9,043 research outputs found

    The potential of car advertising in pursuing transport policy goals: Code of good practices in the Spanish context

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    Climate change, which is mostly caused by CO2 emissions, continues to be a serious environmental problem. The dissemination of correct information regarding the environmental impact of car CO2 emissions and fuel consumption promoted by responsible advertising plays an important role in this problem. This article proposes that the promotion of responsible car advertising could serve as a tool for reducing climate change and decarbonizing transport. Thus, a qualitative and quantitative study was performed to analyse the influence of car advertising on CO2 emissions and attitudes regarding such emissions. The results of this study add value to the limited literature in the field of advertising, cars, and the environment. The analysis of the car advertising sector in Spain in 2007, 2015, and 2016 detected a low presence of good practices. Advertisements lack information regarding energy problems related to mobility, emissions, and climate change. There is an effort to hide CO2 emissions and fuel consumption information in advertising, energy labels are not presented, and information related to efficient driving or moderate vehicle use is lacking. Although the evolution of information regarding emissions and consumption has improved over time with respect to size and location in the advertisements, such data remains marginal. Recent car advertising does not highlight the environmental consequences of the products or offer advice to consumers regarding habits that can help reduce pollution or emissions. Finally, based on this analysis, a detailed code of 28 good practices for the responsible advertising of cars is propose

    On the Role of Relative Prices and Capital Flows in Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth: the Experiences of Portugal and Spain in the Euro Area

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    Broadly speaking, the balance-of-payments constraint hypothesis as developed by Thirlwall has been empirically supported. Yet, it shows some shortcomings highlighted in the literature. In our opinion, two of them must be analysed. First, temporary disequilibria and capital flows must be incorporated into the balance-of-payments constrained growth models. Second, the role of relative prices must be made explicit, since it can be relevant even in an external constraint framework. This study is aimed at developing a model that incorporates both possibilities: temporary external disequilibria and a the impact of relative prices. This model is subsequently used to analyse the evolution of the Spanish and Portuguese economies in last decades, and, in particular, the different path shown by both countries since their accession to the Eurozone.Pese al respaldo empírico con el que ha contado la teoría de la restricción externa desarrollada a partir del modelo de Thirlwall, éste muestra algunas deficiencias destacadas en la literatura. En nuestra opinión, dos de ellas merecen ser analizadas. Por un lado, la necesidad de incorporar desequilibrios transitorios de la balanza de pagos y los consiguientes flujos de capital. Por otro, creemos los precios relativos pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el comercio exterior, sin que ello invalide la existencia de una restricción externa. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en desarrollar un modelo que incorpore ambas cuestiones, permitiendo, así, un mayor protagonismo a los precios relativos y a los desequilibrios temporales de la balanza de pagos. Este modelo se emplea posteriormente para analizar la evolución de las economías española y portuguesa en las últimas décadas y, en especial, las diferencias mostradas desde su incorporación a la Eurozona.Growth, Balance of payments constraint, Exchange rate.

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El mundo rural a través del léxico de José Antonio Muñoz Rojas

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    En el presente trabajo se analiza una parte de la terminología rural utilizada por José Antonio Muñoz Rojas en Las cosas del campo. Son voces que aluden a una realidad ya casi desaparecida y de la que queremos dejar constancia. Estudiaremos cerca de medio centenar de términos que tienen la particularidad de no haber sido definidos en un diccionario académico, bien sea por no haber tenido entrada o bien porque el significado concreto del término no está contemplado en él. También incluiremos aquellas voces que, aunque recogidas por el DRAE (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española), presentan un valor concreto en la tierra del poeta. En cada lema se registrará la categoría gramatical, su acepción o acepciones, así como un breve fragmento en el que se inserta dicha voz y que constituye una pequeña muestra de la prosa poética de José Antonio Muñoz Rojas.This paper examines some of the rural terminology used by Antonio Muñoz Rojas in Las cosas del campo. These are words that refer to an almost disappeared reality and that we want to document Approximately fifty terms with the particular feature of not having been defined by an academic dictionary are analyzed, either because they have not had a proper entry or because the specific meaning of the term is not acknowledged. The words that, though registered by the DRAE (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española), carry a specific meaning in the land of the poet are also included. Each vocabulary entry comprises the grammatical category, its intended, and a brief extract from the poetic prose of the writer for its contextualization

    El salvaje interior en el imaginario europeo

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    Antes del descubrimiento de otros continentes y del enfrentamiento con otras razas, hay en la imaginación europea un salvaje blanco que se caracteriza por vivir en solitario y no estar sujeto a norma ni constituir una sociedad. No es un bárbaro, que sí pertenece a una civilización, aunque inferior a la de quien le denomina así. En la Edad Moderna el salvaje u hombre silvestre se transforma en hombre lobo o bien en freak exhibido en la plaza pública o el circo. La época contemporánea ha encerrado al salvaje dentro del hombre civilizado, haciendo de él su doble potencialmente peligroso. (A

    Un bon dia

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    Paisajes desolados (el cambio climático y el cine)

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    Algunas películas de ficción han impresionado profundamente la imaginación de los espectadores, porque se refieren a algo que, aunque amenaza objetivamente a nuestro planeta, es dificil de percibir como tal si no es por medio de su representación. El cine es capaz de condensar en dos horas una catástrofe que depende de numerosos procesos y no se desencadena súbitamente sino poco a poco, como el deshielo de los casquetes polares. El día de mañana (The Day after Tomorrow, 2004) del alemán afincado en Estados Unidos Roland Emmerich, desarrolla concontinuidad a lo largo de 120 minutos ante nuestros ojos un drama de magnitudes planetarias que no podemos percibir en su totalidad por otros medios. Esta película posee esa virtud pedagógica, y en tal sentido es valiosa y positiva. Conviene completarla con otra anterior, menos clara aparentemente pero muy rica en significados y referencias de carácter antropológico y cultural, La última ola (The Last Wave, 1977) del australiano Peter Weir, y con algunas que ponen en pie fantasías sobre una hipotética era glaciar como Quintet (1979) de Robert Altman. Mientras El día de mañana nos proporciona una visión externa y sintética, pedagógica y clásica del cambio climático, las otras películas estudiadas en este artículo reflexionan sobre crisis y tormentas interiores o que interaccionan con el exterior, en un intento de acercarse al gran misterio de la ceguera ante una tragedia anunciada. Mencionamos finalmente el texto audiovisual de Al Gore y Davis Guggenheim (Una verdad incómoda, 2006) sobre el cambio climático, como ejemplo característico del actual trabajo en el campo del documental discursivo. (A

    Floating against the tide : Spanish monetary policy, 1870-1931

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    The gold standard began to emerge as a universal monetary system in the late 1870s, and it had spread throughout the world economy by 1900. It was unusual for nations to be off the gold standard, and it meant that they were detached from the international financial community. Spain never joined the gold standard club in any of its varieties, either before or after 1914. Unlike the vast majority of the European currencies, the peseta’s exchange rate fluctuated, sometimes widely, against gold and gold currencies. Gold convertibility was suspended in 1883 and never resumed. Nevertheless, the monetary authorities were aware that the Spanish economy, off the gold standard, was an outlier in the international economy and made plans to put the peseta on gold both before and after 1914.Why Spain never adopted the gold standard is a complex issue, and our paper offers a possible answer by examining the behaviour of an issuing bank that refused to accept, or resisted, its role as a central bank. Our study also provides a basis for a comparison between the Bank of Spain, some of its features and policies, with other peripheral issuing institutions. Moreover, our paper encompasses both the pre-war and the post-war periods, which allows us to present both the similarities and the differences in the exchange and monetary policies of the Spanish authorities during the era of the classical gold standard and the years of the gold exchange standardGold standard, Monetary policy, Bank of Spain