216 research outputs found

    IPod System Usability: An Application of the Fuzzy Logic

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    In order for the initial result of this research to be obtained scientifically, a decision was made on setting the limits of the universe of users to be studied. For this end, the research was centered on the users of a Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, college and the EXCEL and MATLAB software were used. The Fuzzy Logic was employed to assess IPod usability. The methodology presented here by is unprecedented and was developed by a 25-student study group of the above-mentioned college in their research

    An application for efficient telecommunication networks provisioning using linear programming

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    This paper presents a practical proposition for the application of the Linear Programming quantitative method in order to assist planning and control of customer circuit delivery activities in telecommunications companies working with the corporative market. Based upon data provided for by a telecom company operating in Brazil, the Linear Programming method was employed for one of the classical problems of determining the optimum mix of production quantities for a set of five products of that company: Private Telephone Network, Internet Network, Intranet Network, Low Speed Data Network, and High Speed Data Network, in face of several limitations of the productive resources, seeking to maximize the company’s monthly revenue. By fitting the production data available into a primary model, observation was made as to what number of monthly activations for each product would be mostly optimized in order to achieve maximum revenues in the company. The final delivery of a complete network was not observed but the delivery of the circuits that make it up, and this was a limiting factor for the study herein, which, however, brings an innovative proposition for the planning of private telecommunications network provisioning

    A fuzzy logic application in virtual education

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    Traditionally, the teaching and learning process uses the problems resolving for fixing, transmitting and evaluating concepts and knowledge about a subject. Learning is the process of acquiring relative permanent changes in understanding, attitude, knowledge, information, capacity and ability through experience. A change can be decided or involuntary, to better or worsen learning. The learning process is an internal cognitive event. To help this teaching and learning process, it is important the use of a computer tool able to stimulate these changes. Also, it is important that it can function as validation and helping tool to the student. These functions are performed by computer systems called Intelligent Tutoring Systems. This paper describes the use of artificial intelligence techniques as a teaching support tool. Using Intelligent Tutoring Systems e fuzzy logic, this work shows, throgh eletronic ways, teaching will be more efficient and more adapted to students necessities, in group or individually

    A personalidade do agente como circunstância judicial na aplicação da pena

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    Projeto de monografia apresentado ao Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB/ICPD) como pré-requisito para obtenção de Certificado de Conclusão de Curso de Pós-graduação Lato Sensu em Direito Penal e Processo Penal.Analisa aspectos relacionados à personalidade do agente na aplicação da pena.Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ)

    Garch model indentification using neural network

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    GARCH models are being largely used to estimate the volatility offinancial assets, and GARCH(1,1) is the one most used. However, identificationof GARCH models is not fully explored. Some specialist systems technology havebeen used in some applications of time series models such as time seriesclassification problems, ARMA models identification, as well as SARIMA. The aim of this paper is to develop an intelligent system that can accurately identifythe specification of GARCH models providing the right choice of the model to beused, thus avoiding the indiscriminate usage of GARCH(1,1) model

    Box & Jenkins Model Identification:A Comparison of Methodologies

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    This paper focuses on a presentation of a comparison of a neuro-fuzzy back propagation network and Forecast automatic model Identification to identify automatically Box & Jenkins non seasonal models.Recently some combinations of neural networks and fuzzy logic technologies have being used to deal with uncertain and subjective problems. It is concluded on the basis of the obtained results that this type of approach is very powerful to be used

    Estimation of the Informal Economy: An Application of Fuzzy Sets

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    Data on “Informal Economy” magnitudes are relevant for the establishment of adequate micro and macro economics but, there are very few indicators in this respect. The goal of this paper is to generate a temporal series that would describe the informal economy in Brazil. For this purpose fuzzy logic was used. The input variables were a degree of economic opening as well as the tax load rate in relation to GNP (Grow National Product)

    Fuzzy Firewalls

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    This paper presents a fuzzy control approach for improving present firewall architectures. Taking into account not only network packets contents and connection status information to take filtering decisions, it’s possible to makefirewall behavior adaptive and to use it to increase operating systems’ immunity to attack

    Entre, quem é? Estudo exploratório sobre a predisposição das entidades da economia social para a gestão de recursos partilhados na terra quente transmontana

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    “Entre, quem é?” é uma expressão da hospitalidade transmontana. Região desfavorecida, envelhecida e de baixa densidade populacional. Deficitária no sector secundário, abundante em produtos de qualidade reconhecida, equilibrada na diversidade da agricultura e na multiplicidade dos serviços, em que as organizações da economia social são um pilar do desenvolvimento e da empregabilidade. Respondem a carências sociais, sabem utilizar de forma inteligente os meios de que dispõem, têm presente o sentimento de partilha, mas ainda não se organizaram para implementar um modelo de gestão partilhada. Para o propósito de estudo partiu-se da seguinte pergunta de investigação: Existe predisposição dos agentes da economia social para a partilha de recursos? Assente num estudo de caso da Terra Quente transmontana foi utilizada uma metodologia mista consubstanciada numa abordagem exploratória qualitativa dirigida a gestores (entrevistas em profundidade) e numa abordagem exploratória quantitativa dirigida a colaboradores (inquérito por questionário). Procedeu-se ainda a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os resultados do estudo permitiram observar a existência de predisposição para a partilha e inferir que estas organizações têm um impacto económico significativo em número, trabalho remunerado e volume de negócios. Aferiu-se a relação entre a demonstração de interesse na partilha e a qualificação adequada à função dos gestores e colaboradores. Verificou-se a prática da partilha informal e não regulada de recursos próprios e alheios, entre parceiros de proximidade, sem que exista um modelo de gestão de conhecimento, ativos, tempo, uso, reutilização e aproveitamento. Antevê-se que o estudo possa servir de base científica/metodológica para um projeto de investimento regional, beneficiando das oportunidades de apoio ao investimento em I&D, e estabelecimento de parcerias, conciliando o interesse numa região smart e a aplicação dos princípios da economia circular. Acredita-se que a promoção deste novo paradigma, através de ações de marketing social, será conducente a mudanças nos comportamentos e atitudes das organizações e da sociedade, e que possa ser disseminado noutras regiões.“Come in, who is it?” Is an expression of transmontana hospitality. Disadvantaged, aging and low populated region. Secondary sector shortage, abundant in products of recognized quality, balanced in the diversity of agriculture and the multiplicity of services, where social economy organizations are a pillar of development and employability. They respond to social needs, know how to use their means wisely, are aware of the feeling of sharing, but have not yet organized themselves to implement a shared management model. For the purposes of this study, the following research question was asked: Is there a predisposition of social economy agents to share resources? Based on a case study of Terra Quente Transmontana, a mixed methodology was used, based on a qualitative exploratory approach directed to managers (in-depth interviews) and a quantitative approach to employees (questionnaire survey). Bibliographical and documentary research was also carried out. The results of the study allowed to observe the existence of predisposition for sharing and infer that these organizations have a significant economic impact in quantity, paid employment and turnover. The relationship between the demonstration of interest in sharing and the qualification appropriate to the function of managers and employees was checked. It was verified the practice of informal and unregulated sharing of own and other resources between close partners, without a model of management of knowledge, assets, time, use, reuse and exploitation. It is anticipated that this study could serve as a scientific/methodological basis for a regional investment project, benefiting from opportunities to support investment in innovation and R&D. This project aims to establish partnerships, reconciling interest in a smart region and applying the principles of circular economy. It is believed that the promotion of this new paradigm, through social marketing actions, will be conducive to changes in the behaviors and attitudes of organizations and society, and that can be disseminated in other regions