41 research outputs found

    The uncommon cryptobenthic Millerigobius macrocephalus (Actinopterygii: Gobiidae) along the Coast of Salento, with a revision of its distribution in Italian Waters

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    ItIl gobide criptobentonico Millerigobius macrocephalus (Kolombatovic, 1891) viene segnalato per due località lungo la costa salentina (Mar Grande di Taranto e Gallipoli). Ambedue le segnalazioni sono supportate da dati genetici e, oltre a confermare la presenza di M. macrocephalus lungo la costa salentina, rappresentano la prima segnalazione della specie per il Mar Ionio settentrionale. Questo risultato è particolarmente rilevante, dato che l'unica altra segnalazione per la costa salentina, relativa al lago di Acquatina, potrebbe essere erronea; di fatto, recenti studi hanno evidenziato la presenza nel lago di Acquatina di una specie superficialmente simile, Zebrus pallaoroi, cui le segnalazioni storiche potrebbero riferirsi. Un confronto tra le sequenze di citocromo c ossidasi subunità I ottenute in questo studio e quelle presenti in banca dati mette in evidenza una divergenza lievemente inferiore al 3% tra gli individui salentini e greci e gli individui turchi, suggerendo la possibilità che M. macrocephalus possa rappresentare un complesso di specie, al pari di altri gobidi mediterranei. Infine, la distribuzione della specie nel Mar Mediterraneo è rivista sulla base della letteratura disponibile, con particolare attenzione alle segnalazioni lungo la costa italiana. Questa analisi ha messo in evidenza diverse segnalazioni trascurate dalla letteratura e permette di confermare la presenza della specie in diverse località del Mar Ionio e del Mar Tirreno, suggerendo che M. macrocephalus possa essere più comune e diffuso di quanto al momento si ritiene.EnNew records of the cryptobenthic goby Millerigobius macrocephalus (Kolombatovic, 1891) are reported for two localities in Puglia (Mar Grande of Taranto and Gallipoli), confirming the occurrence of this species along the coast of Salento. All records were checked by DNA barcoding and represent the first occurrences of this species in the northern Ionian Sea. Molecular data highlight a divergence between individuals from Salento and Greece and individuals from Türkiye, suggesting that M. macrocephalus might represent a species complex, and deserve further studies. Literature dealing with this species is critically re-examined, allowing to identify three records for Italian waters that were overlooked by recent literature

    A Comparative Approach to Detect Macrobenthic Response to the Conversion of an Inshore Mariculture Plant into an IMTA System in the Mar Grande of Taranto (Mediterranean Sea, Italy)

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    The expected bioremediation effect, driven by the conversion of an inshore mariculture plant into an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) system, which could mitigate the fish farm impact, related to the accumulation of organic matter on the seabed, has been studied. The ecological quality status was studied following a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) design and variation measured through M-AMBI and compared with the results of univariate and multivariate analyses of variance, to evaluate the sensitivity of the two methodologies. Results from M-AMBI indicated a sharp change in the ecological quality status, just after one year of the conversion of the plant. By contrast, although changes were detected also utilizing univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, the natural temporal variability characterizing the area partially masked evidence of environmental amelioration

    Non-indigenous polychaetes along the coasts of Italy: a critical review

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    Non-indigenous species (NIS) represent one of the most relevant threats to biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and human activities, and their occurrence and spread have been the subject of numerous works and revisions. However, the information available is rather confused for several taxa, including polychaetes, which are characterised by having a high number of cryptogenic and questionable species. This work aims at providing a revised checklist of alien polychaetes occurring along the coasts of Italy, based on the examination of newly collected and deposited material and on the critical analysis of published and gray literature, and whenever possible on the re-examination of historical material. Of the 86 polychaete species reported as NIS in Italian waters, 25 are confirmed as alien species, while 3 are cryptogenic, and 40 should be considered questionable. Finally, 18 species were excluded from non-indigenous species checklists, either because they are native, or because they represent misidentifications of other species. The high number of cryptogenic and questionable species points at the need of molecular studies and taxonomic revisions for the majority of polychaete taxa reported as NIS, in order to clarify their taxonomy, origin, introduction pathways and spreading patterns

    Consequences of the experimental removal of Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791) from the fouling assemblage of a Mediterranean harbour

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    Filter feeding invertebrates are a relevant component of fouling assemblages with a pivotal role in ecological processes, since they improve water quality, enhance habitat heterogeneity and transfer organic matter from the water column to the benthos. They modulate the availability of resources to other species, with effects on the density and behavior of the surrounding macrofauna. The fanworm Sabella spallanzanii, one of the largest and most abundant Mediterranean filter feeders, provides a shelter for predation and a secondary substrate for algae and settlement for sessile invertebrates. We tested its role in driving the structure of fouling assemblages, through a removal experiment.The experiment was one-year-long, with four sampling times. The effect of the removal on the fouling community was marginal in terms of species richness and evenness, while the biomass showed important differences, with a constant increase over time with higher values in the samples containing S. spallanzanii. At the end of observations, the biomass reached the value of 3917 g DW m-2 in controls and 2073 g DW m-2 in treatments. The empty space left by fanworms was not used by other species with similar biomasses. It is possible that the functioning of fouling communities may, in the event of loss of species, fluctuate in terms of biomass mobilization to different compartments, either towards the pelagic compartment or to the detritus chain. In systems with reduced water turnover, this by-pass can have important consequences in terms of stability and ecological balance

    . Ecological role and phylogenetic position of a new habitat-forming species (Canalipalpata, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean mesophotic soft-bottoms

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    This study presents a description of Bispira riccardi sp. nov., a new habitat-forming sabellid polychaete from the mesophotic NW Mediterranean Sea. Individuals, up to 20 cm long, show a peculiar morphology of radioles, thoracic uncini, companion chaetae and ventral shield of the collar. The phylogenetic position of this new taxon in the genus Bispira has been validated using nuclear (18S rRNA) and mitochondrial (COI) markers. Aggregations of B. riccardi sp. nov. were found by ROV on horizontal muddy bottoms between 56 and 85 m, in areas subjected to high trophic inputs. Patches are fragmented and dense (up to 943 individuals m 2) probably accounting for various hectares. A 5-days continuous monitoring, carried out using an autonomous lander, revealed that the contraction of the branchial crown was positively affected by temperature and current, rapidly responding to meteorological events. The filtering activity and high density of these fields suggest a considerable impact on the pelagic-benthic coupling and the amount of organic matter in the sediments. Indeed, meiofaunal abundance and diversity within the aggregations resulted significantly higher than in outer stations. These findings highlight the undisclosed potential of the deep Mediterranean Sea for sabellid diversity and their importance as habitat-forming species on mesophotic soft bottoms

    Open Day presso l’INAF IASF di Milano Report delle prime tre edizioni (2019, 2020, 2022)

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    Nel 2019, l’Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica cosmica di Milano (IASF), una delle due sedi di Milano dell’INAF (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica), ha inaugurato il proprio Open Day, una giornata dedicata agli studenti universitari. Il personale dello IASF ha aperto le porte agli studenti interessati a svolgere un progetto di ricerca presso la propria sede o, in generale, a scoprire una realtà professionale dedicata allo studio dell’Universo. Gli incontri si sono divisi in due parti: nella prima sono stati presentati l’Istituto, la sua storia, le attività di ricerca in corso e le Tesi a disposizione (triennali e magistrali), mentre nella seconda si è aperta una discussione libera tra i presenti durante una merenda offerta dallo IASF-Milano. Le tre edizioni svolte finora (2019, 2020 e 2022) hanno visto una buona partecipazione (circa 25-40 presenze all’anno) e hanno permesso di avvicinare ulteriormente lo IASF-Milano alle Università del territorio, dando ai partecipanti una percezione di disponibilità e accessibilità della ricerca e del personale dello IASF. Dopo una pausa dovuta alla pandemia (anno 2021), lo IASF-Milano ha riaperto le porte nel 2022 in quella che ci auguriamo possa diventare una lunga tradizione

    Off-label long acting injectable antipsychotics in real-world clinical practice: a cross-sectional analysis of prescriptive patterns from the STAR Network DEPOT study

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    Introduction Information on the off-label use of Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) antipsychotics in the real world is lacking. In this study, we aimed to identify the sociodemographic and clinical features of patients treated with on- vs off-label LAIs and predictors of off-label First- or Second-Generation Antipsychotic (FGA vs. SGA) LAI choice in everyday clinical practice. Method In a naturalistic national cohort of 449 patients who initiated LAI treatment in the STAR Network Depot Study, two groups were identified based on off- or on-label prescriptions. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to test several clinically relevant variables and identify those associated with the choice of FGA vs SGA prescription in the off-label group. Results SGA LAIs were more commonly prescribed in everyday practice, without significant differences in their on- and off-label use. Approximately 1 in 4 patients received an off-label prescription. In the off-label group, the most frequent diagnoses were bipolar disorder (67.5%) or any personality disorder (23.7%). FGA vs SGA LAI choice was significantly associated with BPRS thought disorder (OR = 1.22, CI95% 1.04 to 1.43, p = 0.015) and hostility/suspiciousness (OR = 0.83, CI95% 0.71 to 0.97, p = 0.017) dimensions. The likelihood of receiving an SGA LAI grew steadily with the increase of the BPRS thought disturbance score. Conversely, a preference towards prescribing an FGA was observed with higher scores at the BPRS hostility/suspiciousness subscale. Conclusion Our study is the first to identify predictors of FGA vs SGA choice in patients treated with off-label LAI antipsychotics. Demographic characteristics, i.e. age, sex, and substance/alcohol use co-morbidities did not appear to influence the choice towards FGAs or SGAs. Despite a lack of evidence, clinicians tend to favour FGA over SGA LAIs in bipolar or personality disorder patients with relevant hostility. Further research is needed to evaluate treatment adherence and clinical effectiveness of these prescriptive patterns

    The Role of Attitudes Toward Medication and Treatment Adherence in the Clinical Response to LAIs: Findings From the STAR Network Depot Study

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    Background: Long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics are efficacious in managing psychotic symptoms in people affected by severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The present study aimed to investigate whether attitude toward treatment and treatment adherence represent predictors of symptoms changes over time. Methods: The STAR Network \u201cDepot Study\u201d was a naturalistic, multicenter, observational, prospective study that enrolled people initiating a LAI without restrictions on diagnosis, clinical severity or setting. Participants from 32 Italian centers were assessed at three time points: baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up. Psychopathological symptoms, attitude toward medication and treatment adherence were measured using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Drug Attitude Inventory (DAI-10) and the Kemp's 7-point scale, respectively. Linear mixed-effects models were used to evaluate whether attitude toward medication and treatment adherence independently predicted symptoms changes over time. Analyses were conducted on the overall sample and then stratified according to the baseline severity (BPRS < 41 or BPRS 65 41). Results: We included 461 participants of which 276 were males. The majority of participants had received a primary diagnosis of a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (71.80%) and initiated a treatment with a second-generation LAI (69.63%). BPRS, DAI-10, and Kemp's scale scores improved over time. Six linear regressions\u2014conducted considering the outcome and predictors at baseline, 6-month, and 12-month follow-up independently\u2014showed that both DAI-10 and Kemp's scale negatively associated with BPRS scores at the three considered time points. Linear mixed-effects models conducted on the overall sample did not show any significant association between attitude toward medication or treatment adherence and changes in psychiatric symptoms over time. However, after stratification according to baseline severity, we found that both DAI-10 and Kemp's scale negatively predicted changes in BPRS scores at 12-month follow-up regardless of baseline severity. The association at 6-month follow-up was confirmed only in the group with moderate or severe symptoms at baseline. Conclusion: Our findings corroborate the importance of improving the quality of relationship between clinicians and patients. Shared decision making and thorough discussions about benefits and side effects may improve the outcome in patients with severe mental disorders

    Settlement and population dynamics of the alien invasive Branchiomma bairdi (Annelida: Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea: two years of observations in the Gulf of Taranto (Italy)

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    Since the first discovery along the Italian coasts in 2004 of the polychaete Branchiomma bairdi, it has spread very quickly, reaching some localities in very high densities. In order to monitor its colonization, recruitment was investigated by means of PVC panels immersed in the Mar Grande of Taranto (Ionian Sea). Panels were monitored every three months from April 2013 to January 2015. The species showed the ability to settle on bare panels as well as on panels with a developed fouling community. Two years of monitoring identified two different cohorts, with recruits appearing in both years on panels submersed from July to October. Based on these observations B. bairdi is a short-lived species (no more than one year), reproducing at a temperature ranging from 20 to 29°C and reaching sexual maturity three months after recruitment. Oocytes were found in the coelom only in the warmest months and oogenesis was not synchronous either within each individual or within the population. Total annual secondary production was estimated at 43.42 g m−2 year−1. Annual mean biomass was 20.03 g m−2. The corresponding P/B ratio was 2.1678. This study may explain the invasiveness of B. bairdi; indeed, a rapid generation turnover coupled with a short lifespan, rapid growth and early maturity are common traits in most invasive species

    Atypical reproduction in a syllid worm: the stolon of Syllis rosea (Annelida, Syllidae) takes care of its offspring

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    The family Syllidae, aside from representing the most species-rich family in Annelida, is characterized by a number of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies. With the exception of a few viviparous species, the subfamily Syllinae is characterized by schizogamous reproduction with pelagic larval stages and without parental care. Laboratory rearing of ripe specimens of Syllis rosea showed a different reproductive strategy, hitherto unknown in this subfamily. While male stolons rapidly degenerated after fertilization, female ones released large eggs in a gelatinous cluster attached to the middle-posterior chaetigers. The gel mass progressively compacted as a cocoon wrapped by the stolon body; 7 days after the deposition the larvae hatched out from the cocoon at the metatrochophore stage and the female stolon died after a few days. After hatching the larvae remained associated to the stolon, and young specimens of S. rosea survived up to the 3-chaetiger stage. Until now cocoon brooding by the stolon has only been reported for some Autolytinae. The production of gelatinous egg masses and parental care are known in basally branching clades within Syllidae, suggesting that this reproduction mode might retain some ancestral features. The scarce knowledge about reproductive cycles in Syllinae does not allow clarification whether this strategy is unique for S. rosea, or it occurs in other congeneric species. Further research is needed to understand possible relationships between sexual reproduction and phylogeny, stolon morphology and its adaptation to parental care, and ultimately between reproductive strategies and ecology