600 research outputs found

    Educació, treball infantil i femení

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    El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.Traducció al català de fragments escrits per Marx i Engels sobre educació i ensenyamen

    Environmental education as waste management activity solid: an analysis of the municipal plan for Integrated management of Campina Grande-PB

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    [Resumo] O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos tornou-se, nas últimas décadas, um tema de grande preocupação para os gestores públicos de todo planeta. Cada vez mais, são produzidos resíduos de diferentes tipos, muitos de complexo tratamento e eliminação. Por outro lado, as ações relacionadas à prevenção, geração, coleta, disposição e reaproveitamento dos resíduos têm sido tratadas setorialmente, de maneira desarticulada, obstruindo uma visão sistêmica do problema e refletindo-se em políticas públicas fragmentadas. No Brasil, a maioria dos municípios não dispõem de condições técnicas e financeiras, e alguns de vontade política para solucionar a questão dos resíduos sólidos. Nessa perspectiva, o presente artigo teve como objetivo analisar como a atividade de Educação Ambiental inserida no Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos do município de Campina Grande-PB pode favorecer a gestão dos resíduos sólidos. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que, o Plano do município tem uma gama de atividades, estratégias, programas, projetos e ações para a disseminação da educação ambiental no município, que por conseguinte, pode favorecer a gestão dos resíduos, sobretudo, se forem efetivamente implementados. Por fim, vale destacar que o Plano ainda não foi implementado, apenas uma versão preliminar foi aprovada em audiências públicas, e posteriormente desconsiderado pela câmara municipal[Abstract] The solid waste management has become in recent decades, a major concern for policy makers from all over the planet. Increasingly, they are produced from diferent waste types, many complex treatment and disposal. On the other hand, the actions related to prevention, generation, collection, disposal and recycling of waste has been treated by sector, in a disjointed way, blocking a systemic view of the problem and refecting in fragmented public policies. In Brazil, most municipalities lack the technical and fnancial conditions, and some political will to address the issue of solid waste. From this perspective, this article aims to analyze how environmental education activity inserted in the Municipal Plan of Integrated Waste Management Solid in the city of Campina Grande-PB can facilitate the management of solid waste. The survey results show that the municipal plan has a range of activities, strategies, programs, projects and activities for the dissemination of environmental education in the municipality, which therefore can facilitate waste management, especially if they are efectively implemented. Finally, it is worth noting that the Plan has not been implemented, only a preliminary version was approved at public hearings and subsequently dismissed by the city counci

    Procedure for identifying factors and intefaces that are critical in a sustainable product

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    Goal: To test a systematic procedure for identifying critical factors and interfaces among the stakeholders involved with the lifecycle of a sustainable product, with a view to make design prioritizations. Design/Methodology/Approach: A qualitative-quantitative approach including interviews and requirements analysis led to the definition of relationships in network graphical representations. Stakeholders from hygiene and cleaning products (HCP) manufacturing and consumption segment were interviewed in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Results: Factors and interfaces that are critical for a sustainable system were highlighted by the procedure and they include: human resources training, research funding, waste collection systems, and people’s behavior towards product discarding. Limitations of investigation: This is an exploratory study performed in a single segment: the hygiene and cleaning products (HCP). Practical implications: The understanding of the behavior of professionals in the hygienic product-manufacturing segment. Originality/value: To explore a new way for identification of critical elements in a sustainable network system

    Wavelet transform for medium-range streamflows projections in national interconnected system

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    This study aimed to analyze the variability of average annual streamflow time series of the National Interconnected System (NIS) (Brazil) and create a projection model of future streamflow scenarios from 3 to 10 years using wavelet transform (WT). The streamflow time series were used and divided into two periods, namely, 1931–2005 and 2006–2017, for calibration and verification, respectively. The annual series was standardized, and by the WT, it was decomposed into two bands plus the residue for each base posts (BP) for later reconstruction. Then, an autoregressive (AR) model per band and residue was made. The projection was obtained by adding the AR models. For performance evaluation, a qualitative analysis of the cumulative probability distribution of the projected years and an analysis of the likelihood were performed. The model identified the probability distribution function of the projected years and obtained a likelihood ratio of > 1 in most SIN regions, indicating that this methodology can capture the mediumrange variability.O presente trabalho objetiva analisar a variabilidade das séries temporais de vazão média anual do Sistema Nacional Interconectado (SIN) (Brasil) e criar um modelo de projeção de cenários de vazão de três até dez anos utilizando transformada em ondeleta. As séries temporais de vazão foram divididas em dois períodos — 1931 até 2005 e 2006 até 2017 — para calibração e validação, respectivamente. As séries anuais foram padronizadas e, por meio da transformada em ondeleta, foram decompostas em duas bandas e no resíduo para cada Posto Base (BP) para uma futura reconstrução. Em seguida foi feito um modelo autorregressivo por banda e para o resíduo. A projeção foi obtida pelo somatório das projeções desses modelos autorregressivos. Para avaliar a performance, uma análise qualitativa da distribuição de probabilidade acumulada dos anos projetados foi realizada e a verossimilhança foi calculada. O modelo identificou a distribuição de probabilidade dos anos projetados e obteve verossimilhança maior que 1 na maioria das regiões do SIN, o que indica que essa metodologia é capaz de capturar a variabilidade de médio prazo

    Analysis of germanium epiready wafers for III-V heteroepitaxy

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    Frequently,whengrowing III–V semiconductors on germanium substrates, unexpected differences between nominally identical substrates are encountered. Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), we have analysed a set of germanium substrates sharing the same specifications.The substrates come from the same vendor but different results come about in terms of the morphology of the epilayers produced by the same epitaxial routine(i.e. substrateW1 produce depilayers with good morphology while substrate WX produce depilayers with defects). The morphological analysis has been carried out on(a)epiready substrates; (b)samples after a high-temperature bake at 700 1C; and(c)on the samples after a hydride (PH3) annealingat640 1C. In the two first stages all substrates(both W1 and WX) show the same good morphology with RMS roughness below A˚ in all cases. It is in the third stage(annealinginPH3) that the morphology degrades and the differences between the samples become apparent. After phosphine exposureat640 1C, the RMS roughness of both substrates approximately doubles, and their surface appears as full of peaks and valleys on the nanometer scale. Despite the general appearance of the samples being similar, a careful analysis of their surface reveals that the substrates that produce bad morphologies(WX) show higher peaks, and some of their roughness parameters, namely, surface kurtosis and the surface skewness, are considerably degraded

    Collision induced spatial organization of microtubules

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    The dynamic behavior of microtubules in solution can be strongly modified by interactions with walls or other structures. We examine here a microtubule growth model where the increase in size of the plus-end is perturbed by collisions with other microtubules. We show that such a simple mechanism of constrained growth can induce ordered structures and patterns from an initially isotropic and homogeneous suspension. First, microtubules self-organize locally in randomly oriented domains that grow and compete with each other. By imposing even a weak orientation bias, external forces like gravity or cellular boundaries may bias the domain distribution eventually leading to a macroscopic sample orientation.Comment: Submitted to Biophysical Journa

    Identificación molecular de Escherichia coli enterotoxigénica en niños con infecciones diarreicas agudas mediante la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa

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    Las infecciones diarreicas agudas (IDAs) son problemas comunes en niños menores de 5 años en nuestro país y la Región Loreto. Sin embargo, se desconocen los agentes microbiológicos causales de estas infecciones. Para cubrir estos vacíos en el conocimiento, el objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar la identificación molecular de Escherichia coli enterotoxigénica (ECET) en niños con infecciones diarreicas agudas mediante la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR). Se colectaron 188 muestras diarreicas de niños menores de cinco años de siete Centros de Salud de Iquitos. A partir de estas se aislaron cepas de E. coli, se extrajo el ADN y amplificó regiones de los genes que codifican las enterotoxinas lábil al calor (LT) y estable al calor (ST). De los 188 casos con IDAs se ha encontrado que ~83% son atribuibles a infecciones por cepas de E. coli y de estas ~18% fueron identificadas molecularmente como ECET por presentar el gen LT (19) o el gen ST (9). En conclusión, la mayoría de las IDAs en niños < 5 años de Iquitos están asociadas con cepas de E. coli. Una fracción importante de estas cepas han sido identificadas molecularmente (mediante PCR) y demostrado que pertenecen al patotipo ECET. Asimismo, se ha evidenciado que las cepas ECET portadoras del gen LT predominan con respecto a las que tienen el gen ST y no se ha encontrado cepas ECET que porten de forma simultánea ambos genes