1,632 research outputs found

    Comparaison entre modèles de prévision de crues

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    La prévision des crues, à partir des données de niveau d'eau et de débit, est devenue une question d'actualité dans l'ensemble du Brésil, à la suite des inondations catastrophiques survenues dans le Sud en 1983-84 et, plus récemment, dans le Nord-Est. Six modèles mathématiques de prévision des niveaux de l'eau durant les crues ont été retenus pour examen : modèles linéaire, non-linéaire, linéaire-empirique et modèles aux différences-simple, différences-empirique et différences-séparé. Ils ont été employés sur un bief de 122 km du fleuve Jacui (Etat du Rio Grande do Sul), afin d'établir le système d'alerte contre les crues de la ville de Cachoeira do Sul. Pour effectuer cette comparaison, sept crues ont été choisies parmi les vingt-huit pour lesquelles on disposait de données. Il semble que le modèle aux "différences-simple" soit celui qui donne les meilleurs résultats. (Résumé d'auteur

    Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Mpox Patients Attending an STD Clinic in Lisbon

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    (This article belongs to the Special Issue Human Monkeypox—an Emerging Zoonotic Disease and a Global Threat)Mpox is a viral disease caused by the monkeypox virus, which marked the year of 2022 with a global outbreak. While previously considered to be a zoonosis of almost exclusive animal-to-human transmission, the current outbreak has been attributed to human-to-human transmission, particularly sexual transmission. As a new sexually transmissible disease, we studied the epidemiological and clinical features, as well as the concomitant occurrence of other sexually transmissible diseases, treatment approach, and outcome of our 291 patients, in the current outbreak. We found a total of 169 concomitant sexually transmissible infections of bacterial and viral origins, corresponding to 107 patients. Neisseria gonorrhoeae was the most common agent, particularly in the anal location. With this work, we emphasize the need for a thorough epidemiological and medical history, as well as a concomitant complete laboratorial screening for other STIs in patients with confirmed or suspected mpox.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The TGF beta family in human placental development at the fetal-maternal interface

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    Emerging data suggest that a trophoblast stem cell (TSC) population exists in the early human placenta. However, in vitro stem cell culture models are still in development and it remains under debate how well they reflect primary trophoblast (TB) cells. The absence of robust protocols to generate TSCs from humans has resulted in limited knowledge of the molecular mechanisms that regulate human placental development and TB lineage specification when compared to other human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). As placentation in mouse and human differ considerably, it is only with the development of human-based disease models using TSCs that we will be able to understand the various diseases caused by abnormal placentation in humans, such as preeclampsia. In this review, we summarize the knowledge on normal human placental development, the placental disease preeclampsia, and current stem cell model systems used to mimic TB differentiation. A special focus is given to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF beta) family as it has been shown that the TGF beta family has an important role in human placental development and disease.Stem cells & developmental biolog

    Multidimensional continued fractions, dynamical renormalization and KAM theory

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    The disadvantage of `traditional' multidimensional continued fraction algorithms is that it is not known whether they provide simultaneous rational approximations for generic vectors. Following ideas of Dani, Lagarias and Kleinbock-Margulis we describe a simple algorithm based on the dynamics of flows on the homogeneous space SL(2,Z)\SL(2,R) (the space of lattices of covolume one) that indeed yields best possible approximations to any irrational vector. The algorithm is ideally suited for a number of dynamical applications that involve small divisor problems. We explicitely construct renormalization schemes for (a) the linearization of vector fields on tori of arbitrary dimension and (b) the construction of invariant tori for Hamiltonian systems.Comment: 51 page

    Detection of Borrelia lusitaniae, Rickettsia sp. IRS3, Rickettsia monacensis and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Ixodes ricinus collected in Madeira Island, Portugal

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    A total of 300 Ixodes ricinus ticks were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of Borrelia spp., Rickettsia spp., and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Sequence analysis demonstrated 8 (2.7%) ticks infected with B. lusitaniae, 60 (20%) with Rickettsia spp., and 1 (0.3%) with A. phagocytophilum. Seven (2.3%) ticks were coinfected with B. lusitaniae and Rickettsia spp., 2 (0.6%) with R. monacensis, and 5 (1.7%) with Rickettsia sp. IRS3. The results of this study suggest simultaneous transmission of multiple tick-borne agents on Madeira Island, Portugal

    Cracking Of Petroleum Residues By Reactive Molecular Distillation

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    It is known that the Brazilian oils are more heavy - super heavy - viscous, its operation is difficult, especially its production, including all stages - elevation, runoff and primary processing - in addition to their transfer, and refining itself. Studies indicate the existence of oil fields as heavy lifting and that the simple flow of the base of the pit to the surface seems impossible at first sight, especially in off-shore fields, compromising both technically and economically a project to produce a new field. Therefore, efforts are needed to develop alternatives aimed at reducing the API gravity, viscosity and sulfur content of extra-heavy oil, adding a higher commercial value for these oils. This work aims to study, propose and develop enhanced hybrid process that transforms the extra-heavy oil, or part thereof, in lighter crude oil to generate a mixture: lower sulfur content, lower density, lower viscosity, lower content of volatile (aromatics and asphaltenes), greater resistance to the processes of purification. The process studied is the Reactive molecular distillation with the addition of tetralin that suffer from high temperature cracking of molecules, providing protons that help the breakdown of asphaltenes and residues will suffer as a consequence physicochemical changes, such as those mentioned above. This way you can improve the problems associated with the deposition of asphaltenes at high temperatures. The conversion of light with immediate reduction of API gravity and sulfur content promoted a better use of extra-heavy oil and the DMR is a product of high-value oil and very interesting for the oil industry and the environment. The experimental work proposed in this study was conducted to cracking and separation of fractions and petroleum. The evaluation and characterization of the cracking results were obtained after analysis of properties such as density, viscosity, sulfur content, molar mass and mass balance of the currents. © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.42329334Erciyes, A.T., Ishikawa, H., Inuzuka, M., Hiraoka, S., Mori, H.E., Yamada, I., Vaporization of binary liquid mixtures from surface at reduced pressure (1987) Chem Eng Symp Series, 1, pp. A359-A371Moraes, E.B., Batistella, C.B., Torres Alvarez, M.E., Maciel Filho, R., Wolf Maciel, M.R., Evaluation of tocopherol recovery through simulation of molecular distillation process (2004) Appl Biochem Biotech, 114, pp. 689-711Noeres, C., Kenig, E.Y., Górak, A., Modelling of reactive separation processes (2003) Reactive Absorption and Reactive Distillation. Chem Eng Process, 42, pp. 157-178Duarte, F.A., Mello, P.A., Bizzi, C.A., Nunes, M.A.G., Moreira, E.M., Alencar, M.S., Motta, H.N., Flores, E.M.M., Sulfur removal from hydrotreated petroleum fractions using ultrasound-assisted oxidative desulfurization process (2001) Fuel, 90, pp. 2158-216

    A Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals Dominance Effects on Number of Teats in Pigs

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    Dominance has been suggested as one of the genetic mechanisms explaining heterosis. However, using traditional quantitative genetic methods it is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of dominance effects. With the availability of dense SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) panels, we now have new opportunities for the detection and use of dominance at individual loci. Thus, the aim of this study was to detect additive and dominance effects on number of teats (NT), specifically to investigate the importance of dominance in a Landrace-based population of pigs. In total, 1,550 animals, genotyped for 32,911 SNPs, were used in single SNP analysis. SNPs with a significant genetic effect were tested for their mode of gene action being additive, dominant or a combination. In total, 21 SNPs were associated with NT, located in three regions with additive (SSC6, 7 and 12) and one region with dominant effects (SSC4). Estimates of additive effects ranged from 0.24 to 0.29 teats. The dominance effect of the QTL located on SSC4 was negative (-0.26 teats). The additive variance of the four QTLs together explained 7.37% of the total phenotypic variance. The dominance variance of the four QTLs together explained 1.82% of the total phenotypic variance, which corresponds to one-fourth of the variance explained by additive effects. The results suggest that dominance effects play a relevant role in the genetic architecture of NT. The QTL region on SSC7 contains the most promising candidate gene: VRTN. This gene has been suggested to be related to the number of vertebrae, a trait correlated with NT

    Using SNP Markers to Estimate Additive, Dominance and Imprinting Genetic Variance

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    The contributions of additive, dominance and imprinting effects to the variance of number of teats (NT) were evaluated in two purebred pig populations using SNP markers. Three different random regression models were evaluated, accounting for the mean and: 1) additive effects (MA), 2) additive and dominance effects (MAD) and 3) additive, dominance and imprinting effects (MADI). Additive heritability estimates were 0.30, 0.28 and 0.27-0.28 in both lines using MA, MAD and MADI, respectively. Dominance heritability ranged from 0.06 to 0.08 using MAD and MADI. Imprinting heritability ranged from 0.01 to 0.02. Dominance effects make an important contribution to the genetic variation of NT in the two lines evaluated. Imprinting effects appeared less important for NT than additive and dominance effects. The SNP random regression model presented and evaluated in this study is a feasible approach to estimate additive, dominance and imprinting variance

    A prediction algorithm for drug response in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy based on clinical and genetic information

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOMesial temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common form of adult epilepsy in surgical series. Currently, the only characteristic used to predict poor response to clinical treatment in this syndrome is the presence of hippocampal sclerosis. Single nucleotide121FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2013/07559-