732 research outputs found

    Effects os a physical exercise program in the functional fitness and body composition of na elderly population

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    Introduction Exercise is a key mean for the maintenance of health, functional capacity, quality of life and independence in the elderly, being recommended the performance at least 3 sessions/week (ACSM, 2009). Although many elderly adhere to these recommendations, the absenteeism can be an impediment to exercise benefits. This study aimed to analyze the effects of a 3 months exercise program (3 sessions/week; 50-60’; 50-60%HRmax.), accounting for absenteeism, in elderly women. Methods Participants were 44 women ≥60 yrs clustered into 3 groups: Experimental 1 (E1: 20-59% sessions; n:13; age: 69,3±6,9 yrs); Experimental 2 (E2: =60% sessions; n:15; age: 70.9±5.6 yrs); Control (C: 0% sessions; n:16; age: 68.7±9.2 yrs). Anthropometry and DXA assessed body composition. Clinical analysis determined the lipid profile. Functional Fitness Test assessed physical fitness. POMS-SF questionnaire assessed the Mood States. The variation between pre post intervention were computed for all variables. Comparisons between groups were performed by ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test or by Kruskal-Wallis and Pair Wise Wilcoxon tests. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results There were significant differences between groups concerning variation in upper (p=.001,E2>C) and lower strength (p=.009,E2>C=E1), lower flexibility (p=.020,E2>C), aerobic endurance (pC) and speed/agility/balance (pC) and confusion (p=.027,E2<E1). Variations concerning body composition and lipid profile variables were not significantly different from 0 in any group. Discussion The women engaged in the exercise program improved their physical fitness and mood states even when there was 40% of absenteeism. The benefits were decreasing with increased absenteeism. This founds complement previous researches (Spidurso et al., 2005) showing a strong relationship among systematic exercise, improved physical fitness and a positive psychological state in elderly population. Food ingestion and medications were not controlled and the exercise program (50-60%HRmax) lasted 3 weeks. This suggests why body composition and lipid profile did not improve, since other studies (Tran et al. 1983)endorsed both caloric restriction and a long time exercise engagement at intensity =60%HRmax to improve these parameters. In conclusion, this study highlights the usefulness of programs adopting an active lifestyle through exercise because proved that exercise have benefices in physical fitness and mood state even with a high absenteeism

    Implicações de distintas compreensões de cultura visual

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    This article discusses circumstances through which postmodernism favors and incentivizes the reproduction of attitudes, the consume of objects and artifacts represented or associated to images, analyzing how this hybridization confuses the limits imposed by information and knowledge structures based in academic canons. It examines research approaches that incorporate contemporary media and visual artifacts to the corpus of knowledge of art education pointing to alternatives to approach, investigate and understand the way individuals conceive and construct the imagetic imaginary these media and artifacts animate.Este artigo discute as circunstâncias através das quais o pós-modernismo favorece e incentiva a reprodução de atitudes, o consumo de objetos e artefatos representados por ou associados a imagens, analisando como essa hibridização confunde os limites impostos pelas estruturas de informação e conhecimento baseadas em cânones acadêmicos. Examina abordagens de pesquisa que incorporam as mídias e artefatos visuais contemporâneos ao corpus de conhecimento da arte/educação apontando alternativas para abordar, investigar e compreender o modo como os indivíduos concebem e constroem o imaginário imagético que essas mídias e artefatos animam

    Hipervisualização e territorialização: questões da Cultura Visual

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    Tomando como referencia el ‘giro pictórico’ y sus desdoblamientos, este texto tiene como foco una discusión sobre arte e imagen como procesos culturales destacando los conceptos de ‘híper visualización’ y ‘teritorialización visual’. Destaca, aún, el modo como la experiencia visual acerca e influencia los individuos facilitando links con sus repertorios de imágenes, pudiendo ganar fuerza como expresión subjetiva y simbólica. Analiza los vínculos entre cultura visual e educación examinando los conceptos de interpretación, poder, crítica y agencia e sus inter-relaciones, principios que fundamentan la educación de la cultura visual.Tomando como referência a ‘virada imagética’ e seus desdobramentos, este texto tem como foco uma discussão sobre arte e imagem como processos culturais destacando os conceitos de ‘hipervisualização’ e ‘territorialização visual’. Ressalta, também, o modo como a experiência visual envolve e influencia os indivíduos facilitando links com seus repertórios imagéticos e podendo ganhar força como expressão subjetiva e simbólica. Analisa vínculos entre cultura visual e educação examinando os conceitos de interpretação, poder, crítica e agência e suas inter-relações como princípios que fundamentam a educação da cultura visual


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    Hoje, o mundo acadêmico tem produzido câmbios criativos vinculando aspirações pessoais, elementos éticos e práticas de pesquisa compatíveis com desafios políticos e científicos que afetam os modos de sentir e refletir, exigindo um reordenamento epistemológico, metodológico e político que enfatiza a subjetividade como empresa reconstrutiva do sujeito e suas narrativas. Este artigo discute, a partir de dois projetos, metodologias audiovisuais participativas em arte como forma de colaboração social - comunidades, espaços públicos, instituições culturais –, oferecendo ferramentas que ajudem as pessoas a se posicionarem através de vídeos, filmes, fotografias, grafites e outras mídias. Essas metodologias tem um papel significativo como um modo de apreender e valorizar a alteridade, o olhar local, a perspectiva de um grupo, de uma classe, de uma cultura particular.Palavras-chave: metodologias audiovisuais; pesquisa colaborativa; subjetividade; arte; educaçã


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    Hoje, o mundo acadêmico tem produzido câmbios criativos vinculando aspirações pessoais, elementos éticos e práticas de pesquisa compatíveis com desafios políticos e científicos que afetam os modos de sentir e refletir, exigindo um reordenamento epistemológico, metodológico e político que enfatiza a subjetividade como empresa reconstrutiva do sujeito e suas narrativas. Este artigo discute, a partir de dois projetos, metodologias audiovisuais participativas em arte como forma de colaboração social - comunidades, espaços públicos, instituições culturais –, oferecendo ferramentas que ajudem as pessoas a se posicionarem através de vídeos, filmes, fotografias, grafites e outras mídias. Essas metodologias tem um papel significativo como um modo de apreender e valorizar a alteridade, o olhar local, a perspectiva de um grupo, de uma classe, de uma cultura particular.Palavras-chave: metodologias audiovisuais; pesquisa colaborativa; subjetividade; arte; educaçã

    Adequação dos exames de radiologia solicitados por um departamento de emergência: um estudo retrospetivo

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    Imaging tests are essential for diagnosis in the emergency context and convey clinical information that is essential to assess the appropriateness of the tests and improve their interpretation. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the imaging tests requested by the Emergency Department in a district hospital.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Targeting vulnerable populations : a synthetic review on alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour among migrant populations

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    Background: Research has demonstrated a link between alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour among different types of migrant populations. Therefore, research investigating risk factors associated with alcohol consumption among them is a public health priority. This review aimed to explore the intersection between migration, alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviour. Methods: This article is a synthetic review of empirical studies on the association of alcohol and high-risk sexual behaviour among different types of the migrant populations, focusing on measurable outcomes generated from quantitative data. A descriptive analysis generated from global and situational studies was used to interpret the reviewed research and to discuss critically the factors that drive migrants to engage in alcohol consumption and high-risk behaviour. Results: This review found out that there is a significant and positive association between global and situational alcohol use and several outcomes of risky sexual behaviour among different types of migrant populations. This association was however mainly observed at high quantities and frequencies of alcohol use, mainly among male migrants, and was often tied to a specific situation or context, for instance the type of sexual partner, the level of mobility and to environmental factors such as living arrangements and entertainment venues. Conclusions: The study supports previous research that alcohol use is associated with risky sexual behaviour among different types of migrant populations. Therefore, future interventions should target mobile, male migrant heavy drinkers. Additional research is needed using more event-level and longitudinal methodologies that overcome prior methodological limitations

    Power generation by unhealthy photovoltaic modules

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    Hotspots are one of many defects that can occur on degraded photovoltaic system, yielding a detrimental effect on the PV module production. Infrared thermography was used to detect and quantify the severity of hotspots. Temperature difference between overheated and healthy areas was assessed. Four PV modules were analysed, one of them presenting a hotspot. A model for both healthy and unhealthy PV modules was developed, based on the single diode solar cell model and considering, exclusively, data-sheet parameters. To validate the model, the outputs for these working conditions were compared with the real outputs of the studied PV modules, which were previously measured and stored. The relationship between the severity of a hotspot and its respective impact on the power generation of the PV module was studied and the consequent monetary loss can be assessed. Thermographic analysis was enhanced as an optimizing decision-aid tool for the operation of photovoltaic installations.publishersversionpublishe

    ESPORTE E LAZER NA CIDADE DE SÃO LUÍS-MA Elementos para a construção de uma política pública

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    Esporte e Lazer na Cidade de São Luís do Maranhão: elementos para construção de uma política pública / Silvana Martins de Araújo, Raimundo Nonato Assunção Viana. _ São Luís: EDUFMA, 2008; _p.120 ISBN: 1. Esporte - Politicas públicas - São Luís - MA 2. Lazer - Políticas Públicas São Luís - MA I. Titulo CRD 796 CDU 796:304.4(812.1) Organizadores: Silvana Martins de Araújo Raimundo Nonato Assunção Viana Capa: Erilson Gomes Diagramação: Erilson Gomes Impressão: Estação GráficaOs direitos sociais, consagrados em diversas normas legais, são imprescindíveis à dignidade humana, pois promovem o bem-estar e desenvolvem habilidades do indivíduo e da coletividade. Entre esses direitos encontram-se aqueles relativos ao esporte e ao lazer. Esta compreensão supõe uma visão da indivisibilidade dos direitos sociais que, por sua vez, assenta-se na integridade dos sujeitos, sua complexidade e suas potencialidades sociais que atingem, através do esporte e do lazer, espaços propícios ao seu desenvolvimento, constituindo- se em espaços de ação educativa, onde são afirmados e vivenciados valores positivos para o indivíduo e para a vida em sociedade.Rede CEDE

    Litterfall, organic matter and soil properties of forest ecosystems in Northern Portugal

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    The amount and quality of litterfall in similar environmental conditions are dependent on the forest tree species. The species influence the amount and turnover of organic matter of the organic layers as well as the quantity of nutrients release and soil characteristics. In this context, a study was carried out to investigate the differences of P pinaster Ait., P nigra Arnold, Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb., var. Franco and C sativa Mill. stands, with respect to the amount and nutrient concentration of litterfall and organic layers, decomposition and nutrient dynamics of needle or leaf litterfall, and characteristics of mineral soil layers. The study was located in the Serra da Padrela area, Northern Portugal, where stands of those forest tree species were installed 60 years ago, in similar topographic conditions. The annual mean rainfall is 1380 mm and mean annual temperature is 11.3 oC. The soils are Humic Cambisols, derived from granites. The mean annual total litterfall in those stands was respectively 4.09, 6.97, 3.96 and 2.79 Mg ha-1. The mean annual weight loss of the needle or leaf litter of those species was respectively 18.3, 15.3, 29.7 and 41.7 %, whereas the annual decomposition rate was 0.18, 0.19, 0.35 and 0.55. The annual mass loss and decomposition rate were negatively correlated with C/N ratio values. The annual release of nutrients was highest for needle litter of P. menziesii (15.5 and 7.4 kgha-1 for N and Ca), and lower for P. nigra (2.9 and 1.7 kgha-1 for N and Ca). The turnover of nutrients was highest in C. sativa and lowest in P.nigra stands. The amounts of mass accumulated in upper soil layers (the L+F+H layers) were respectively 23.5, 59.3, 33.0 and 16.6 Mg ha-1. These amounts were positively correlated with mean annual litterfall production. The soils under those forest tree species only showed differences in the 0-10 cm layer. The content of exchangeable bases and pH values were highest in soils under P. menziesii and lowest in soils under P. nigra.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio