144 research outputs found

    Lysine-91 of the tetraheme c-type cytochrome CymA is essential for quinone interaction and arsenate respiration in Shewanella sp. strain ANA-3

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    The tetraheme c-type cytochrome, CymA, is essential for arsenate respiratory reduction in Shewanella sp. ANA-3, a model arsenate reducer. CymA is predicted to mediate electron transfer from quinols to the arsenate respiratory reductase (ArrAB). Here, we present biochemical and physiological evidence that CymA interacts with menaquinol (MQH2) substrates. Fluorescence quench titration with the MQH2 analog, 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HOQNO), was used to demonstrate quinol binding of E. coli cytoplasmic membranes enriched with various forms of CymA. Wild-type CymA bound HOQNO with a Kd of 0.1–1 μM. It was also shown that the redox active MQH2 analog, 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone (DMNH2), could reduce CymA in cytoplasmic membrane preparations. Based on a CymA homology model made from the NrfH tetraheme cytochrome structure, it was predicted that Lys91 would be involved in CymA-quinol interactions. CymA with a K91Q substitution showed little interaction with HOQNO. In addition, DMNH2-dependent reduction of CymA-K91Q was diminished by 45% compared to wild-type CymA. A ΔcymA ANA-3 strain containing a plasmid copy of cymA-K91Q failed to grow with arsenate as an electron acceptor. These results suggest that Lys91 is physiologically important for arsenate respiration and support the hypothesis that CymA interacts with menaquinol resulting in the reduction of the cytochrome

    Second law, entropy production, and reversibility in thermodynamics of information

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    We present a pedagogical review of the fundamental concepts in thermodynamics of information, by focusing on the second law of thermodynamics and the entropy production. Especially, we discuss the relationship among thermodynamic reversibility, logical reversibility, and heat emission in the context of the Landauer principle and clarify that these three concepts are fundamentally distinct to each other. We also discuss thermodynamics of measurement and feedback control by Maxwell's demon. We clarify that the demon and the second law are indeed consistent in the measurement and the feedback processes individually, by including the mutual information to the entropy production.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figures. As a chapter of: G. Snider et al. (eds.), "Energy Limits in Computation: A Review of Landauer's Principle, Theory and Experiments

    Sperm competition and the evolution of sperm design in mammals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The influence of sperm competition upon sperm size has been a controversial issue during the last 20 years which remains unresolved for mammals. The hypothesis that, when ejaculates compete with rival males, an increase in sperm size would make sperm more competitive because it would increase sperm swimming speed, has generated contradictory results from both theoretical and empirical studies. In addition, the debate has extended to which sperm components should increase in size: the midpiece to accommodate more mitochondria and produce more energy to fuel motility, or the principal piece to generate greater propulsion forces.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we examined the influence of sperm competition upon sperm design in mammals using a much larger data set (226 species) than in previous analyses, and we corrected for phylogenetic effects by using a more complete and resolved phylogeny, and more robust phylogenetic control methods. Our results show that, as sperm competition increases, all sperm components increase in an integrated manner and sperm heads become more elongated. The increase in sperm length was found to be associated with enhanced swimming velocity, an adaptive trait under sperm competition.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that sperm competition has played an important role in the evolution of sperm design in mammals, and discuss why previous studies have failed to detect it.</p

    Increasing Clinical Virulence in Two Decades of the Italian HIV Epidemic

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    The recent origin and great evolutionary potential of HIV imply that the virulence of the virus might still be changing, which could greatly affect the future of the pandemic. However, previous studies of time trends of HIV virulence have yielded conflicting results. Here we used an established methodology to assess time trends in the severity (virulence) of untreated HIV infections in a large Italian cohort. We characterized clinical virulence by the decline slope of the CD4 count (n = 1423 patients) and the viral setpoint (n = 785 patients) in untreated patients with sufficient data points. We used linear regression models to detect correlations between the date of diagnosis (ranging 1984–2006) and the virulence markers, controlling for gender, exposure category, age, and CD4 count at entry. The decline slope of the CD4 count and the viral setpoint displayed highly significant correlation with the date of diagnosis pointing in the direction of increasing virulence. A detailed analysis of riskgroups revealed that the epidemics of intravenous drug users started with an apparently less virulent virus, but experienced the strongest trend towards steeper CD4 decline among the major exposure categories. While our study did not allow us to exclude the effect of potential time trends in host factors, our findings are consistent with the hypothesis of increasing HIV virulence. Importantly, the use of an established methodology allowed for a comparison with earlier results, which confirmed that genuine differences exist in the time trends of HIV virulence between different epidemics. We thus conclude that there is not a single global trend of HIV virulence, and results obtained in one epidemic cannot be extrapolated to others. Comparison of discordant patterns between riskgroups and epidemics hints at a converging trend, which might indicate that an optimal level of virulence might exist for the virus

    Options for Decision Makers

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    First paragraph: The Sustainable Development Goals and the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity cannot be achieved without transformative change, the conditions for which can be put in place now (well established) {6.2; chapters 2, 3, 5}. In the short term (before 2030), all decision makers can contribute to the sustainability transformation, including through the rapid and improved deployment of existing policy instruments and new initiatives that more effectively enlist individual and collective action for transformative change, and the reform and removal of harmful existing policies and subsidies (well established). Additional measures are necessary to enable transformative change in the long term (up to 2050) to address the indirect drivers that are the root causes of nature deterioration (well established), including changes in social, economic and technological structures within and across nations {6.2, 6.3, 6.4}.Additional co-authors: Esther Turnhout, Meryl Williams, Ivis Chan, Alvaro Fernandez-Llamazares, Michelle Lim, Saleem Ali, Susan Baker, Andrew Balmford, David N. Barton, Rupert Baumgartner, Timothy Baynes, Abigail Bennett, Brent Bleys, P.M. van Bodegom, Sara Brogaard, Mireille Chiroleu Assouline, Jennifer Clapp, Neil Craik, Maylis Desrousseaux, Rui Ferrero dos Santos, Doris Fuchs, Toby Gardner, Alexandros Gasparatos, Ariane Goetz, Jeroen B. Guinée, David Hall, Duncan Halley, Michael Howard, Caroline Howe, Cynthia Isenhour, Tim Jackson, Katia Karousakis, John Knox, Berit Köhler, Janne S. Kotiaho, William F. Laurance, Elodie Le Gal, Jin Leshan, Nengye Liu, Emanuele Lobina, Derk Loorbach, Martine Maron, Peter May, Timon McPhearson, Marieke Meesters, E. Migoni Alejandre, Daniel Miller, Angus Morrison-Saunders, Lila Nath Sharma, Barbara Norman, Ingeborg Palm Helland, Fabien Quétier, Jake Rice, Irene Ring, Denis Ruysschaert, Ronald Steenblik, William J. Sutherland, Jacqueline Tao, James Watson, Dara Zalesk

    Tissue Doppler Imaging can be useful to distinguish pathological from physiological left ventricular hypertrophy: a study in master athletes and mild hypertensive subjects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transthoracic echocardiography left ventricular wall thickness is often increased in master athletes and it results by intense physical training. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy can also be due to a constant pressure overload. Conventional Pulsed Wave (PW) Doppler analysis of diastolic function sometimes fails to distinguish physiological from pathological LVH.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of Pulsed Wave Tissue Doppler Imaging in differentiating pathological from physiological LVH in the middle-aged population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>we selected a group of 80 master athletes, a group of 80 sedentary subjects with essential hypertension and an apparent normal diastolic function at standard PW Doppler analysis. The two groups were comparable for increased left ventricular wall thickness and mass index (134.4 ± 19.7 vs 134.5 ± 22.1 gr/m2; p > .05). Diastolic function indexes using the PW technique were in the normal range for both.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pulsed Wave TDI study of diastolic function immediately distinguished the two groups. While in master athletes the diastolic TDI-derived parameters remained within normal range (E' 9.4 ± 3.1 cm/sec; E/E' 7.8 ± 2.1), in the hypertensive group these parameters were found to be constantly altered, with mean values and variation ranges always outside normal validated limits (E' 7.2 ± 2.4 cm/sec; E/E' 10.6 ± 3.2), and with E' and E/E' statistically different in the two groups (p < .001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study showed that the TDI technique can be an easy and validated method to assess diastolic function in differentiating normal from pseudonormal diastolic patterns and it can distinguish physiological from pathological LVH emphasizing the eligibility certification required by legal medical legislation as in Italy.</p

    suPAR as a prognostic biomarker in sepsis

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    Sepsis is the clinical syndrome derived from the host response to an infection and severe sepsis is the leading cause of death in critically ill patients. Several biomarkers have been tested for use in diagnosis and prognostication in patients with sepsis. Soluble urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) levels are increased in various infectious diseases, in the blood and also in other tissues. However, the diagnostic value of suPAR in sepsis has not been well defined, especially compared to other more established biomarkers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT). On the other hand, suPAR levels have been shown to predict outcome in various kinds of bacteremia and recent data suggest they may have predictive value, similar to that of severity scores, in critically ill patients. This narrative review provides a descriptive overview of the clinical value of this biomarker in the diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic guidance of sepsis

    Sexual Selection Halts the Relaxation of Protamine 2 among Rodents

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    Sexual selection has been proposed as the driving force promoting the rapid evolutionary changes observed in some reproductive genes including protamines. We test this hypothesis in a group of rodents which show marked differences in the intensity of sexual selection. Levels of sperm competition were not associated with the evolutionary rates of protamine 1 but, contrary to expectations, were negatively related to the evolutionary rate of cleaved- and mature-protamine 2. Since both domains were found to be under relaxation, our findings reveal an unforeseen role of sexual selection: to halt the degree of degeneration that proteins within families may experience due to functional redundancy. The degree of relaxation of protamine 2 in this group of rodents is such that in some species it has become dysfunctional and it is not expressed in mature spermatozoa. In contrast, protamine 1 is functionally conserved but shows directed positive selection on specific sites which are functionally relevant such as DNA-anchoring domains and phosphorylation sites. We conclude that in rodents protamine 2 is under relaxation and that sexual selection removes deleterious mutations among species with high levels of sperm competition to maintain the protein functional and the spermatozoa competitive

    Genome-wide association reveals three SNPs associated with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis through a two-locus analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, degenerative neuromuscular disease characterized by a progressive loss of voluntary motor activity. About 95% of ALS patients are in "sporadic form"-meaning their disease is not associated with a family history of the disease. To date, the genetic factors of the sporadic form of ALS are poorly understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We proposed a two-stage approach based on seventeen biological plausible models to search for two-locus combinations that have significant joint effects to the disease in a genome-wide association study (GWAS). We used a two-stage strategy to reduce the computational burden associated with performing an exhaustive two-locus search across the genome. In the first stage, all SNPs were screened using a single-marker test. In the second stage, all pairs made from the 1000 SNPs with the lowest p-values from the first stage were evaluated under each of the 17 two-locus models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>we performed the two-stage approach on a GWAS data set of sporadic ALS from the SNP Database at the NINDS Human Genetics Resource Center DNA and Cell Line Repository <url>http://ccr.coriell.org/ninds/</url>. Our two-locus analysis showed that two two-locus combinations--rs4363506 (SNP1) and rs3733242 (SNP2), and rs4363506 and rs16984239 (SNP3) -- were significantly associated with sporadic ALS. After adjusting for multiple tests and multiple models, the combination of SNP1 and SNP2 had a p-value of 0.032 under the Dom∩Dom epistatic model; SNP1 and SNP3 had a p-value of 0.042 under the Dom × Dom multiplicative model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed two-stage analytical method can be used to search for joint effects of genes in GWAS. The two-stage strategy decreased the computational time and the multiple testing burdens associated with GWAS. We have also observed that the loci identified by our two-stage strategy can not be detected by single-locus tests.</p