1,002 research outputs found

    Theory and experiment of the ESR of Co2+^{2+} in Zn2_2 % (OH)PO4_4 and Mg2_2(OH)AsO4_4

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    Experiments of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) were performed on Co% ^{2+} substituting Zn2+^{2+} or Mg2+^{2+} in powder samples of Zn2_2(OH)PO4_4 and Mg2_2(OH)AsO4_4. The observed resonances are described with a theoretical model that considers the departures from the two perfect structures. It is shown that the resonance in the penta-coordinated complex is allowed, and the crystal fields that would describe the resonance of the Co2+^{2+} in the two environments are calculated. The small intensity of the resonance in the penta-coordinated complex is explained assuming that this site is much less populated than the octahedral one; this assumption was verified by a molecular calculation of the energies of the two environments, with both Co and Zn as central ions in Zn2_2(OH)PO4_4.Comment: 43 pages, LaTex file, 6 figures, EPS. submitted to Journal of Physics Condens

    The Arbitrary Trajectory Quantization Method

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    The arbitrary trajectory quantization method (ATQM) is a time dependent approach to quasiclassical quantization based on the approximate dual relationship that exists between the quantum energy spectra and classical periodic orbits. It has recently been shown however, that, for polygonal billiards, the periodicity criterion must be relaxed to include closed almost-periodic (CAP) orbit families in this relationship. In light of this result, we reinvestigate the ATQM and show that at finite energies, a smoothened quasiclassical kernel corresponds to the modified formula that includes CAP families while the delta function kernel corresponding to the periodic orbit formula is recovered at high energies. Several clarifications are also provided.Comment: revtex, ps figure

    Nonclassicality and information exchange in deterministic entanglement formation

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    We discuss the role of nonclassicality of quantum states as a necessary resource in deterministic generation of multipartite entangled states. In particular for three bilinearly coupled modes of the electromagnetic field, tuning of the coupling constants between the parties allows the total system to evolve into both Bell and GHZ states only when one of the parties is initially prepared in a nonclassical state. A superposition resource is then converted into an entanglement resource.Comment: Replaced by the accepted version. Two optical implementations of the quantum resource conversion protocol are now proposed. To appear in Phys. Lett. A. 7 pages, 1 figur

    Mode structure and ray dynamics of a parabolic dome microcavity

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    We consider the wave and ray dynamics of the electromagnetic field in a parabolic dome microcavity. The structure of the fundamental s-wave involves a main lobe in which the electromagnetic field is confined around the focal point in an effective volume of the order of a cubic wavelength, while the modes with finite angular momentum have a structure that avoids the focal area and have correspondingly larger effective volume. The ray dynamics indicates that the fundamental s-wave is robust with respect to small geometrical deformations of the cavity, while the higher order modes are associated with ray chaos and short-lived. We discuss the incidence of these results on the modification of the spontaneous emission dynamics of an emitter placed in such a parabolic dome microcavity.Comment: 50 pages, 17 figure

    On Differential Structure for Projective Limits of Manifolds

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    We investigate the differential calculus defined by Ashtekar and Lewandowski on projective limits of manifolds by means of cylindrical smooth functions and compare it with the C^infty calculus proposed by Froehlicher and Kriegl in more general context. For products of connected manifolds, a Boman theorem is proved, showing the equivalence of the two calculi in this particular case. Several examples of projective limits of manifolds are discussed, arising in String Theory and in loop quantization of Gauge Theories.Comment: 38 pages, Latex 2e, to be published on J. Geom. Phys minor misprints corrected, reference adde

    Jahn-Teller polarons and their superconductivity in a molecular conductor

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    We present a theoretical study of a possibility of superconductivity in a three dimensional molecular conductor in which the interaction between electrons in doubly degenerate molecular orbitals and an {\em intra}molecular vibration mode is large enough to lead to the formation of E⊗βE\otimes \beta Jahn-Teller small polarons. We argue that the effective polaron-polaron interaction can be attractive for material parameters realizable in molecular conductors. This interaction is the source of superconductivity in our model. On analyzing superconducting instability in the weak and strong coupling regimes of this attractive interaction, we find that superconducting transition temperatures up to 100 K are achievable in molecular conductors within this mechanism. We also find, for two particles per molecular site, a novel Mott insulating state in which a polaron singlet occupies one of the doubly degenerate orbitals on each site. Relevance of this study in the search for new molecular superconductors is pointed out.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Weak-Localization in Chaotic Versus Non-Chaotic Cavities: A Striking Difference in the Line Shape

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    We report experimental evidence that chaotic and non-chaotic scattering through ballistic cavities display distinct signatures in quantum transport. In the case of non-chaotic cavities, we observe a linear decrease in the average resistance with magnetic field which contrasts markedly with a Lorentzian behavior for a chaotic cavity. This difference in line-shape of the weak-localization peak is related to the differing distribution of areas enclosed by electron trajectories. In addition, periodic oscillations are observed which are probably associated with the Aharonov-Bohm effect through a periodic orbit within the cavities.Comment: 4 pages revtex + 4 figures on request; amc.hub.94.

    Three disks in a row: A two-dimensional scattering analog of the double-well problem

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    We investigate the scattering off three nonoverlapping disks equidistantly spaced along a line in the two-dimensional plane with the radii of the outer disks equal and the radius of the inner disk varied. This system is a two-dimensional scattering analog to the double-well-potential (bound state) problem in one dimension. In both systems the symmetry splittings between symmetric and antisymmetric states or resonances, respectively, have to be traced back to tunneling effects, as semiclassically the geometrical periodic orbits have no contact with the vertical symmetry axis. We construct the leading semiclassical ``creeping'' orbits that are responsible for the symmetry splitting of the resonances in this system. The collinear three-disk-system is not only one of the simplest but also one of the most effective systems for detecting creeping phenomena. While in symmetrically placed n-disk systems creeping corrections affect the subleading resonances, they here alone determine the symmetry splitting of the 3-disk resonances in the semiclassical calculation. It should therefore be considered as a paradigm for the study of creeping effects. PACS numbers: 03.65.Sq, 03.20.+i, 05.45.+bComment: replaced with published version (minor misprints corrected and references updated); 23 pages, LaTeX plus 8 Postscript figures, uses epsfig.sty, espf.sty, and epsf.te

    Salt marsh shoreline geomorphology influences the success of restored oyster reefs and use by associated fauna

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    Restoration is increasingly implemented as a strategy to mitigate global declines in biogenic habitats, such as salt marshes and oyster reefs. Restoration efforts could be improved if we knew how site characteristics at landscape scales affect the ecological success of these foundation species. In this study, we determined how salt marsh shoreline geomorphologies (e.g. with variable hydrodynamic energy, fetch, erosion rates, and slopes) affect the success of restored intertidal oyster reefs, as well as how fauna utilize restored reefs and forage along marsh habitats. We constructed oyster reefs along three marsh shoreline geomorphologies in May 2012: 1) “creek” (small-fetch, gradual-sloped shoreline), “ramp” (large-fetch, gradual-sloped shoreline), and “scarp” (large-fetch, steep-sloped shoreline). Following recruitment, oyster spat density was greatest on ramp reefs; however, 2 years later, the highest adult oyster densities were found on creek reefs. Total nekton and blue crab catch rates in trawl nets were highest in the creek, while piscivore catch rates in gill nets were highest along the scarp shoreline. We found no difference in predation on snails in the salt marsh behind constructed reef and nonconstructed reference sites, but there were more snails consumed in the creek shoreline, which corresponded with the distribution of their major predator—blue crabs. We conclude that oyster reef construction was most successful for oysters in small-fetch, gradual-sloped, creek environments. However, nekton abundance did not always follow the same trends as oyster density, which could suggest constructed reefs may offer similar habitat-related functions (prey availability and refuge) already present along existing salt marsh borders
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