335 research outputs found

    Narconarrativas de compensaciones ficcionales (y condenas neoliberales) : Trabajos del Reino, de Jury Herrera; Perra brava, de Orfa Alarcón

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    La irrupción del tema del narcotráfico en la narrativa contemporánea latinoamericana nos enfrenta tanto al revanchismo compensatorio social buscado a través de algunas representaciones simbólicas, como a las condenas impuestas por la economía neoliberal que se atisban allí y fundan nuestra "estructura del sentimiento" contemporánea, la misma que a su vez da sustrato a esas ficciones. Tanto la novela Trabajos del reino, de Yuri Herrera, como Perra brava, de Orfa Alarcón, muestran estas aristas que resaltan más cuando se las lee en la perspectiva contextual del capitalismo contemporáneo y desde la óptica de ser ambas "ficciones del capital" (Beckman 2013). Revelar esas conexiones entre el capital y las representaciones simbólicas, entre el revanchismo social y las condenas neoliberales, es el objetivo del presente artículo.La irrupció del tema del narcotràfic en la narrativa contemporània llatinoamericana ens enfronta tant al revengisme compensatori social buscat a través d'algunes representacions simbòliques, com a les condemnes imposades per l'economia neoliberal que s'entreveuen allà i funden la nostra "estructura del sentiment" contemporània, la mateixa que al seu torn dóna substrat a aquestes ficcions. Tant la novel·la Trabajos del reino, de Yuri Herrera, com Perra brava, de Orfa Alarcón, mostren aquestes arestes que ressalten més quan es llegeixen en la perspectiva contextual del capitalisme contemporani i des de l'òptica de ser ambdues "ficciones del capital" (Beckman 2013). Revelar aquestes connexions entre el capital i les representacions simbòliques, entre el revengisme social i les condemnes neoliberals, és l'objectiu del present article.Over the past few years, contemporary narratives about drug trafficking and the market have boomed in Latin American literature. Two Mexican novels, Trabajos del reino (Yuri Herrera) and Perra brava (Orfa Alarcón), deal as capital fictions in the context of the, post-national, neoliberal 21th century globalization. These narco-fictions provide symbolic representations addressing a "real" quest for rewards and revenge through «imagined» characters. In addition, narconarratives confront society with capital punishments imposed by the same neoliberal economy that rules the system. Recompenses and paybacks correspond to compliments and penances creating our contemporary "structure of feeling". This essay aims to unveil the connections between capital and its symbolic representations in order to explore social compensations and neoliberal punishments in both novels

    Piezochromic properties of pyridil divinyl anthracene derivatives: a joint Raman and DFT study

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    Piezochromic materials, which show color changes resulting from external pressure or mechanical grinding, are of great interest from a scientific viewpoint owing to their potential applications as pressure-sensing and optical-recording systems.[1] It has been recently discovered solid-state fluorescence properties and piezochromic luminescence in a family of 9,10-Bis((E)-n-(pyrid-2-yl)vinyl)anthracene, BPnVA (n=2 orto-,3 metha- and 4 para-) compounds, see Figure 1.[2] The crystal structures indicate that the three compounds with varying position of the nitrogen on the external pyridyl exhibit different molecular packing modes. In this work, we aim at providing further insight into the interplay played by the molecular and supramolecular structural changes and the luminescence changes observed under pressure by using a combined experimental-theoretical approach that links Raman spectroscopy with DFT calculations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Utilidad en el diagnóstico del acretismo placentario por ultrasonido – Doppler color en el Hospital de Clínicas – Paraguay

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    Introducción: El acretismo placentario y sus diferentes grados se asocian a placenta previa y cicatriz cesarea previa, situación cada vez en aumento en el servicio. El diagnóstico prenatal es fundamental para programar una atención calificada y evitar la mortalidad materna. Objetivo: Valorar la utilidad del ultrasonido en escala de grises y el mapeo Doppler color en el diagnóstico prenatal para la presunción de acretismo placentario, comparado con los hallazgos quirúrgicos. Material y Métodos: El estudio es de cohorte prospectivo, en que fueron incluidas mujeres embarazadas en tercer trimestre con placenta previa, de febrero de 2009 a agosto de 2010 en la Cátedra y Servicio de Gineco-obstetricia del Hospital de Clínicas, FCM-UNA. Todas las pacientes fueron sometidas a ultrasonido obstétrico abdominal y transvaginal complementado con mapeo Doppler color. En el ultrasonido se consideró como signo de acretismo, la presencia de algunas de las siguientes imágenes: Pérdida de la hipoecogenicidad retroplacentaria miometrial, la pérdida de continuidad de la serosa uterina y tejidos adyacentes, pérdida de continuidad de la superficie vesicouterina, y la presencia de lagunas intraplacentarias. En contraste, en el Doppler se evaluó la continuidad y el aumento del flujo a nivel de la capa basal placentaria el ángulo vésico-uterino y el cervix, la presencia de flujo venoso pulsátil y lagunas placentarias con turbulencias como criterios de sospecha. La patologíadel acretismo al momento de la cesárea, es definida por la presencia de infiltración placentaria en el miometrio y la serosa uterina visualizada macroscópicamente o en ausencia de estos hallazgos, la simple dificultad para la extracción manual de la placenta. Resultados: De 30 pacientes estudiadas, 10 (33%) tuvieron el diagnóstico de alta probabilidad de acretismo por ultrasonido y Doppler. La concordancia del ultrasonido en escala de grises y el mapeo Doppler color con el hallazgo quirúrgico fue del 90%. De las pacientes que fueron sometidas a histerectomías, el 78% (7/9) tenía cicatriz de cesarea previa. El analísis complementario con Doppler color mostró además signos de percretismo en el 55,5% (5/9) de las pacientes confirmadas en el acto operatorio. Conclusión: El ultrasonido en escala de grises junto al mapeo Doppler-color es una herramienta de alto valor para la detección del grado de acretismo en Placenta Previa y en pacientes con antecedentes de cicatriz anterio

    A systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness of xenograft to prevent periodontal defects after mandibular third molar extraction.

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    Background: To evaluate the use of guided bone regeneration with xenograft to prevent periodontal defect in the distal aspect of the second molar after the surgical removal of the mandibular third molar.Material and Methods: Three electronic databases (Pubmed, Cochrane Library and Scopus) were searched in April 2020. Randomized clinical trials in non-smokers and healthy patients, with at least six months follow-up, comparing periodontal probing depth, clinical attachment level, alveolar bone level and adverse events were selected by two independent investigators. The risk of bias assessment of the selected studies was evaluated by means of the Cochrane Collaboration's Tool. Finally, a meta-analysis of the outcomes of interest was performed.Results: Despite 795 articles were found in the initial search, only three randomized controlled clinical trials were included. Pooled results favoured the use of the xenograft plus collagen membrane over the spontaneous healing in terms of periodontal probing depth gain (MD=2.36; 95% CI 0.69 to 4.03; P=0.005) and clinical attachment level gain (MD=2.52; 95% CI 0.96 to 4.09; P=0.002). No other statistically significant differences were found. Conclusions: Within the limitations of the present review, the xenograft plus collagen membrane exhibited better periodontal results than spontaneous healing without increasing postoperative complications. However, future well-designed studies with larger samples are required to confirm our result

    Genetic diversity of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex in San Luis Potosí, México

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    "Background Although epidemiologic and socioeconomic criteria and biomedical risk factors indicate high-priority for tuberculosis (TB) control in Mexico, molecular epidemiology studies of the disease in the country are scarce. Methods Complete sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained from 248 of the 432 pulmonary TB (PTB) cases confirmed from 2006 to 2010 on the population under epidemiological surveillance in the state of San Luis Potosí, México. From most PTB cases with complete data Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) isolates were recovered and their spoligotypes, lineages and families, geographic distribution and drug resistance determined. Results Pulmonary tuberculosis incidence ranged from 2.4 to 33.4 (cases per 100,000 inhabitants) in the six state sanitary jurisdictions that were grouped in regions of low (jurisdictions I-II-III), intermediate (jurisdictions IV-V) and high incidence (jurisdiction VI) with 6.2, 17.3 and 33.4 rates, respectively. Most patients were poor, 50-years-median-age males and housewives. Among the 237 MTC spoligotyped isolates, 232 corresponded to M. tuberculosis (104 spoligotypes in 24 clusters) and five to M. bovis. The predominant Euro-American lineage was distributed all over the state, the East-Asian lineage (Beijing family) in the capital city, the Indo-Oceanic (Manila family) in eastern localities, and M. bovis in rural localities. Conclusions In San Luis Potosí TB affects mainly poor male adults and is caused by M. tuberculosis and to a minor extent by M. bovis. There is great genotypic diversity among M. tuberculosis strains, the Euro-American lineage being much more prevalent than the Indo-Oceanic and East-Asian lineages. The frequency of resistant strains is relatively low and not associated to any particular lineage.

    Optimization of the ellagic acid synthesis process at the bioreactor level using non-conventional yeasts

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    Ellagic acid (EA) is a phenolic biomolecule. For its biosynthesis, a source of ellagitannins is required, such as strawberries and yeasts, as precursors of the tannase and β-glucosidase enzymes responsible for hydrolysis of ellagitannins. Two experimental mixture designs were applied., varying the yeast concentration and the number of ellagitannins in the culture medium, evaluating the enzymatic activity and ellagic acid biosynthesis. Aiming to find the optimal compositions of the non-conventional yeasts assessed in the research to biosynthesize ellagic acid feasibly and efficiently using a response surface performing the statistical analysis in the StatGraphics® program for obtaining a higher yield and optimizing the ellagic acid synthesis process, the results indicate that the strains Candida parapsilosis ITM LB33 and Debaryomyces hansenii ISA 1510 have a positive effect on the synthesis of ellagic acid, since as its concentration increases in the mixture the concentration of ellagic acid in the medium also increases; on the other hand, the addition of Candida utilis ITM LB02 causes a negative effect, resulting in the compositions of 0.516876, 0.483124 and 2.58687E-9 respectively, for a treatment under the same conditions, an optimal value of ellagic acid production would be obtained. With an approximate value of 7.33036 mg/mL

    Rare functional genetic variants in COL7A1, COL6A5, COL1A2 and COL5A2 frequently occur in Chiari Malformation Type 1

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    Seqüenciació de gens; Genòmica; Imatges per ressonància magnèticaSecuenciación de genes; Genómica; Imágenes por resonancia magnéticaGene sequencing; Genomics; Magnetic resonance imagingChiari Malformation Type 1 (CM-1) is characterized by herniation of the cerebellar tonsils below the foramen magnum and the presence of headaches and other neurologic symptoms. Cranial bone constriction is suspected to be the most common biologic mechanism leading to CM-1. However, other mechanisms may also contribute, particularly in the presence of connective tissue disorders (CTDs), such as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Accumulating data suggest CM-1 with connective tissue disorders (CTD+) may have a different patho-mechanism and different genetic risk factors than CM-1 without CTDs (CTD-). To identify CM-1 genetic risk variants, we performed whole exome sequencing on a single large, multiplex family from Spain and targeted sequencing on a cohort of 186 unrelated adult, Caucasian females with CM-1. Targeted sequencing captured the coding regions of 21 CM-1 and EDS candidate genes, including two genes identified in the Spanish family. Using gene burden analysis, we compared the frequency of rare, functional variants detected in CM-1 cases versus publically available ethnically-matched controls from gnomAD. A secondary analysis compared the presence of rare variants in these genes between CTD+ and CTD- CM-1 cases. In the Spanish family, rare variants co-segregated with CM-1 in COL6A5, ADGRB3 and DST. A variant in COL7A1 was present in affected and unaffected family members. In the targeted sequencing analysis, rare variants in six genes (COL7A1, COL5A2, COL6A5, COL1A2, VEGFB, FLT1) were significantly more frequent in CM-1 cases compared to public controls. In total, 47% of CM-1 cases presented with rare variants in at least one of the four significant collagen genes and 10% of cases harbored variants in multiple significant collagen genes. Moreover, 26% of CM-1 cases presented with rare variants in the COL6A5 gene. We also identified two genes (COL7A1, COL3A1) for which the burden of rare variants differed significantly between CTD+ and CTD- CM-1 cases. A higher percentage of CTD+ patients had variants in COL7A1 compared to CTD+ patients, while CTD+ patients had fewer rare variants in COL3A1 than did CTD- patients. In summary, rare variants in several collagen genes are particularly frequent in CM-1 cases and those in COL6A5 co-segregated with CM-1 in a Spanish multiplex family. COL6A5 has been previously associated with musculoskeletal phenotypes, but this is the first association with CM-1. Our findings underscore the contribution of rare genetic variants in collagen genes to CM-1, and suggest that CM-1 in the presence and absence of CTD symptoms is driven by different genes.This work was supported by a grant from Conquer Chiari to AAK. Collection of the Chiari1000 study participants utilized in this study was supported by a grant from Conquer Chiari to FL at University of Akron. Collection of the Duke study participants utilized in this study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NS063273). A.U. was the recipient of a Postdoctoral Fellowship from Fundación Ramón Areces (Spain). RL is the Executive Director of Conquer Chiari which provided some of the funding for this work. For the manuscript, he assisted with revising and editing the manuscript. The funders did have a role in study design, but had no role in data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript