158 research outputs found

    Explicit solution for vibrating bar with viscous boundaries and internal damper

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    We investigate longitudinal vibrations of a bar subjected to viscous boundary conditions at each end, and an internal damper at an arbitrary point along the bar's length. The system is described by four independent parameters and exhibits a variety of behaviors including rigid motion, super stability/instability and zero damping. The solution is obtained by applying the Laplace transform to the equation of motion and computing the Green's function of the transformed problem. This leads to an unconventional eigenvalue-like problem with the spectral variable in the boundary conditions. The eigenmodes of the problem are necessarily complex-valued and are not orthogonal in the usual inner product. Nonetheless, in generic cases we obtain an explicit eigenmode expansion for the response of the bar to initial conditions and external force. For some special values of parameters the system of eigenmodes may become incomplete, or no non-trivial eigenmodes may exist at all. We thoroughly analyze physical and mathematical reasons for this behavior and explicitly identify the corresponding parameter values. In particular, when no eigenmodes exist, we obtain closed form solutions. Theoretical analysis is complemented by numerical simulations, and analytic solutions are compared to computations using finite elements.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Glycan labeling strategies and their use in identification and quantification

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    Most methods for the analysis of oligosaccharides from biological sources require a glycan derivatization step: glycans may be derivatized to introduce a chromophore or fluorophore, facilitating detection after chromatographic or electrophoretic separation. Derivatization can also be applied to link charged or hydrophobic groups at the reducing end to enhance glycan separation and mass-spectrometric detection. Moreover, derivatization steps such as permethylation aim at stabilizing sialic acid residues, enhancing mass-spectrometric sensitivity, and supporting detailed structural characterization by (tandem) mass spectrometry. Finally, many glycan labels serve as a linker for oligosaccharide attachment to surfaces or carrier proteins, thereby allowing interaction studies with carbohydrate-binding proteins. In this review, various aspects of glycan labeling, separation, and detection strategies are discussed

    Generation Z consumers' expectations of interactions in smart retailing: A future agenda

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    Retailing is witnessing a transformation due to rapid technological developments. Retailers are using smart technologies to improve consumer shopping experiences and to stay competitive. The biggest future challenge for marketing and consequently for retailing seems to be generation Z, since members of this generation seem to behave differently as consumers and are more focused on innovation. The aim of this paper is to explore Generation Z consumers' current perceptions, expectations and recommendations in terms of their future interactions in smart retailing contexts. To do so, we used a qualitative approach by conducting a series of semi-structured in depth interviews with 38 university students-consumers in the UK market. The findings showed that smart technologies have a significant influence on generation Z consumers' experiences. Moreover, this particular group of consumers expects various new devices and electronic processes to be widely available, thus offering consumers more autonomy and faster transactions. In addition, they expect the technology to enable them to make more informed shopping decisions. Interviewees also stressed the importance of training consumers how to use new smart retailing applications. In addition, some of the participants were sceptical about the effects of further advancing smart retailing on part of the job market. Relevant theoretical and practical implications are also provided

    Relationships among nutrient enrichment, detritus quality and quantity, and large-bodied shredding insect community structure

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Hydrobiologia. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-015-2208-2Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment of forested headwater streams can enhance detrital quality, decrease standing stocks, and alter the community structure of detrivorous insects, reducing nutrient retention and decreasing ecosystem functioning. Our objective was to determine if stoichiometric principles could be used to predict genus-specific shifts in shredding insect abundance and biomass across a dissolved nutrient and detritus food quality/quantity gradient. Detritus, insect, and water samples were collected from 12 Ozark Highland headwater streams. Significant correlations were found between stream nutrients and detrital quality but not quantity. Abundance and biomass responses of four out of five tested genera were accurately predicted by consumerresource stoichiometric theory. Low carbon:phosphorus (C:P) shredders responded positively to increased total phosphorus and/or food quality, and high C:P shredders exhibited neutral or negative responses to these variables. Genus-specific declines were correlated with decreased overall biomass in shredder assemblages, potentially causing disruptions in nutrient flows to higher level consumers with nutrient enrichment. This work provides further evidence that elevated nutrients may negatively impact shredding insect communities by altering the stoichiometry of detritus–detritivore interactions. A better understanding of stoichiometric mechanisms altering macroinvertebrate populations is needed to help inform water quality criteria for the management of headwater streams
