353 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar PAI Menggunakan Metode The Learning Cell pada Materi Menceritakan Kisah Nabi

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    This study aims to determine the application of The Learning Cell method on subjects PAI material tells the story of the Prophet can improve the learning achievement of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 46 Rejang Lebong District Selupu Rejang Rejang Lebong District. This study is a classroom action research (CAR) with a total of 16 students. The results of the study showed that in the first cycle the average score of students was 71.25 which increased by 11.64. Students who scored above KKM also increased to 9 children or 56.75% from the original only 2 children or 87.5%. In the second cycle improvement the average formative test scores of students were 82.81 increasing by 11.56 from the first cycle. Students who scored above the specified score (KKM) were 11 children or 68.75%. It can be concluded, the learning cell method can improve student learning outcomes on material telling the story of the prophet. Keywords: Learning Achievement, The Learning Cell


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    ABSTRACT MARHADI. The Influence Of Compensation and Motivation to Work Towards Job Satisfaction Of Employee In PT Sahabat Nusantara Teknologi Inovasi (SANTI) Jakarta. Scientific Paper, Jakarta: Study Program of Economic Education, Concetration of Office Administration Education, Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, June 2014. This Study aims to determine whether there is the influence of compensation and motivation to work towards job satisfaction of employee In PT Sahabat Nusantara Teknologi Inovasi (SANTI) Jakarta. The research was conducted over two month from November to December 2014. The research method used is survey method with the correlation approach. The research population was all employee of PT Sahabat Nusantara Teknologi Inovasi (SANTI) as much 80. The sample used as many as 65 employee by using proportional random sampling. Data variable Y (Job Satisfaction) and data variable X (Motivation to Work) questionnaire using likert scale. Data variable X 12 (compensation) is secondary data obtained through the company’s data. Techniques of data analysis using SPSS 17.0. From the result of Ftest, found that F count (21,268) > F table (3,15). This means that X simultaneously affect the Y. T test produce t count of X 1 is (4,848) = t (1,998.). Because t count =t It can be concluded that there is a positive influence on the job satisfaction of work between compensation and X table, 2 (2,314) = t (1,998). Because t Count =t , It can be concluded that there is a positive influence on the job satisfaction between motivation to work. Then a coefficient of determination of test results obtained 0,407 or 40,7% variable Y determined by X table . Based on the results of the analysis a track ( path analysis ) obtained the equation is Y= 0,509X 1 + 0,243X 2 + 0,7702 . Beside that, the result of R 21 eqqual to 0,407 which means that compensation and motivation to work can explained job satisfaction eqqual to 40,7% and 59,3% explained with another variabel

    The Influence of Lunges and Rubber Load Exercises on Ap Chagi Kick Speed in UNTAD Taekwondo Club (UTC) Athletes

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an effect of lunges training and rubber loads on Ap Chagi kick speed in UNTAD Taekwondo Club athletes who were the samples in this study. The method used in this research is an experimental method with a two-group pretest-posttest design. The research location is in the Mayor's Field. The population of this study was 20 athletes, so that the sampling was carried out using total sampling technique. Based on the calculation results, I found that: (1) There is an effect of Lunges training on Ap Chagi Kick Speed in UNTAD Taekwondo Club Athletes. With a t count value of 7,359 > t table of 2,262 (2) There is an effect of Rubber Load training on Ap Chagi Kick Speed in UNTAD Taekwondo Club Athletes with a t count value of 9,000 > t table of 2.262 (3) there is a difference in the effect of Lunges Exercise and Rubber Load on Ap Chagi Kick Speed in UNTAD Taekwondo Club Athletes. Evidenced by the increase between the pre-test and post-test Lunges is 3.520 with a mean deviation of 0.3300. While the Rubber Load obtained an increase between the pre-test and post-test was 3.800 with a mean deviation of 0.3000. Conclusion 1). There is an effect of Lunges training on Ap Chagi kick speed in UNTAD Taekwondo Club athletes with an increase of 3.4% 2). Rubber load on Ap Chagi kick speed on UNTAD Taekwondo Club athletes with an increase percentage of 3.5%. 3). There is a difference between lunges and rubber weights on the speed of Ap Chagi kicks in UNTAD Taekwondo Club athletes by 0.1%)


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    Tujuan dalam penelitian ini meliputi; 1) Untuk menghasilkan bentuk permainan monopoly sebagai media pembelajaran penjasorkes untuk siswa SD di Kota Palu. 2) Untuk mengetahui efektifitas permainan monopoly yang dikembangkan untuk pembelajaran penjasorkes. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan atau disebut sebagai pengembangan berbasis penelitian (research-based development). Lokasi penelitian di SD Inpres Bumi Sagu Kota Palu. Prosedur yang digunakan dalam pengembangan permainan monopoly untuk pembelajaran penjasorkes siswa SD ini meliputi 10 langkah utama dalam pengembangan, Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan analisis uji Anova satu faktor. Luaran dalam penelitian ini adalah tersubmit dalam artikel ilmiah di jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi. Bentuk pengembangan permainan monopoly yang sesuai untuk media pembelajaran penjasorkes di SD meliputi lapangan atau halaman sekolah, jumlah kotak dalam permainan, pergerakan dalam permainan, bentuk dan jumlah dadu, kartu ceria dan sehat, gambar dalam petak serta peraturan permainannya. Dengan adanya permainan monopoly ini diharapkan pembelajaran permainan jasmani akan lebih variatif dan menarik. Pengembangan permainan monopoly sangat efektif untuk pembelajaran penjasorkes, hal ini dapat ditunjukan dengan data penelitian bahwa denyut jantung rata-rata siswa mengalami kenaikan setelah melakukan permainan monopoly sebesar 19,88% dari denyut jantung maksimal, hal ini menunjukan bahwa permainan monopoly dapat meningkatklan kebugaran siswa sehingga efektif untuk pembelajaran.


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    The design of a Recreative Public Library in Banjarbaru is motivated by the low interest in the reading culture of the community, especially in the millennial generation and the need for new places and facilities in the library that can accommodate various activities, especially in terms of sharing, discussing, relaxing, educating and recreational (Edutainment) and other activities aligned with the public library. Through the concept of Edutainment, the design of the Recreative Public Library can be a forum for developing and increasing interest in the reading culture of the community as well as being an additional facility for edutainment activities in accordance with the context of "the pleasure of reading" by using the symbiosis method and a recreational architectural approach which can highlight the function of the library as education but also as a place of recreation, besides that it can also reinterpret the user's view of library design in a more modern era.Perancangan Perpustakaan Umum yang Rekreatif di Banjarbaru dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya minat budaya baca masyarakat terutama pada generasi millenial serta kebutuhan akan tempat dan juga fasilitas baru dalam perpustakaan yang dapat menampung berbagai aktivitas terutama dalam hal sharing-sharing, diskusi, bersantai, edukatif dan rekreatif (Edutainment) dan kegiatan lainnya yang selaras dengan perpustakaan umum. Melalui konsep Edutainment, rancangan Perpustakaan Umum yang Rekreatif dapat menjadi wadah pengembangan dan peningkatan minat budaya baca masyarakat serta menjadi fasilitas tambahan untuk aktifitas-aktifitas edutainment sesuai dengan konteks “the pleasure of reading” dengan menggunakan metode simbiosis serta pendekatan arsitektur rekreatif yang mana dapat meng-highlight fungsi perpustakaan sebagai edukasi namun juga sebagai tempat rekreasi,selain itu juga dapat menginterpretasikan kembali pandangan pengguna terhadap desain perpustakaan di era yang lebih modern

    Perencanaan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal) Industri Tahu di Kecamatan Dendang Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    Tofu factory in the district Dendang factory on an industrial scale is generally managed the household. In one day this factory uses raw materials such as soybeans (Grylin Spp) of 50 kg and the results obtained only marketed around the District Dendang. The volume of waste generated over 2.25 to 5 m³ / day. Mr. Ahmad Yamin's tofu factory is one of the largest factories in the district Dendang, Tanjung Jabung Timur has characteristics of pH wastewater, TSS, NH3-N, BOD, COD, NO3, NO2, sequence 5, 34, 329 mg / l, 03:49 mg / l, 581 mg / l, 1228 mg / l, 1.3629 mg / l, 1.3771 mg / l. Some wastewater parameters have been tested exceed the quality standards appropriate to KEPMENLH NO 51, 1995. Generally, the wastewater can pollute the environment out either physically, chemically and biologically. It is necessary to develop wastewater treatment technologies that are simple, low cost, easy operation and has a high processing efficiency of pollutants. One alternative biofilter wastewater using anaerobic aerobic reactor is developed with the principles of microbial growth and attached to the filter media and form a layer biofilm. Data collection methods used are field surveys, documentation, literature review and alaisis laboratory to determine the characteristics of water limbah.Hasil waste discharge planning calculation for 25 (twenty five) years is 38.18 m3 / da


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh strength training with medicine ball dan penjang tungkai terhadap hasil renang gaya dada 50 meter. Penelitian experimen ini menggunakan desain faktorial 2x2. Sebanyak 24 atlet renang laki-laki dipilih sebagai sampel dengan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Sampling, kemudian dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok eksperimen. Teknik analisis data menggunkan ANAVA. Hasil penelitian (1) ada perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan throwdowns with medicine ball dan standing wall rebounds with medicine ball terhadap hasil renang 50 meter gaya dada, (F0 =  13,162 > Ft = 3,47). Latihan standing wall rebounds with medicine ball lebih baik dari latihan throwdowns with medicine ball, (2) ada perbedaan pengaruh antara panjang tungkai kategori tinggi dan rendah terhadap hasil renang 50 meter gaya dada, (F0 = 8,321 > Ft = 3,47). Atlet dengan panjang tungkai kategori tinggi lebih berpengaruh terhadap hasil kecepatan renang dibandingkan atlet dengan panjang tungkai kategori rendah, (3) Terdapat interaksi antara metode latihan strength training with medicine ball dan panjang tungkai terhadap hasil renang 50 meter gaya dada, (F0 = 8,265 > Ft = 3,47)

    Sistem Perencanaan Penyaluran Air Buangan Domestik di Kecamatan Telanaipura Kota Jambi

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    The planning of sewerage system in Telanaipura subdistrict is an urgent program. This is because there are many puddles of water on the area that can interfere the the community. Therefore we need a domestic sewerage system that carried by by pipeline form the tank to the building septic processing (small bore sewer). For domestic wastewater treatment used sump wells equipped with pumps, initial sedimentation pond, stabilization pond, and collector pond. It is expected that delivery system and treatment of domestic waste water in the Telanaipura can reduce sanitation problems and the can realize a healthy region, comfortable and livable

    Hedging Local Products : Optimizing The Processed Products of Sago Commodity to Become More Competitive Globally

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    This study aimed to analyze the strategy of increasing food security and selfreliance through the Riau province of processed products sago as a substitute for food diversification . By leveraging the leading sectors in the region , it is expected to be a major driving force in improving both regional and national economy, as well export competitiveness in the global market. This paper getting its samples by gathering data from questionnaires conducted on SMEs and sago industry in the islands of Meranti. It also apply the SWOT analysis and measurement of product competitiveness through diamond porter to determine the potential of the processed products of sago. Moreover , to strengthen the sharpness of analysis, such direct observation in the form of unstructured interviews and gather relevant literature will be performed. The authors find new strategies in providing solutions to improve food security and self-reliance through the optimization of processed products of sago . Meeting the needs of the region in the consumption of basic materials requires another alternative to avoid product shortages and increase the potential of the region in developing the seed sector. The result is the increase of processed products of sago and to make it a superior product that can compete in national and global markets. Keyword: Hedging Local Product, Strategic, SWOT analysi


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    Air limbah domestik merupakan air buangan yang berasal dari aktivitas sehari-hari manusia yang berkaitan dengan pemakaian air seperti mencuci dan mandi yang menghasilkan grey water. Grey water menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran yang menimbulkan kerugian apabila dibuang kelingkungan. Salah satu teknologi untuk pengolahan grey water pada air limbah domestik adalah constructed wetlands. Biochar dan aerasi dinilai mampu menghasilkan efektivitasdalam penyisihan polutan pada air limbah domestik. Pada penelitian ini air limbah akan dilakukan pengolahan dengan sistem constructed wetland dengan penggunaan biochar dan aerasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan biochar dan aerasi dalam menurunan parameter pH, BOD 5 dan amonia pada air limbah domestik pada constructed wetland. Pada penelitian menggunakan variasi waktu aerasi 1 jam : 2 jam dan 1 jam : 4 jam dengan komposisi media tanam biochar 1:1, 1:2 dan 1:3. Konsentrasi awal air limbah domestik BOD 5 yaitu 4041,64 mg/l, Amonia 104,84 mg/l dan pH 8,70. Penggunaan biochar dan aerasi untuk pengolahan limbah domestik pada constructed wetland dinilai efektif dalam menurunkan parameter pH, BOD 5 dam amonia. Penurunan BOD 5 berada rentang hasil uji akhir 172,23 mg/l-17,58 mg/l dan amonia 91,04 mg/l serta netralisasi pH 7,60-7,17. Variasi waktu aerasi dan komposisi media tanam memberikan pengaruh yang cukup signifikan dalam menurukan konsentrasi BOD 5 dan amonia serta dalam menetralkan pH. Penyisihan terbaik terjadi pada variasi media tanam biochar : tanah 1:3 dengan waktu aerasi 1 jam : 4 jam dengan efisiensi untuk parameter BOD 5 99,57% dan amonia 77,26 % sementara netralisasi pH juga terjadi pada variasi yang sama dengan nilai pH 7,17. Penambahan aerasi dan biochar yang berlebih ternyata kurang efektif dalam penyisihan parameter di reaktor constructed wetland karena dapat mengganggu proses degradasi bahan organik secara anaerob.Keywords: Aerasi, Air limbah domestik, Amonia, Biochar, BOD 5, sistem constructed wetlan