15,005 research outputs found

    The Conference Review Process

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    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we explain the academic review process, look at the structure of a review, and give some examples of positive and negative reviews

    Comment on Martinez-Garcia et al. 'Heavy metals in human bones in different historical epochs'.

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    Martínez-García et al. (Sci. Tot Env. 348:51–72) have examined heavy metal exposure of humans in the Cartagena region using analysis of archaeological bones. An analysis of the lead and iron levels they report shows that they are physiologically implausible and must therefore result from diagenesis. This, and analogy with the known diagenetic origin of certain other elements, suggests that the other metal analyses they report are also unlikely to be in vivo concentrations. Lifetime heavy metal exposure cannot be deduced from diagenetically altered concentrations

    Paolo Soleri and Arcology: An Analytical Comparison to Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn

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    The city proposals of Paolo Soleri, he called them arcologies, are monumental and complex geometric megastructures intended to project great heights above desert horizons. These proposals purposefully abandon conventional notions of the city. Soleri was physically isolated in his remote Arizona urban laboratory, Arcosanti, and philosophically detached from the professional urban design community. His proposals were often too easily understood as foreign and radical dystopian architectural metaphors meant to provoke thought more than to project an actual future. There is limited discourse on Soleri and this tends to isolate him in a vacuum, ignoring possible connections or parallels in his work and that of his contemporaries or predecessors. Contextualizing Soleri in history and with other more prominent architects makes his work more accessible, allowing for a more complete evaluation of the merits of compact three-dimensional cities of great density. With the ecological future of the planet in a state of crisis due to rapid climate change and explosive population growth in developing countries, there is an imperative to explore possible urban living solutions that in the past may have been deemed “too radical”. Two preeminent architects are needed to understand Paolo Soleri. Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn. Wright served as a mentor that Soleri could react strongly against conceptually. Kahn was a peer whose heralded built work has strong similarities to the limited architectural oeuvre of Soleri. Therefore, Kahn’s work provides one the best simulations of the potential architectural qualities of arcologies

    Hypertext 2008: A Great Safari (ACM SIGWEB Trip Report)

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    The 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia was held in Pittsburgh, PA from June 19th to 21st of 2008. Like all great coming-of-age parties it was a mix of celebrating the past and looking forward with excitement to the future. Over the last few years the conference has grown in scope to cover a wide range of trends and technologies concerned with connecting information and people. This year the main themes were Information Linking and Organization, Social Linking, Applications of Hypertext, and Hypertext, Culture and Communications; once more attracting a fascinating mix of people from both the technical and literary worlds

    Physician Assisted Suicide

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    Damages for Wrongful Death in Alaska

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    I den här rapporten presenteras den forskning om ledarskap inom offentliga sektorn som bedrivs vid Linköpings universitet. Kartläggningen är indelad i fem olika teman: Chefers arbete och förutsättningar Ledarskap och lärande Genus och jämställdhet Ledarskap och hälsa Förändring och förändringsarbete Resultatet visar att flest studier handlar om ledarskap inom skola och äldreomsorg. Sammanställningen sträcker sig från 2009 och framåt. Rapporten vänder sig inte minst till ledarskapsforskare som kan ha nytta av att känna till vilken annan forskning som finns inom området. Den vänder sig även till personer som på olika sätt arbetar med ledarskap inom offentlig sektor. Sammanställningen ger också en snabb överblick över möjliga föreläsare i ämnet

    Flyer for JISC Programme Meeting (Nov 07)

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    This is the flyer that we produced for the first programme meeting that the Faroes team attended. Its early days, but we describe the objectives of the project, and talk about our past experiences with CLARE and CLARE
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