486 research outputs found

    An update on the genera Longidorus , Paralongidorus and Xiphinema (Family Longidoridae) in Portugal

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    The tribe Longidorini within the subfamily Longidorinae (Longidorus spp. and Paralongidorus spp.) and the subfamily Xiphineminae (Xiphinema spp.) are two large nematode groups with about 260 and 230 known species, respectively. They are globally two important groups of ectoparasitic nematodes considered to be major pests because of their activity as vectors of important plant nepovirus, with some species included in the list of quarantine pathogenic organisms in many European countries. Knowledge of the biodiversity and occurrence of this nematode group is a prerequisite for the establishment of sound management strategies and control measures. According to data collected from the databases (such as EPPO, FSTA, and Web of Science) and published in specialised literature, a total of 15 Longidorus, 1 Paralongidorus and 40 Xiphinema species have been recorded as present in Portugal. However, the taxonomic status of some species is controversial, and thus needs to be clarified. A comprehensive review for unravelling the biodiversity and occurrence of nematode species of the genus Longidorus, Paralongidorus and Xiphinema in Portugal is herein provided. This review includes an updated checklist of species with information on the localities, host plants and geographical distribution. Additionally, maps on the species distributions of Longidorinae and Xiphineminae nematodes present in Continental Portugal and the Portuguese Macaronesian islands are provided, as well as unpublished data on authors and comments on the current taxonomic status. Finally, new insights and directions for future research on Longidoridae in Portugal are presented

    Using geostatistics and G.I.S., for DTM’s assessment

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    [Abstract] The main objective of this study was to examine topographical information by means of geostatistical techniques. Moreover, the spatial dependence of point measurements was used in order to assist in making digital elevation models (DEM’s). The survey was conducted in cultivated land. Topographical data were measured for two different fields which size is 2.24 Ha and 0.62 Ha using an Abney level. The continuity of the spatial distribution of point measurements has been evaluated using geostatistics. The analysed data sets showed a lineal trend. After removing the trend experimental semivariograms were calculated and scaled by dividing each of them by the value of their respective variances. Variogram models with small nugget effect and a spatial component described well the residual data resulting from trend removing. The curve fitting technique used to adjust models was jack-knifing. Effects of sampling density during data collection was critically evaluated. Once topographical data were estimated on a fine grid through kriging, contour maps were obtained and subsequently transported to the GIS. The methodology used to expand information from point to landscape with the geostatistical techniques has proved itself very useful

    Efecto del tiempo de espera en el matadero sobre el bienestar de corderos lechales

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    In this paper, the effect of lairage before slaughter on the welfare and carcass and meat quality in suckling lambs has been studied. Four lairage times have been evaluated, L0 no-lairage, L3 lairage of 3 h, L6 lairage of 6 h and L12 lairage of 12 h. Blood parameters, cortisol, creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), total protein and amyloid A protein, weight loss during lairage, carcass quality and meat pH in two longissimus and semitendinosus muscles have been studied. Lambs with a lairage of 12 hours showed higher level of cortisol, total protein and amyloid A protein, besides a greater live weight loss, indicating that had a higher stress response and further dehydration. The meat pH was higher in both muscles in the group L3. The lairage increased animal welfare concerns but not the quality of the meat.En este trabajo se estudia el efecto que el tiempo de espera antes del sacrificio tiene sobre el bienestar y la calidad de la canal y la carne en corderos lechales. Se han estudiado cuatro tiempos de espera, L0 sin periodo de espera, L3 espera de 3 h, L6 espera de 6 h y L12 espera de 12 h. Se han valorado parámetros sanguíneos, cortisol, creatin kinasa (CK), lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH), proteínas totales y proteína amiloide A, así como pérdidas de peso por la espera, calidad de la canal y la evolución del pH de la carne en dos músculos longissimus y semitendinosus. Los corderos que estuvieron esperando 12 h mostraron un mayor nivel de cortisol, proteínas totales y proteína amiloide A, además de tener una mayor pérdida de peso, lo que indica que tuvieron una mayor respuesta de estrés y mayor deshidratación. El pH de la carne fue más alto en los dos músculos para el grupo que estuvo esperando 3 h. El incremento de tiempo de espera afecta al bienestar del animal pero no a la calidad de la carn

    Theoretical and experimental study on electron interactions with chlorobenzene: Shape resonances and differential cross sections

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    9 págs.; 6 figs.; 1 tab.In this work, we report theoretical and experimental cross sections for elastic scattering of electrons by chlorobenzene (ClB). The theoretical integral and differential cross sections (DCSs) were obtained with the Schwinger multichannel method implemented with pseudopotentials (SMCPP) and the independent atom method with screening corrected additivity rule (IAM-SCAR). The calculations with the SMCPP method were done in the static-exchange (SE) approximation, for energies above 12 eV, and in the static-exchange plus polarization approximation, for energies up to 12 eV. The calculations with the IAM-SCAR method covered energies up to 500 eV. The experimental differential cross sections were obtained in the high resolution electron energy loss spectrometer VG-SEELS 400, in Lisbon, for electron energies from 8.0 eV to 50 eV and angular range from 7 to 110. From the present theoretical integral cross section (ICS) we discuss the low-energy shape-resonances present in chlorobenzene and compare our computed resonance spectra with available electron transmission spectroscopy data present in the literature. Since there is no other work in the literature reporting differential cross sections for this molecule, we compare our theoretical and experimental DCSs with experimental data available for the parent molecule benzene. Published by AIP Publishing.A.S.B., M.T.N.V., S.d’A.S., and M.H.F.B. acknowledge the Brazilian Agency Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), under CAPES/FCT Programme (Process No. 23038.002465/2014-87). M.T.N.V., S.d’A.S., and M.H.F.B. acknowledge support from the Brazilian Agency Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico. M.H.F.B. acknowledges support from Finep (under project CT-Infra), and M.T.N.V. from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). A.S.B., S.d’A.S., and M.H.F.B. acknowledge computational support from Professor Carlos M. de Carvalho at LFTC-DFis-UFPR and at LCPADUFPR and from CENAPAD-SP. F.F.S. acknowledges the Portuguese National Funding Agency FCT through researcher Contract No. IF-FCT IF/00380/2014 and together with P.LV. the research Grant No. UID/FIS/00068/2013. F.B. and G.G. acknowledge partial financial support from the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Project No. FIS2012-31230).Peer Reviewe

    Theoretical and experimental differential cross sections for electron impact excitation of the electronic bands of furfural

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    13 págs.; 8 figs.; 6 tabs.We report results from a joint experimental and theoretical investigation into electron scattering from the important industrial species furfural (CHO). Specifically, differential cross sections (DCSs) have been measured and calculated for the electron-impact excitation of the electronic states of CHO. The measurements were carried out at energies in the range 20-40 eV, and for scattered-electron angles between 10°and 90°. The energy resolution of those experiments was typically ∼80 meV. Corresponding Schwinger multichannel method with pseudo-potential calculations, for energies between 6-50 eV and with and without Born-closure, were also performed for a sub-set of the excited electronic-states that were accessed in the measurements. Those calculations were undertaken at the static exchange plus polarisation-level using a minimum orbital basis for single configuration interaction (MOB-SCI) approach. Agreement between the measured and calculated DCSs was qualitatively quite good, although to obtain quantitative accord, the theory would need to incorporate even more channels into the MOB-SCI. The role of multichannel coupling on the computed electronic-state DCSs is also explored in some detail. ©2016 AIP Publishing LLCR.F.C.N. thanks CNPq (Brazil) and the Science Without Borders Programme for opportunities to study abroad. D.B.J. thanks the Australian Research Council (ARC) for financial support provided through a Discovery Early Career Research Award, while M.J.B. also thanks the ARC for their support. M.J.B. and M.C.A.L. acknowledge the Brazilian agencies CNPq and FAPEMIG. P.L.-V. acknowledges the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCTMEC) through Grant Nos. PTDC/FIS-ATO/1832/2012 and UIO/FIS/00068/2013. G.G. acknowledges partial financial support from the Spanish Ministry MINECO (Project No. FIS2012-31230) and the European Union COST Action No. CM1301 (CELINA). Finally, R.F.d.C., M.T.d.N.V., M.H.F.B., and M.A.P.L. acknowledge support from the Brazilian agency CNPq and M.T.d.N.V. also thanks FAPESP.Peer Reviewe

    Performance of Lotus corniculatus L. genotypes submitted to cutting interval: subsidies to a breeding program

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the response of five birdsfoot trefoil populations (Lotus corniculatus L.), selected under severe and intense grazing (P38, P37, P9 and P3) or cutting (population Corte), one rhizomatous population from Morocco and two cultivars, São Gabriel (Brazil) and ARS 2620 (USA), to different cutting intervals (20 and 40 days). The trial was carried out in a greenhouse for 224 days. The plants were submitted to the treatments during four months, when it was made four and two cuttings for the 20 and 40 day intervals, respectively. In the following months, aerial part of the plants was totally removed and after 70 days of regrowth, evaluation of roots and aerial section were performed. Analysis of variance and multivariate analysis was performed, obtaining the Mahalanobis distance (Md), dendogram by UPGMA method and the relative contribution of the characters for genetic divergence. There was no genotype × cutting interval interaction and the genotypes presented a reduction on dry matter yield of roots, crown and aerial sections, number of stems and plant height when submitted to frequent cuttings. The most divergent genotypes were Marrocos and P9 (Md = 108.7) and the most similar ones were São Gabriel and P37 (Md = 7.8). The results suggest exclusion of the population P9 because of its weak performance and the utilization of the populations Corte and P37 as progenitors in the birdsfoot trefoil breeding program. Root dry matter accumulation and plant height were the characters that contributed most to genetic divergence and they can be used for selection works