23-1.99) for ER+ and 1.55 (95%CI, 1.11-2.18) for ER disease. None of the expression-based predictors were prognostic in the ER subset. We found that a model including CAM and the two expression-based prognostic signatures outperformed a model including the 21-gene and 70-gene signatures but excluding CAAL Inclusion of CAAI in the clinical prognostication tool PREDICT significantly improved its performance. CAAI positive ovarian cancers (52%) also had worse prognosis: HRs of 1.3 (95%CI, 1.1-1.7) for PFS and 1.3 (95%CI, 1.1-1.6) for OS. This study validates CAM as an independent predictor of survival in both ER+ and ER breast cancer and reveals a significant prognostic value for CAAI in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Federation of European Biochemical Societies. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A Research and Development (R&D) roadmap for influenza vaccines: Looking toward the future

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    Improved influenza vaccines are urgently needed to reduce the burden of seasonal influenza and to ensure a rapid and effective public-health response to future influenza pandemics. The Influenza Vaccines Research and Development (R&D) Roadmap (IVR) was created, through an extensive international stakeholder engagement process, to promote influenza vaccine R&D. The roadmap covers a 10-year timeframe and is organized into six sections: virology; immunology; vaccinology for seasonal influenza vaccines; vaccinology for universal influenza vaccines; animal and human influenza virus infection models; and policy, finance, and regulation. Each section identifies barriers, gaps, strategic goals, milestones, and additional R&D priorities germane to that area. The roadmap includes 113 specific R&D milestones, 37 of which have been designated high priority by the IVR expert taskforce. This report summarizes the major issues and priority areas of research outlined in the IVR. By identifying the key issues and steps to address them, the roadmap not only encourages research aimed at new solutions, but also provides guidance on the use of innovative tools to drive breakthroughs in influenza vaccine R&D.publishedVersio

    A tumor DNA complex aberration index is an independent predictor of survival in breast and ovarian cancer.

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    Complex focal chromosomal rearrangements in cancer genomes, also called "firestorms", can be scored from DNA copy number data. The complex arm-wise aberration index (CAAI) is a score that captures DNA copy number alterations that appear as focal complex events in tumors, and has potential prognostic value in breast cancer. This study aimed to validate this DNA-based prognostic index in breast cancer and test for the first time its potential prognostic value in ovarian cancer. Copy number alteration (CNA) data from 1950 breast carcinomas (METABRIC cohort) and 508 high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas (TCGA dataset) were analyzed. Cases were classified as CAAI positive if at least one complex focal event was scored. Complex alterations were frequently localized on chromosome 8p (n = 159), 17q (n = 176) and 11q (n = 251). CAAI events on 11q were most frequent in estrogen receptor positive (ER+) cases and on 17q in estrogen receptor negative (ER-) cases. We found only a modest correlation between CAAI and the overall rate of genomic instability (GII) and number of breakpoints (r = 0.27 and r = 0.42, p < 0.001). Breast cancer specific survival (BCSS), overall survival (OS) and ovarian cancer progression free survival (PFS) were used as clinical end points in Cox proportional hazard model survival analyses. CAAI positive breast cancers (43%) had higher mortality: hazard ratio (HR) of 1.94 (95%CI, 1.62-2.32) for BCSS, and of 1.49 (95%CI, 1.30-1.71) for OS. Representations of the 70-gene and the 21-gene predictors were compared with CAAI in multivariable models and CAAI was independently significant with a Cox adjusted HR of 1.56 (95%CI, 1.23-1.99) for ER+ and 1.55 (95%CI, 1.11-2.18) for ER- disease. None of the expression-based predictors were prognostic in the ER- subset. We found that a model including CAAI and the two expression-based prognostic signatures outperformed a model including the 21-gene and 70-gene signatures but excluding CAAI. Inclusion of CAAI in the clinical prognostication tool PREDICT significantly improved its performance. CAAI positive ovarian cancers (52%) also had worse prognosis: HRs of 1.3 (95%CI, 1.1-1.7) for PFS and 1.3 (95%CI, 1.1-1.6) for OS. This study validates CAAI as an independent predictor of survival in both ER+ and ER- breast cancer and reveals a significant prognostic value for CAAI in high-grade serous ovarian cancer