6,273 research outputs found

    How are Spanish academics coping with changes? Responses from a life histories research.

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/20983[eng] This report is part of the research project, The effects of social changes in work and professional life of Spanish academics, partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), that has explored change in legislation, organisation, research schemes and so on, in the last thirty years. The main aim of this project is deepening our understanding of the impact of undergoing economic, social, cultural, technological and labour change in Spanish universities in the life and professional identity of the teaching and research staff, taking into account the national and european context. This paper gathers part of the results gained from the project, being its primary objective to contribute to an improved knowledge-base on professional knowledge and work experience in higher education institutions in Spain and, as a consequence, to understand how Spanish academics are coping with current changes.[spa] Este documento forma parte de la investigación, Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que hemos explorado los cambios en la legislación, la organización, los contextos de la investigación y la docencia, etc., en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo de este documento es profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Este trabajo recoge parte de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto, siendo su principal objetivo contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, favorecer nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.[cat] Aquest document forma part de la investigació, Els efectes dels canvis socials en el treball i la vida professional dels docents universitaris, parcialment finançat pel Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (SEJ2006-01876), on hem explorat els canvis de la legislació, l'organització, els contextos d'investigació i docència etc., durant els darrers trenta anys. El principal objectiu d'aquest document és aprofundir en la comprensió de l'impacte del canvi econòmic, social, cultural, tecnològic i laboral que s'està experimentant a les universitats espanyoles en la vida i en la identitat professional de les persones docents i investigadores, tenint en compte el context nacional i europeu. Aquest treball recull part dels resultats obtinguts en el projecte, essent el seu principal objectiu contribuir a la millora del coneixement basat en la investigació sobre el saber professional i l'experiència laboral a les universitats espanyoles, i conseqüentment, afavorir la comprensió sobre com els acadèmics estan encarant els actuals canvis

    Variability in grape composition and phenology of 'Tempranillo' in zones located at different elevations and with differences in the climatic conditions

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    The objective of this research was to analyse the variability on phenology and berry composition of 'Tempranillo' among different elevations and different climatic conditions. The study was conducted on 'Tempranillo' vineyards located in Rioja DOCa at elevations between 367 and 650 m a.s.l. Phenology and the evolution of berry composition during ripening, related to pH, total acidity, malic acid, total anthocyanins, total polyphenols index, colour intensity and sugar content were analysed for the period 2008-2018 at each elevation. The weather conditions recorded during the period of study were evaluated. The results indicate that, on average, differences between the analysed elevations of up to 21 days existed in the dates in which the maturity was reached, being the differences higher in the years with extreme conditions (very wet or dry and very hot or cool). The comparative analysis among elevations and in years with differences in temperature and in precipitation allowed knowing the differences in the vine response under different climatic conditions. From this analysis some conclusions may be extracted that may be useful for police makers to define new planting areas in which less imbalanced situations may occur under warm conditions

    Interannual and spatial variability of grape composition in the Rioja DOCa show better resilience of cv. graciano than cv. tempranillo under a warming scenario

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    Weather conditions affect vine development and grape composition, although the response may be different depending on the variety and altitude. Under scenarios of climate change, the knowledge of the relationships between grape composition and climate is therefore important to know the suitability of a given cultivar. In this research, the variability of the grape composition of two red varieties with different phenological timings (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo and Graciano) cultivated in Rioja DOCa (Spain) and the climatic variables that have a higher effect on the response of each of them were analysed. Grape composition of both cultivars at technical maturity (considered when a probable volumetric alcoholic degree (PVAD) = 13 º was reached) was analysed during the period 2008–2020 in areas located at different elevations and related to the weather conditions recorded in those areas. The results show the effect of temperature and water availability in different periods during the growing cycle on grape composition and the potential benefits of cultivating at a higher elevation, under higher water availability. The anthocyanins were affected by the maximum temperatures recorded in the period before veraison and during ripening (period veraison to technical maturity), decreasing their concentrations with increasing temperatures. In addition, higher water availability gave rise to an increase in acidity. Graciano is shown as a variety more suitable than Tempranillo to be cultivated under warmer conditions

    Projecting changes in phenology and grape composition of 'Tempranillo' and 'Grenache' varieties under climate warming in Rioja DOCa

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    The aim of this research was to predict the changes in vine phenology under future climate change of two red varieties, cultivated under rainfed conditions, and how grape composition can be affected. The research was conducted in Rioja Designation of Origin (DOCa), a viticultural area located in north central Spain, where red varieties represent near 90 % of the cultivated vineyards. The research focuses on 'Tempranillo' and 'Grenache', which represent about 85 % and 10 %, respectively, of cultivated red varieties in the area. The analysis included data related to vineyards located at different elevations and with different climatic conditions, recorded during the period 2008-2018. Phenological dates related to separated flowers (stage H), veraison (stage M) and maturity of the two varieties as well as the grape composition during the ripening period and at maturity were evaluated. The future scenarios were based on the predicted temperature and precipitation changes under two Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios –RCP4.5 and RCP8.5-, which were simulated with an ensemble of models. Projections for 2050 and 2070 were made based on the observed phenological dates and the heat accumulation needed to reach each stage along the growing cycle. An advance of all phenological stages was projected, higher for veraison and maturity than for the earlier stages, and without large differences between both varieties but with differences at different elevations. Veraison is expected to be advanced up to 11 days for 2050 and up to 12 days for 2070 under the RCP4.5 scenario, while under the RCP8.5 scenario, the advance by 2070 could be up to 20 days for both varieties. For maturity, the advance could be up to 27 days for 'Tempranillo' and 25 days for 'Grenache', with differences between the cooler and the warmer areas. These changes resulted in a shortening of the periods between phenological stages, giving rise to maturity under warmer conditions. Based on the variability of grape composition observed in the warmer in relation to cooler years, and on the relationship with climate variables, a decrease in acidity as well as a reduction in the content of total anthocyanins is expected for both varieties, which may be higher for 'Grenache' than for 'Tempranillo'

    Pensar la docencia universitaria desde las relaciones pedagógicas

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    Este artículo sirve de introducción y presentación a los textos que aparecen en esta sección especial extraordinaria de este número de la revista REIRE, están escritos a partir de algunas de las comunicaciones que se presentaron en las IV jornadas sobre La relación pedagógica en la universidad, que tuvieron lugar en la Universidad de Barcelona los días 18 y 19 de septiembre de 201

    Using meta-ethnographic analysis to understand and represent youth's notions and experiences of learning in and out of secondary school

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    In the last four years, we have been researching how five groups of young people were learning inside and outside secondary schools. The novelty of this proposal was to invite these young people to act as researchers by carrying out their own ethnographic cases. As a result we produced 10 ethnographic reports - 5 prepared by students and 5 by the university research team. In this paper, we show part of the conversation between the five ethnographic reports written by us giving account of the processes and results of the studies implemented by students. This meta-ethnographic process tries to accomplish two main objectives: (a) to characterise the variety of youth' learning experiences in their mobilities and transitions in and outside schools and the ways of giving account of them in the ethnographic reports; (b) reporting own learning about the possibilities and limitations of the metaethnographic analysis

    Students' Experiences in Suddenly Transformed Living and Educational Environments by COVID-19

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    This manuscript builds on research about how university students felt affected by the Covid19 pandemic and, especially, by the irruption of non-face-to-face classes and mixed teaching methods in this context. How have young people experienced this situation? How has it affected their wellbeing and the learning strategies should develop have had to incorporate into their virtual relationships? their virtual relationships? How have they related and relate to virtual tools for a task that they have always experienced face-to-face? To answer these questions, the TRAY-AP project that investigates how university students learn collected 89 scenes that show the effects of the Covid 19 on their lives and the university. We grouped these scenes into seven key concepts to detect how students were emotionally affected, especially by moving from face-to-face to virtual learning. From this analysis, although primarily negative, the emotional effects have also allowed them to generate positive strategies for readaptation and collaboration with other colleagues. All of which opens the way to rethink the predominant pedagogical and knowledge relations in the university

    Calidad de prescripción de montelukast en pacientes adultos: Estudio en tres farmacias comunitarias de la Comunidad Valenciana

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    Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la utilización de montelukast en adultos desde tres farmacias comunitarias.Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, observacional en tres farmacias comunitarias (enero 2009 - febrero 2013) en pacientes mayores de 15 años que acuden a la farmacia con receta de montelukast. Los datos se recogen a través de encuesta (edad, patología, régimen terapéutico, duración del tratamiento, medicación asociada) y se valora la idoneidad de la prescripción según las indicaciones autorizadas y su adecuación a las guías de práctica clínica. Se remitió al médico, cuando se detectó un tratamiento inadecuado para la revisión del mismo.Resultados: Se incluyen un total de 106 pacientes, de los cuales, el 26 % no padece asma y están tomando montelukast fuera de indicación. De los asmáticos, el 29 % de los tratamientos pautados no se ajusta a las recomendaciones de las guías. Destaca tanto la elevada instauración de montelukast como tratamiento de inicio (59 % asmáticos, 63 % no asmáticos), como el empleo de montelukast en monoterapia (16 % asmáticos, 41 % no asmáticos).Conclusiones: Se está haciendo un uso fuera de indicación de montelukast en pacientes no asmáticos con rinitis alérgica o bronquitis que podría derivar de la falta de claridad en las indicaciones de algunas guías. Además, en pacientes asmáticos, no siempre se está utilizando montelukast según las recomendaciones de las guías clínicas, lo que evidencia la necesidad de información clara a los profesionales sanitarios sobre el papel de montelukast en la terapéutica actual

    Las zonas grises de estudiantes y docentes como acontecimiento: Aprender de lo que nos perturba

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    La conexión entre lo que el profesorado universitario quiere enseñar, los medios y las condiciones disponibles, lo que es capaz de compartir con el estudiantado y lo ellos aprenden, no es algo nítido ni lineal. El entramado que se genera en este proceso está lleno de claroscuros, de lugares de no saber, y de reflexiones y decisiones en la acción. Esta constatación, que forma parte de la línea de trabajo de grupo de innovación docente Indaga-t, nos ha llevado a analizar el conjunto de zonas grises, a modo de vacíos que nos perturban, que nos colocan en una posición de no saber sobre cuestiones que consideramos importantes como docentes. Este artículo comienza situando la noción de 'pedagogía del acontecimiento' (Atkinson, 2012) en la que surge nuestra investigación. Siguen las decisiones metodológicas para responder a la pregunta: ¿Qué significan, en términos de aprendizaje, para estudiantes y docentes las zonas grises? Para ello utilizamos relatos personales, identificación de escenas significativas y un foro en el que los estudiantes exploraron esta pregunta. El análisis tematizado de las evidencias recogidas nos ha permitido profundizar en la caracterización de las denominadas zonas grises y en sus consecuencias para la docencia y la evaluación en la universida