143 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the implementation of school zoning policies in high schoolPPDB (New Student Acceptance) in Batam city, evaluate their impact on equal distributionof access to education, and identify challenges faced in its implementation. The researchmethod used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data used in thisstudy were collected from interviews with related parties and collected data from variousreliable sources. The results of the study show that the implementation of the PPDBzoning system in Batam City has had a positive impact in achieving equal access toeducation by prioritizing students from each school zone. However, this research alsoidentified several challenges, such as adaptation to various local conditions and theimportance of active community involvement in implementing this policy. This researchcontributes to understanding the implementation of the PPDB policy with the zoningsystem in Batam City and provides recommendations for policy improvement and furtherdevelopment in order to achieve equal and fair access to education for all students inBatam cityThis study aims to analyze the implementation of school zoning policies in high school PPDB (New Student Acceptance) in Batam city, evaluate their impact on equal distribution of access to education, and identify challenges faced in its implementation. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data used in this study were collected from interviews with related parties and collected data from various reliable sources. The results of the study show that the implementation of the PPDB zoning system in Batam City has had a positive impact in achieving equal access to education by prioritizing students from each school zone. However, this research also identified several challenges, such as adaptation to various local conditions and the importance of active community involvement in implementing this policy. This research contributes to understanding the implementation of the PPDB policy with the zoning system in Batam City and provides recommendations for policy improvement and further development in order to achieve equal and fair access to education for all students in Batam city

    Pengaruh Lokasi Produksi Dan Lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Mutu Benih Jahe (Zingiber Officinale L.)

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    Salah satu permasalahan dalam budidaya jahe (Zingiber officinaleL.) adalah masih rendahnya produktivitas dan mutu jahe, yang antara laindisebabkan oleh penggunaan bahan tanaman/benih yang masih asalan/kurang memenuhi persyaratan. Usaha untuk penyediaan benih yangbermutu di antaranya dapat dilakukan dengan penanaman di daerah yangtepat serta menyimpan benih dengan cara yang baik dan benar. Sampaisaat ini informasi mengenai mutu benih jahe dari lokasi produksi(ketinggian tempat, jenis lahan dan jenis tanah) yang berbeda masihterbatas. Oleh karena itu, percobaan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untukmempelajari mutu fisik dan fisiologik benih jahe dari lokasi produksiyang berbeda selama periode penyimpanan. Percobaan dilakukan di daerahsentra produksi jahe di Dusun Cipanas, Desa Werasari, KecamatanBantarujek, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat dari bulan Juli sampaiNovember 2003, dengan menggunakan tiga jenis jahe yaitu: Jahe PutihBesar/JPB (Z. officinale var. officinale), Jahe Putih Kecil /JPK (Z.officinale var. amarum), dan Jahe Merah/JM (Z. officinale var. rubrum).Untuk masing-masing jenis jahe diperlakukan dengan kombinasi lokasiproduksi dan lama penyimpanan. Untuk masing-masing jenis jahepercobaan disusun dalam rancangan petak terbagi (RPT) dengan tigaulangan. Petak utama yaitu asal lokasi produksi benih: (1) Cipanaslingkungan tumbuh dengan tinggi tempat ± 600 m dpl, lahan sawah tadahhujan, tekstur tanah liat berpasir, kemiringan 0-10% dan (2). Cipicunglingkungan tumbuh dengan tinggi tempat ± 800 m dpl, lahan tegalan,tekstur tanah debu berpasir, kemiringan 10-20%. Anak petak yaitu periodepenyimpanan : 0, 1, 2, dan 3 bulan. Parameter yang diamati meliputi kadarair benih, penyusutan bobot benih dan daya tumbuh benih. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk masing-masing jenis jahe (JPB,JPK, dan JM) yang berasal dari Cipanas maupun Cipicung, mempunyaimutu fisik (kadar air dan penyusutan bobot rimpang) tidak nyatadipengaruhi oleh interaksi lokasi produksi dan lama penyimpanan, sertafaktor tunggal lokasi produksi, tetapi nyata dipengaruhi oleh faktortunggal lama penyimpanan Setelah tiga bulan penyimpanan kadar airbenih rimpang dari lokasi produksi Cipanas dan Cipicung untuk JPB masih82,43% dan 80,67%, JPK kadar airnya masih 84,16% dan 81,31%, danJM 69,49% dan 65,88%. Penyusutan bobot rimpang untuk masing-masingjenis jahe dari lokasi produksi Cipanas dan Cipicung sebagai berikut : JPB14,44% dan 14,82% ; JPK 17,84% dan 26,11% ; JM 48,40% dan 37 14%.Daya tumbuh benih setelah 3 bulan penyimpanan untuk masing-masingjenis jahe dari lokasi produksi Cipanas dan Cipicung sebagai berikut : JPB92,00- 93,32%, JPK 85,33- 86,67% dan JM 86,67-89,33%. Kadar airbenih/rimpang jahe menurun, sedangkan penyusutan bobot rimpangmeningkat sejalan dengan lamanya penyimpanan. JPB, JPK dan JM yangberasal dari Cipanas maupun Cipicung dapat disimpan selama tiga bulan,tanpa mengalami penurunan mutu fisik dan fisiologik yang berarti

    Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Setek Berakar Terhadap Pertumbuhan Nilam(pogostemon Cablin Benth)

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    Dalam upaya pengembangan nilam (Pogostemon cablin) di daerahyang jaraknya jauh dari kebun induk, pengadaan benih nilam yang berkua-litas menjadi masalah yang serius, karena bibit akan cepat mengalamipenurunan kualitas selama transportasi. Untuk itu dilaksanakan penelitianyang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama simpan setek berakarnilam terhadap pertumbuhan. Percobaan dilaksanakan di rumah kaca BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (Balittro) dari bulan April –Agustus 2004. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan petak terbagi (RPT)dengan 3 ulangan. Petak utama (main plot) adalah 2 jenis setek nilamyaitu: (1) setek berdaun dan (2) setek tidak berdaun. Anak petak (sub plot)adalah lama penyimpanan setek yaitu: (1) setek langsung ditanam(kontrol), (2) setek disimpan 1 hari, (3) setek disimpan 3 hari, (4)setekdisimpan 5 hari dan, (5) setek disimpan 7 hari. Pengamatan dilakukansejak tanaman berumur 2 minggu sampai tanaman berumur 8 minggu.Parameter yang diamati meliputi pertumbuhan tanaman (tinggi, jumlahdaun dan jumlah tunas), bobot kering (batang, daun, akar). Hasil perco-baan menunjukkan bahwa persentase hidup setek nilam berakar (setekberdaun dan setek tidak berdaun) masih 100% setelah disimpan selama 7hari. Hampir dari seluruh parameter pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, jumlahcabang, jumlah daun) yang diamati menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhanbibit setek berdaun lebih baik dibandingkan dengan setek yang tidakberdaun

    Pengaruh Umur Panen Terhadap Viabilitas Benih Serta Hubungannya Dengan Produksi Terna Sambiloto (Andrographis Paniculata Nees

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    The influence of harvesting time on the seed viability andthe relationship with herb yield of king bitter(Andrographis paniculata Nees)One of the main factors influencing the viability of king bitter(Andrographis paniculata Nees) is appropriate harvesting time. Based onthis problem a research was conducted to study the relationship betweenseed maturity and seed viability, and herb yield of king bitter. The researchwas conducted at Cimanggu Experimental Station and in the laboratory ofIndonesian Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Research Institute (IMACRI)from March 2005 to March 2006. The experiment was arranged in arandomized block design with 10 seed maturity stages and 4 replications.Maturity seed tested was 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 daysafter anthesis. The observations were made on seed quality (percentage ofseed germination, and rate of seed germination), plant growth (plantheight, number of branches) and herb yield (fresh herb weight, leaf dryweight, and stem dry weight). The results of experiment indicated that (1)seed maturity affected seed germination, and rate of seed germination ofking bitter; the highest seed germination and germination rate wereachieved by seeds harvested at 21 and 22 days after anthesis, (2) stage ofseed harvesting affected on the plant height and number of branches at 1month after planting. The highest plant height and number of brancheswere found on the treatments of seeds harvested at 26 and 27 days afteranthesis, they were 39.63 and 36.58 cm and 16.71 and 16.61; (3) seedmaturity also affected herb production, such as wet weight of plants, dryweight of leaf and dry weight of steam at 3 moths after planting. Wetweight of plant, dry weight of leaf and dry weight of stem were achievedat the treatments of seeds harvested at 27 days after anthesis, they were291.25, 28.27 and 28.86 g. The lowest of wet of plant weight, dry weightof leaf and dry weight of stem were found on the seeds harvested at 18days after anthesis. They were 217.09, 22.10 and 20.24 g. Moreover, thestage of harvesting did not influence the number of branches at 3 monthsafter planting

    Mahasiswa Pengguna Media Sosial (Studi Tentang Fungsi Media Sosial Bagi Mahasiswa Fisip Ur)

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    This study entitled University Students as Social Media Users (A Study on The Social Media Function for Students of Social and Political Sciences Faculty, Riau University). This study interested to conduct this topic because of the phenomenon of social media usage arround the writer. Afterwards, this study wanted to find out what the most popular social media in Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Riau University. It related to the reason in choosing the social media for university students.To find out the result of this study, the writer used data collect technique by using observation, and questionnaire. The way how the writer took the sample or respondent is quota sampling technique. In determining quota sampling as many as 10 people for each International Relationship, Public Administration, Bussiness Administration, and Tourism major. Then as many as 15 people for each Sciences of Government, Communication, and Sociology. So that, gets the total respondent was 85 people. The method used is descriptive quantitative.The result of this study showed that the most popular social media for university students of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences was instagram. Because they tended to keep abreast of the times and easier to use than other kind of social media. Whereas besides the function of social media was forming cybercommunity, for university students the function of social media was the source of information and entertain. The result of this study is expected to be able to provide and overview to all those who need information about University Students as Social Media Users.Keywords : University Students, User, Social Medi


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    Tujuan Stunting merupakan suatu keadaan yang menggambarkan status gizi kurang yang bersifat kronik pada masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang nampak setelah bayi berusia 2 tahun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor resiko kejadian stunting di Nagari Ganggo Hilia Kabupaten Pasaman, Provinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 2020. Metode Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah balita usia 24-59 bulan di Nagari Ganggo Hilia Kabupaten Pasaman. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 82 balita. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Analisis data yg dilakukan adalah analisis univariat, analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square dan analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan variabel yang berhubungan dengan stunting adalah asupan energi (p value = 0,000), asupan protein (p value = 0,000 ), pemberian ASI (p value = 0,002), riwayat penyakit infeksi (p value = 0,036), dan ketahanan pangan (p value = 0,029). Variabel yang tidak berhubungan dengan stunting adalah hygiene (p value = 0,088), dan sanitasi (p value = 0,190). Faktor dominan dalam kejadian stunting adalah asupan energi OR = 10,19. Kesimpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan stunting adalah asupan energi, asupan protein, pemberian ASI, dan ketahanan pangan pada anak usia 24 – 59 bulan di Nagari Ganggo Hilia, Kabupaten Pasaman, Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Daftar Pustaka : 85 (1998-2020) Kata Kunci : stunting, asupan energi, asupan protein, pemberian ASI, ketahanan pangan ABSTRACT Objective Stunting is a condition that describes a chronic undernutrition status during the growth and development period that appears after the baby is 2 years old. The objective of the study were to find out risk factors of stunting in Nagari Ganggo Hilia, Pasaman regency, West Sumatera in 2020. Method The method used in this research was quantitative based cross sectional design. the population research was children aged 24-59 months in Nagari Ganggo Hilia, Pasaman. the samples were 82 children. samples which were selected using stratified random sampling technique. data analysis used in this research were univariate analysis, bivariate analysis by chi-square test and multivariat analysis by logistic regression test. Results The result of bivariate analysis showed that the variables related to stunting was energy intake (p value = 0,000), protein intake (p value = 0,000 ), breastfeeding (p value = 0,002), disease infection history (p value = 0,036), dan household food security (p value = 0,029). Meanwhile unrelated variables were hygiene (p value = 0,088), and sanitation (p value = 0,190). The dominant factor in the incidence of stunting is energy intake OR = 10,19. Conclusion Based on the result of the research it was found that the variables associated with stunting were energy intake, protein intake, breasfeeding and household food security on children 24 – 59 months in Nagari Ganggo Hilia, Pasaman regency, West Sumatera. References : 85 (1998-2020) Keyword : Stunting, energy intake, protein intake, breastfeeding, household food securit

    Prediksi Modulus Elastisitas Batuan Utuh dan Modulus Deformasi Massa Batuan dari Kurva Perilaku Konstitutif

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi nilai modulus elastisitas batuan utuh dan modulus deformasi massa batuan. Pemboran inti pada batulempung di kedalaman 35, 42, dan 60 meter serta batubara di kedalaman 164 dan 181 meter telah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan contoh batu berbentuk silinder. Kemudian gaya diukur dan perpindahan titik diamati selama contoh diuji kuat tekan uniaksial. Selanjutnya regangan dan tegangan dihitung untuk membangun kurva perilaku konstitutif. Modulus elastisitas batuan utuh diprediksi dari Modulus Young Rata-rata karena tipe kurva tegangan-regangan contoh batubara dan batulempung yang diuji termasuk fase elastik pendek. Modulus deformasi massa batuan diprediksi dari Modulus Young Sekan yang diukur dari tegangan nol sampai lima puluh persen dari tegangan puncak. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Modulus Young contoh batubara 0.30 dan 0.44 GigaPascal (GPa), sedangkan contoh batulempung 3.92, 4.14, dan 4.28 GPa. Modulus deformasi massa batuan batubara  diprediksi 0.11 dan 0.35 GPa, sedangkan modulus deformasi massa batuan batulempung diprediksi 2.40, 3.86, dan 4.46 GPa. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa batuan sedimen di Formasi Tanjung Kalimantan Selatan memiliki karakteristik modulus deformasi massa batuan yang 20-63% kurang dari modulus elastisitas batuan utuh. Mengingat studi mengenai topik tersebut masih terbatas jumlahnya, data empiris yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini sangat berharga untuk berbagai kepentingan di bidang mekanika batuan. Contoh terapannya yaitu modulus deformasi massa batuan sebagai parameter masukan pada analisis tegangan-regangan di sekitar bukaan tambang bawah tanah menggunakan permodelan numerik, penilaian kondisi tegangan insitu dan distribusi tegangan terinduksi melalui pemantauan pergerakan massa batuan, atau perhitungan energi regangan dari ledakan batuan (rock bursts)

    Keefektifan Metode Bilingual Intensif untuk Kemampuan Membaca dan Menulis pada Pendidikan Keaksaraan Masyarakat Samin Blora

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    This research aimed to know if in Samin community reading and writing skills of literacy education participants taught with intensive bilingual method are better than those taught with SAS method. The research conducted in Tanduran Village Blora Regency in 2010, involved 40 research subjects comprising 20 subjects for experimental group with intensive bilingual method and 20 subjects with SAS method for controlling group. The data obtained were analyzed in two stages i.e. in the preliminary analysis and in hypothesis testing. The result of the research indicates, the reading and writing skills of literacy education participants in Samin community taught with intensive bilingual method are better than those taught wit SAS method

    Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Pada Pasien Paska Operasi Pemasangan Plate And Screw Pada Frakture Antebrachii 1/3 Proximal

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    Background: Bone fracture is a break continuitas. Antebrachii fracture is a fracture in the forearm radius and ulna. Divided into three parts, namely the proxsimal fracture, medial and distal from the corpus of the bone. Conditions can be given actions fracture with conservative and operative technique, conservative techniques typically use a cast while operatis action is usually performed by ORIF (Open Reduction Internal Fixation). This condition will usually cause pain, edema, limitation of LGS, decreased muscle strength and functional ability. Objective: To determine the benefits of exercise therapy with static contraction technique, free aktive exercise and passive exercise in reducing pain, decreasing edema, increase LGS, increase muscle strength and improve activities. Results: From the results it can be concluded therapy to decrease pain VDS of T1 to T4 can be seen, tenderness T1: 6 to T4: 5, pain motion T1: 6 to T4: 5, painful silence T1: 1 to T4: 0. Decrease edema, 5 cm above the left side T1: 27 cm to T4: 26, 5 cm down the left side T1: 26 to T4: 25. Increased LGS with goneometer with the results, actively T1: S (0-0-40), became T4: S (0-0-45), passively T1: S (0-0-45) into T4: S (2 -0-50). Increased muscle strength with MMT showed, elbow flexors T1: 3 to T4: 4, extensor elbow T1: 3 to T4: 4, pronator T1: 3 to T4: 4 and supinator T1: 3 to T4: 4. Conclusion: Therapeutic exercise in the form of static contraction, free aktive exercise and passive exercise can reduce edema, pain LGS boost, increase muscle strength and improve functional ability
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