24 research outputs found

    Probing the overarching continuum theory: data-driven phenotypic clustering of children with ASD or ADHD

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    The clinical validity of the distinction between ADHD and ASD is a longstanding discussion. Recent advances in the realm of data-driven analytic techniques now enable us to formally investigate theories aiming to explain the frequent co-occurrence of these neurodevelopmental conditions. In this study, we probe different theoretical positions by means of a pre-registered integrative approach of novel classification, subgrouping, and taxometric techniques in a representative sample (N = 434), and replicate the results in an independent sample (N = 219) of children (ADHD, ASD, and typically developing) aged 7–14 years. First, Random Forest Classification could predict diagnostic groups based on questionnaire data with limited accuracy—suggesting some remaining overlap in behavioral symptoms between them. Second, community detection identified four distinct groups, but none of them showed a symptom profile clearly related to either ADHD or ASD in neither the original sample nor the replication sample. Third, taxometric analyses showed evidence for a categorical distinction between ASD and typically developing children, a dimensional characterization of the difference between ADHD and typically developing children, and mixed results for the distinction between the diagnostic groups. We present a novel framework of cutting-edge statistical techniques which represent recent advances in both the models and the data used for research in psychiatric nosology. Our results suggest that ASD and ADHD cannot be unambiguously characterized as either two separate clinical entities or opposite ends of a spectrum, and highlight the need to study ADHD and ASD traits in tandem.</p

    Advancing urban mental health research: from complexity science to actionable targets for intervention

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    Urbanisation and common mental disorders (CMDs; ie, depressive, anxiety, and substance use disorders) are increasing worldwide. In this Review, we discuss how urbanicity and risk of CMDs relate to each other and call for a complexity science approach to advance understanding of this interrelationship. We did an ecological analysis using data on urbanicity and CMD burden in 191 countries. We found a positive, non-linear relationship with a higher CMD prevalence in more urbanised countries, particularly for anxiety disorders. We also did a review of meta-analytic studies on the association between urban factors and CMD risk. We identified factors relating to the ambient, physical, and social urban environment and showed differences per diagnosis of CMDs. We argue that factors in the urban environment are likely to operate as a complex system and interact with each other and with individual city inhabitants (including their psychological and neurobiological characteristics) to shape mental health in an urban context. These interactions operate on various timescales and show feedback loop mechanisms, rendering system behaviour characterised by non-linearity that is hard to predict over time. We present a conceptual framework for future urban mental health research that uses a complexity science approach. We conclude by discussing how complexity science methodology (eg, network analyses, system-dynamic modelling, and agent-based modelling) could enable identification of actionable targets for treatment and policy, aimed at decreasing CMD burdens in an urban context