441 research outputs found

    Revisitando a dança educativa moderna de Rudolf Laban

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    Revisitando a dança educativa moderna de Rudolf Laba

    Dançando na escola.

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    Este artigo discute aspectos epistemológicos, sociológicos, educacionais e artísticos da dança enquanto disciplina escolar na sociedade brasileira. Argumenta em favor de um ensino de dança crítico e transformador que trace relações multifacetadas entre corpo, escola, indivíduo, arte e sociedade contemporânea

    Apreciação e interatividade: casos que dançam

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    The article discusses the need for our being more critical regarding the interactivity proposals imposed as basic communications and education premises of the technological society. By and large aligned with the exercise of fruition, many interactivity proposals fall in prerogatives that, contrary to educating the contemporaneous citizen, end up leading him back to the values and assertions of the modern linear, static, unequivocal and acritical world. Based on examples in the dance appreciation area, the author dialogues with an interactivity possibility that is creative, critical, present and intentional in order to educate the citizen for the network of multiplicities in the world.O artigo discute a necessidade de sermos mais críticos em relação às propostas de interatividade que se impõem como premissas básicas da comunicação e da educação da sociedade tecnológica. Geralmente alinhadas ao exercício da fruição, muitas vezes as propostas de interatividade caem em prerrogativas que, ao contrário de educar o cidadão contemporâneo, levam-no de volta aos valores e asserções do mundo moderno linear, estático, unívoco e acrítico. A partir de exemplos na área de apreciação em dança, a autora dialoga com uma possibilidade de interatividade que seja criativa, crítica, presente e intencional, de modo a educar o cidadão para a rede de multiplicidades do mundo

    Anaerobic Digestion of Microalga Chlorella protothecoides and Metagenomic Analysis of Reddish-Colored Digestate

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    ABSTRACT: Microalga Chlorella protothecoides materials were assessed as substrates for anaerobic digestion (AD) aiming at the simultaneous production of biogas/methane and pigments: whole autotrophic (AA) and heterotrophic algae (H); extracted heterotrophic microalgae from lipid production (HExt); and pretreated heterotrophic microalgae through enzymatic (HPEnz), autoclave (HPA), and ultrasound (HPU) processes. AA was more suitable for AD than H, as it was more efficiently converted into methane (279 vs. 180 L CH4/kg VSin). In comparison, the pretreatment of heterotrophic microalgae had a positive effect on AD, with registered methane yield increases from 263 to 290 L CH4/kg VSin (HPU, HPA, HExt). Reddish pigmentation developed in H and HPU units due to the presence of purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB). This phenomenon and the changes in microbiota structure during AD were confirmed by metagenomic analysis. At the end of the process, the relative abundance of Clostridiales and Bacillales increased, enhancing the hydrolysis of compounds in acetate. Consistently, Methanosaeta became the comparatively dominant methanogen, meaning that methane was produced through the acetoclastic methanogenesis pathway. The obtained results indicate for AD biorefinery feasibility-regarding the simultaneous production of biogas/methane-a digestate flow and pigments (bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bioactive compounds through anaerobic digestion of heterotrophic microalgae residues

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    Several important biomolecules are available into anaerobically digested effluents that were obtained from the biodiesel production process using heterotrophically grown microalga Chlorella protothecoides. Defatted microalgae residues and crude glycerol may undergo anaerobic digestion, separately and in admixture, providing methane/hydrogen and a digestate exploitable for agriculture applications. Furthermore, industrial interesting bioactive compounds such as polyphenols provided with antioxidant activity can be obtained. Anaerobic process offers a promising chance and can be advantageously combined with algae lipid-extraction techniques in order to make it more sustainable

    Pretreatments applied to microalgae residues to enhance anaerobic digestion

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    ABSTRACT: Biomass of microalga Chlorella protothecoides, grown under autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions and subjected to pretreatments, were energetically valorized through anaerobic digestion process according to the substrates: autotrophic algae (A), heterotrophic algae (H), heterotrophic algae extracted (HE), autoclave pretreated heterotrophic algae (HPA), enzyme pretreated heterotrophic algae (HPE), ultrasound pretreated heterotrophic algae (HPU), and inoculum (I). Despite the application of pretreatments, the highest methane production was obtained in the algae extracted digestion with 172 mL CH4, against 153, 126 and 142 mL obtained in HPA, HPE and HPU, respectively. The COD removal capacity was higher in the HPA sample while the TS and VS removal reached higher values in the autotrophic alga.N/

    Energetic valorization of a heterotrophic microalga residue from biodiesel production through anaerobic digestion

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    Trabalho apresentado em WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 5th International Conference, September 4th - 6th, Almada/Caparica, Portugal.The production of biodiesel from the oil fraction of the heterotrophically grown microalga Chlorella protothecoides generated two waste streams: defatted microalga residues and crude glycerol. These wastes were anaerobically digested separately and in admixture to quantify their energy potential. The defatted microalga residues (from the oil extraction process) were shown to be a suitable substrate for anaerobic digestion since they provided a methane yield of 498.4 mL CH4/g volatile solids (VS). On the other hand, because glycerol acted as an inhibitory agent for methanogenesis, anaerobic co-digestion of defatted microalga residues and crude glycerol resulted in the diversification of the produced energy carrier. By using glycerol at a ratio of 1.24 g glycerol/g volatile solids of inoculum in admixture with microalga residues, hydrogen was obtained instead of methane. The resulting yield was 39.9 mL H2/g VS of microalga residues. Based on these results, both effluents can be valorized through simple and sustainable methods in order to recover their energy potential in the form of methane or hydrogen.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hybrid structures made of polyurethane/graphene nanocomposite foams embedded within aluminum opencell foam

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    This paper focuses on the development of hybrid structures containing two different classes of porous materials, nanocomposite foams made of polyurethane combined with graphene-based materials, and aluminum open-cell foams (Al-OC). Prior to the hybrid structures preparation, the nanocomposite foam formulation was optimized. The optimization consisted of studying the effect of the addition of graphene oxide (GO) and graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) at different loadings (1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 wt%) during the polyurethane foam (PUF) formation, and their effect on the final nanocomposite properties. Globally, the results showed enhanced mechanical, acoustic and fire-retardant properties of the PUF nanocomposites when compared with pristine PUF. In a later step, the hybrid structure was prepared by embedding the Al-OC foam with the optimized nanocomposite formulation (prepared with 2.5 wt% of GNPs (PUF/GNPs2.5)). The process of filling the pores of the Al-OC was successfully achieved, with the resulting hybrid structure retaining low thermal conductivity values, around 0.038 W∙m−1∙K−1, and presenting an improved sound absorption coefficient, especially for mid to high frequencies, with respect to the individual foams. Furthermore, the new hybrid structure also displayed better mechanical properties (the stress corresponding to 10% of deformation was improved in more than 10 and 1.3 times comparatively to PUF/GNPs2.5 and Al-OC, respectively).publishe

    How groups react to disloyalty in the context of intergroup competition: Evaluations of group deserters and defectors

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    Groups strongly value loyalty, especially in the context of intergroup competition. However, research has yet to investigate how groups respond to members who leave the group or join a competing outgroup. Three studies investigated groups' reactions to defectors (Experiment 1) and deserting members (Experiments 2 and 3). Experiment 1 used a minimal group paradigm to demonstrate that defectors trigger a stronger derogation of ingroup deviants than outgroup deviants vis-à-vis normative members. Experiments 2 and 3 compared group members' responses to defection versus desertion from minimal and self-assigned groups, respectively. Experiment 3 also explored an explanation for the evaluations of disloyalty. Across studies, participants evaluated normative ingroup members more positively than defectors and deserters. Outgroup deserting and defecting members were evaluated similarly. Derogation of ingroup as compared to outgroup targets emerged only for defectors. In addition, Experiment 3 demonstrated that negativity toward the outgroup was related to stronger derogation of disloyal targets. Negative outgroup attitudes trigger stricter criteria for responding to disloyalty. Directions for future research are discussed

    Nanospraydryer for the production of sub-micro particles based on bovine lactoferrin

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    This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006684) and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Arlete M. Marques (SFRH/BD/132911/2017) is the recipient of a fellowship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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