4,852 research outputs found

    Gestión del conocimiento en línea Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones

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    This paper is divided into two sections. The first establishes the emergence of the concept of online learning and the development of Information Technology Literacy, and how they interact in the context of Online Knowledge Management in Work and Organizational Psychology. It also determines and analyzes the learning and production process within this urea. The second part describes a web-based training experience with a sample of 160 students, which lasted a semester. It outlines the objectives,practical exercises, methods, results and main findings in terms ofskills enhanced through the performance patterns followed by the students in the learning process.Este artículo se ha dividido en dos secciones. La primera establece la emergencia conceptual del espacio en línea de aprendizaje y el desarrollo de la alfabetización en las tecnologías de la información, y cómo ambos se dan la mano en el contexto de la gestión del conocimiento en línea y la psicología del trabajo. También fija y analiza los procesos deaprendizaje y produccidn en este espacio. La segunda describe una experiencia de formación basada en Internet en la que se implicó a una muestra de 160 alumnos durante un semestre. Se reseñan los objetivos, los ejercicios prácticos, los resultados y las constataciones más importantes en términos de destrezas a través de los patrones de desempeño seguidos por el alumnado en el proceso de aprendizaje

    Gestión del conocimiento en línea Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones

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    This paper is divided into two sections. The first establishes the emergence of the concept of online learning and the development of Information Technology Literacy, and how they interact in the context of Online Knowledge Management in Work and Organizational Psychology. It also determines and analyzes the learning and production process within this urea. The second part describes a web-based training experience with a sample of 160 students, which lasted a semester. It outlines the objectives,practical exercises, methods, results and main findings in terms ofskills enhanced through the performance patterns followed by the students in the learning process.Este artículo se ha dividido en dos secciones. La primera establece la emergencia conceptual del espacio en línea de aprendizaje y el desarrollo de la alfabetización en las tecnologías de la información, y cómo ambos se dan la mano en el contexto de la gestión del conocimiento en línea y la psicología del trabajo. También fija y analiza los procesos deaprendizaje y produccidn en este espacio. La segunda describe una experiencia de formación basada en Internet en la que se implicó a una muestra de 160 alumnos durante un semestre. Se reseñan los objetivos, los ejercicios prácticos, los resultados y las constataciones más importantes en términos de destrezas a través de los patrones de desempeño seguidos por el alumnado en el proceso de aprendizaje

    Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron

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    Boron is an element of fascinating chemical complexity. Controversies have shrouded this element since its discovery was announced in 1808: the new 'element' turned out to be a compound containing less than 60-70 percent of boron, and it was not until 1909 that 99-percent pure boron was obtained. And although we now know of at least 16 polymorphs, the stable phase of boron is not yet experimentally established even at ambient conditions. Boron's complexities arise from frustration: situated between metals and insulators in the periodic table, boron has only three valence electrons, which would favour metallicity, but they are sufficiently localized that insulating states emerge. However, this subtle balance between metallic and insulating states is easily shifted by pressure, temperature and impurities. Here we report the results of high-pressure experiments and ab initio evolutionary crystal structure predictions that explore the structural stability of boron under pressure and, strikingly, reveal a partially ionic high-pressure boron phase. This new phase is stable between 19 and 89 GPa, can be quenched to ambient conditions, and has a hitherto unknown structure (space group Pnnm, 28 atoms in the unit cell) consisting of icosahedral B12 clusters and B2 pairs in a NaCl-type arrangement. We find that the ionicity of the phase affects its electronic bandgap, infrared adsorption and dielectric constants, and that it arises from the different electronic properties of the B2 pairs and B12 clusters and the resultant charge transfer between them.Comment: Published in Nature 453, 863-867 (2009

    Infrared-Emitting QDs for Thermal Therapy with Real-Time Subcutaneous Temperature Feedback

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    Nowadays, one of the most exciting applications of nanotechnology in biomedicine is the development of localized, noninvasive therapies for diverse diseases, such as cancer. Among them, nanoparticle-based photothermal therapy (PTT), which destroys malignant cells by delivering heat upon optical excitation of nanoprobes injected into a living specimen, is emerging with great potential. Two main milestones that must be reached for PTT to become a viable clinical treatment are deep penetration of the triggering optical excitation and real-time accurate temperature monitoring of the ongoing therapy, which constitutes a critical factor to minimize collateral damage. In this work, a yet unexplored capability of near-infrared emitting semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots, QDs) is demonstrated. Temperature self-monitored ­QD-based PTT is presented for the first time using PbS/CdS/ZnS QDs emitting in the second biological window. These QDs are capable of acting, simultaneously, as photothermal agents (heaters) and high-resolution fluorescent thermal sensors, making it possible to achieve full control over the intratumoral temperature increment during PTT. The differences observed between intratumoral and surface temperatures in this comprehensive investigation, through different irradiation conditions, highlight the need for real-time control of the intratumoral temperature that allows for a dynamic adjustment of the treatment conditions in order to maximize the efficacy of the therapyThis project has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under project and MAT2013-47395-C4-1-R. B. del Rosal thanks Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for an FPI grant. F. Ren acknowledges scholarship support from the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) under the Programme de Bourses d’Excellence (Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students

    Percepções dos alunos de Enfermagem sobre flipped classroom e avaliação contínua na sala de aula de Gestão de Enfermagem

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    Introduction: Although the training of nurses in administration and leadership has an important repercussion on the present and the future of the profession, teaching methods are still traditional in many cases. Flipped classroom is a widely used method in nursing education but studies about its application to Nursing Administration and Management are limited. Method: Qualitative study by means of anonymous survey (dichotomous and open questions). Results: 92 % of students were shown to be satisfied with the teaching methodology and 92.9 % with the assessment. Only 31.5 % had used it previously but 83 % would like to use it in more subjects. The students showed that the methodology used had improved their opinion about the content and had increased their perception its usefulness. Conclusion: The participating students have been shown to be satisfied with flipped method and continuous assessment. These teaching strategies can help motivate nursing students towards the subject of Nursing Administration and Management, which can encourage them to pursue postgraduate training and professional practice in this area.Introducción: Si bien la formación de enfermeros en Administración y Gestión tiene una importante repercusión en el presente y el futuro de la profesión, los métodos de enseñanza siguen siendo tradicionales en muchos casos. El aula invertida es un método ampliamente utilizado en la educación de enfermería, pero los estudios sobre su aplicación a la administración y gestión de enfermería son limitados. Método: Estudio cualitativo mediante cuestionario anónimo (preguntas dicotómicas y abiertas). Resultados: El 92 % de los estudiantes se mostró satisfecho con la metodología de enseñanza y el 92,9 % con la evaluación. Solo el 31,5 % lo había usado anteriormente, pero al 83 % le gustaría usarlo en más sujetos. Los estudiantes demostraron que la metodología utilizada había mejorado su opinión sobre el contenido y había aumentado su percepción útil del mismo. Conclusión: Los estudiantes participantes han demostrado estar satisfechos con el método de aula invertida. Estas estrategias de enseñanza pueden ayudar a motivar a los estudiantes de enfermería hacia la asignatura de Administración y Gestión de los Servicios de Enfermería, lo que puede animarlos a realizar una formación de posgrado y una práctica profesional en esta área.Introdução: Embora a educação de Enfermagem em Administração e Gestão tenha um grande impacto no presente e futuro da profissão, os métodos de ensino continuam a ser tradicionais em muitos casos. A sala de aula invertida é um método amplamente utilizado na educação em Enfermagem, mas os estudos sobre a sua aplicação à Administração e Gestão de Enfermagem são limitados. Método: Estudo qualitativo utilizando um questionário anônimo (perguntas dicotômicas e abertas). Resultados: 92% dos estudantes ficaram satisfeitos com a metodologia de ensino e 92,9% com a avaliação. Apenas 31,5% já o tinha utilizado antes, mas 83% gostariam de  utilizá-lo em mais assuntos. Os estudantes mostraram que a metodologia utilizada havia melhorado a sua opinião sobre o conteúdo e aumentado a sua percepção útil do conteúdo. Conclusão: Os estudantes participantes mostraram-se satisfeitos com o método invertido e com a avaliação contínua. Estas estratégias de ensino podem ajudar a motivar os estudantes de Enfermagem para a disciplina de Administração e Gestão de Enfermagem, o que pode encorajá-los a empreender uma educação de pós-graduação e prática profissional nesta área

    Application of the finite-temperature Lanczos method for the evaluation of magnetocaloric properties of large magnetic molecules

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    We discuss the magnetocaloric properties of gadolinium containing magnetic molecules which potentially could be used for sub-Kelvin cooling. We show that a degeneracy of a singlet ground state could be advantageous in order to support adiabatic processes to low temperatures and simultaneously minimize disturbing dipolar interactions. Since the Hilbert spaces of such spin systems assume very large dimensions we evaluate the necessary thermodynamic observables by means of the Finite-Temperature Lanczos Method.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, invited for the special issue of EPJB on "New trends in magnetism and magnetic materials

    Synthesis of chloro and methyl imido cyclopentadienyl molybdenum and tungsten complexes. X-ray molecular structures of [WCp*C13(NtBu)], [MoCp*C1Me2(NtBu) ] and [WCp*C1Me2(NtBu) ]

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    Alternative methods to prepare [MCp'C14], [MCp'CL(N'Bu)] and [MCp'CI~(N'Bu)] [M=Mo, Cp'="qs-C~Me~ (Cp*); M=W,\ud Cp' = r/5-CsH5 (Cp), r/5-CsMe5 (Cp*) ] in high yields are reported. Alkylation of [MCp'CI3(N'Bu) ] with stoichiometric amounts of LiMe\ud or MeMgC1 under appropriate conditions leads to the dimethyl [MCp'CIMe2(N'Bu)] and trimethyl [MCp'Me~(N'Bu)], (M=Mo,\ud Cp' = Cp*; M = W, Cp' = Cp, Cp* ) complexes. The 18-electron trimethyltungsten complex [WCp*Me~(N'Bu) ] reacts very slowly with\ud CN(2,6-Me2C~,H3) to give the insertion product [WCp*{C(Me)= N(2,6-Me2C6H3)}Me2(N'Bu)]. All of the new compounds reported\ud were characterized by elemental analyses, IR and NMR spectroscopy and the X-ray molecular structures of [WCp*CI~(N'Bu)],\ud [ MoCp*CIMe2( N'Bu ) ] and [ WCp*C1Me_,.(NtBu ) ] have been determined by diffraction methods. O 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights\ud reserved.The authors acknowledge DGICYT (Project PB92-0178-C) and CAM (I + D 0033/94) for financial support