660 research outputs found

    Photodynamic Effect Produced By Hene Radiation In Harderian Glands Of Wistar Rats: An Experimental Model For Pdt Studies

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    In rats, the Harderian Gland secret Protoporphirin IX which is retained at acinar lumina. Since this photosensitizer is important for PDT of malignant tumors, we propose to study this gland as a model to help understanding PDT with endogenous photosensitizers. Twenty Wistar SPF adult rats were submitted to surgical exposure of both Harderian glands, revealing red fluorescence upon UV, characterizing the protoporphirin IX presence. After that, one gland of each pair (one kept as control) was irradiated with an 8mW HeNe (6328 angstron) for 45 minutes, delivering about 2.7 joules/mm 2. After 24 hours a group of 10 animals were sacrificed and the glands removed for histological analysis. The remaining animals were subjected to the same procedure but the glands were removed immediately after laser treatment. Histological and fluorescence analysis immediately after laser irradiation showed cell fragmentation with loss of acinar architecture with diffusion of protoporphirin in the cytoplasm of damaged cells, as well as interstitial edema. After 24 hours these alterations were more pronounced with accentuated loss of intraluminal protoporphirin and beginning of leukocytic demarcation of necrotic areas. The innate Harderian glands of rats, exposed to HeNe laser, showed a similar behavior as tumor tissue under PDT.3914404

    Faktor Resiko Terjadinya Perdarahan Post Partum : Studi Literatur

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is relatively high. The most common cause of maternal death is bleeding. Post partum haemorrhage (PPH) is an unexpected cause and the fastest cause of maternal death worldwide. PPH is blood loss of 500 cc or more that occurs after the baby is born. Risk factors/predisposition for postpartum hemorrhage include: anemia, parity, gestational age, delivery distance, excessive uterine stretching (macrosomia, gemely, and polyhidramnions), precipitate parturition, oxytocin induction, history of cesarean section, ante partum bleeding, first stage of labor and the elongated II, and so on. This literature review aims to determine the risk factors/trigger factors of postpartum hemorrhage. Using literature study according to the topic. Literature studies were obtained from various sources, including from journals ranging from 2015-2020. Source articles from goggle scholars and Goggle Scholars. From several journals that have been reviewed, postpartum hemorrhage is one of the complications that has a high incidence. And there is a relationship between predisposing factors and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhageAbstrakAngka kematian ibu melahirkan di Indonesia relatif tinggi. Adapun penyebab terbanyak yang menyebabkan kematian ibu adalah perdarahan. Perdarahan post partum adalah penyebab tak terduga dan penyebab tercepat kematian ibu diseluruh dunia. Perdarahan post partum adalah hilangnya darah 500 cc atau lebih yang terjadi setelah bayi lahir. Faktor resiko/predisposisi terjadinya perdarahan post partum antara lain : anemia, paritas, umur kehamilan, jarak persalinan, peregangan uterus yang berlebihan (makrosomia, gemeli dan polihidramnion), partus presipitatus, induksi oksitosin, riwayat seksio secaria, perdarahan ante partum, persalinan kalan I dan II yang memanjang, dan lain-lain. literatur review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor resiko/faktor pencetus dari perdarahan post partum. menggunakan studi literatur sesuai dengan topik. Studi literatur didapat dari berbagai sumber, diantaranya dari jurnal berkisar tahun 2014-2018. Sumber artikel dari Pubmed, Portal Garuda dan goggle Scholar. dari beberapa jurnal yang telah ditelaah, perdarahan post partum merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang angka kejadiannya masih tinggi. Dan ada hubungan antara faktor predisposisi dengan kejadian perdarahan post partu

    Faktor Resiko Terjadinya Perdarahan Post Partum : Studi Literatur

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    Maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is relatively high. The most common cause of maternal death is bleeding. Post partum haemorrhage (PPH) is an unexpected cause and the fastest cause of maternal death worldwide. PPH is blood loss of 500 cc or more that occurs after the baby is born. Risk factors/predisposition for postpartum hemorrhage include: anemia, parity, gestational age, delivery distance, excessive uterine stretching (macrosomia, gemely, and polyhidramnions), precipitate parturition, oxytocin induction, history of cesarean section, ante partum bleeding, first stage of labor and the elongated II, and so on. This literature review aims to determine the risk factors/trigger factors of postpartum hemorrhage. Using literature study according to the topic. Literature studies were obtained from various sources, including from journals ranging from 2015-2020. Source articles from goggle scholars and Goggle Scholars. From several journals that have been reviewed, postpartum hemorrhage is one of the complications that has a high incidence. And there is a relationship between predisposing factors and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhageAbstrakAngka kematian ibu melahirkan di Indonesia relatif tinggi. Adapun penyebab terbanyak yang menyebabkan kematian ibu adalah perdarahan. Perdarahan post partum adalah penyebab tak terduga dan penyebab tercepat kematian ibu diseluruh dunia. Perdarahan post partum adalah hilangnya darah 500 cc atau lebih yang terjadi setelah bayi lahir. Faktor resiko/predisposisi terjadinya perdarahan post partum antara lain : anemia, paritas, umur kehamilan, jarak persalinan, peregangan uterus yang berlebihan (makrosomia, gemeli dan polihidramnion), partus presipitatus, induksi oksitosin, riwayat seksio secaria, perdarahan ante partum, persalinan kalan I dan II yang memanjang, dan lain-lain. literatur review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor resiko/faktor pencetus dari perdarahan post partum. menggunakan studi literatur sesuai dengan topik. Studi literatur didapat dari berbagai sumber, diantaranya dari jurnal berkisar tahun 2014-2018. Sumber artikel dari Pubmed, Portal Garuda dan goggle Scholar. dari beberapa jurnal yang telah ditelaah, perdarahan post partum merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang angka kejadiannya masih tinggi. Dan ada hubungan antara faktor predisposisi dengan kejadian perdarahan post partu

    Branching Fractions for D0 -> K+K- and D0 -> pi+pi-, and a Search for CP Violation in D0 Decays

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    Using the large hadroproduced charm sample collected in experiment E791 at Fermilab, we have measured ratios of branching fractions for the two-body singly-Cabibbo-suppressed charged decays of the D0: (D0 -> KK)/(D0 -> Kpi) = 0.109 +- 0.003 +- 0.003, (D0 -> pipi)/(D0 -> Kpi) = 0.040 +- 0.002 +- 0.003, and (D0 -> KK)/(D0 -> pipi) = 2.75 +- 0.15 +- 0.16. We have looked for differences in the decay rates of D0 and D0bar to the CP eigenstates K+K- and pi+pi-, and have measured the CP asymmetry parameters A_CP(K+K-) = -0.010 +- 0.049 +- 0.012 and A_CP(pi+pi-) = -0.049 +- 0.078 +- 0.030, both consistent with zero.Comment: 10 Postscript pages, including 2 figures. Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Asymmetries between the production of D+ and D- mesons from 500 GeV/c pi- nucleon interactions as a function of xF and pt**2

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    We present asymmetries between the production of D+ and D- mesons in Fermilab experiment E791 as a function of xF and pt**2. The data used here consist of 74,000 fully-reconstructed charmed mesons produced by a 500 GeV/c pi- beam on C and Pt foils. The measurements are compared to results of models which predict differences between the production of heavy-quark mesons that have a light quark in common with the beam (leading particles) and those that do not (non-leading particles). While the default models do not agree with our data, we can reach agreement with one of them, PYTHIA, by making a limited number of changes to parameters used

    Entanglement generation and transfer between remote atomic qubits interacting with squeezed field

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    A pair of two level atoms A1A2, prepared either in a separable state or in an entangled state, interacts with a single mode of two mode squeezed cavity field while a third atomic qubit B interacts with the second mode of the squeezed field in a remote cavity. We analyze, numerically, the generation, sudden death and revival of three qubit entanglement as a function of initial entanglement of qubits A1A2 and degree of squeezing of electromagnetic field. Global negativity of partially transposed state operator is used to quantify the entanglement of three atom state. It is found that the initial entanglement of two mode field as well as that of the pair A1A2, both, contribute to three atom entanglement. A maximally entangled single excitation Bell pair in first cavity and two mode field with squeeze parameter s=0.64 are the initial conditions that optimize the peak value of three qubit mixed state entanglement. A smaller value of s=0.4 under similar conditions is found to generate a three qubit mixed state with comparable entanglement dynamics free from entanglement sudden death.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, sections III and IV merged with section II and analytic expressions moved to Appendices A and B. Figures improved and corrected typo

    Search for Rare and Forbidden Dilepton Decays of the D+, Ds, and D0 Charmed Mesons

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    We report the results of a search for flavor-changing neutral current, lepton-flavor violating, and lepton-number violating decays of D+, Ds, and D0 mesons (and their antiparticles) into modes containing muons and electrons. Using data from Fermilab charm hadroproduction experiment E791, we examine the pi,l,l and K,l,l decay modes of D+ and Ds and the l+l- decay modes of D0. No evidence for any of these decays is found. Therefore, we present branching-fraction upper limits at 90% confidence level for the 24 decay modes examined. Eight of these modes have no previously reported limits, and fourteen are reported with significant improvements over previously published results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, elsart.cls, epsf.sty, amsmath.sty Submitted to Physics Letters

    Search for CP Violation in Charged D Meson Decays

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    We report results of a search for CP violation in the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decays D+ -> K- K+ pi+, phi pi+, K*(892)0 K+, and pi- pi+ pi+ based on data from the charm hadroproduction experiment E791 at Fermilab. We search for a difference in the D+ and D- decay rates for each of the final states. No evidence for a difference is seen. The decay rate asymmetry parameters A(CP), defined as the difference in the D+ and D- decay rates divided by the sum of the decay rates, are measured to be: A(CP)(K K pi) = -0.014 +/- 0.029, A(CP)(phi pi) = -0.028 +/- 0.036, A(CP)(K*(892) K) = -0.010 +/- 0.050, and A(CP)(pi pi pi) = -0.017 +/- 0.042.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; Elsevier LaTe