184 research outputs found

    Fisheries and reproductive biology of Octopus vulgaris (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Gulf of Alicante (Northwestern Mediterranean)

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    The common octopus Octopus vulgarisCuvier, 1797 is the most fished cephalopod species along the Spanish coasts. Its catches are highly fluctuating due to the short life cycle of the species and to the annual variability of the recruitment pattern, strongly dependent on the environmental conditions affecting the eggs and paralarvae. This study examines the common octopus fishery, the catch composition, and the main features of the reproductive biology of this species in the Gulf of Alicante (Spanish Eastern coast, Western Mediterranean FAO division 37.1.1). The common octopus fishery was studied analysing the monthly landing and effort data by fishing gear from 1994 to 2005. Monthly samplings of the commercial O. vulgarislandings from trawlers and clay pots from January 2004 to December 2005 resulted in the measuring of 1833 specimens to enable analysis of the catch composition, and allowed the biological sampling of 1176 individuals to provide the reproductive parameters of the species in the study area. The length-weight relationship calculated for the species was BW = 0.51 * DML 2.87. The yearly sex ratios (males:females) were 1:1 (trawl, 2004), 1:0.74 (trawl, 2005), and 1:0.88 (clay pots, 2005). The size (dorsal mantle length, DML) at maturity of the species in the study area was 9.67 cm for males and 14.38 cm for females. The gonadosomatic index reached a peak between April and July for males and in July for females. The Fulton condition index was lower in both sexes between June and September, and for males in November-December, whereas for both sexes the values of the digestive gland index were at their maximum between June and December. The energy allocation between somatic and reproductive growth was investigated and the results suggested that the energy spent on reproduction mainly came from feeding, and not from energy stored in the mantle tissues or in the digestive glan

    Estudio de las mineralizaciones de Plomo-Zinc-Cobre del Permotrías del Complejo Maláguide en los alrededores de Vélez-Rubio (Almería)

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    Tras un breve encuadre geológico regional del área estudiada, se comentan someramente las características del Complejo Maláguide en las inmediaciones de Vélez Rubio. Posteriormente se describen los aspectos litoestratigráficos y sedimentológicos de los materiales permotriásicos del Complejo Maláguide, con los cuales se ligan las mineralizaciones de Pb-Zn-Cu objeto de esta nota. Se distinguen cinco tramos litológicos fundamentales, que han sido correlacionados entre las diversas zonas con indicios de Pb-Zn. Los estudios sedimentológicos parecen indicar que la sucesión de estos tramos constituyen una secuencia positiva que abarca desde depósitos típicamente fluviales a sedimentos formados en medio lacustre o de aguas marinas someras. La mineralización, sobre todo de Pb, es objeto de un detallado estudio mineralógico y textural, en el cual se apoya la interpretación genética, que aboga por un origen sedimentario de la misma

    Fabrication of luminescent nanostructures by electron-beam direct writing of PMMA resist

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    We report on the conversion of non-luminescent conventional poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)-based electron-beam resists into luminescent materials when used as negative-tone resists, that is, when exposed to high electron irradiation doses. Raman spectroscopy reveals the chemical transformation induced by electron irradiation which is responsible for the observed luminescence in the visible (blue) region. The emission intensity from exposed PMMA-based patterns can be controlled by the electron irradiation dose employed to create them

    El diagnóstico preimplantacional con fines terapéuticos para terceros: una aproximación biojurídica

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    En los últimos años, el desarrollo biotecnológico ha permitido que circunstancias que hace varias décadas no tenían posibilidad material de desarrollarse, hoy sean una realidad. Desde el nacimiento del primer bebé mediante fecundación in vitro en 1978, por medio del avance científico, han ido surgiendo otros procedimientos en materia reproductiva que, cada vez, consiguen mayores intervenciones en la generación de vida humana.Los avances y descubrimientos logrados en Genética a raíz de los resultados del Proyecto Genoma Humano (PGH), no solo han tenido impacto en la investigación científica por la información que ahora se conoce, sino que estos conocimientos, sumados al desarrollo de tecnologías reproductivas, permiten la realización de estudios que analizan genéticamente a los embriones preimplantatorios para que, a partir de los resultados obtenidos, se pueda determinar su continuidad de vida según los criterios que se persigan

    Potencial Analítico de los Polímeros de Impronta Molecular (MIPs) como Elementos de Reconocimiento Biomimético

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    Los polímeros de impronta molecular (MIPs) son materiales sintéticos que presentan propiedades de reconocimiento molecular específico hacia determinados compuestos. Estos materiales con “memoria selectiva” presentan un elevado potencial analítico como sustitutos de elementos de reconocimiento de origen biológico para el desarrollo de sensores, como sorbentes en procesos de extracción en fase sólida (SPE) y como fases estacionarias para HPLC y CE. La síntesis de estos materiales se basa en la formación de una estructura polimérica, altamente entrecruzada, alrededor de una molécula que actúa como plantilla que se extrae después de la polimerización. De esta forma, el MIP contendrá sitios de unión que son complementarios a la molécula plantilla en forma, tamaño y distribución de grupos funcionales que permiten su reconocimiento posterior, de forma selectiva Los MIPs suelen presentar ventajas interesantes en comparación con los receptore

    Multiband study of RX J0838-2827 and XMM J083850.4-282759: A new asynchronous magnetic cataclysmic variable and a candidate transitional millisecond pulsar

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    Indexación: Scopus.In a search for the counterpart to the Fermi-LAT source 3FGL J0838.8-2829, we performed a multiwavelength campaign: in the X-ray band with Swift and XMM-Newton; in the infrared and optical with OAGH, ESO-NTT and IAC80; and in the radio with ATCA observations. We also used archival hard X-ray data obtained by INTEGRAL. We report on three X-ray sources consistent with the position of the Fermi-LAT source.We confirm the identification of the brightest object, RX J0838-2827, as a magnetic cataclysmic variable that we recognize as an asynchronous system (not associated with the Fermi-LAT source). RX J0838-2827 is extremely variable in the X-ray and optical bands, and timing analysis reveals the presence of several periodicities modulating its X-ray and optical emission. The most evident modulations are interpreted as being caused by the binary system orbital period of ~1.64 h and the white dwarf spin period of ~1.47 h. A strong flux modulation at ~15 h is observed at all energy bands, consistent with the beat frequency between spin and orbital periods. Optical spectra show prominent Hß, He I and He II emission lines that are Doppler-modulated at the orbital period and at the beat period. Therefore, RX J0838-2827 accretes through a disc-less configuration and could be either a strongly asynchronous polar or a rare example of a pre-polar system on its way to reaching synchronism. Regarding the other two X-ray sources, XMM J083850.4-282759 showed a variable X-ray emission, with a powerful flare lasting for ~600 s, similar to what is observed in transitional millisecond pulsars during the subluminous disc state: this observation possibly means that this source can be associated with the Fermi-LAT source. © 2017 The Authors.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/471/3/2902/408195

    Hydrogeophysical Assessment of the Critical Zone below a Golf Course Irrigated with Reclaimed Water Close to Volcanic Caldera

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    The geometry and the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone is often difficult to evaluate from traditional soil sampling techniques. Soil samples typically provide only data of the upper layers and boreholes are expensive and only provide spotted information. Non-destructive geophysical methods and among them, electrical resistivity tomography can be applied in complex geological environments such as volcanic areas, where lavas and unconsolidated pyroclastic deposits dominate. They have a wide variability of hydraulic properties due to textural characteristics and modification processes suh as compaction, fracturation and weathering. To characterize the subsurface geology below the golf course of Bandama (Gran Canaria) a detailed electrical resistivity tomography survey has been conducted. This technique allowed us to define the geometry of the geological formations because of their high electrical resistivity contrasts. Subsequently, undisturbed soil and pyroclastic deposits samples were taken in representative outcrops for quantifying the hydraulic conductivity in the laboratory where the parametric electrical resistivity was measured in the field. A statistical correlation between the two variables has been obtained and a 3D model transit time of water infiltration through the vadose zone has been built to assess the vulnerability of the aquifers located below the golf course irrigated with reclaimed water

    Comparison of fiber effect on glycemic index and glycemic load in differents types of bread

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    Indexación: Scopus; Redalyc.Existen diversos alimentos que contienen como nutriente principal hidratos de carbono, destacando entre ellos el pan por su masivo consumo a nivel mundial. Numerosos estudios se han llevado a cabo con el fin de reducir su índice glicémico, sin embargo, aún existe controversia sobre la acción de la fibra dietética en la disminución del IG en este alimento. Este estudio determinó el efecto de la fibra dietética sobre el índice glicémico y carga glicémica en dos tipos de panes comerciales en 23 individuos sanos quienes consumieron aleatoriamente 3 diferentes productos, de 50 g de carbohidratos cada uno, durante 6 días: pan blanco (PH), pan integral (PF), y solución glucosada como producto de referencia (SG). Se midió glicemia en ayunas y post-prandial a los tiempos 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 y 120 min. La insulina fue medida en el minuto 0 y 120 min. El área bajo la curva de glicemia resultó más baja para ambos tipos de pan PH 13589 ±1557, PF 12005 ±1254 que para el producto de referencia SG 14089 ±1245. Los valores del índice glicémico PH 68,55 ±1,2 y PF 62,10 ±1,3 y carga glicémica PH 16,45 ±1,4 resultaron más bajos para el pan con mayor aporte de fibra 9,93 ± 1,1, sin diferencias en la concentración de insulina, sugiriendo que la cantidad de carbohidratos y tipo de fibra contenidos en el pan integral, pueden considerarse factores intrínsecos en su composición nutricional, capaces de afectar la respuesta glicémica post- ingesta de estos productos en individuos sanos.There are several foods that contain carbohydrates as the main nutrient, being one of the most important the bread for its massive worldwide consumption. Numerous studies have been done in order to reduce its glycemic index, however there is still controversy about the action of dietary fiber in the decrease of GI in this product. In this study, it was determined the effect of dietetic fiber on glycemic index and glycemic load in two types of commercial breads in 23 healthy individuals who randomly consumed 3 different products during 6 days of 50g of carbohydrates each: white bread (PH), whole wheat bread (PE) and glucose solution as reference product (SG). Fasting and postprandial glycemia was measured at times 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Insuline was measured at 0 min and 120 min. The area under de glycemia curve was lower for both bread types PH 13589 ±1557, PF 12005 ±1254 than for the reference product SG 14089 ±1245. The values of the glycemic index PH 68,55 ±1,2 and PF 62,01 ±1,3 and glycemic load PH 16.45 ±1,4 were lower for bread with more amount fiber 9,93 ± 1,1, with no difference in insulin concentration, suggesting that the amount of carbohydrates and fiber type contained in whole wheat bread can be considered intrinsic factors in bread composition, affecting the post-intake glycemic response of this type of products in healthy individuals.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990800

    Effect of oat β-glucan on glycemic index and glycemic load of a nutritional supplement sweetened with sucralose in healthy adults: A randomized clinical trial

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    Indexación: Scopus; RedalycLas propiedades hipoglicemiantes del β-glucano de avena son de interés para la industria alimentaria y el área clínica, por sus potenciales beneficios sobre la salud al disminuir la respuesta glicémica, el nivel sérico de lipoproteínas de baja densidad y el índice glicémico de los alimentos. Existen suplementos nutricionales específicos para diabéticos edulcorados con sucralosa cuyo índice glicémico y carga glicémica aún no han sido establecidos. El efecto del β-glucano de avena sobre el índice glicémico y carga glicémica de un suplemento nutricional edulcorado con sucralosa, fue determinado en 13 adultos sanos (6 hombres y 7 mujeres), quienes consumieron aleatoriamente 4 alimentos en días distintos, de 50 g de carbohidratos cada uno: suplemento nutricional para diabéticos (FN), suplemento nutricional con β-glucano (FN- β), y como productos de referencia: solución glucosada (SG) y pan blanco (PB). Se midió glicemia en ayunas y post- prandial a los tiempos 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 y 120 min. El área bajo la curva de glicemia resultó más baja para ambas fórmulas (FN) 12697±993, (FN-β) 11584 ±1171, que para los productos de referencia:(SG) 13900±1245, y (PB) 13267 ± 1557. Los valores de índice glicémico (FN) 67,02 ± 5,69, así como la carga glicémica resultaron intermedios y más bajos para el suplemento con β-glucano incorporado (FN –β) 59,8 ± 6,2; sin diferencias en la concentración de insulina, sugiriendo que la adición del β-glucano derivado de la avena reduce la velocidad de absorción intestinal de la glucosa, efecto que podría estudiarse en diabéticos.The hypoglycemic properties of oat β-glucan is of interest for the food industry and clinical area, for potencial health benefits by reducing glycemic response, serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and glycemic index of meals. There are specific nutritional supplements for diabetics sweetened with sucralose whose glycemic index and glycemic load has not been established. Effect of oat β-glucan on glycemic index and glycemic load of a nutritional supplement sweetened with sucralose in healthy adults was determined in 13 healthy subjects (6 men and 7 women) old that consumed randomly 4 meals of 50 g of carbohydrates each in different days: a nutritional supplement for diabetics (FN), the nutritional supplement with β-glucan incorporated (FN-β) and two reference food, glucose solution (SG) and white bread (PB). Fasting and postprandial glycemia was measured at times 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min. The area under the glycemia curve was lower for both formulas (FN) 12697±993, (FN-β) 11584 ±1171 than for reference products (SG) 13900±1245, y (PB) 13267 ± 1557. The values of glycemic index (GI) (FN) 67, 02 ± 5,69 and glycemic load were intermediate and more lower for the supplement with β-glucan incorporated (FN –β) 59, 8 ± 6,2, with no difference of insulin concentration . Suggesting that the addition of oat-derived β-glucan reduces the rate of intestinal absorption of glucose. This effect should be studied in diabetic.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5594990800