3,415 research outputs found

    Matter Mixing in Aspherical Core-collapse Supernovae: Three-dimensional Simulations with Single Star and Binary Merger Progenitor Models for SN 1987A

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    We perform three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of aspherical core-collapse supernovae focusing on the matter mixing in SN 1987A. The impacts of four progenitor (pre-supernova) models and parameterized aspherical explosions are investigated. The four pre-supernova models include a blue supergiant (BSG) model based on a slow merger scenario developed recently for the progenitor of SN 1987A (Urushibata et al. 2018). The others are a BSG model based on a single star evolution and two red supergiant (RSG) models. Among the investigated explosion (simulation) models, a model with the binary merger progenitor model and with an asymmetric bipolar-like explosion, which invokes a jetlike explosion, best reproduces constraints on the mass of high velocity 56^{56}Ni, as inferred from the observed [Fe II] line profiles. The advantage of the binary merger progenitor model for the matter mixing is the flat and less extended ρr3\rho \,r^3 profile of the C+O core and the helium layer, which may be characterized by the small helium core mass. From the best explosion model, the direction of the bipolar explosion axis (the strongest explosion direction), the neutron star (NS) kick velocity, and its direction are predicted. Other related implications and future prospects are also given

    Distribution of parallel vortices studied by spin-polarized neutron reflectivity and magnetization

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    We present the studies of non-uniformly distributed vortices in Nb/Al multilayers at applied field near parallel to film surface by using spin-polarized neutron reflectivity (SPNR) and DC magnetization measurements. We have observed peaks above the lower critical field, Hc1, in the M-H curves from the multilayers. Previous works with a model calculation of minimizing Gibbs free energy have suggested that the peaks could be ascribed to vortex line transitions for spatial commensuration in a thin film superconductor. In order to directly determine the distribution of vortices, we performed SPNR measurements on the multilayer and found that the distribution and density of vortices are different at ascending and descending fields. At ascending 2000 Oe which is just below the first peak in the M-H curve, SPNR shows that vortices are mostly localized near a middle line of the film meanwhile the vortices are distributed in broader region at the descending 2000 Oe. That is related to the observation of more vortices trapped at the descending field. As the applied field is sightly tilted (< 3.5degree), we observe another peak at a smaller field. The peak position is consistent with the parallel lower critical field (Hc1||). We discuss that the vortices run along the applied field below Hc1|| and rotate parallel to the surface at Hc1||.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    The extraordinary Hall effect in coherent epitaxial tau (Mn,Ni)Al thin films on GaAs

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    Ultrathin coherent epitaxial films of ferromagnetic tau(Mn,Ni)0.60Al0.40 have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs substrates. X-ray scattering and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy measurements confirm that the c axis of the tetragonal tau unit cell is aligned normal to the (001) GaAs substrate. Measurements of the extraordinary Hall effect (EHE) show that the films are perpendicularly magnetized, exhibiting EHE resistivities saturating in the range of 3.3-7.1 muOMEGA-cm at room temperature. These values of EHE resistivity correspond to signals as large as +7 and -7 mV for the two magnetic states of the film with a measurement current of 1 mA. Switching between the two magnetic states is found to occur at distinct field values that depend on the previously applied maximum field. These observations suggest that the films are magnetically uniform. As such, tau(Mn,Ni)Al films may be an excellent medium for high-density storage of binary information

    Radiative accretion shocks along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields in classical T Tauri stars

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    (abridged) AIMS. We investigate the dynamics and stability of post-shock plasma streaming along nonuniform stellar magnetic fields at the impact region of accretion columns. We study how the magnetic field configuration and strength determine the structure, geometry, and location of the shock-heated plasma. METHODS. We model the impact of an accretion stream onto the chromosphere of a CTTS by 2D axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic simulations. Our model takes into account the gravity, the radiative cooling, and the magnetic-field-oriented thermal conduction. RESULTS. The structure, stability, and location of the shocked plasma strongly depend on the configuration and strength of the magnetic field. For weak magnetic fields, a large component of B may develop perpendicular to the stream at the base of the accretion column, limiting the sinking of the shocked plasma into the chromosphere. An envelope of dense and cold chromospheric material may also develop around the shocked column. For strong magnetic fields, the field configuration determines the position of the shock and its stand-off height. If the field is strongly tapered close to the chromosphere, an oblique shock may form well above the stellar surface. In general, a nonuniform magnetic field makes the distribution of emission measure vs. temperature of the shocked plasma lower than in the case of uniform magnetic field. CONCLUSIONS. The initial strength and configuration of the magnetic field in the impact region of the stream are expected to influence the chromospheric absorption and, therefore, the observability of the shock-heated plasma in the X-ray band. The field strength and configuration influence also the energy balance of the shocked plasma, its emission measure at T > 1 MK being lower than expected for a uniform field. The above effects contribute in underestimating the mass accretion rates derived in the X-ray band.Comment: 11 pages, 11 Figures; accepted for publication on A&A. Version with full resolution images can be found at http://www.astropa.unipa.it/~orlando/PREPRINTS/sorlando_accretion_shocks.pd

    Random Matrix Theory and Fund of Funds Portfolio Optimisation

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    The proprietary nature of Hedge Fund investing means that it is common practise for managers to release minimal information about their returns. The construction of a Fund of Hedge Funds portfolio requires a correlation matrix which often has to be estimated using a relatively small sample of monthly returns data which induces noise. In this paper random matrix theory (RMT) is applied to a cross-correlation matrix C, constructed using hedge fund returns data. The analysis reveals a number of eigenvalues that deviate from the spectrum suggested by RMT. The components of the deviating eigenvectors are found to correspond to distinct groups of strategies that are applied by hedge fund managers. The Inverse Participation ratio is used to quantify the number of components that participate in each eigenvector. Finally, the correlation matrix is cleaned by separating the noisy part from the non-noisy part of C. This technique is found to greatly reduce the difference between the predicted and realised risk of a portfolio, leading to an improved risk profile for a fund of hedge funds.Comment: 17 Page

    Temperature and orientation dependence of kinetic roughening during homoepitaxy: A quantitative x-ray-scattering study of Ag

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    URL:http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.54.17938 DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.54.17938Kinetic roughening during homoepitaxial growth was studied for Ag(111) and Ag(001). For Ag(111), from 150 to 500 K, the rms roughness exhibits a power law, σ∝tβ over nearly three decades in thickness. β≈1/2 at low temperatures, and there is an abrupt transition to smaller values above 300 K. In contrast, Ag(001) exhibits layer-by-layer growth with a significantly smaller β. These results are the first to establish the evolution of surface roughness quantitatively for a broad thickness and temperature range, as well as for the case where growth kinetics are dominated by a step-ledge diffusion barrier.Support is acknowledged from the University of Missouri Research Board, the NSF under Contract Nos. DMR-9202528 and DMR-9623827, and the Midwest Superconductivity Consortium ~MISCON! under DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-90ER45427. The SUNY X3 beamline is supported by the DOE under Contract No. DE-FG02-86ER45231, and the NSLS is supported by the DOE, Div. of Materials Sciences and Div. of Chemical Sciences. One of us ~W.C.E.! acknowledges support from the GAANN program of the U.S. Department of Education. We thank Ian Robinson for the Ag~111! crystal

    Association between serum Mg2+ concentrations and cardiovascular organ damage in a cohort of adult subjects

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    Magnesium (Mg2+) levels are associated with insulin resistance, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes (T2DM). We evaluated the clinical utility of physiological Mg2+ in assessing subclinical cardiovascular organ damage including increased carotid artery intima-media thickness (c-IMT) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) in a cohort of well-characterized adult non-diabetic individuals. Age-and gender-adjusted correlations between Mg2+ and metabolic parameters showed that Mg2+ circulating levels were correlated negatively with body mass index (BMI), fasting glucose, and 2h-oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) glucose. Similarly, Mg2+ levels were significantly and negatively related to c-IMT and LVMI. A multivariate regression analysis revealed that age (β = 0.440; p &lt; 0.0001), BMI (β = 0.225; p &lt; 0.0001), and Mg2+ concentration (β = −0.122; p &lt; 0.01) were independently associated with c-IMT. Age (β = 0.244; p = 0.012), Mg2+ (β = −0.177; p = 0.019), and diastolic blood pressure (β = 0.184; p = 0.038) were significantly associated with LVMI in women, while age (β = 0.211; p = 0.019), Mg2+ (β = −0.171; p = 0.038) and the homeostasis model assessment index of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (β = −0.211; p = 0.041) were the sole variables associated with LVMI in men. In conclusion, our data support the hypothesis that the assessment of Mg2+ as part of the initial work-up might help unravel the presence of subclinical organ damage in subjects at increased risk of cardiovascular complications