106 research outputs found

    Efficacy of Oral Care Provided by Interprofessional Collaboration for a Patient with Esophageal Cancer Associated with Post-polio Syndrome during Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

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    Preoperative oral care is helpful to prevent postoperative complications in patients who are undergoing esophagectomy. Here, we report the case of an 81-year-old Japanese man with an upper limb disability caused by post-polio syndrome who was receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy for esophageal cancer. He had poor oral health status and developed oral complications as a side effect of chemotherapy. He could not brush his teeth by himself. However, infection control by oral care provided by an interprofessional collaboration successfully improved his oral hygiene, and his follow-up involved no severe complications. Interprofessional collaboration is useful especially for patients with upper limb disability

    Amino acid residues in the transmembrane domain of the type 1 sigma receptor critical for ligand binding

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    AbstractThe type 1 sigma receptor expressed in Xenopus oocytes showed binding abilities for the sigma-1 ligands, [3H](+)pentazocine and [3H]NE-100, with similar kinetic properties as observed in native tissue membranes. Amino acid substitutions (Ser99Ala, Tyr103Phe and di-Leu105,106di-Ala) in the transmembrane domain did not alter the expression levels of the type 1 sigma receptor as determined by immunoblot analysis using an anti-type 1 sigma receptor antiserum. By contrast, ligand binding was significantly suppressed by the substitutions. These findings provide evidence that the transmembrane domain of the type 1 sigma receptor plays a critical role in ligand binding of this receptor

    Differential responses of normal human coronary artery endothelial cells against multiple cytokines comparatively assessed by gene expression profiles

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    AbstractEndothelial cells play an important role in terms of biological functions by responding to a variety of stimuli in the blood. However, little is known about the molecular mechanism involved in rendering the variety in the cellular response. To investigate the variety of the cellular responses against exogenous stimuli at the gene expression level, we attempted to describe the cellular responses with comprehensive gene expression profiles, dissect them into multiple response patterns, and characterize the response patterns according to the information accumulated so far on the genes included in the patterns. We comparatively analyzed in parallel the gene expression profiles obtained with DNA microarrays from normal human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) stimulated with multiple cytokines, interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-β, interferon-γ, and oncostatin M, which are profoundly involved in various functional responses of endothelial cells. These analyses revealed that the cellular responses of HCAECs against these cytokines included at least 15 response patterns specific to a single cytokine or common to multiple cytokines. Moreover, we statistically extracted genes contained within the individual response patterns and characterized the response patterns with the genes referring to the previously accumulated findings including the biological process defined by the Gene Ontology Consortium (GO). Out of the 15 response patterns in which at least one gene was successfully extracted through the statistical approach, 11 response patterns were differentially characterized by representing the number of genes contained in individual criteria of the biological process in the GO only. The approach to dissect cellular responses into response patterns and to characterize the pattern at the gene expression level may contribute to the gaining of insight for untangling the diversity of cellular functions


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    Os autores descrevem os resultados de um levantamento de condições sócio-sanitárias jeito em uma favela da Região da Grande São Paulo, área industrializada do sudeste brasileiro.The authors describe results of a survey on social-economical conditions of a slum area of Greater São Paulo, wich is an industrial region of south-eastern Brazil

    ニホンゴ ガクシュウ サイト 「マルゴト + (マルゴトプラス)」 ノ カイハツ -カダイ スイコウ ト イブンカ リカイ ヲ タスケル ウェブサイト-

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    JF 日本語教育スタンダード準拠の海外の成人向け教科書『まるごと日本のことばと文化』の開発に合わせ、関西国際センターでは、この教科書を使って学ぶ学習者のためのサポートサイト「まるごと+(まるごとプラス)」を開発した。「『日本語を使ってできること』が増やせる」、「『リアリティ』のある練習ができる」、「大人が『楽しく使える』」の3つをキーコンセプトとして定め、課題遂行を意識した練習、異文化理解のための情報やきっかけを提供するサイトを目指すこととした。「まるごと+」は教科書の「入門A1」、「初級1 A2」の2つのレベルに対応した種々のコンテンツを提供しており、動画を使った会話練習や異文化理解のためのコンテンツを中心に、学習者や教師から好評を得ている。本稿では、「まるごと+」の開発方針とそれをどのように具現化したか、また、サイトの反響を報告する。MARUGOTO Plus is a support website for Japanese language learners developed by The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai. It was created in conjunction with the "Marugoto :Japanese Language and Culture" textbook, which is based on the JF Standard for Japanese-Language Education and aimed at adults overseas. "MARUGOTO Plus" was developed with three key concepts inmind, "Increasing the `Things able to be accomplished using Japanese\u27", "Ability to practice with `Practical\u27settings", and "`Fun to use\u27 for adults". It aims to assist with the practice of task performance and the creation of opportunities to gather information for intercultural understanding. "MARUGOTO Plus"is compatible with two levels of the textbook, "Starter A1" and "Elementary 1 A2", and offers a variety of content. This paper will report about the concept of "MARUGOTO Plus" and how the site was realized according to the concept and, in addition, the reactions to the site

    産後うつとボンディングの関連の経産による変化: 子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査からの経時的な結果より

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    富山大学・富医薬博乙77号・土田 暁子・2020/11/25関連論文Tsuchida A, Hamazaki K, Matsumura K, Miura K, Kasamatsu H, Inadera H; Japan Environment and Children\u27s Study (JECS) Group. Changes in the association between postpartum depression and mother-infant bonding by parity: Longitudinal results from the Japan Environment and Children\u27s Study. J Psychiatr Res. 2019 Mar;110:110-116. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.11.022. Epub 2018 Nov 28. PMID: 30616158.富山大

    The M=3.9 Earthquake Sequence of May 1978 in Eastern Shimane, Japan

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    A sequence of earthquake activity occurred during May 26-29, 1978, in eastern Shimane, western part of the Honshu Island, Japan. The sequence was divided into four stages in activity; (1) foreshocks, (2) the M=3.9 main shock and its aftermaths, (3) precursory activity before the M=3.7 earthquake, and (4) the M=3.7 largest aftershock and its aftermaths. The aftershock activity of the M=3.7 event was much more active than that of the M= 3.9 event, both in number and in spatial distribution. The activity preceding the M=3.7 event was characterized by (1) a small b value, 0.4, (2) an increase in number of minor earthquakes, (3) successive increase in magnitude, and (4) the southeastward spreading of the active area, leaving a small region with no seismicity. If these had been recognized before the M= 3.7 event, we might have been able to predict the possibility of its occurrence. Although they were only two, the foreshocks of the M=3.9 event might also have suggested a subsequent major event because of (1) their occurrence in a previously inactive area, and (2) the successive increase in magnitude with a small difference (M=1.0 and 1.3). We may also admit a possible correlation between the present M=3.9 and 3.7 sequence and the M=6.1 earthquake which occurred nearby about one week later. In the hypocentral region of the M=6.1 event, the differential strain with respect to the P and T axes (namely twice as much as the shear strain on the fault plane) would have been enhanced by about 2×1O-9 by the preceding M=3.9 and 3.7 events.1978年5月26~29に,島根県東部でM=3.9の地震が発生した.活動は,(1)前震,(2)M=3.9とそれに伴う余震,(3)M=3.7に先だつ前兆的活動,(4)M=3.7とそれに伴う余震の4つの段階に区分できる.M=3.9と3.7の余震活動を比較すると,後者の方が数,余震域の拡がりともはるかに活発であった.M=3.9発生後の活動経過は,本震と同程度の地震が新たに発生するかもしれないことを示唆していたと考えられる.M=3.7発生以前に,そうしたデータを検討できれば,ある程度の予測が可能だったかもしれない.その根拠は,(1)b値が約0.4とかなり小さかったこと,(2)いったんおさまっていたM=3.9以後の余震活動がふたたび活発化していたこと,(3)同時に,しだいにマグニチュードのより大きな地震が起こるようになってきたこと,(4)活動域が南東方へ拡がり,本震の破壊域と同程度の末破壊領域が推定されたこと,である.M=3.9に先だつ前震は2つ観測されただけであるが,(1)それまで活動のなかった場所に起きたこと(2)後者の方がマグニチュードが大きく,またマグニチュードの差が小さいこと(M=1.0と1.3)は注目される.M=3.9,3.7の地震から約1週間後に,近くでM=6.1の地震が発生している.何らかの関係があったかもしれない.なお,M=3.9,3.7の発生により,M=6.1の震源付近では2×10-9程度の(起震応力を増大させる方向の)差歪みの増加が推定される