82 research outputs found

    Pyrite oxidation inhibition by a cross-linked lipid coating

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    The effect of a diacetylene-containing phospholipid on the oxidation of pyrite, FeS(2), was investigated. Earlier work reported by our research group showed that the adsorption of l,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine on pyrite suppressed the extent of its oxidation by about 75% over a specific time period. Results presented here show that the pre-exposure to UV radiation of this lipid after sorption onto pyrite results in a 90% suppression. Attenuated total reflection (ATR) Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) suggests that the UV irradiation of the lipid does not result in degradation of the adsorbed layer. It is believed that the UV exposure results in the cross-linking and polymerization of the adsorbed phospholipid into a relatively impermeable barrier that separates the pyrite from the aqueous phase. The results of this study might have implications for the protection of pyrite from oxidation in the environment

    Abiotic ammonium formation in the presence of Ni-Fe metals and alloys and its implications for the Hadean nitrogen cycle

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    Experiments with dinitrogen-, nitrite-, nitrate-containing solutions were conducted without headspace in Ti reactors (200°C), borosilicate septum bottles (70°C) and HDPE tubes (22°C) in the presence of Fe and Ni metal, awaruite (Ni80Fe20) and tetrataenite (Ni50Fe50). In general, metals used in this investigation were more reactive than alloys toward all investigated nitrogen species. Nitrite and nitrate were converted to ammonium more rapidly than dinitrogen, and the reduction process had a strong temperature dependence. We concluded from our experimental observations that Hadean submarine hydrothermal systems could have supplied significant quantities of ammonium for reactions that are generally associated with prebiotic synthesis, especially in localized environments. Several natural meteorites (octahedrites) were found to contain up to 22 ppm Ntot. While the oxidation state of N in the octahedrites was not determined, XPS analysis of metals and alloys used in the study shows that N is likely present as nitride (N3-). This observation may have implications toward the Hadean environment, since, terrestrial (e.g., oceanic) ammonium production may have been supplemented by reduced nitrogen delivered by metal-rich meteorites. This notion is based on the fact that nitrogen dissolves into metallic melts

    Links Between Hydrothermal Environments, Pyrophosphate, Na+, and Early Evolution

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    The discovery that photosynthetic bacterial membrane-bound inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) catalyzed light-induced phosphorylation of orthophosphate (Pi) to pyrophosphate (PPi) and the capability of PPi to drive energy requiring dark reactions supported PPi as a possible early alternative to ATP. Like the proton-pumping ATPase, the corresponding membrane-bound PPase also is a H+-pump, and like the Na+-pumping ATPase, it can be a Na+-pump, both in archaeal and bacterial membranes. We suggest that PPi and Na+ transport preceded ATP and H+ transport in association with geochemistry of the Earth at the time of the origin and early evolution of life. Life may have started in connection with early plate tectonic processes coupled to alkaline hydrothermal activity. A hydrothermal environment in which Na+ is abundant exists in sediment-starved subduction zones, like the Mariana forearc in the W Pacific Ocean. It is considered to mimic the Archean Earth. The forearc pore fluids have a pH up to 12.6, a Na+-concentration of 0.7 mol/kg seawater. PPi could have been formed during early subduction of oceanic lithosphere by dehydration of protonated orthophosphates. A key to PPi formation in these geological environments is a low local activity of water

    Seasonal variations in pore water and sediment geochemistry of littoral lake sediments (Asylum Lake, MI, USA)

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal changes in pore water and sediment redox geochemistry have been observed in many near-surface sediments. Such changes have the potential to strongly influence trace metal distribution and thus create seasonal fluctuations in metal mobility and bioavailability. RESULTS: Seasonal trends in pore water and sediment geochemistry are assessed in the upper 50 cm of littoral kettle lake sediments. Pore waters are always redox stratified, with the least compressed redox stratification observed during fall and the most compressed redox stratification observed during summer. A 2-step sequential sediment extraction yields much more Fe in the first step, targeted at amorphous Fe(III) (hydr)oxides (AEF), then in the second step, which targets Fe(II) monosulfides. Fe extracted in the second step is relatively invariant with depth or season. In contrast, AEF decreases with sediment depth, and is seasonally variable, in agreement with changes in redox stratification inferred from pore water profiles. A 5-step Tessier extraction scheme was used to assess metal association with operationally-defined exchangeable, carbonate, iron and manganese oxide (FMO), organic/sulfide and microwave-digestible residual fractions in cores collected during winter and spring. Distribution of metals in these two seasons is similar. Co, As, Cd, and U concentrations approach detection limits. Fe, Cu and Pb are mostly associated with the organics/sulfides fraction. Cr and Zn are mostly associated with FMO. Mn is primarily associated with carbonates, and Co is nearly equally distributed between the FMO and organics/sulfide fractions. CONCLUSION: This study clearly demonstrates that near-surface lake sediment pore water redox stratification and associated solid phase geochemistry vary significantly with season. This has important ramifications for seasonal changes in the bioavailability and mobility of trace elements. Without rate measurements, it is not possible to quantify the contribution of various processes to natural organic matter degradation. However, the pore water and solid phase data suggest that iron reduction and sulfate reduction are the dominant pathways in the upper 50 cm of these sediments

    Biomorphic Engineering of Multifunctional Polylactide Stomatocytes toward Therapeutic Nano-Red Blood Cells

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    Morphologically discrete nanoarchitectures, which mimic the structural complexity of biological systems, are an increasingly popular design paradigm in the development of new nanomedical technologies. Herein, engineered polymeric stomatocytes are presented as a structural and functional mimic of red blood cells (RBCs) with multifunctional therapeutic features. Stomatocytes, comprising biodegradable poly(ethylene glycol) block-poly(D,L-lactide), possess an oblate-like morphology reminiscent of RBCs. This unique dual-compartmentalized structure is augmented via encapsulation of multifunctional cargo (oxygen-binding hemoglobin and the photosensitizer chlorin e6). Furthermore, stomatocytes are decorated with a cell membrane isolated from erythrocytes to ensure that the surface characteristics matched those of RBCs. In vivo biodistribution data reveal that both the uncoated and coated nano-RBCs have long circulation times in mice, with the membrane-coated ones outperforming the uncoated stomatoctyes. The capacity of nano-RBCs to transport oxygen and create oxygen radicals upon exposure to light is effectively explored toward photodynamic therapy, using 2D and 3D tumor models; addressing the challenge presented by cancer-induced hypoxia. The morphological and functional control demonstrated by this synthetic nanosystem, coupled with indications of therapeutic efficacy, constitutes a highly promising platform for future clinical application.</p

    Ferritin family proteins and their use in bionanotechnology

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    Ferritin family proteins are found in all kingdoms of life and act to store iron within a protein cage and to protect the cell from oxidative damage caused by the Fenton reaction. The structural and biochemical features of the ferritins have been widely exploited in bionanotechnology applications: from the production of metal nanoparticles; as templates for semi-conductor production; and as scaffolds for vaccine design and drug delivery. In this review we first discuss the structural properties of the main ferritin family proteins, and describe how their organisation specifies their functions. Second, we describe materials science applications of ferritins that rely on their ability to sequester metal within their cavities. Finally, we explore the use of ferritin as a container for drug delivery and as a scaffold for the production of vaccines

    Microbial oxidation of Fe2+ and pyrite exposed to flux of micromolar H2O2 in acidic media

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    At an initial pH of 2, while abiotic oxidation of aqueous Fe2+ was enhanced by a flux of H2O2 at micromolar concentrations, bio-oxidation of aqueous Fe2+ could be impeded due to oxidative stress/damage in Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans caused by Fenton reaction-derived hydroxyl radical, particularly when the molar ratio of Fe 2+ to H2O2 was low. When pyrite cubes were intermittently exposed to fluxes of micromolar H2O2, the reduced Fe2+-Fe 3+ conversion rate in the solution (due to reduced microbial activity) weakened the Fe 3+-catalyzed oxidation of cubic pyrite and added to relative importance of H2O2-driven oxidation in the corrosion of mineral surfaces for the treatments with high H 2O2 doses. This had effects on reducing the build-up of a passivating coating layer on the mineral surfaces. Cell attachment to the mineral surfaces was only observed at the later stage of the experiment after the solutions became less favorable for the growth of planktonic bacteria

    Self-assembly and stabilization of hybrid cowpea chlorotic mottle virus particles under nearly physiological conditions

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    \u3cp\u3eCapsids of the cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) hold great promise for use as nanocarriers in vivo. A major drawback, however, is the lack of stability of the empty wild-type virus particles under physiological conditions. Herein, the assembly behavior and stability under nearly physiological conditions of protein-based block copolymers composed of the CCMV capsid protein and two hydrophobic elastin-like polypeptides are reported. UV/Vis spectroscopy studies, dynamic light-scattering analysis, and TEM measurements demonstrate that both hybrid variants form stable capsids at pH 7.5, physiological NaCl concentration, and 37 °C. The more hydrophobic variant also remains stable in a cell culture medium. These engineered, hybrid CCMV capsid particles can therefore be regarded as suitable candidates for in vivo applications.\u3c/p\u3