298 research outputs found

    A time series transcriptome analysis of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) varieties challenged with Ugandan cassava brown streak virus

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 29 August 2017A time-course transcriptome analysis of two cassava varieties that are either resistant or susceptible to cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) was conducted using RNASeq, after graft inoculation with Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV). From approximately 1.92 billion short reads, the largest number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) was obtained in the resistant (Namikonga) variety at 2 days after grafting (dag) (3887 DEGs) and 5 dag (4911 DEGs). At the same time points, several defense response genes (encoding LRR-containing, NBARC-containing, pathogenesis-related, late embryogenesis abundant, selected transcription factors, chaperones, and heat shock proteins) were highly expressed in Namikonga. Also, defense-related GO terms of ‘translational elongation’, ‘translation factor activity’, ‘ribosomal subunit’ and ‘phosphorelay signal transduction’, were overrepresented in Namikonga at these time points. More reads corresponding to UCBSV sequences were recovered from the susceptible variety (Albert) (733 and 1660 read counts per million (cpm)) at 45 dag and 54 dag compared to Namikonga (10 and 117 cpm respectively). These findings suggest that Namikonga’s resistance involves restriction of multiplication of UCBSV within the host. These findings can be used with other sources of evidence to identify candidate genes and biomarkers that would contribute substantially to knowledge-based resistance breeding

    Decomposable representations and Lagrangian submanifolds of moduli spaces associated to surface groups

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    In this paper, we construct a Lagrangian submanifold of the moduli space associated to the fundamental group of a punctured Riemann surface (the space of representations of this fundamental group into a compact connected Lie group). This Lagrangian submanifold is obtained as the fixed-point set of an anti-symplectic involution defined on the moduli space. The notion of decomposable representation provides a geometric interpretation of this Lagrangian submanifold

    Dissecting the sugarcane expressed sequence tag (SUCEST) database: unraveling flower-specific genes

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    There are almost 260,000 independent clones sequenced from the 5? end in the Sugarcane Expressed Sequence Tag (SUCEST) database, which have been obtained from 37 cDNA libraries prepared from different tissues. This large number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) provides an opportunity, unprecedented in plants, to perform ?digital differential screening? on selected cDNA libraries. In general, the frequency of a particular EST correlates with transcript accumulation in the tissues from which the cDNA libraries were constructed, so it is possible to compare the whole transcriptome from different tissues using computer-assisted analysis of an EST database. In our research we analyzed sugarcane ESTs according to tissue expression and identified more than 1,000 putative flower-specific genes. The fact that using this technique we were able to identify sugarcane homologues of several genes previously described as pollen-specific justifies this method of assessing tissue specificity. In addition, ESTs similar to genes specific to reproductive organs were detected e.g. a sugarcane gene encoding a meiotic protein essential for assembly of the synaptonemal complex and normal synapsis. This approach also allowed the identification of many flower-specific anonymous sequences that are good candidates for being novel genes involved in plant reproduction. This paper describes the analysis of the gene expression levels of 24 EST clusters during flower development using a ?digital northern blot? constructed from direct EST counts made on the non-normalized sugarcane cDNA libraries.Existem quase 260.000 clones independentes, seqĂŒenciados a partir da extremidade 5?, no banco de dados do SUCEST (Sugarcane Expressed Sequence Tag), os quais foram obtidos a partir de 37 bibliotecas de cDNA preparadas de diferentes tecidos. Este grande nĂșmero de etiquetas de sequĂȘncias expressas (ESTs) fornece uma oportunidade, sem precedentes em plantas, de realizar um ?digital differential screening? em bibliotecas de cDNA selecionadas. Geralmente, a frequĂȘncia de um determinado EST estĂĄ correlacionada ao acĂșmulo de transcritos nos tecidos dos quais as bibliotecas de cDNA foram construĂ­das, e desta forma, Ă© possĂ­vel comparar o transcriptoma completo de diferentes tecidos, usando uma anĂĄlise computacional de um banco de dados de ESTs. Em nossa pesquisa, analisamos os ESTs de cana-de-açĂșcar de acordo com sua expressĂŁo tecidual e identificamos mais de 1.000 putativos genes especĂ­ficos de flor. O fato de que usando esta tĂ©cnica fomos capazes de identificar homolĂłgos em cana-de-açĂșcar, de vĂĄrios genes previamente descritos como especĂ­ficos de pĂłlen, sustenta este mĂ©todo de estimar especificidade tecidual. AlĂ©m disto, ESTs com similaridade a genes especĂ­ficos de ĂłrgĂŁos reprodutivos foram revelados, como por exemplo, o gene que codifica uma proteĂ­na meiĂłtica essencial para a montagem do complexo sinaptonĂȘmico e sinapse normal. Esta abordagem tambĂ©m permitiu a identificação de muitas sequĂȘncias anĂŽnimas, especĂ­ficas de flor, que sĂŁo boas candidatas para novos genes envolvidos com a reprodução de plantas. Este trabalho descreve a anĂĄlise dos nĂ­veis de expressĂŁo gĂȘnica de 24 clusters de ESTs, durante o desenvolvimento floral, usando um ?northern blot digital? construĂ­do a partir da contagem direta dos ESTs das bibliotecas nĂŁo-normalizadas de cDNAs de cana-de-açĂșcar.7784Fundação de Amparo Ă  Pesquisa do Estado de SĂŁo Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq

    Early Life Characteristics and Neurodevelopmental Phenotypes in the Mount Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center

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    Neurodevelopmental outcomes including behavior, executive functioning, and IQ exhibit complex correlational structures, although they are often treated as independent in etiologic studies. We performed a principal components analysis of the behavioral assessment system for children, the behavior rating inventory of executive functioning, and the Wechsler scales of intelligence in a prospective birth cohort, and estimated associations with early life characteristics. We identified seven factors: (1) impulsivity and externalizing, (2) executive functioning, (3) internalizing, (4) perceptual reasoning, (5) adaptability, (6) processing speed, and (7) verbal intelligence. Prenatal fish consumption, maternal education, preterm birth, and the home environment were important predictors of various neurodevelopmental factors. Although maternal smoking was associated with more adverse externalizing, executive functioning, and adaptive composite scores in our sample, of the orthogonally-rotated factors, smoking was only associated with the impulsivity and externalizing factor (ÎČ^ − 0.82, 95% CI − 1.42, − 0.23). These differences may be due to correlations among outcomes that were accounted for by using a phenotypic approach. Dimension reduction may improve upon traditional approaches by accounting for correlations among neurodevelopmental traits

    Towards revealing key factors in mechanical instability of bioabsorbable Zn-based alloys for intended vascular stenting

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    Zn-based alloys are recognized as promising bioabsorbable materials for cardiovascular stents, due to their biocompatibility and favorable degradability as compared to Mg. However, both low strength and intrinsic mechanical instability arising from a strong strain rate sensitivity and strain softening behavior make development of Zn alloys challenging for stent applications. In this study, we developed binary Zn-4.0Ag and ternary Zn-4.0Ag-xMn (where x = 0.2–0.6wt%) alloys. An experimental methodology was designed by cold working followed by a thermal treatment on extruded alloys, through which the effects of the grain size and precipitates could be thoroughly investigated. Microstructural observations revealed a significant grain refinement during wire drawing, leading to an ultrafine-grained (UFG) structure with a size of 700 nm and 200 nm for the Zn-4.0Ag and Zn-4.0Ag-0.6Mn, respectively. Mn showed a powerful grain refining effect, as it promoted the dynamic recrystallization. Furthermore, cold working resulted in dynamic precipitation of AgZn3 particles, distributing throughout the Zn matrix. Such precipitates triggered mechanical degradation through an activation of Zn/AgZn3 boundary sliding, reducing the tensile strength by 74% and 57% for Zn-4.0Ag and Zn-4.0Ag-0.6Mn, respectively. The observed precipitation softening caused a strong strain rate sensitivity in cold drawn alloys. Short-time annealing significantly mitigated the mechanical instability by reducing the AgZn3 fraction. The ternary alloy wire showed superior microstructural stability relative to its Mn-free counterpart due to the pinning effect of Mn-rich particles on the grain boundaries. Eventually, a shift of the corrosion regime from localized to more uniform was observed after the heat treatment, mainly due to the dissolution of AgZn3 precipitates. Statement of Significance Owing to its promising biodegradability, zinc has been recognized as a potential biodegradable material for stenting applications. However, Zn's poor strength alongside intrinsic mechanical instability have propelled researchers to search for Zn alloys with improved mechanical properties. Although extensive researches have been conducted to satisfy the mentioned concerns, no Zn-based alloys with stabilized mechanical properties have yet been reported. In this work, the mechanical properties and stability of the Zn-Ag-based alloys were systematically evaluated as a function of microstructural features. We found that the microstructure design in Zn alloys can be used to find an effective strategy to not only improve the strength and suppress the mechanical instability but also to minimize any damage by augmenting the corrosion uniformity

    Maximal surface group representations in isometry groups of classical Hermitian symmetric spaces

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    Higgs bundles and non-abelian Hodge theory provide holomorphic methods with which to study the moduli spaces of surface group representations in a reductive Lie group G. In this paper we survey the case in which G is the isometry group of a classical Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type. Using Morse theory on the moduli spaces of Higgs bundles, we compute the number of connected components of the moduli space of representations with maximal Toledo invariant.Comment: v2: added due credits to the work of Burger, Iozzi and Wienhard. v3: corrected count of connected components for G=SU(p,q) (p \neq q); added due credits to the work of Xia and Markman-Xia; minor corrections and clarifications. 31 page

    On the solutions of the Schrodinger equation with some molecular potentials: wave function ansatz

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    Making an ansatz to the wave function, the exact solutions of the DD% -dimensional radial Schrodinger equation with some molecular potentials like pseudoharmonic and modified Kratzer potentials are obtained. The restriction on the parameters of the given potential, ÎŽ\delta and η\eta are also given, where η\eta depends on a linear combination of the angular momentum quantum number ℓ\ell and the spatial dimensions DD and ÎŽ\delta is a parameter in the ansatz to the wave function. On inserting D=3, we find that the bound state eigensolutions recover their standard analytical forms in literature.Comment: 14 page

    Specific Heat Study of the Magnetic Superconductor HoNi2B2C

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    The complex magnetic transitions and superconductivity of HoNi2B2C were studied via the dependence of the heat capacity on temperature and in-plane field angle. We provide an extended, comprehensive magnetic phase diagram for B // [100] and B // [110] based on the thermodynamic measurements. Three magnetic transitions and the superconducting transition were clearly observed. The 5.2 K transition (T_{N}) shows a hysteresis with temperature, indicating the first order nature of the transition at B=0 T. The 6 K transition (T_{M}), namely the onset of the long-range ordering, displays a dramatic in-plane anisotropy: T_{M} increases with increasing magnetic field for B // [100] while it decreases with increasing field for B // [110]. The anomalous anisotropy in T_{M} indicates that the transition is related to the a-axis spiral structure. The 5.5 K transition (T^{*}) shows similar behavior to the 5.2 K transition, i.e., a small in-plane anisotropy and scaling with Ising model. This last transition is ascribed to the change from a^{*} dominant phase to c^{*} dominant phase.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Family-based obesity prevention for infants: Design of the “Mothers & Others” randomized trial

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    Objective Our goal is to test the efficacy of a family-based, multi-component intervention focused on infants of African-American (AA) mothers and families, a minority population at elevated risk for pediatric obesity, versus a child safety attention-control group to promote healthy weight gain patterns during the first two years of life. Design, participants, and methods The design is a two-group randomized controlled trial among 468 AA pregnant women in central North Carolina. Mothers and study partners in the intervention group receive anticipatory guidance on breastfeeding, responsive feeding, use of non-food soothing techniques for infant crying, appropriate timing and quality of complementary feeding, age-appropriate infant sleep, and minimization of TV/media. The primary delivery channel is 6 home visits by a peer educator, 4 interim newsletters and twice-weekly text messaging. Intervention families also receive 2 home visits from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Assessments occur at 28 and 37 weeks gestation and when infants are 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 months of age. Results The primary outcome is infant/toddler growth and likelihood of overweight at 15 months. Differences between groups are expected to be achieved through uptake of the targeted infant feeding and care behaviors (secondary outcomes) and change in caregivers' modifiable risk factors (mediators) underpinning the intervention. Conclusions If successful in promoting healthy infant growth and enhancing caregiver behaviors, “Mothers and Others” will have high public health relevance for future obesity-prevention efforts aimed at children younger than 2 years, including interventional research and federal, state, and community health programs. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01938118, August 9, 2013
