46 research outputs found

    NOV story: the way to CCN3

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    The principal aim of this historical review- the first in a new series- is to present the basic concepts that led to the discovery of NOV and to show how our ideas evolved regarding the role and functions of this new class of proteins. It should prove particularly useful to the new comers and to students who are engaged in this exciting field. It is also a good opportunity to acknowledge the input of those who participated in the development of this scientific endeavou

    CCN3: a key growth regulator in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia

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    Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) is characterized by expression of the constitutively active Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. We have shown previously that the negative growth regulator, CCN3, is down-regulated as a result of Bcr-Abl kinase activity and that CCN3 has a reciprocal relationship of expression with BCR-ABL. We now show that CCN3 confers growth regulation in CML cells by causing growth inhibition and regaining sensitivity to the induction of apoptosis. The mode of CCN3 induced growth regulation was investigated in K562 CML cells using gene transfection and treatment with recombinant CCN3. Both strategies showed CCN3 regulated CML cell growth by reducing colony formation capacity, increasing apoptosis and reducing ERK phosphorylation. K562 cells stably transfected to express CCN3 showed enhanced apoptosis in response to treatment with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, imatinib. Whilst CCN3 expression was low or undetectable in CML stem cells, primary CD34+ CML progenitors were responsive to treatment with recombinant CCN3. This study shows that CCN3 is an important growth regulator in haematopoiesis, abrogation of CCN3 expression enhances BCR-ABL dependent leukaemogenesis. CCN3 restores growth regulation, regains sensitivity to the induction of apoptosis and enhances imatinib cell kill in CML cells. CCN3 may provide an additional therapeutic strategy in the management of CML

    CCN3 modulates bone turnover and is a novel regulator of skeletal metastasis

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    The CCN family of proteins is composed of six secreted proteins (CCN1-6), which are grouped together based on their structural similarity. These matricellular proteins are involved in a large spectrum of biological processes, ranging from development to disease. In this review, we focus on CCN3, a founding member of this family, and its role in regulating cells within the bone microenvironment. CCN3 impairs normal osteoblast differentiation through multiple mechanisms, which include the neutralization of pro-osteoblastogenic stimuli such as BMP and Wnt family signals or the activation of pathways that suppress osteoblastogenesis, such as Notch. In contrast, CCN3 is known to promote chondrocyte differentiation. Given these functions, it is not surprising that CCN3 has been implicated in the progression of primary bone cancers such as osteosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma and chondrosarcoma. More recently, emerging evidence suggests that CCN3 may also influence the ability of metastatic cancers to colonize and grow in bone

    Matricellular Proteins Produced by Melanocytes and Melanomas: In Search for Functions

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    Matricellular proteins are modulators of cell-matrix interactions and cellular functions. The group includes thrombospondin, osteopontin, osteonectin/SPARC, tenascin, disintegrins, galectins and CCN proteins. The production of matricellular proteins such as osteopontin, SPARC or tenascin is highly upregulated in melanoma and other tumors but little is known about their functions in tumor growth, survival, and metastasis. The distribution pattern of CCN3 differs from most other matricellular proteins, such that it is produced abundantly by normal melanocytes, but is not significantly expressed in melanoma cells. CCN3 is known to inhibit melanocyte proliferation and stimulate adhesion to collagen type IV, the main component of the basement membrane. CCN3 has a unique role in securing adhesion of melanocytes to the basement membrane distinct from other melanoma-produced matricellular proteins which act as de-adhesive molecules and antagonists of focal adhesion. Qualitative and quantitative changes in matricellular protein expression contribute to melanoma progression similar to the E-cadherin to N-cadherin class switch, allowing melanoma cells to escape from keratinocyte control

    Mutational analysis of the RNA-binding domain of the Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) movement protein reveals its requirement for cell-to-cell movement

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    The movement protein (MP) of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is required for cell-to-cell movement. MP subcellular localization studies using a GFP fusion protein revealed highly punctate structures between neighboring cells, believed to represent plasmodesmata. Deletion of the RNA-binding domain (RBD) of PNRSV MP abolishes the cell-to-cell movement. A mutational analysis on this RBD was performed in order to identify in vivo the features that govern viral transport. Loss of positive charges prevented the cell-to-cell movement even though all mutants showed a similar accumulation level in protoplasts to those observed with the wild-type (wt) MP. Synthetic peptides representing the mutants and wild-type RBDs were used to study RNA-binding affinities by EMSA assays being approximately 20-fold lower in the mutants. Circular dichroism analyses revealed that the secondary structure of the peptides was not significantly affected by mutations. The involvement of the affinity changes between the viral RNA and the MP in the viral cell-to-cell movement is discussed

    The Extracellular Matrix and Blood Vessel Formation: Not Just a Scaffold

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    The extracellular matrix plays a number of important roles, among them providing structural support and information to cellular structures such as blood vessels imbedded within it. As more complex organisms have evolved, the matrix ability to direct signalling towards the vasculature and remodel in response to signalling from the vasculature has assumed progressively greater importance. This review will focus on the molecules of the extracellular matrix, specifically relating to vessel formation and their ability to signal to the surrounding cells to initiate or terminate processes involved in blood vessel formation

    A Family of Plasmodesmal Proteins with Receptor-Like Properties for Plant Viral Movement Proteins

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    Plasmodesmata (PD) are essential but poorly understood structures in plant cell walls that provide symplastic continuity and intercellular communication pathways between adjacent cells and thus play fundamental roles in development and pathogenesis. Viruses encode movement proteins (MPs) that modify these tightly regulated pores to facilitate their spread from cell to cell. The most striking of these modifications is observed for groups of viruses whose MPs form tubules that assemble in PDs and through which virions are transported to neighbouring cells. The nature of the molecular interactions between viral MPs and PD components and their role in viral movement has remained essentially unknown. Here, we show that the family of PD-located proteins (PDLPs) promotes the movement of viruses that use tubule-guided movement by interacting redundantly with tubule-forming MPs within PDs. Genetic disruption of this interaction leads to reduced tubule formation, delayed infection and attenuated symptoms. Our results implicate PDLPs as PD proteins with receptor-like properties involved the assembly of viral MPs into tubules to promote viral movement

    DETORQUEO, QUIRKY, and ZERZAUST Represent Novel Components Involved in Organ Development Mediated by the Receptor-Like Kinase STRUBBELIG in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Intercellular signaling plays an important role in controlling cellular behavior in apical meristems and developing organs in plants. One prominent example in Arabidopsis is the regulation of floral organ shape, ovule integument morphogenesis, the cell division plane, and root hair patterning by the leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase STRUBBELIG (SUB). Interestingly, kinase activity of SUB is not essential for its in vivo function, indicating that SUB may be an atypical or inactive receptor-like kinase. Since little is known about signaling by atypical receptor-like kinases, we used forward genetics to identify genes that potentially function in SUB-dependent processes and found recessive mutations in three genes that result in a sub-like phenotype. Plants with a defect in DETORQEO (DOQ), QUIRKY (QKY), and ZERZAUST (ZET) show corresponding defects in outer integument development, floral organ shape, and stem twisting. The mutants also show sub-like cellular defects in the floral meristem and in root hair patterning. Thus, SUB, DOQ, QKY, and ZET define the STRUBBELIG-LIKE MUTANT (SLM) class of genes. Molecular cloning of QKY identified a putative transmembrane protein carrying four C2 domains, suggesting that QKY may function in membrane trafficking in a Ca2+-dependent fashion. Morphological analysis of single and all pair-wise double-mutant combinations indicated that SLM genes have overlapping, but also distinct, functions in plant organogenesis. This notion was supported by a systematic comparison of whole-genome transcript profiles during floral development, which molecularly defined common and distinct sets of affected processes in slm mutants. Further analysis indicated that many SLM-responsive genes have functions in cell wall biology, hormone signaling, and various stress responses. Taken together, our data suggest that DOQ, QKY, and ZET contribute to SUB-dependent organogenesis and shed light on the mechanisms, which are dependent on signaling through the atypical receptor-like kinase SUB

    CCN3: Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde

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    CCN proteins are key regulators of signaling pathways that are essential for the control of normal life, from birth to death. As such, they make use of their unique mosaic structure to interact with several other regulatory proteins and ligands that control the fate of living cells. The various functions attributed to the CCN proteins may sometimes appear contradictory, but this situation reflects the complexity of the multimolecular scaffolds in which CCN proteins are engaged and the critical impact of the microenvironment that dictates the bioavailability of the elementary building blocks. CCN3 is one of the best examples of a CCN protein showing biological properties which may at first glance appear opposite or contradictory. Indeed, CCN3 acts both as a tumor suppressor and is associated with higher metastatic potential. Furthermore, the physical interaction of CCN3 with VEGF and its potential antiangionenic activity in glioma cells are in apparent contradiction with its proangiogenic activity in rabbit cornea. In this communication, I am revisiting the observations that led us to these apparent contradictions. After pointing out how the methodologies that were employed might have contributed to the confusion, I briefly discuss the dual biological activities of CCN3 in the context of tumor cell engineering and survival prognosis