66 research outputs found

    Specification of progression in glaucomatous visual field loss, applying locally condensed stimulus arrangements

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    The goal of this work was to (i) determine patterns of progression in glaucomatous visual field loss, (ii) compare the detection rate of progression between locally condensed stimulus arrangements and conventional 6° × 6° grid, and (iii) assess the individual frequency distribution of test locations exhibiting a local event (i.e., an abrupt local deterioration of differential luminance sensitivity (DLS) by more than -10dB between any two examinations). The visual function of 41 glaucomatous eyes of 41 patients (16 females, 25 males, 37 to 75 years old) was examined with automated static perimetry (Tuebingen Computer Campimeter or Octopus 101-Perimeter). Stimuli were added to locally enhance the spatial resolution in suspicious regions of the visual field. The minimum follow-up was four subsequent sessions with a minimum of 2-month (median 6-month) intervals between each session. Progression was identified using a modified pointwise linear regression (PLR) method and a modified Katz criterion. The presence of events was assessed in all progressive visual fields. Eleven eyes (27%) showed progression over the study period (median 2.5 years, range 1.3–8.6 years). Six (55%) of these had combined progression in depth and size and five eyes (45%) progressed in depth only. Progression in size conformed always to the nerve fiber course. Seven out of 11 (64%) of the progressive scotomata detected by spatially condensed grids would have been missed by the conventional 6° × 6° grid. At least one event occurred in 64% of all progressive eyes. Five of 11 (46%) progressive eyes showed a cluster of events. The most common pattern of progression in glaucomatous visual fields is combined progression in depth and size of an existing scotoma. Applying individually condensed test grids remarkably enhances the detection rate of glaucomatous visual field deterioration (at the expense of an increased examination time) compared to conventional stimulus arrangements

    Study protocol: an early intervention program to improve motor outcome in preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial and a qualitative study of physiotherapy performance and parental experiences

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    Background Knowledge about early physiotherapy to preterm infants is sparse, given the risk of delayed motor development and cerebral palsy. Methods/Design A pragmatic randomized controlled study has been designed to assess the effect of a preventative physiotherapy program carried out in the neonatal intensive care unit. Moreover, a qualitative study is carried out to assess the physiotherapy performance and parents' experiences with the intervention. The aim of the physiotherapy program is to improve motor development i.e. postural control and selective movements in these infants. 150 infants will be included and randomized to either intervention or standard follow-up. The infants in the intervention group will be given specific stimulation to facilitate movements based on the individual infant's development, behavior and needs. The physiotherapist teaches the parents how to do the intervention and the parents receive a booklet with photos and descriptions of the intervention. Intervention is carried out twice a day for three weeks (week 34, 35, 36 postmenstrual age). Standardized tests are carried out at baseline, term age and at three, six, 12 and 24 months corrected age. In addition eight triads (infant, parent and physiotherapist) are observed and videotaped in four clinical encounters each to assess the process of physiotherapy performance. The parents are also interviewed on their experiences with the intervention and how it influences on the parent-child relationship. Eight parents from the follow up group are interviewed about their experience. The interviews are performed according to the same schedule as the standardized measurements. Primary outcome is at two years corrected age. Discussion The paper presents the protocol for a randomized controlled trial designed to study the effect of physiotherapy to preterm infants at neonatal intensive care units. It also studies physiotherapy performance and the parent's experiences with the intervention

    Ageing, Muscle Power and Physical Function: A Systematic Review and Implications for Pragmatic Training Interventions.

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    BACKGROUND: The physiological impairments most strongly associated with functional performance in older people are logically the most efficient therapeutic targets for exercise training interventions aimed at improving function and maintaining independence in later life. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this review were to (1) systematically review the relationship between muscle power and functional performance in older people; (2) systematically review the effect of power training (PT) interventions on functional performance in older people; and (3) identify components of successful PT interventions relevant to pragmatic trials by scoping the literature. METHODS: Our approach involved three stages. First, we systematically reviewed evidence on the relationship between muscle power, muscle strength and functional performance and, second, we systematically reviewed PT intervention studies that included both muscle power and at least one index of functional performance as outcome measures. Finally, taking a strong pragmatic perspective, we conducted a scoping review of the PT evidence to identify the successful components of training interventions needed to provide a minimally effective training dose to improve physical function. RESULTS: Evidence from 44 studies revealed a positive association between muscle power and indices of physical function, and that muscle power is a marginally superior predictor of functional performance than muscle strength. Nine studies revealed maximal angular velocity of movement, an important component of muscle power, to be positively associated with functional performance and a better predictor of functional performance than muscle strength. We identified 31 PT studies, characterised by small sample sizes and incomplete reporting of interventions, resulting in less than one-in-five studies judged as having a low risk of bias. Thirteen studies compared traditional resistance training with PT, with ten studies reporting the superiority of PT for either muscle power or functional performance. Further studies demonstrated the efficacy of various methods of resistance and functional task PT on muscle power and functional performance, including low-load PT and low-volume interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Maximal intended movement velocity, low training load, simple training methods, low-volume training and low-frequency training were revealed as components offering potential for the development of a pragmatic intervention. Additionally, the research area is dominated by short-term interventions producing short-term gains with little consideration of the long-term maintenance of functional performance. We believe the area would benefit from larger and higher-quality studies and consideration of optimal long-term strategies to develop and maintain muscle power and physical function over years rather than weeks

    The benefits of strength training on musculoskeletal system health: practical applications for interdisciplinary care

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    Global health organizations have provided recommendations regarding exercise for the general population. Strength training has been included in several position statements due to its multi-systemic benefits. In this narrative review, we examine the available literature, first explaining how specific mechanical loading is converted into positive cellular responses. Secondly, benefits related to specific musculoskeletal tissues are discussed, with practical applications and training programmes clearly outlined for both common musculoskeletal disorders and primary prevention strategies

    Desempenho funcional de crianças com paralisia cerebral participantes de tratamento multidisciplinar

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    A paralisia cerebral (PC) é um conjunto de desordens posturais e do movimento que causam limitações funcionais; é atribuída a distúrbios não-progressivos, porém mutáveis, decorrentes de lesão do cérebro imaturo. Os objetivos do estudo foram identificar as dimensões funcionais comprometidas e observar a evolução da função motora grossa de crianças com PC submetidas a tratamento multidisciplinar em um intervalo de quatro meses. A amostra foi composta por 27 crianças com PC (média de idade 7,6 anos) que freqüentavam a Associação Pestalozzi de Goiânia, GO. O nível de comprometimento das crianças foi atribuído segundo o sistema de classificação da função motora grossa GMFCS (Gross motor function classification system); a medida de função motora grossa GMFM (Gross motor function measure) foi aplicada no início do estudo e após quatro meses. Os resultados mostram que 55,6% das crianças estavam nos níveis IV e V do GMFCS; foi verificada evolução da função motora grossa em todas as dimensões avaliadas pela GMFM, exceto na postura sentada - sugerindo que as transferências de postura e a locomoção devem ser focalizadas no tratamento multidisciplinar dessas crianças com CP.Cerebral palsy (CP) is described as a set of postural and movement disorders that cause functional limitations; it is assigned to non-progressive, changeable disorders due to immature brain injury. The purpose of the study was to assess functional dimensions affected and the evolution over a four-month period of gross motor function of children with CP undergoing multidisciplinary treatment. The sample was made up by 27 children (mean age 7.6 years) who attended the Pestalozzi Association of Goiania, GO. Severity level was assessed by the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS); the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) was applied at study onset and four months later. Results show that 55.6% of children were in GMFCS levels IV and V; children showed a positive gross motor function evolution in all GMFM dimensions, except in the skills at the sitting position - suggesting that position changes and locomotion should be focussed in multidisciplinary treatment of these children with CP