137 research outputs found

    The action of a multidisciplinary team in the nutritional care of critically ill patients

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    Hospitalized patients may have special nutrient requirements imposed by a combination of malnutrition and enhanced utilization of nutrients resulting from the disease process. Nutritional support, mainly during critical stages of disease, should be provided safely and effectively. Several studies have evaluated the paper of a multidisciplinary team in the administration of a nutritional therapy. Individually, the majority of these studies are underpowered to evaluate an effect on the quality of nutritional care. With the objective to identify problems inherent to the supply of nutritional support to hospitalized patients and verify the impact of the actions of a multidisciplinary team on the quality of these procedures, we analysed articles that have been published between 1980 and 2004 about the role of the action of multidisciplinary teams in the care and nutritional outcome of hospitalized patients, especially those undergoing intensive care. The terms used for the search were: multidisciplinary team, nutritional support, parenteral nutrition, enteral feeding, critically ill, intensive care unit, critically ill child. Of 130 studies, intially identified, just 24 were selected, of which 14 compared the standard of nutritional therapy with and without the presence of a multidisciplinary team. The inadequate supply of nutrients, infection and metabolic complications and the excessive use of parenteral nutrition were the main problems detected in the supply of nutritional support to hospitalized patients. In the comparative studies, the presence of the multidisciplinary team improved the pattern of nutritional support, and reduced the incidence of complications and the costs.Pacientes hospitalizados podem ter necessidades nutricionais especiais em função da desnutrição e dos desequilíbrios metabólicos impostos pelas doenças. A terapia nutricional, principalmente nos estágios críticos das enfermidades, deve ser administrada de modo seguro e eficaz. Vários estudos têm avaliado o papel da equipe multidisciplinar na administração da terapia nutricional. Com o objetivo de identificar os problemas inerentes à administração da terapia nutricional em pacientes hospitalizados e verificar o impacto da atuação de uma equipe multidisciplinar na qualidade dos procedimentos, foi realizada uma revisão que analisou artigos publicados entre 1980 e 2004 sobre o papel da atuação de equipes multidisciplinares no cuidado e na evolução nutricional de pacientes hospitalizados, principalmente os que se encontravam sob cuidados intensivos. Os termos utilizados na pesquisa foram: multidisciplinary team, nutritional support, parente-ral nutrition, enteral feeding, critically ill, intensive care unit,critically ill child. Dos 130 estudos inicialmente identificados, foram selecionados 24, dos quais 14 compararam o padrão de terapia nutricional com e sem a presença da equipe multidisciplinar. Os principais problemas detectados na administração de terapia nutricional em pacientes hospitalizados foram a oferta inadequada de nutrientes, as complicações infecciosas e metabólicas e o uso excessivo de nutrição parenteral. Nos estudos comparativos, a presença da equipe multidisciplinar melhorou o padrão de oferta nutricional, reduziu a incidência de complicações e os custos.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PediatriaHospital São Paulo Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos PediátricosHospital São Paulo Equipe Multidisciplinar de Terapia NutricionalUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaHospital São Paulo Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos PediátricosHospital São Paulo Equipe Multidisciplinar de Terapia NutricionalSciEL

    Cranial biomechanics in basal urodeles: the Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii) and its evolutionary and developmental implications

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    Developmental changes in salamander skulls, before and after metamorphosis, afect the feeding capabilities of these animals. How changes in cranial morphology and tissue properties afect the function of the skull are key to decipher the early evolutionary history of the crown-group of salamanders. Here, 3D cranial biomechanics of the adult Salamandrella keyserlingii were analyzed under diferent tissue properties and ossifcation sequences of the cranial skeleton. This helped unravel that: (a) Mechanical properties of tissues (as bone, cartilage or connective tissue) imply a consensus between the stifness required to perform a function versus the fxation (and displacement) required with the surrounding skeletal elements. (b) Changes on the ossifcation pattern, producing fontanelles as a result of bone loss or failure to ossify, represent a trend toward simplifcation potentially helping to distribute stress through the skull, but may also imply a major destabilization of the skull. (c) Bone loss may be originated due to biomechanical optimization and potential reduction of developmental costs. (d) Hynobiids are excellent models for biomechanical reconstruction of extinct early urodeles

    The Changing Epidemiology of Murray Valley Encephalitis in Australia: The 2011 Outbreak and a Review of the Literature

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    Murray Valley encephalitis virus (MVEV) is the most serious of the endemic arboviruses in Australia. It was responsible for six known large outbreaks of encephalitis in south-eastern Australia in the 1900s, with the last comprising 58 cases in 1974. Since then MVEV clinical cases have been largely confined to the western and central parts of northern Australia. In 2011, high-level MVEV activity occurred in south-eastern Australia for the first time since 1974, accompanied by unusually heavy seasonal MVEV activity in northern Australia. This resulted in 17 confirmed cases of MVEV disease across Australia. Record wet season rainfall was recorded in many areas of Australia in the summer and autumn of 2011. This was associated with significant flooding and increased numbers of the mosquito vector and subsequent MVEV activity. This paper documents the outbreak and adds to our knowledge about disease outcomes, epidemiology of disease and the link between the MVEV activity and environmental factors. Clinical and demographic information from the 17 reported cases was obtained. Cases or family members were interviewed about their activities and location during the incubation period. In contrast to outbreaks prior to 2000, the majority of cases were non-Aboriginal adults, and almost half (40%) of the cases acquired MVEV outside their area of residence. All but two cases occurred in areas of known MVEV activity.This outbreak continues to reflect a change in the demographic pattern of human cases of encephalitic MVEV over the last 20 years. In northern Australia, this is associated with the increasing numbers of non-Aboriginal workers and tourists living and travelling in endemic and epidemic areas, and also identifies an association with activities that lead to high mosquito exposure. This outbreak demonstrates that there is an ongoing risk of MVEV encephalitis to the heavily populated areas of south-eastern Australia

    Donor colonic CD103(+) dendritic cells determine the severity of acute graft-versus-host disease

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    The primacy of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in dictating the outcome of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is broadly accepted; however, the mechanisms controlling this effect are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that GVHD markedly enhances alloantigen presentation within the mesenteric lymph nodes (mLNs), mediated by donor CD103(+)CD11b(-) dendritic cells (DCs) that migrate from the colon under the influence of CCR7. Expansion and differentiation of donor T cells specifically within the mLNs is driven by profound levels of alloantigen, IL-12, and IL-6 promoted by Toll-like receptor (TLR) and receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) signals. Critically, alloantigen presentation in the mLNs imprints gut-homing integrin signatures on donor T cells, leading to their emigration into the GI tract where they mediate fulminant disease. These data identify a critical, anatomically distinct, donor DC subset that amplifies GVHD. We thus highlight multiple therapeutic targets and the ability of GVHD, once initiated by recipient antigen-presenting cells, to generate a profound, localized, and lethal feed-forward cascade of donor DC-mediated indirect alloantigen presentation and cytokine secretion within the GI tract.Motoko Koyama, Melody Cheong, Kate A. Markey, Kate H. Gartlan, Rachel D. Kuns, Kelly R. Locke, Katie E. Lineburg, Bianca E. Teal, Lucie Leveque-El mouttie, Mark D. Bunting, Slavica Vuckovic, Ping Zhang, Michele W.L. Teng, Antiopi Varelias, Siok-Keen Tey, Leesa F. Wockner, Christian R. Engwerda, Mark J. Smyth, Gabrielle T. Belz, Shaun R. McColl, Kelli P.A. MacDonald, and Geoffrey R. Hil

    Cranial Ontogeny in Stegoceras validum (Dinosauria: Pachycephalosauria): A Quantitative Model of Pachycephalosaur Dome Growth and Variation

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    Historically, studies of pachycephalosaurs have recognized plesiomorphically flat-headed taxa and apomorphically domed taxa. More recently, it has been suggested that the expression of the frontoparietal dome is ontogenetic and derived from a flat-headed juvenile morphology. However, strong evidence to support this hypothesis has been lacking. Here we test this hypothesis in a large, stratigraphically constrained sample of specimens assigned to Stegoceras validum, the best known pachycephalosaur, using multiple independent lines of evidence including conserved morphology of ornamentation, landmark-based allometric analyses of frontoparietal shape, and cranial bone histology. New specimens show that the diagnostic ornamentation of the parietosquamosal bar is conserved throughout the size range of the sample, which links flat-headed specimens to domed S. validum. High-resolution CT scans of three frontoparietals reveal that vascularity decreases with size and document a pattern that is consistent with previously proposed histological changes during growth. Furthermore, aspects of dome shape and size are strongly correlated and indicative of ontogenetic growth. These results are complementary and strongly support the hypothesis that the sample represents a growth series of a single taxon. Cranial dome growth is positively allometric, proceeds from a flat-headed to a domed state, and confirms the synonymy of Ornatotholus browni as a juvenile Stegoceras. This dataset serves as the first detailed model of growth and variation in a pachycephalosaur. Flat-headed juveniles possess three characters (externally open cranial sutures, tuberculate dorsal surface texture, and open supratemporal fenestrae) that are reduced or eliminated during ontogeny. These characters also occur in putative flat-headed taxa, suggesting that they may also represent juveniles of domed taxa. However, open cranial sutures and supratemporal fenestrae are plesiomorphic within Ornithischia, and thus should be expected in the adult stage of a primitive pachycephalosaur. Additional lines of evidence will be needed to resolve the taxonomic validity of flat-headed pachycephalosaur taxa

    The functional loss of the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor is a common event in basal-like and luminal B breast carcinomas

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    Introduction Breast cancers can be classified using whole genome expression into distinct subtypes that show differences in prognosis. One of these groups, the basal-like subtype, is poorly differentiated, highly metastatic, genomically unstable, and contains specific genetic alterations such as the loss of tumour protein 53 (TP53). The loss of the retinoblastoma tumour suppressor encoded by the RB1 locus is a well-characterised occurrence in many tumour types; however, its role in breast cancer is less clear with many reports demonstrating a loss of heterozygosity that does not correlate with a loss of RB1 protein expression. Methods We used gene expression analysis for tumour subtyping and polymorphic markers located at the RB1 locus to assess the frequency of loss of heterozygosity in 88 primary human breast carcinomas and their normal tissue genomic DNA samples. Results RB1 loss of heterozygosity was observed at an overall frequency of 39%, with a high frequency in basal-like (72%) and luminal B (62%) tumours. These tumours also concurrently showed low expression of RB1 mRNA. p16INK4a was highly expressed in basal-like tumours, presumably due to a previously reported feedback loop caused by RB1 loss. An RB1 loss of heterozygosity signature was developed and shown to be highly prognostic, and was potentially a predictive marker of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusions These results suggest that the functional loss of RB1 is common in basal-like tumours, which may play a key role in dictating their aggressive biology and unique therapeutic responses

    Outcome Prediction in Pneumonia Induced ALI/ARDS by Clinical Features and Peptide Patterns of BALF Determined by Mass Spectrometry

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    BACKGROUND: Peptide patterns of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were assumed to reflect the complex pathology of acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) better than clinical and inflammatory parameters and may be superior for outcome prediction. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A training group of patients suffering from ALI/ARDS was compiled from equal numbers of survivors and nonsurvivors. Clinical history, ventilation parameters, Murray's lung injury severity score (Murray's LISS) and interleukins in BALF were gathered. In addition, samples of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were analyzed by means of hydrophobic chromatography and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF MS). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for each clinical and cytokine parameter revealed interleukin-6>interleukin-8>diabetes mellitus>Murray's LISS as the best outcome predictors. Outcome predicted on the basis of BALF levels of interleukin-6 resulted in 79.4% accuracy, 82.7% sensitivity and 76.1% specificity (area under the ROC curve, AUC, 0.853). Both clinical parameters and cytokines as well as peptide patterns determined by MALDI-ToF MS were analyzed by classification and regression tree (CART) analysis and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms. CART analysis including Murray's LISS, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in combination was correct in 78.0%. MALDI-ToF MS of BALF peptides did not reveal a single identifiable biomarker for ARDS. However, classification of patients was successfully achieved based on the entire peptide pattern analyzed using SVM. This method resulted in 90% accuracy, 93.3% sensitivity and 86.7% specificity following a 10-fold cross validation (AUC = 0.953). Subsequent validation of the optimized SVM algorithm with a test group of patients with unknown prognosis yielded 87.5% accuracy, 83.3% sensitivity and 90.0% specificity. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: MALDI-ToF MS peptide patterns of BALF, evaluated by appropriate mathematical methods can be of value in predicting outcome in pneumonia induced ALI/ARDS

    Drosophila melanogaster as a Model Host for the Burkholderia cepacia Complex

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    Colonization with bacterial species from the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is associated with fast health decline among individuals with cystic fibrosis. In order to investigate the virulence of the Bcc, several alternative infection models have been developed. To this end, the fruit fly is increasingly used as surrogate host, and its validity to enhance our understanding of host-pathogen relationships has been demonstrated with a variety of microorganisms. Moreover, its relevance as a suitable alternative to mammalian hosts has been confirmed with vertebrate organisms.The aim of this study was to establish Drosophila melanogaster as a surrogate host for species from the Bcc. While the feeding method proved unsuccessful at killing the flies, the pricking technique did generate mortality within the populations. Results obtained with the fruit fly model are comparable with results obtained using mammalian infection models. Furthermore, validity of the Drosophila infection model was confirmed with B. cenocepacia K56-2 mutants known to be less virulent in murine hosts or in other alternative models. Competitive index (CI) analyses were also performed using the fruit fly as host. Results of CI experiments agree with those obtained with mammalian models.We conclude that Drosophila is a useful alternative infection model for Bcc and that fly pricking assays and competition indices are two complementary methods for virulence testing. Moreover, CI results indicate that this method is more sensitive than mortality tests
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