26 research outputs found

    Systemizing Virtual Learning and Technologies by Managing Organizational Competency and Talents

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    The article presents promising components and practices of virtual learning and technologies and discusses how systemization can be made through managing organizational competency and talents. The main goal is to suggest how technologies should be incorporated within an organization to improve the effectiveness of employees’ learning, performance, and development. For technology implementation and adoption, we also introduce models for examining organizational maturity levels and integrating technologies.We argue that virtual learning and technologies are fundamentally pressing HRD roles to change from experts of learning and development to work solution partners leading and supporting the creation of a smart organization.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Sustainable entrepreneurship under market uncertainty: opportunities, challenges, and impact

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    Entrepreneurs are often viewed as uniquely positioned to address neglected social problems, and sustainable entrepreneurship in particular has been presented as the 'green panacea' that will put us on a path to mitigate climate change and other sustainability challenges. However, sustainable markets are fraught with uncertainties that curb entrepreneurial ventures' potential to deliver on such ambitious expectations. Despite several attempts to take stock of the literature on sustainable entrepreneurship, we lack a rigorous framework for systematically incorporating the market uncertainty that entrepreneurs face across different types of markets. In this chapter, we draw upon recent literature on collective action during market emergence and growth to develop an organizing framework to map entrepreneurial efforts across markets with varying degrees of uncertainty. In applying this framework to sustainable entrepreneurship, we highlight how demand and supply uncertainty affect sustainable entrepreneurship opportunities and challenges, and discuss to what extent entrepreneurial efforts may drive or inhibit societal impacts

    Responses of soil clay mineralogy in the Rothamsted Classical Experiments in relation to management practice and changing land use

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    Changes in the clay mineralogy of soil samples collected from the Rothamsted Classical Experiments over the past ~ 150 years were examined. Comparisons were undertaken to assess the impact of (i) different fertiliser practices on the top soil and sub soil of the Park Grass Experiment and (ii) the effects of changing land use from agriculture to woodland where soil pH either remained close to pH 7 or became acidic. Analyses were undertaken on the 0.4 Å) are reported in both top soil (0–23 cm) and sub soil (46–69 cm) and are likely related to (i) changes in soil K+ or NH4+ status and/or (ii) increasing soil acidity. The greatest change was found in the Park Grass Experiment (NH4)2SO4 plot where soil pH fell below 3.7. It is believed that solubilisation of hydroxyl-Al in smectite interlayers enabled renewed access to K+ or NH4+ ions, leading to increased collapse in d(001) spacing. However, the results show that over a diverse range of soil conditions, I/S minerals of the Batcombe series soils showed considerable resilience to major change. This is considered to be a result of competition for sorption sites by (i) the presence of competing ions added as fertiliser or liming materials, (ii) an increase in H+ ions as soil acidity increases, (iii) the possible role of organic carbon in protecting I/S minerals and (iv) the role of the I/S minerals as K+ reservoirs. However, the impact of decreasing soil pH should be considered when land is re-forested as this may lead to decreases in the d(001) spacing of I/S minerals, thus compromising useful clay properties such as CEC

    The Supreme Court and Beer Mergers: From Pabst/Blatz to the DOJ–FTC Merger Guidelines

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    The beer industry in the U.S. has undergone significant structural change in the post-WWII period. The industry also was the object of prominent antitrust challenges to horizontal mergers proposed during this time frame. This paper documents the trend of increasing seller concentration in the brewing industry and assesses the role that mergers played in this structural transformation. We also analyze the change in merger policy that has taken place since the Supreme Court originally addressed mergers in the beer industry as compared to current antitrust enforcement under the DOJ–FTC Merger Guidelines and recent judicial decisions. Copyright Springer 2005Antitrust, beer, mergers, Supreme Court,

    Heterogeneidade de desempenho das pequenas empresas brasileiras: uma abordagem da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR) Performance heterogeneity of Brazilian small firms: a resource-based view approach

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar se as diferenças de desempenho econômico (Taxa de Crescimento das Vendas -TCV) de pequenas empresas brasileiras, dentro de um mesmo setor, foram maiores do que as diferenças de desempenho econômico entre os setores. Sugeriu-se que os fatores internos (capacidades e competências organizacionais) exerceriam maior influência do que os fatores externos (posicionamento estratégico e localização) na heterogeneidade de desempenho econômico das pequenas empresas brasileiras. Os dados foram coletados de uma amostra de 328 pequenas empresas que mais cresceram no Brasil no ano de 2010. Os principais resultados evidenciaram diferenças significativas de desempenho econômico (TCV) entre as pequenas empresas brasileiras independentemente do setor de atuação, confirmando o efeito firma na variação de desempenho. O efeito setor foi não significativo, uma vez que os resultados sugeriram não haver diferenças significativas de desempenho econômico (TCV) nas pequenas empresas brasileiras a nível setorial. Observou-se ainda que a variância de desempenho econômico (TCV) entre os setores de atuação das empresas foi menor do que a variância de desempenho econômico (TCV) dentro do setor de atuação das empresas. Reforçou assim, o pressuposto de que os fatores internos, relacionados às empresas de forma individual, exerceram influência mais significativa do que os fatores externos na heterogeneidade de desempenho econômico. Concluiu-se que as capacidades e competências organizacionais foram distribuídas de forma heterogênea entre as firmas, causando influências diversas em seus indicadores de desempenho econômico (TCV), validando os fundamentos teóricos da Visão baseada em recursos.<br>The aim of this study was to verify whether the differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) of Brazilian's small firms within the same sector were higher than the differences in economic performance between sectors. It was suggested that the internal factors (organizational capabilities and skills) would exert greater influence than the external factors (strategic positioning and location) in the heterogeneity of performance of Brazilian's small firms. Data were collected from a sample of 328 fastest growing Brazilian's small firms in 2010. The main results showed significant differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) between the Brazilian's small firms regardless of industry sector, confirming the effect of variation in firm performance. The industry effect was not significant, since the results suggested no significant differences in performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) in Brazilian's small firms at the sectoral level. It was also observed that the variance of performance (Sales growth rate -SGR) among the sectors where the companies was lower than the variance of performance within the sector where the companies operate. Thus reinforcing the assumption that the internal factors related to the companies individually, able to influence more significant than external factors in the performance heterogeneity. It was concluded that the skills and organizational skills were unevenly distributed among firms, causing various influences on their performance (Sales growth rate -SGR), validating the theoretical foundations of the resource based view

    Measuring Organizational Performance: Towards Methodological Best Practice

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