2,169 research outputs found

    Viriato: a Fourier-Hermite spectral code for strongly magnetised fluid-kinetic plasma dynamics

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    We report on the algorithms and numerical methods used in Viriato, a novel fluid-kinetic code that solves two distinct sets of equations: (i) the Kinetic Reduced Electron Heating Model (KREHM) equations [Zocco & Schekochihin, Phys. Plasmas 18, 102309 (2011)] (which reduce to the standard Reduced-MHD equations in the appropriate limit) and (ii) the kinetic reduced MHD (KRMHD) equations [Schekochihin et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 182:310 (2009)]. Two main applications of these equations are magnetised (Alfvenic) plasma turbulence and magnetic reconnection. Viriato uses operator splitting (Strang or Godunov) to separate the dynamics parallel and perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field (assumed strong). Along the magnetic field, Viriato allows for either a second-order accurate MacCormack method or, for higher accuracy, a spectral-like scheme composed of the combination of a total variation diminishing (TVD) third order Runge-Kutta method for the time derivative with a 7th order upwind scheme for the fluxes. Perpendicular to the field Viriato is pseudo-spectral, and the time integration is performed by means of an iterative predictor-corrector scheme. In addition, a distinctive feature of Viriato is its spectral representation of the parallel velocity-space dependence, achieved by means of a Hermite representation of the perturbed distribution function. A series of linear and nonlinear benchmarks and tests are presented, including a detailed analysis of 2D and 3D Orszag-Tang-type decaying turbulence, both in fluid and kinetic regimes.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figures, submitted to J. Comp. Phy

    A Calibrated Time Domain Envelope Measurement System for the Behavioral Modeling of Power Amplifiers

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    This paper presents a set-up which enables the generation and the calibrated time domain measurements of complex envelopes of modulated signals at both ports of non linear microwave power amplifiers. The architecture of the characterization tool is given. Examples of error corrected time domain envelopes at the input / output RF ports of a 36 dBm output power – 30dB power gain L-band SSPA are shown. Futhermore, the use of this characterization tool and a suitable processing of measurement data are applied to a novel measurement based behavioral modeling approach of non linear devices accounting for memory effects

    Kondo decoherence: finding the right spin model for iron impurities in gold and silver

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    We exploit the decoherence of electrons due to magnetic impurities, studied via weak localization, to resolve a longstanding question concerning the classic Kondo systems of Fe impurities in the noble metals gold and silver: which Kondo-type model yields a realistic description of the relevant multiple bands, spin and orbital degrees of freedom? Previous studies suggest a fully screened spin SS Kondo model, but the value of SS remained ambiguous. We perform density functional theory calculations that suggest S=3/2S = 3/2. We also compare previous and new measurements of both the resistivity and decoherence rate in quasi 1-dimensional wires to numerical renormalization group predictions for S=1/2,1S=1/2,1 and 3/2, finding excellent agreement for S=3/2S=3/2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, shortened for PR

    Using Spontaneous Emission of a Qubit as a Resource for Feedback Control

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    Persistent control of a transmon qubit is performed by a feedback protocol based on continuous heterodyne measurement of its fluorescence. By driving the qubit and cavity with microwave signals whose amplitudes depend linearly on the instantaneous values of the quadratures of the measured fluorescence field, we show that it is possible to stabilize permanently the qubit in any targeted state. Using a Josephson mixer as a phase-preserving amplifier, it was possible to reach a total measurement efficiency η\eta=35%, leading to a maximum of 59% of excitation and 44% of coherence for the stabilized states. The experiment demonstrates multiple-input multiple-output analog Markovian feedback in the quantum regime.Comment: Supplementary material can be found as an ancillary objec

    No effect of subthalamic deep brain stimulation on metacognition in Parkinson’s disease

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    Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus (STN-DBS) is a powerful treatment in Parkinson’s disease (PD), which provides a positive effect on motor symptoms although the way it operates on high cognitive processes such as metacognition remains unclear. To address this issue, we recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) of PD patients treated with STN-DBS that performed a reversal learning (RL) paradigm endowed with metacognitive self-assessment. We considered two stimulation conditions, namely DBS-ON (stimulation on) and DBS-OFF (stimulation off), and focused our EEG-analysis on the frontal brain region due to its involvement on high cognitive processes. We found a trend towards a significant difference in RL ability between stimulation conditions. STN-DBS showed no effect on metacognition, although a significant association between accuracy and decision confidence level held for DBS OFF, but not in the case of DBS ON. In summary, our study revealed no significant effect of STN-DBS on RL or metacognition

    Scaling of the low temperature dephasing rate in Kondo systems

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    We present phase coherence time measurements in quasi-one-dimensional Ag wires doped with Fe Kondo impurities of different concentrations nsn_s. Due to the relatively high Kondo temperature TK≈4.3KT_{K}\approx 4.3K of this system, we are able to explore a temperature range from above TKT_{K} down to below 0.01TK0.01 T_{K}. We show that the magnetic contribution to the dephasing rate γm\gamma_m per impurity is described by a single, universal curve when plotted as a function of (T/TK)(T/T_K). For T>0.1TKT>0.1 T_K, the dephasing rate is remarkably well described by recent numerical results for spin S=1/2S=1/2 impurities. At lower temperature, we observe deviations from this theory. Based on a comparison with theoretical calculations for S>1/2S>1/2, we discuss possible explanations for the observed deviations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Characterization of nanometer-sized, mechanically exfoliated graphene on the H-passivated Si(100) surface using scanning tunnelling microscopy

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    We have developed a method for depositing graphene monolayers and bilayers with minimum lateral dimensions of 2-10 nm by the mechanical exfoliation of graphite onto the Si(100)-2x1:H surface. Room temperature, ultra-high vacuum (UHV) tunnelling spectroscopy measurements of nanometer-sized single-layer graphene reveal a size dependent energy gap ranging from 0.1-1 eV. Furthermore, the number of graphene layers can be directly determined from scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) topographic contours. This atomistic study provides an experimental basis for probing the electronic structure of nanometer-sized graphene which can assist the development of graphene-based nanoelectronics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nanotechnolog

    Strongly quadrature-dependent noise in superconducting micro-resonators measured at the vacuum-noise limit

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    We measure frequency- and dissipation-quadrature noise in superconducting lithographed microwave resonators with sensitivity near the vacuum noise level using a Josephson parametric amplifier. At an excitation power of 100~nW, these resonators show significant frequency noise caused by two-level systems. No excess dissipation-quadrature noise (above the vacuum noise) is observed to our measurement sensitivity. These measurements demonstrate that the excess dissipation-quadrature noise is negligible compared to vacuum fluctuations, at typical readout powers used in micro-resonator applications. Our results have important implications for resonant readout of various devices such as detectors, qubits and nano-mechanical oscillators.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    GOHTAM: a website for ‘Genomic Origin of Horizontal Transfers, Alignment and Metagenomics’

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    Motivation: This website allows the detection of horizontal transfers based on a combination of parametric methods and proposes an origin by researching neighbors in a bank of genomic signatures. This bank is also used to research an origin to DNA fragments from metagenomics studies

    On the properties of aluminium doped zinc oxide thin films deposited on plastic substrates from ceramic targets

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    We report on the deposition of Al doped ZnO (AZO) thin films on unheated polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique using a UV excimer laser and Al2O3:ZnO ceramic targets (1.5 and 2 wt% Al2O3). The deposited AZO films have been investigated by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and optical spectrophotometry. Films present excellent optical and electrical properties (transmission in the visible range T > 85%; resistivity at room temperature rho = 1.3 x 10(-3) Omega cm) as electrodes for plastic solar cells. A good correlation was found between deposition conditions (laser fluence) and structural, morphological, optical and electrical propertie
