15,045 research outputs found

    The exploration of Sr isotopic analysis applied to Chinese glazes: part one

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    Ash glaze and limestone glaze are two major glaze types in southern Chinese ceramic technology. In this study strontium isotope compositions were determined in ash glaze samples from the Yue kiln dated to between the 10th and 12th centuries AD, limestone glaze samples from Jingdezhen dated to between the 15th and 18th centuries AD and ceramic raw materials from Jingdezhen. The Sr isotopic characteristics of limestone glaze and ash glaze are completely different. The Sr isotope characteristics of limestone glaze is characterised by low Sr concentrations, large 87Sr/86Sr variation, and a two component mixing line. On the other hand the strontium isotope characteristic of ash glaze samples is characterised by a consistent 87Sr/86Sr signature and high Sr concentrations with a large variation. The different Sr isotope compositions for the two types of glazes are a reflection of the various raw materials involved in making them. The Sr isotopic composition has been altered by the refinement process that the raw material was subjected to. It was found that the mineralogical changes caused by the alteration are reflected in the Sr isotope results. The potential of Sr isotopic analysis of Chinese glazes is evaluated according to the results produced by this, the first such stud

    Positive solutions for nonlinear m-point Eigenvalue problems

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    In this paper, we are concerned with determining values of lambda, for which there exist positive solutions of the nonlinear eigenvalue problem [GRAPHICS] where a, b, c, d is an element of [0, infinity), xi(i) is an element of (0, 1), alpha(i), beta(i) is an element of [0 infinity) (for i is an element of {1, ..., m - 2}) are given constants, p, q is an element of C ([0, 1], (0, infinity)), h is an element of C ([0, 1], [0, infinity)), and f is an element of C ([0, infinity), [0, infinity)) satisfying some suitable conditions. Our proofs are based on Guo-Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Correlation function and mutual information

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    Correlation function and mutual information are two powerful tools to characterize the correlations in a quantum state of a composite system, widely used in many-body physics and in quantum information science, respectively. We find that these two tools may give different conclusions about the order of the degrees of correlation in two specific two-qubit states. This result implies that the orderings of bipartite quantum states according to the degrees of correlation depend on which correlation measure we adopt.Comment: 4.2 pages, 4 figure

    Rare earth elements (REEs) in the tropical South Atlantic and quantitative deconvolution of their non-conservative behavior

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    This study presents new concentration measurements of dissolved REEs (dREEs) along a full-depth east-west section across the tropical South Atlantic (~12°S), and uses these data to investigate the oceanic cycling of the REEs. Enrichment of dREEs, associated with the redox cycling of Fe-Mn oxides, is observed in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off the African shelf. For deeper-waters, a multi-parameter mixing model was developed to deconvolve the relative importance of physical transport (i.e. water mass mixing) from biogeochemical controls on the dREE distribution in the deep Atlantic. This approach enables chemical processes involved in REE cycling, not apparent from the measurements alone, to be distinguished and quantified. Results show that the measured dREE concentrations below ~1000 m are dominantly controlled (>75%) by preformed REE concentrations resulting from water mass mixing. This result indicates that the linear correlation between dREEs and dissolved Si observed in Atlantic deep waters results from the dominantly conservative behaviour of these tracers, rather than from similar chemical processes influencing both dREEs and Si. Minor addition of dREEs (~10% of dNd and ~5% of dYb) is observed in the deep (>~4000 m) Brazil Basin, resulting from either remineralization of particles in-situ or along the flow path. Greater addition of dREEs (up to 25% for dNd and 20% for dYb) is found at ~1500 m and below ~4000 m in the Angola Basin near the African continental margin. Cerium anomalies suggest that different sources are responsible for these dREE addition plumes. The 1500 m excess is most likely attributed to dREE release from Fe oxides, whereas the 4000 m excess may be due to remineralization of calcite. Higher particulate fluxes and a more sluggish ocean circulation in the Angola Basin may explain why the dREE excesses in this basin are significantly higher than that observed in the Brazil Basin. Hydrothermal venting over the mid-Atlantic ridge acts as a regional net sink for light REEs, but has little influence on the net budget of heavy REEs. The combination of dense REE measurements with water mass deconvolution is shown to provide quantitative assessment of the relative roles of physical and biogeochemical processes in the oceanic cycling of REEs.X.-Y. Zheng was supported by the Clarendon Scholarship, the Exeter College Mandarin Scholarship from University of Oxford, the Chinese Student Awards from the Great Britain–China Educational Trust (GBCET) and W Wing Yip and Brothers bursaries.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.01.01

    The trapping of equatorial magnetosonic waves in the Earth’s outer plasmasphere

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    Abstract We investigate the excitation and propagation of equatorial magnetosonic waves observed by the Van Allen Probes and describe evidence for a trapping mechanism for magnetosonic waves in the Earth\u27s plasmasphere. Intense equatorial magnetosonic waves were observed inside the plasmasphere in association with a pronounced proton ring distribution, which provides free energy for wave excitation. Instability analysis along the inbound orbit demonstrates that broadband magnetosonic waves can be excited over a localized spatial region near the plasmapause. The waves can subsequently propagate into the inner plasmasphere and remain trapped over a limited radial extent, consistent with the predictions of near-perpendicular propagation. By performing a similar analysis on another observed magnetosonic wave event, we demonstrate that magnetosonic waves can also be trapped within local density structures. We suggest that perpendicular wave propagation is important for explaining the presence of magnetosonic waves in the Earth\u27s plasmasphere at locations away from the generation region. Key Points Magnetosonic waves are excited by ion ring distributions near the plasmapauseMagnetosonic waves are trapped in a limited radial region in the plasmasphereMagnetosonic waves are modulated by local density structures

    Path Integrals and Alternative Effective Dynamics in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    The alternative dynamics of loop quantum cosmology is examined by the path integral formulation. We consider the spatially flat FRW models with a massless scalar field, where the alternative quantization inherit more features from full loop quantum gravity. The path integrals can be formulated in both timeless and deparameterized frameworks. It turns out that the effective Hamiltonians derived from the two different viewpoints are equivalent to each other. Moreover, the first-order modified Friedmann equations are derived and predict quantum bounces for contracting universe, which coincide with those obtained in canonical theory.Comment: 8 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1102.475

    Multifaceted contributions : health workers and smallpox eradication in India

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    Smallpox eradication in South Asia was a result of the efforts of many grades of health-workers. Working from within the confines of international organisations and government structures, the role of the field officials, who were of various nationalities and also drawn from the cities and rural enclaves of the countries in these regions, was crucial to the development and deployment of policies. However, the role of these personnel is often downplayed in official histories and academic histories, which highlight instead the roles played by a handful of senior officials within the World Health Organization and the federal governments in the sub-continent. This article attempts to provide a more rounded assessment of the complex situation in the field. In this regard, an effort is made to underline the great usefulness of the operational flexibility displayed by field officers, wherein lessons learnt in the field were made an integral part of deploying local campaigns; careful engagement with the communities being targeted, as well as the employment of short term workers from amongst them, was an important feature of this work

    The Wide Integral Field Infrared Spectrograph: Commissioning Results and On-sky Performance

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    We have recently commissioned a novel infrared (0.9−1.70.9-1.7 μ\mum) integral field spectrograph (IFS) called the Wide Integral Field Infrared Spectrograph (WIFIS). WIFIS is a unique instrument that offers a very large field-of-view (50′′^{\prime\prime} x 20′′^{\prime\prime}) on the 2.3-meter Bok telescope at Kitt Peak, USA for seeing-limited observations at moderate spectral resolving power. The measured spatial sampling scale is ∼1×1′′\sim1\times1^{\prime\prime} and its spectral resolving power is R∼2,500R\sim2,500 and 3,0003,000 in the zJzJ (0.9−1.350.9-1.35 μ\mum) and HshortH_{short} (1.5−1.71.5-1.7 μ\mum) modes, respectively. WIFIS's corresponding etendue is larger than existing near-infrared (NIR) IFSes, which are mostly designed to work with adaptive optics systems and therefore have very narrow fields. For this reason, this instrument is specifically suited for studying very extended objects in the near-infrared such as supernovae remnants, galactic star forming regions, and nearby galaxies, which are not easily accessible by other NIR IFSes. This enables scientific programs that were not originally possible, such as detailed surveys of a large number of nearby galaxies or a full accounting of nucleosynthetic yields of Milky Way supernova remnants. WIFIS is also designed to be easily adaptable to be used with larger telescopes. In this paper, we report on the overall performance characteristics of the instrument, which were measured during our commissioning runs in the second half of 2017. We present measurements of spectral resolving power, image quality, instrumental background, and overall efficiency and sensitivity of WIFIS and compare them with our design expectations. Finally, we present a few example observations that demonstrate WIFIS's full capability to carry out infrared imaging spectroscopy of extended objects, which is enabled by our custom data reduction pipeline.Comment: Published in the Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018. 17 pages, 13 figure

    Modeling inward diffusion and slow decay of energetic electrons in the Earth\u27s outer radiation belt

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    Abstract A new 3-D diffusion code is used to investigate the inward intrusion and slow decay of energetic radiation belt electrons (\u3e0.5 MeV) observed by the Van Allen Probes during a 10 day quiet period on March 2013. During the inward transport, the peak differential electron fluxes decreased by approximately an order of magnitude at various energies. Our 3-D radiation belt simulation including radial diffusion and pitch angle and energy diffusion by plasmaspheric hiss and electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves reproduces the essential features of the observed electron flux evolution. The decay time scales and the pitch angle distributions in our simulation are consistent with the Van Allen Probe observations over multiple energy channels. Our study suggests that the quiet time energetic electron dynamics are effectively controlled by inward radial diffusion and pitch angle scattering due to a combination of plasmaspheric hiss and EMIC waves in the Earth\u27s radiation belts
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