39 research outputs found

    IDRA (IDeal Resource Allocation): A tool for computing ideal speedups

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    Performance studies of actual parallel systems usually tend to concéntrate on the effectiveness of a given implementation. This is often done in the absolute, without quantitave reference to the potential parallelism contained in the programs from the point of view of the execution paradigm. We feel that studying the parallelism inherent to the programs is interesting, as it gives information about the best possible behavior of any implementation and thus allows contrasting the results obtained. We propose a method for obtaining ideal speedups for programs through a combination of sequential or parallel execution and simulation, and the algorithms that allow implementing the method. Our approach is novel and, we argüe, more accurate than previously proposed methods, in that a crucial part of the data - the execution times of tasks - is obtained from actual executions, while speedup is computed by simulation. This allows obtaining speedup (and other) data under controlled and ideal assumptions regarding issues such as number of processor, scheduling algorithm and overheads, etc. The results obtained can be used for example to evalúate the ideal parallelism that a program contains for a given model of execution and to compare such "perfect" parallelism to that obtained by a given implementation of that model. We also present a tool, IDRA, which implements the proposed method, and results obtained with IDRA for benchmark programs, which are then compared with those obtained in actual executions on real parallel systems

    IDRA (IDeal Resource Allocation): Computing ideal speedups in parallel logic programming

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    We present a technique to estimate accurate speedups for parallel logic programs with relative independence from characteristics of a given implementation or underlying parallel hardware. The proposed technique is based on gathering accurate data describing one execution at run-time, which is fed to a simulator. Alternative schedulings are then simulated and estimates computed for the corresponding speedups. A tool implementing the aforementioned techniques is presented, and its predictions are compared to the performance of real systems, showing good correlation

    Estudio comparativo entre el cultivo convencional y ecológico de trigo para alimentación animal

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las diferencias en el rendimiento productivo y el valor nutritivo entre el cultivo ecológico y convencional de trigo invernal para su utilización en alimentación animal. La producción de forraje fue determinada en el mes de mayo de tres años consecutivos y la producción de paja y grano se determinó en el mes de julio de los dos primeros años. Las muestras fueron secadas para determinar su composición química y su digestibilidad in vitro. Adicionalmente, 500 mg de cada muestra fueron incubados con 50 mL de líquido ruminal tamponado a 39°C. En estas incubaciones se midió la producción de gas a diferentes tiempos para estimar la cinética de fermentación y se analizaron los parámetros de fermentación tras 24 horas de incubación. La producción de forraje, grano y paja fue mayor en las parcelas convencionales que en las ecológicas. El contenido en proteína bruta fue más bajo en el cultivo ecológico que en el convencional, tanto para el forraje como para el grano. La digestibilidad in vitro fue similar para los dos tipos de cultivo y no existieron diferencias en la cinética de degradación ni en la producción de ácidos grasos volátiles. Los resultados indican que el cultivo ecológico provocó una disminución de la producción y en el contenido de proteína en el forraje y en los granos de trigo, pero no se observaron efectos en la degradación ruminal. Estos resultados indican que el sistema de cultivo del trigo afecta a su composición química y por ello debe realizarse una valoración previa del mismo cuando se utilice para alimentación animal.The objective of this study was to assess the differences in yield and nutritive value of organically and conventionally grown wheat crops as animal feeds. Forage yield was determined in May in three consecutive years and straw and grain yield was determined in July in the two first years. Samples were dried to determine their chemical composition and in vitro digestibility. Additionally, 500 mg of each sample were incubated with 50 mL of buffered rumen fluid at 39°C to estimate rumen fermentation kinetics and fermentation parameters after 24 hours. Forage, grain and straw yield was greater in conventionally grown crops than in organic ones. Crude protein content was lower in organically grown wheat, both for the forage or the grain. In vitro digestibility was similar in both types of cultures and there were no differences in degradation kinetics parameters or volatile fatty acids production. Results indicate that organic cultivation lead to a decrease in yield and crude protein content in forage and wheat grain, but there were no differences in their ruminal degradation. These results indicate that cultivation system affects chemical composition of wheat and, therefore, it is necessary to assess the nutritive value of organically grown cereals intended for animal feeding

    Brote de eritema infeccioso en un centro de salud urbano

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    ObjetivosAnalizar las características clínicas y serológicas de un brote de eritema infeccioso en pacientes que acudieron a las 2 consultas de pediatría del Centro de Salud de Soria Norte.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoConsultas de pediatría del Centro de Salud de Soria Norte.PacientesUna vez sospechado el brote, se estudiaron niños con clínica sugestiva de eritema infeccioso que acudieron sucesivamente a las 2 consultas de pediatría de Soria Norte durante los meses de abril a agosto de 1998 y consintieron en la práctica de analítica.IntervencionesSe realizó registro de síntomas clínicos, serología, hemograma y evolución de 25 pacientes.ResultadosSe estudiaron 25 pacientes del total de casos, confirmando nuestra sospecha diagnóstica en un 84% de los casos. No se observaron diferencias en ambos sexos, con una edad media de 6,1 años, y DE, 2,015. El signo clínico más constante fue el exantema en mejillas, presente en un 100% de los casos confirmados, seguido de exantema en tronco y extremidades en un 57,1%, adenopatías en un 9,5% y fiebre en un 4,7%. En ningún caso se objetivaron complicaciones.ConclusionesLos resultados de este trabajo permiten confirmar la existencia de un brote de eritema infeccioso en nuestro medio. Consideramos útil la confirmación serológica para constatar la presencia de un brote y poder realizar un enfoque terapéutico (frente a complicaciones posibles) y preventivo adecuado. Destacamos el carácter, en general, benigno de la enfermedad.ObjectivesTo analyse the clinical and serological characteristics of an outbreak of infectious erythema in patients attending the two paediatrics clinics at the Soria Norte Health Centre.DesignCross-sectional, descriptive study.SettingPaediatrics clinics of the Soria Norte Health Centre.PatientsOnce the outbreak was suspected, the study was conducted on children with a clinical picture suggesting infectious erythema who attended successively two Soria Norte paediatrics clinics between April and August 1998 and who consented to the analyses.InterventionsThe clinical symptoms, serology, haemogram and evolution of 25 patients were recorded.Results25 patients of the total were studied and diagnostic suspicion was confirmed in 84% of the cases. There were no differences between sexes, with an average age of 6.1, SD 2.015. The most constant clinical sign was exanthem on the cheeks, present in 100% of the cases confirmed, followed by 57% exanthem on the trunk and limbs, 9.5% adenopathies and 4.7% temperature. No complications were found in any case.ConclusionsThe results of this study confirm the existence of an outbreak of infectious erythema in our area. Serological confirmation of an outbreak is useful and can lay the basis for a proper therapeutic and preventive focus (against possible complications). We highlight the generally benign nature of the disease

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Choroideremia: From Genetic Characterization to Clinical Practice.

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    Choroideremia (CHM) is a rare X-linked disease leading to progressive retinal degeneration resulting in blindness. The disorder is caused by mutations in the CHM gene encoding REP-1 protein, an essential component of the Rab geranylgeranyltransferase (GGTase) complex. In the present study, we evaluated a multi-technique analysis algorithm to describe the mutational spectrum identified in a large cohort of cases and further correlate CHM variants with phenotypic characteristics and biochemical defects of choroideremia patients. Molecular genetic testing led to the characterization of 36 out of 45 unrelated CHM families (80%), allowing the clinical reclassification of four CHM families. Haplotype reconstruction showed independent origins for the recurrent p.Arg293* and p.Lys178Argfs*5 mutations, suggesting the presence of hotspots in CHM, as well as the identification of two different unrelated events involving exon 9 deletion. No certain genotype-phenotype correlation could be established. Furthermore, all the patients´ fibroblasts analyzed presented significantly increased levels of unprenylated Rabs proteins compared to control cells; however, this was not related to the genotype. This research demonstrates the major potential of the algorithm proposed for diagnosis. Our data enhance the importance of establish a differential diagnosis with other retinal dystrophies, supporting the idea of an underestimated prevalence of choroideremia. Moreover, they suggested that the severity of the disorder cannot be exclusively explained by the genotype

    Acute kidney injury in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    BACKGROUND: Immune checkpoint inhibitor-associated acute kidney injury (ICPi-AKI) has emerged as an important toxicity among patients with cancer. METHODS: We collected data on 429 patients with ICPi-AKI and 429 control patients who received ICPis contemporaneously but who did not develop ICPi-AKI from 30 sites in 10 countries. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify predictors of ICPi-AKI and its recovery. A multivariable Cox model was used to estimate the effect of ICPi rechallenge versus no rechallenge on survival following ICPi-AKI. RESULTS: ICPi-AKI occurred at a median of 16 weeks (IQR 8-32) following ICPi initiation. Lower baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate, proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use, and extrarenal immune-related adverse events (irAEs) were each associated with a higher risk of ICPi-AKI. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis was the most common lesion on kidney biopsy (125/151 biopsied patients [82.7%]). Renal recovery occurred in 276 patients (64.3%) at a median of 7 weeks (IQR 3-10) following ICPi-AKI. Treatment with corticosteroids within 14 days following ICPi-AKI diagnosis was associated with higher odds of renal recovery (adjusted OR 2.64; 95% CI 1.58 to 4.41). Among patients treated with corticosteroids, early initiation of corticosteroids (within 3 days of ICPi-AKI) was associated with a higher odds of renal recovery compared with later initiation (more than 3 days following ICPi-AKI) (adjusted OR 2.09; 95% CI 1.16 to 3.79). Of 121 patients rechallenged, 20 (16.5%) developed recurrent ICPi-AKI. There was no difference in survival among patients rechallenged versus those not rechallenged following ICPi-AKI. CONCLUSIONS: Patients who developed ICPi-AKI were more likely to have impaired renal function at baseline, use a PPI, and have extrarenal irAEs. Two-thirds of patients had renal recovery following ICPi-AKI. Treatment with corticosteroids was associated with improved renal recovery

    Weighted Lorentz Spaces and the Hardy Operator

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