82 research outputs found
Statistical physics and stromatolite growth: new perspectives on an ancient dilemma
This paper outlines our recent attempts to model the growth and form of
microbialites from the perspective of the statistical physics of evolving
surfaces. Microbialites arise from the environmental interactions of microbial
communities (microbial mats). The mats evolve over time to form internally
laminated organosedimentary structures (stromatolites). Modern day
stromatolites exist in only a few locations, whereas ancient stromatolitic
microbialites were the only form of life for much of the Earth's history. They
existed in a wide variety of growth forms, ranging from almost perfect cones to
branched columnar structures. The coniform structures are central to the heated
debate on the oldest evidence of life. We proposed a biotic model which
considers the relationship between upward growth of a phototropic or
phototactic biofilm and mineral accretion normal to the surface. These
processes are sufficient to account for the growth and form of many ancient
stromatolities. These include domical stromatolites and coniform structures
with thickened apical zones typical of Conophyton. More angular coniform
structures, similar to the stromatolites claimed as the oldest macroscopic
evidence of life, form when the photic effects dominate over mineral accretion.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Proceedings of StatPhys-Taiwan
2004: Biologically Motivated Statistical Physics and Related Problems, 22-26
June 200
Random walks on finite lattice tubes
Exact results are obtained for random walks on finite lattice tubes with a
single source and absorbing lattice sites at the ends. Explicit formulae are
derived for the absorption probabilities at the ends and for the expectations
that a random walk will visit a particular lattice site before being absorbed.
Results are obtained for lattice tubes of arbitrary size and each of the
regular lattice types; square, triangular and honeycomb. The results include an
adjustable parameter to model the effects of strain, such as surface curvature,
on the surface diffusion. Results for the triangular lattice tubes and the
honeycomb lattice tubes model diffusion of adatoms on single walled zig-zag
carbon nano-tubes with open ends.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure
Magnetization Plateaux in Bethe Ansatz Solvable Spin-S Ladders
We examine the properties of the Bethe Ansatz solvable two- and three-leg
spin- ladders. These models include Heisenberg rung interactions of
arbitrary strength and thus capture the physics of the spin- Heisenberg
ladders for strong rung coupling. The discrete values derived for the
magnetization plateaux are seen to fit with the general prediction based on the
Lieb-Schultz- Mattis theorem. We examine the magnetic phase diagram of the
spin-1 ladder in detail and find an extended magnetization plateau at the
fractional value in agreement with the experimental observation
for the spin-1 ladder compound BIP-TENO.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur
Integrable O(n) model on the honeycomb lattice via reflection matrices : Surface critical behaviour
We study the loop model on the honeycomb lattice with open boundary
conditions. Reflection matrices for the underlying Izergin-Korepin -matrix
lead to three inequivalent sets of integrable boundary weights. One set, which
has previously been considered, gives rise to the ordinary surface transition.
The other two sets correspond respectively to the special surface transition
and the mixed ordinary-special transition. We analyse the Bethe ansatz
equations derived for these integrable cases and obtain the surface energies
together with the central charges and scaling dimensions characterizing the
corresponding phase transitions.Comment: LaTeX, 29 pages, with 5 PostScript figure
Intense Arctic Ozone Depletion in the Spring of 2011
Observations of record-breaking ozone depletion during the Arctic spring of 2011 were made at 76˚ N in Thule, Greenland. The ozone total column amount of 290 DU measured on 18 March 2011 is the lowest value from the 12-year observation record and represents an ozone depletion of up to 48% of a typical March column. The unique 2010 – 11 vortex was characterized by sustained low stratospheric temperatures and stability that resisted breakup through March. Simultaneous observations of O3, HF, HCl, HNO3, and ClONO2 demonstrate strong subsidence and substantial conversion of chlorine from its normal reservoirs.Au printemps 2011, des observations d’appauvrissement record de l’ozone ont été faites dans l’Arctique à 76˚ N à Thule, au Groenland. Le 18 mars 2011, la colonne d’ozone total a été mesurée à 290 DU, ce qui représente la valeur la plus faible depuis que les observations ont commencé à être consignées il y a 12 ans. Cela constitue un appauvrissement de l’ozone allant jusqu’à 48 % de la colonne typiquement enregistrée en mars. Le vortex unique dénoté en 2010-2011 était caractérisé par des températures stratosphériques faibles et soutenues ainsi que par une stabilité ayant résisté à la dissipation jusqu’en mars. Des observations simultanées de O3, HF, HCl, HNO3 et ClONO2 ont démontré une forte subsidence et une conversion substantielle du chlore à partir des réservoirs normaux
Mean field analysis of Williams-Bjerknes type growth
We investigate a class of stochastic growth models involving competition
between two phases in which one of the phases has a competitive advantage. The
equilibrium populations of the competing phases are calculated using a mean
field analysis. Regression probabilities for the extinction of the advantaged
phase are calculated in a leading order approximation. The results of the
calculations are in good agreement with simulations carried out on a square
lattice with periodic boundaries. The class of models are variants of the
Williams- Bjerknes model for the growth of tumours in the basal layer of an
epithelium. In the limit in which only one of the phases is unstable the class
of models reduces to the well known variants of the Eden model.Comment: 21 pages, Latex2e, Elsevier style, 5 figure
Correlation lengths and E_8 mass spectrum of the dilute A_3 lattice model
The exact perturbation approach is used to derive the elementary correlation
lengths and related mass gaps of the two-dimensional dilute A_L
lattice model in regimes 1 and 2 for L odd from the Bethe Ansatz solution. In
regime 2 the A_3 model is the E_8 lattice realisation of the two-dimensional
Ising model in a magnetic field at T=T_c. The calculations for the A_3 model in
regime 2 start from the eight thermodynamically significant string types found
in previous numerical studies. These string types are seen to be consistent in
the ordered high field limit. The eight masses obtained reduce with the
approach to criticality to the E_8 masses predicted by Zamolodchikov, thus
providing a further direct lattice determination of the E_8 mass spectrum.Comment: 57 pages, Latex, Elsevier style file
The critical fugacity for surface adsorption of self-avoiding walks on the honeycomb lattice is
In 2010, Duminil-Copin and Smirnov proved a long-standing conjecture of
Nienhuis, made in 1982, that the growth constant of self-avoiding walks on the
hexagonal (a.k.a. honeycomb) lattice is A key identity
used in that proof was later generalised by Smirnov so as to apply to a general
O(n) loop model with (the case corresponding to SAWs).
We modify this model by restricting to a half-plane and introducing a surface
fugacity associated with boundary sites (also called surface sites), and
obtain a generalisation of Smirnov's identity. The critical value of the
surface fugacity was conjectured by Batchelor and Yung in 1995 to be This value plays a crucial role in our generalized
identity, just as the value of growth constant did in Smirnov's identity.
For the case , corresponding to \saws\ interacting with a surface, we
prove the conjectured value of the critical surface fugacity. A crucial part of
the proof involves demonstrating that the generating function of self-avoiding
bridges of height , taken at its critical point , tends to 0 as
increases, as predicted from SLE theory.Comment: Major revision, references updated, 25 pages, 13 figure
Integrable vertex and loop models on the square lattice with open boundaries via reflection matrices
The procedure for obtaining integrable vertex models via reflection matrices
on the square lattice with open boundaries is reviewed and explicitly carried
out for a number of two- and three-state vertex models. These models include
the six-vertex model, the 15-vertex model and the 19-vertex models
of Izergin-Korepin and Zamolodchikov-Fateev. In each case the eigenspectra is
determined by application of either the algebraic or the analytic Bethe ansatz
with inhomeogeneities. With suitable choices of reflection matrices, these
vertex models can be associated with integrable loop models on the same
lattice. In general, the required choices {\em do not} coincide with those
which lead to quantum group-invariant spin chains. The exact solution of the
integrable loop models -- including an model on the square lattice with
open boundaries -- is of relevance to the surface critical behaviour of
two-dimensional polymers.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX with PostScript figures; minor corrections, version
to appear in Nucl. Phys.
Critical behaviour of the dilute O(n), Izergin-Korepin and dilute face models: Bulk properties
The analytic, nonlinear integral equation approach is used to calculate the
finite-size corrections to the transfer matrix eigen-spectra of the critical
dilute O(n) model on the square periodic lattice. The resulting bulk conformal
weights extend previous exact results obtained in the honeycomb limit and
include the negative spectral parameter regimes. The results give the operator
content of the 19-vertex Izergin-Korepin model along with the conformal weights
of the dilute face models in all four regimes.Comment: 23 pages, no ps figures, latex file, to appear in NP
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