2,454 research outputs found

    O ensaio na crítica literária brasileira contemporânea

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    Esta tese pretende compreender os motivos que fazem do ensaio a forma de escrita mais frequente na crítica literária brasileira do século XXI, num momento em que a crítica realiza uma revisão de sua atuação. Com esse intuito, os conceitos de dispositivo e contradispositivo, de Michel Foucault, tornam-se ponto de partida para a reflexão, o que permite reconhecer no ensaio a possibilidade de novos caminhos para a racionalidade no mundo contemporâneo, junto à literatura. O estudo acompanha o percurso do ensaio, que se desenvolve lado a lado com o processo de formação do pensamento crítico desde Michel de Montaigne, passando pela forte tradição crítica do Romantismo alemão, resgatada por Georg Lukács e Walter Benjamin, até encontrar, a partir da segunda metade do século XX, em Theodor Adorno e Roland Barthes desdobramentos ainda mais complexos para o ensaio crítico-filosófico. A partir dessas premissas, o trabalho de análise vai ao encontro de autores que exploram as possibilidades do ensaio em suas obras, tornando indissociáveis, em muitos momentos, texto literário e texto de crítica. As reflexões se voltam para os estudos teóricos e críticos de literatura, com destaque para os textos de Antonio Candido, Roberto Schwarz, Silviano Santiago, João Cezar de Castro Rocha, Alberto Pucheu e Nuno Ramos, com o objetivo de trazer à tona as contribuições do ensaio para os estudos literários no Brasil. Sobretudo no que se refere à inserção dos recursos estéticos da linguagem aos procedimentos de análise crítica, chegando a aproximar os extremos da constante flutuação entre a ordem objetiva e a ordem subjetiva da escrita literária, realçando a presença autoral e o posicionamento ético diante dos temas sobre os quais os autores arrolados nesta tese se propõem a pensar

    Sulfur, Chlorine, & Argon Abundances in Planetary Nebulae. I: Observations and Abundances in a Northern Sample

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    This paper is the first of a series specifically studying the abundances of sulfur, chlorine, and argon in Type II planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Galactic disk. Ratios of S/O, Cl/O, and Ar/O constitute important tests of differential nucleosynthesis of these elements and serve as strict constraints on massive star yield predictions. We present new ground-based optical spectra extending from 3600-9600 Angstroms for a sample of 19 Type II northern PNe. This range includes the strong near infrared lines of [S III] 9069,9532, which allows us to test extensively their effectiveness as sulfur abundance indicators. We also introduce a new, model-tested ionization correction factor for sulfur. For the present sample, we find average values of S/O=1.2E-2(+/- 0.71E-2), Cl/O=3.3E-4(+/- 1.6E-4), and Ar/O=5.0E-3(+/- 1.9E-3).Comment: 44 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Nature of the constant factor in the relation between radial breathing mode frequency and tube diameter for single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    Resonance Raman scattering is used to determine the radial breathing mode (RBM) frequency (ωRBM) dependence on tube diameter (dt) for single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We establish experimentally the ωRBM=227.0/dt as the fundamental relation for pristine SWNTs. All the other RBM values found in the literature can be explained by an upshift in frequency due mostly to van der Waals interaction between SWNTs and environment

    Resistência do tipo antibiose a ninfas de Tibraca limbativentris (Stal, 1860) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) em variedades de arroz.

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    O percevejo-do-colmo (Tibraca limbativentris Stal, 1860) é uma importante praga do arroz no Brasil. O uso de variedades resistentes a esse inseto é uma ferramenta importante para o seu controle. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão. Foi avaliada resistência tipo antibiose em ninfas de T. limbativentris em 16 variedades de arroz em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados em oito repetições. Os caracteres utilizados para detectar indícios de resistência do tipo antibiose foram: número de ninfas vivas, massa seca (mg)/ninfas, superfície corporal/mm2, índice de sobrevivência e desenvolvimento e dias de vida das ninfas. Realizaram-se três tipos de análises: a) considerando somente os dados obtidos nas repetições avaliadas aos 7, 13, 21 e 26 dias após a infestação; b) considerando somente os dados das quatro repetições avaliadas aos 35 dias após a infestação e c) considerando os dados obtidos conjuntamente nas oito repetições. Conclui-se que as variedades Arroz Comum e Desconhecido Branco, principalmente a primeira, evidenciam possuir características que lhes confere determinado grau de resistência do tipo antibiose a ninfas de T. limbativentris

    Histomorfologia funcional do intestino do pirarucu, Arapaima gigas (Cuvier, 1829).

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    Este trabalho avaliou a histomorfologia do intestino de juvenis de pirarucu, visando elucidar a dinâmica de absorção e aproveitamento de nutrientes pela espécie e subsidiar futuras pesquisas abrangendo sua nutrição e saúde.Organizado por: Sílvio Ricardo Maurano; AQUACIÊNCIA 2012

    The physical parameters, excitation and chemistry of the rim, jets and knots of the planetary nebula NGC 7009

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    We present long-slit optical spectra along the major axis of the planetary nebula NGC 7009. These data allow us to discuss the physical, excitation and chemical properties of all the morphological components of the nebula, including its remarkable systems of knots and jets. The main results of this analysis are the following: i) the electron temperature throughout the nebula is remarkably constant, T_e[OIII] = 10200K; ii) the bright inner rim and inner pair of knots have similar densities of N_e = 6000cm^{-3}, whereas a much lower density of N_e = 1500cm^{-3} is derived for the outer knots as well as for the jets; iii) all the regions (rim, inner knots, jets and outer knots) are mainly radiatively excited; and iv) there are no clear abundance changes across the nebula for He, O, Ne, or S. There is a marginal evidence for an overabundance of nitrogen in the outer knots (ansae), but the inner ones (caps) and the rim have similar N/H values that are at variance with previous results. Our data are compared to the predictions of theoretical models, from which we conclude that the knots at the head of the jets are not matter accumulated during the jet expansion through the circumstellar medium, neither can their origin be explained by the proposed HD or MHD interacting-wind models for the formation of jets/ansae, since the densities as well as the main excitation mechanisms of the knots, disagree with model predictions.Comment: Figure 1 was changed because features were misidentified in the previous version. 17 pages including 5 figures and 3 tables. ApJ in press. Also available at http://www.iac.es/galeria/denise

    B Physics at the Tevatron: Run II and Beyond

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    This report provides a comprehensive overview of the prospects for B physics at the Tevatron. The work was carried out during a series of workshops starting in September 1999. There were four working groups: 1) CP Violation, 2) Rare and Semileptonic Decays, 3) Mixing and Lifetimes, 4) Production, Fragmentation and Spectroscopy. The report also includes introductory chapters on theoretical and experimental tools emphasizing aspects of B physics specific to hadron colliders, as well as overviews of the CDF, D0, and BTeV detectors, and a Summary.Comment: 583 pages. Further information on the workshops, including transparencies, can be found at the workshop's homepage: http://www-theory.lbl.gov/Brun2/. The report is also available in 2-up http://www-theory.lbl.gov/Brun2/report/report2.ps.gz or chapter-by-chapter http://www-theory.lbl.gov/Brun2/report

    The dynamical evolution of the circumstellar gas around low-and intermediate-mass stars I: the AGB

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    We have investigated the dynamical interaction of low- and-intermediate mass stars (from 1 to 5 Msun) with their interstellar medium (ISM). In this first paper, we examine the structures generated by the stellar winds during the Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) phase, using a numerical code and the wind history predicted by stellar evolution. The influence of the external ISM is also taken into account. We find that the wind variations associated with the thermal pulses lead to the formation of transient shells with an average lifetime of 20,000 yr, and consequently do not remain recorded in the density or velocity structure of the gas. The formation of shells that survive at the end of the AGB occurs via two main processes: shocks between the shells formed by two consecutive enhancements of the mass-loss or via continuous accumulation of the material ejected by the star in the interaction region with the ISM. Our models show that the mass of the circumstellar envelope increases appreciably due to the ISM material swept up by the wind (up to 70 % for the 1 Msun stellar model). We also point out the importance of the ISM on the deceleration and compression of the external shells. According to our simulations, large regions (up to 2.5 pc) of neutral gas surrounding the molecular envelopes of AGB stars are expected. These large regions of gas are formed from the mass-loss experienced by the star during the AGB evolution.Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Stellar Iron Abundances at the Galactic Center

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    We present measurements of [Fe/H] for six M supergiant stars and three giant stars within 0.5 pc of the Galactic Center (GC) and one M supergiant star within 30 pc of the GC. The results are based on high-resolution (lambda / Delta lambda =40,000) K-band spectra, taken with CSHELL at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility.We determine the iron abundance by detailed abundance analysis,performed with the spectral synthesis program MOOG.The mean [Fe/H] of the GC stars is determined to be near solar,[Fe/H] = +0.12 ±\pm 0.22. Our analysis is a differential analysis, as we have observed and applied the same analysis technique to eleven cool, luminous stars in the solar neighborhood with similar temperatures and luminosities as the GC stars. The mean [Fe/H] of the solar neighborhood comparison stars, [Fe/H] = +0.03 ±\pm 0.16, is similar to that of the GC stars. The width of the GC [Fe/H] distribution is found to be narrower than the width of the [Fe/H] distribution of Baade's Window in the bulge but consistent with the width of the [Fe/H] distribution of giant and supergiant stars in the solar neighborhood.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures, ApJ, in pres