2,554 research outputs found

    Adaptive real-time identification of motor unit discharges from non-stationary high-density surface electromyographic signals

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    Objective. Estimation of the discharge pattern of motor units by electromyography (EMG) decomposition has been applied for neurophysiologic investigations, clinical diagnosis, and human-machine interfacing. However, most of the methods for EMG decomposition are currently applied offline. Here, we propose an approach for high-density surface EMG decomposition in real-time. Methods. A real-time decomposition scheme including two sessions, offline training and online decomposition, is proposed based on the convolutional kernel compensation algorithm. The estimation parameters, separation vectors and the thresholds for spike extraction, are first computed during offline training, and then they are directly applied to estimate motor unit spike trains (MUSTs) during the online decomposition. The estimation parameters are updated with the identification of new discharges to adapt to non-stationary conditions. The decomposition accuracy was validated on simulated EMG signals by convolving synthetic MUSTs with motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). Moreover, the accuracy of the online decomposition was assessed from experimental signals recorded from forearm muscles using a signal-based performance metrics (pulse-to-noise ratio, PNR). Main results. The proposed algorithm yielded a high decomposition accuracy and robustness to non-stationary conditions. The accuracy of MUSTs identified from simulated EMG signals was > 80% for most conditions. From experimental EMG signals, on average, 12±2 MUSTs were identified from each electrode grid with PNR of 25.0±1.8 dB, corresponding to an estimated decomposition accuracy > 75%. Conclusion and Significance. These results indicate the feasibility of real-time identification of motor unit activities non-invasively during variable force contractions, extending the potential applications of high-density EMG as a neural interface

    Longitudinal high-density EMG classification: Case study in a glenohumeral TMR subject.

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    Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) represents a breakthrough interface for prosthetic control in high-level upper-limb amputees. However, clinically, it is still limited to the direct motion-wise control restricted by the number of reinnervation sites. Pattern recognition may overcome this limitation. Previous studies on EMG classification in TMR patients experienced with myocontrol have shown greater accuracy when using high-density (HD) recordings compared to conventional single-channel derivations. This case study investigates the potential of HD-EMG classification longitudinally over a period of 17 months post-surgery in a glenohumeral amputee. Five experimental sessions, separated by approximately 3 months, were performed. They were timed during a standard rehabilitation protocol that included intensive physio- and occupational therapy, myosignal training, and routine use of the final myoprosthesis. The EMG signals recorded by HD-EMG grids were classified into 12 classes. The first sign of EMG activity was observed in the second experimental session. The classification accuracy over 12 classes was 76% in the third session and ∼95% in the last two sessions. When using training and testing sets that were acquired with a 1-h time interval in between, a much lower accuracy (32%, Session 4) was obtained, which improved upon prosthesis usage (Session 5, 67%). The results document the improvement in EMG classification accuracy throughout the TMR-rehabilitation process

    Anthropic solution to the magnetic muon anomaly: the charged see-saw

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    We present models of new physics that can explain the muon g-2 anomaly in accord with with the assumption that the only scalar existing at the weak scale is the Higgs, as suggested by anthropic selection. Such models are dubbed "charged see-saw" because the muon mass term is mediated by heavy leptons. The electroweak contribution to the g-2 gets modified by order one factors, giving an anomaly of the same order as the observed hint, which is strongly correlated with a modification of the Higgs coupling to the muon.Comment: 21 pages, many equations despite the first word in the title. v3: loop function G_WN corrected, conclusions unchange

    An 800-million-solar-mass black hole in a significantly neutral Universe at redshift 7.5

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    Quasars are the most luminous non-transient objects known and as a result they enable studies of the Universe at the earliest cosmic epochs. Despite extensive efforts, however, the quasar ULAS J1120+0641 at z=7.09 has remained the only one known at z>7 for more than half a decade. Here we report observations of the quasar ULAS J134208.10+092838.61 (hereafter J1342+0928) at redshift z=7.54. This quasar has a bolometric luminosity of 4e13 times the luminosity of the Sun and a black hole mass of 8e8 solar masses. The existence of this supermassive black hole when the Universe was only 690 million years old---just five percent of its current age---reinforces models of early black-hole growth that allow black holes with initial masses of more than about 1e4 solar masses or episodic hyper-Eddington accretion. We see strong evidence of absorption of the spectrum of the quasar redwards of the Lyman alpha emission line (the Gunn-Peterson damping wing), as would be expected if a significant amount (more than 10 per cent) of the hydrogen in the intergalactic medium surrounding J1342+0928 is neutral. We derive a significant fraction of neutral hydrogen, although the exact fraction depends on the modelling. However, even in our most conservative analysis we find a fraction of more than 0.33 (0.11) at 68 per cent (95 per cent) probability, indicating that we are probing well within the reionization epoch of the Universe.Comment: Updated to match the final journal versio

    Asymmetric Inelastic Inert Doublet Dark Matter from Triplet Scalar Leptogenesis

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    The nature of dark matter (DM) particles and the mechanism that provides their measured relic abundance are currently unknown. In this paper we investigate inert scalar and vector like fermion doublet DM candidates with a charge asymmetry in the dark sector, which is generated by the same mechanism that provides the baryon asymmetry, namely baryogenesis-via-leptogenesis induced by decays of scalar triplets. At the same time the model gives rise to neutrino masses in the ballpark of oscillation experiments via type II seesaw. We discuss possible sources of depletion of asymmetry in the DM and visible sectors and solve the relevant Boltzmann equations for quasi-equilibrium decay of triplet scalars. A Monte-Carlo-Markov-Chain analysis is performed for the whole parameter space. The survival of the asymmetry in the dark sector leads to inelastic scattering off nuclei. We then apply bayesian statistic to infer the model parameters favoured by the current experimental data, in particular the DAMA annual modulation and Xenon100 exclusion limit. The latter strongly disfavours asymmetric scalar doublet DM of mass \mathcal{O}(\TeV) as required by DM-DMˉ\bar{\rm DM} oscillations, while an asymmetric vector like fermion doublet DM with mass around 100 GeV is a good candidate for DAMA annual modulation yet satisfying the constraints from Xenon100 data.Comment: 35 pages and 15 figures, references adde

    Probing for Invisible Higgs Decays with Global Fits

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    We demonstrate by performing a global fit on Higgs signal strength data that large invisible branching ratios Br_{inv} for a Standard Model (SM) Higgs particle are currently consistent with the experimental hints of a scalar resonance at the mass scale m_h ~ 124 GeV. For this mass scale, we find Br_{inv} < 0.64 (95 % CL) from a global fit to individual channel signal strengths supplied by ATLAS, CMS and the Tevatron collaborations. Novel tests that can be used to improve the prospects of experimentally discovering the existence of a Br_{inv} with future data are proposed. These tests are based on the combination of all visible channel Higgs signal strengths, and allow us to examine the required reduction in experimental and theoretical errors in this data that would allow a more significantly bounded invisible branching ratio to be experimentally supported. We examine in some detail how our conclusions and method are affected when a scalar resonance at this mass scale has couplings deviating from the SM ones.Comment: 32pp, 15 figures v2: JHEP version, ref added & comment added after Eq.

    Implications of the 125 GeV Higgs boson for scalar dark matter and for the CMSSM phenomenology

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    We study phenomenological implications of the ATLAS and CMS hint of a 125±1125\pm 1 GeV Higgs boson for the singlet, and singlet plus doublet non-supersymmetric dark matter models, and for the phenomenology of the CMSSM. We show that in scalar dark matter models the vacuum stability bound on Higgs boson mass is lower than in the standard model and the 125 GeV Higgs boson is consistent with the models being valid up the GUT or Planck scale. We perform a detailed study of the full CMSSM parameter space keeping the Higgs boson mass fixed to 125±1125\pm 1 GeV, and study in detail the freeze-out processes that imply the observed amount of dark matter. After imposing all phenomenological constraints except for the muon (g−2)μ,(g-2)_\mu, we show that the CMSSM parameter space is divided into well separated regions with distinctive but in general heavy sparticle mass spectra. Imposing the (g−2)μ(g-2)_\mu constraint introduces severe tension between the high SUSY scale and the experimental measurements -- only the slepton co-annihilation region survives with potentially testable sparticle masses at the LHC. In the latter case the spin-independent DM-nucleon scattering cross section is predicted to be below detectable limit at the XENON100 but might be of measurable magnitude in the general case of light dark matter with large bino-higgsino mixing and unobservably large scalar masses.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. v3: same as published versio
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