50 research outputs found

    Biología reproductiva y desarrollo embrionario de Squalus blainvillei en el este del mar Mediterráneo

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    A total number of 526 Squalus blainvillei was sampled from the bottom trawl and bottom longline catches in the eastern Mediterranean Sea from December 2004 to December 2009. Females outnumbered males and the overall sex ratio was 1.26:1. Females ranged from 182 to 779 mm in total length and males from 180 to 799 mm. Both females and males showed allometric growth (b > 3) and we found statistically significant differences in the relationship between length and weight. Out of the specimens examined, 36% of females and 63% of males were sexually mature. Males reached sexual maturity at smaller sizes than females. The smallest sexually mature female was 523 mm in total length, while the smallest sexually mature male was 425 mm in total length. Mean length at 50% maturity was estimated at 564.4 mm for females and 457.7 mm for males. Sexually mature specimens of both sexes with mature gonads and high GSI were present in high proportions in every season of the year, which indicates a continuous reproductive cycle. Ovarian oocytes continued to develop throughout gestation. Females carrying near-term embryos had large, equally developed ovarian oocytes, which suggests that they ovulate soon after parturition. Ovarian fecundity ranged from 1 to 7 and uterine fecundity ranged from 1 to 6. Embryo length and yolk sac weight were negatively correlated.Un total de 526 Squalus blainvillei procedentes de pescas de arrastre de fondo y palangres de fondo se muestrearon en el este del Mar Mediterráneo, desde diciembre de 2004 hasta diciembre de 2009. Las hembras excedieron en número a los machos y el cociente de sexos fue 1.26:1. Las hembras midieron entre 182 y 779 mm de longitud total y los machos de 180 a 799 mm. Tanto machos como hembras mostraron un crecimiento alométrico (b > 3), pero se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la relación talla y peso. De los especímenes examinados, el 36% de las hembras y el 63% de los machos eran sexualmente maduros. Los machos alcanzaron la madurez sexual a tamaños más pequeños que las hem- bras. La hembra sexualmente madura de menor talla tenía una longitud total de 523 mm, mientras que el macho sexualmente maduro más pequeño tenía una longitud total de 425 mm. La talla media al 50% de madurez, se estimó en 564.4 mm para las hembras y en 457.7 mm para los machos. Los especímenes de ambos sexos sexualmente maduros, con gónadas maduras y alto GSI estuvieron presentes en elevadas proporciones en todas las estaciones del año, indicando un ciclo reproductivo continuo. Los oocitos ováricos continuaron desarrollándose durante la gestación. Las hembras que llevaban embriones desarrollados tenían grandes oocitos ováricos igualmente desarrollados, lo que hace pensar que ovulan pronto después del parto. La fecundidad ovárica varió de 1 a 7 y la fecundidad uterina de 1 a 6. La longitud de los embriones y el peso del saco vitelino estuvieron correlacionados negativamente

    Estimación de la edad del bonito del Atlántico en el Mediterráneo Este usando las espinas dorsales y validación del método

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    Growth parameters were studied in 397 specimens of the Atlantic bonito caught in the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Aegean and Ionian Seas) ranging from 7.2 to 72.5 cm in fork length and from 2 to 5400 g in total weight. The study of the growth bands in spine sections showed that one translucent ring is formed annually during the cold season. The growth parameters estimated (L∞ = 82.99 cm, K = 0.24, t0 = -0.77) express the growth of the species more realistically than previous studies in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.Se estudiaron los parámetros de crecimiento en 397 especimenes de bonito del Atlántico capturados en el Mediterráneo Este (mares Egeo y Jónico) entre 7.2 y 72.5 cm de longitud total y de 2 a 5400 g de peso total. El estudio de las bandas de crecimiento en secciones de espinas mostró que anualmente, durante la estación fría, se forma un anillo translucido. Los parámetros de crecimiento estimados (L∞ = 82.99 cm, K = 0.24, t0 = -0.77) expresan el crecimiento de la especie de manera más realista que en previos estudios en el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico

    Starost, rast i morfometrija otolita palamide (Sarda sarda Block, 1793) iz istočnog Sredozemnog mora

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    The otoliths of the Atlantic bonito, Sarda sarda (Bloch, 1793), were examined with the aim to estimate the age and growth of the species in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and to reveal possible relationships between otolith shape or size and age. All specimens used in this study, ranging from 7.2 to 70.4 cm in fork length and from 20 to 4889 g in total weight, were caught in the Aegean and Ionian Seas during the period 1997-2010. Otolith morphometry was studied using image analysis techniques for all intact sagittae ranging in weight from 0.6 to 11.3 mg and four shape indices were calculated. No statistical significant differences between left and right otolith morphometric variables were found. The age of fish was estimated by counting the pairs of opaque and translucent bands in transversal thin sections of otoliths. The estimated ages ranged from 0+ to 7 years and the von Bertalanffy growth parameters were determined ((L∞=79.9 cm, k=0.261 and to=-1.230 years)). The examination of the type of growth bands at the outside margin of each otolith per month showed that one translucent band is formed annually during the cold season. The results revealed statistically significant relationships between otolith morphometric variables and fish length or age. Among the variables, otolith weight was the one that showed the highest correlation with age (R=0.77). Therefore, otolith weight could represent a valuable criterion for age estimation in Atlantic bonito that is objective, economic and easy to perform compared to annuli counting method in hard parts.Kako bi se odredila starost i rast palamide Sarda sarda (BLOCH, 1793), koja obitava u Sredozemnom moru, analizirani su njeni otoliti. Isto tako se analizom morfometrijskih parametara otolita palamide pokušala utvrditi korelacija između oblika samog otolita i očitane starosti. Vilična dužina i masa svih analiziranih jedinki palamide, koje su prikupljene na području Jonskog i Egejskog mora u razdoblju od 1997. god. do 2010. god., kretala se u rasponu od 7.2 cm do 70.4 cm odnosno od 20 g do 4889 g. Morfometrijske značajke neoštećenih otolita, čija masa je bila od 0,6 mg do 11,3 mg, su definirane preko četiri parametra oblika istih. Nije utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna razlika između lijevog i desnog otolita. Starost palamide, dobivena očitavanjem i brojanjem zona prirasta na otolitu, istraživanih jedinki je kolebala od 0+ do 7 godina starosti te su definirani von Bertalanffy parametri rasta ((L∞=79.9 cm, k=0.261 i t_o =-1.230 god.)). Analizirajući zone prirasta na otolitu uočeno je da tijekom jedne godine nastaje jedan hijalini (proziran) prsten i to u hladnijem dijelu godine. Utvrđena je statistički značajna korelacija između morfometrijskih parametara otolita i dužine ribe kao i starosti. Osobito značajna korelacija (R=0,77) je uočena između mase otolita i dužine istraživane jedinke, što upućuje na to da bi se u budućnosti navedeni parametar – masa otolita, mogla koristiti kao indikator starosti s obzirom da se radi o metodi koja bi u svakom slučaju bila dosta ekonomičnija i jednostavnija

    Reproductive biology and embryonic development of <i>Squalus blainvillei</i> in the eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    A total number of 526 Squalus blainvillei was sampled from the bottom trawl and bottom longline catches in the eastern Mediterranean Sea from December 2004 to December 2009. Females outnumbered males and the overall sex ratio was 1.26:1. Females ranged from 182 to 779 mm in total length and males from 180 to 799 mm. Both females and males showed allometric growth (b > 3) and we found statistically significant differences in the relationship between length and weight. Out of the specimens examined, 36% of females and 63% of males were sexually mature. Males reached sexual maturity at smaller sizes than females. The smallest sexually mature female was 523 mm in total length, while the smallest sexually mature male was 425 mm in total length. Mean length at 50% maturity was estimated at 564.4 mm for females and 457.7 mm for males. Sexually mature specimens of both sexes with mature gonads and high GSI were present in high proportions in every season of the year, which indicates a continuous reproductive cycle. Ovarian oocytes continued to develop throughout gestation. Females carrying near-term embryos had large, equally developed ovarian oocytes, which suggests that they ovulate soon after parturition. Ovarian fecundity ranged from 1 to 7 and uterine fecundity ranged from 1 to 6. Embryo length and yolk sac weight were negatively correlated

    Combining selection models and population structures to inform fisheries management: a case study on hake in the Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery

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    The reduction of juvenile catch and discards are important targets in fisheries policy. This work examines how selection models can predict the size structure (LFD) of discards and landings considering the effects of area, time period, gear and fisher behaviour. Additional exploitation indicators related to the gear used, fisher's selection pattern, and discards were also estimated. The approach is demonstrated in a study concerning hake in the Mediterranean trawl fishery, focusing on high (HRA) and low (LRA) recruitment areas in the Saronikos Gulf (Eastern Mediterranean) during two periods (June, September) using two codends (40 mm square-40S, 50 mm diamond-50D mesh). The predicted discards LFDs revealed generally higher percentages in the HRA in June when using the 50D. The predicted landings LFDs showed higher percentages in the LRA in September for both codends, but undersized hake were always included. LFDs and exploitation indicators indicated that both codends were inappropriate for sustainable fishing of hake in the HRA, where 50D performed worse than the 40S. Fishing with both codends in the LRA in September revealed the lowest discards rates and minimum sizes of landings close to MCRS (minimum conservation reference size). These results can provide information to fisheries management aiming to protect juveniles and reduce discards through spatio-temporal fishing closures

    Impacts on biodiversity from codend and fisher selection in bottom trawl fishing

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    Fisheries have important impacts on marine biodiversity. In this work, combined information on the abundance, species richness, diversity indices, species composition, trophic level and vulnerability index were examined for the first-time to detect differences in five units related to trawl fishing: the fish assemblage entering the trawl codend, and the escaping, retained, discarded and landed fractions, derived by the gear and fisher selection practices. The work was based on a case study conducted in the Mediterranean Sea, using three different meshes in the trawl codend (40mm-40D and 50mm-50D diamond meshes, and 40 mm-40S square meshes) and a cover of the codends with small mesh size. In general, trawl fishing produces an escaping fraction that was always lower in abundance, richness, and vulnerability index, similar in diversity indices and trophic level, and different in species composition compared to the fish assemblage entering the codend. In almost all cases, fishers selected as landings a fraction that was the lowest in diversity indices, and the highest in trophic level. In contrast, fishers discarded a fraction that was the highest in diversity and vulnerability index, and the lowest in trophic level. Although the three codends did not differ significantly in the fraction of escapees in terms of diversity indices, trophic level, and vulnerability index, the 40S codend showed a significantly higher percentage in the escaping number of species and individuals, and less differences in the species composition; in addition, lower percentage in abundance of discards and higher of landings in the retained catch (0.6:1) than did the other two codends (0.9:1). It was suggested that an urgent modification of the trawl for the elimination of the discarded highly vulnerable species (e.g. Elasmobranchs) is needed, and that trawl species-selectivity should be improved by allowing escape or avoiding catch of the discarded fraction to minimize biodiversity losses.publishedVersio

    Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of Mediterranean-North Eastern Atlantic blue shark (Prionace glauca, L. 1758) using mitochondrial DNA: Panmixia or complex stock structure?

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    Background The blue shark (Prionace glauca, Linnaeus 1758) is one of the most abundant epipelagic shark inhabiting all the oceans except the poles, including the Mediterranean Sea, but its genetic structure has not been confirmed at basin and interoceanic distances. Past tagging programs in the Atlantic Ocean failed to find evidence of migration of blue sharks between the Mediterranean and the adjacent Atlantic, despite the extreme vagility of the species. Although the high rate of by-catch in the Mediterranean basin, to date no genetic study on Mediterranean blue shark was carried out, which constitutes a significant knowledge gap, considering that this population is classified as “Critically Endangered”, unlike its open-ocean counterpart. Methods Blue shark phylogeography and demography in the Mediterranean Sea and North-Eastern Atlantic Ocean were inferred using two mitochondrial genes (Cytb and control region) amplified from 207 and 170 individuals respectively, collected from six localities across the Mediterranean and two from the North-Eastern Atlantic. Results Although no obvious pattern of geographical differentiation was apparent from the haplotype network, Φst analyses indicated significant genetic structure among four geographical groups. Demographic analyses suggest that these populations have experienced a constant population expansion in the last 0.4–0.1 million of years. Discussion The weak, but significant, differences in Mediterranean and adjacent North-eastern Atlantic blue sharks revealed a complex phylogeographic structure, which appears to reject the assumption of panmixia across the study area, but also supports a certain degree of population connectivity across the Strait of Gibraltar, despite the lack of evidence of migratory movements observed by tagging data. Analyses of spatial genetic structure in relation to sex-ratio and size could indicate some level of sex/stage biased migratory behaviour

    Report of the 2006 ICCAT workshop for bluefin tuna direct ageing

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    This report provides the presentations, discussions and conclusions from the ICCAT bluefin tuna workshop for direct ageing held in Santander, Spain, in April 2006. The report summarizes the ageing criteria used in the past and the agreements on future age determination based on otoliths, vertebrae and spines. Advantages and disadvantages of each calcified structure for ageing and border interpretation were discussed. It was considered that bluefin tuna age interpretation becomes very difficult from age ten onwards using the whole vertebra and the spine sections methods, but this last technique continues to be useful for older ages. Otolith sections can be used for the whole age range. Participants agreed that none of these three structures could be excluded from routine ageing because otoliths are not easily available. Age estimations within the same structure and between different structures of the same specimen were compared for several readers. Better precision was found between spine readers compared to vertebra and otolith readers. Good age agreement was also achieved between readers of spines and vertebrae from the same bluefin for ages less than 12 years. Preliminary results from radiocarbon assays on otoliths were presented at the workshop and gave promising outcomes for bluefin tuna age validation. Also, these suggested that bluefin tuna can live longer than had previously been established and that a review is needed of the currently used asymptotic size and growth rate for both stocks. Another important contribution of the workshop was a manual for age interpretation.Le présent rapport recueille les présentations, discussions et conclusions de l’Atelier de l’ICCAT chargé de la détermination directe de l’âge du thon rouge, tenu à Santander (Espagne) au mois d’avril 2006. Le rapport résume les critères employés par le passé pour interpréter l’âge et les accords pour la détermination future de l’âge à partir des otolithes, vertèbres et épines. L’Atelier a discuté des avantages et des inconvénients de chaque structure calcifiée pour déterminer l’âge et l’interprétation du type de bord. On a abordé la difficulté de l’interprétation de l’âge des thons de plus de 10 ans au moyen de la vertèbre entière et des sections des épines, bien que cette dernière méthode continue d’être utile pour les âges avancés. Les sections d’otolithes peuvent être employées pour toute la gamme d’âges. Les participants ont convenu qu’aucune de ces trois structures ne doit être exclue pour l’interprétation de l’âge parce qu’il n’est pas toujours possible d’obtenir des otolithes. On a comparé les lectures de l’âge à l’intérieur de la même structure et entre différentes structures du même exemplaire pour divers lecteurs. On a obtenu une plus grande précision parmi les lecteurs d’épines que parmi les lecteurs de vertèbres et d’otolithes. On a également obtenu un bon accord entre les lecteurs d’épines et de vertèbres originaires du même exemplaire pour les âges inférieurs à 12 ans. Les résultats préliminaires des essais de radiocarbone dans les otolithes ont été présentés à l’Atelier, offrant de bonnes perspectives pour son utilisation dans la validation de l’âge. Ces résultats indiquent aussi que le thon rouge a une plus grande longévité que ce qui avait été auparavant établi et qu’il est nécessaire de réviser la longueur asymptotique et le taux de croissance actuellement utilisés. L’élaboration d’un manuel aux fins de l’interprétation de l’âge a constitué une autre contribution importante de l’Atelier.Este informe recoge las presentaciones, discusiones y conclusiones del congreso de ICCAT para la determinación directa de la edad de atún rojo, celebrado en Santander, España, en abril de 2006. El informe resume los criterios empleados en el pasado para interpretar la edad y los acuerdos para la determinación futura de la edad a partir de otolitos, vértebras y espinas. Se discutieron las ventajas y los inconvenientes de cada estructura calcificada para determinar la edad y la interpretación del tipo borde. Se planteó la dificultad en la interpretación de la edad de atunes mayores de 10 años utilizando la vértebra entera y las secciones de espinas, no obstante este último método continúa siendo útil para edades mayores. Las secciones de otolitos pueden ser empleadas para todo el rango de edades. Los participantes acordaron que ninguna de estas tres estructuras deben excluirse para la interpretación de la edad porque no siempre es posible obtener los otolitos. Se compararon las lecturas de edad dentro de la misma estructura y entre diferentes estructuras del mismo ejemplar para varios lectores. Se obtuvo una mayor precisión entre lectores de espinas comparada con las obtenidas por los lectores de vértebras y otolitos. También se obtuvo un buen acuerdo entre lectores de espinas y vértebras procedentes del mismo ejemplar para edades menores de 12 años. Los resultados preliminares de las pruebas de radiocarbono en otolitos fueron presentados en el congreso, proporcionando buenas expectativas para su uso en la validación de la edad. Estos resultados también indican que el atún rojo es más longevo de lo que se consideraba y que es necesaria una revisión de la longitud asintótica y de la tasa de crecimiento empleadas actualmente. Otra importante contribución del congreso fue la elaboración de un manual para la interpretación de la edad