125 research outputs found

    Electronic structures of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum double rings

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    In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic structures of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum double rings (QDRs) are studied. Our model can be used to calculate the electronic structures of quantum wells, wires, dots, and the single ring. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs and the valence band mixing are considered. The energy levels of electrons and holes are calculated for different shapes of QDRs. The calculated results are useful in designing and fabricating the interrelated photoelectric devices. The single electron states presented here are useful for the study of the electron correlations and the effects of magnetic fields in QDRs

    Electronic Structure of a Hydrogenic Acceptor Impurity in Semiconductor Nano-structures

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    The electronic structure and binding energy of a hydrogenic acceptor impurity in 2, 1, and 0-dimensional semiconductor nano-structures (i.e. quantum well (QW), quantum well wire (QWW), and quantum dot (QD)) are studied in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory. The results show that (1) the energy levels monotonically decrease as the quantum confinement sizes increase; (2) the impurity energy levels decrease more slowly for QWWs and QDs as their sizes increase than for QWs; (3) the changes of the acceptor binding energies are very complex as the quantum confinement size increases; (4) the binding energies monotonically decrease as the acceptor moves away from the nano-structures’ center; (5) as the symmetry decreases, the degeneracy is lifted, and the first binding energy level in the QD splits into two branches. Our calculated results are useful for the application of semiconductor nano-structures in electronic and photoelectric devices

    Health behaviours of Australian men and the likelihood of attending a dedicated men's health service

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    Background: Redesigning primary health services may enhance timely and effective uptake by men. The primary aim of this study was to assess the likelihood of Australian men attending a dedicated men's health service (DMHS). The further aims were to better understand the reasons for their preferences and determine how health behaviours influence likelihood. Methods: A survey on health service use and preferences, health help-seeking behaviours, and the likelihood of attending a DMHS was administered by telephone to 1506 randomly selected men (median age 56 years, range 19-95). Likelihood of attending a DMHS was rated using a single item Likert scale where 0 was not at all likely and 10 highly likely. Respondents were classified by age ( = 65 years) and health status. Principal component analyses were used to define health behaviours, specifically help-seeking and delay/avoidance regarding visiting a doctor. Multivariable linear and logistic regression analyses were used to examine predictors of likelihood of attending a DMHS. Results: The mean likelihood of attending a DMHS was 5.8 (SD 3.3, median 6, moderate likelihood) and 21%, 26% and 23% of men rated likelihood as moderate, high and very high respectively. Being happy with their existing doctor was the most common reason (52%) for being less likely to attend a DMHS. In unadjusted analyses, younger men reported being more likely to attend a DMHS (p < 0.001) with older-sick men reporting being least likely (p < 0.001). Younger men were more likely than older men to score higher on delay/avoidance and were more likely to self-monitor. In the full model, men with current health concerns (p ≤ 0.01), who scored higher on delay/avoidance (p ≤ 0.0006), who were more likely to be information-seekers (p < 0.0001) and/or were motivated to change their health (p ≤ 0.0001) reported a higher likelihood of attending a DMHS irrespective of age and health status. Conclusions: Seventy percent of men reported a moderate or higher likelihood of attending a DMHS. As young healthy men are more likely than older men to display health behaviours that are associated with a higher likelihood of attending a DHMS, such as delay/avoidance, marketing a DMHS to such men may be of value.Andrew D. Vincent, Phoebe G. Drioli-Phillips, Jana Le, Lynette Cusack, Timothy J. Schultz, Margaret A. McGee, Deborah A. Turnbull, and Gary A. Witter

    Linear Rashba Model of a Hydrogenic Donor Impurity in GaAs/GaAlAs Quantum Wells

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    The Rashba spin-orbit splitting of a hydrogenic donor impurity in GaAs/GaAlAs quantum wells is investigated theoretically in the framework of effective-mass envelope function theory. The Rashba effect near the interface between GaAs and GaAlAs is assumed to be a linear relation with the distance from the quantum well side. We find that the splitting energy of the excited state is larger and less dependent on the position of the impurity than that of the ground state. Our results are useful for the application of Rashba spin-orbit coupling to photoelectric devices

    Electron States and Light Absorption in Strongly Oblate and Strongly Prolate Ellipsoidal Quantum Dots in Presence of Electrical and Magnetic Fields

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    In framework of the adiabatic approximation the energy states of electron as well as direct light absorption are investigated in strongly oblate and strongly prolate ellipsoidal quantum dots (QDs) at presence of electric and magnetic fields. Analytical expressions for particle energy spectrum are obtained. The dependence of energy levels’ configuration on QD geometrical parameters and field intensities is analytically obtained. The energy levels of electrons are shown to be equidistant both for strongly oblate and prolate QDs. The effect of the external fields on direct light absorption of a QD was investigated. The dependence of the absorption edge on geometrical parameters of QDs and intensities of the electric and magnetic fields is obtained. Selection rules are obtained at presence as well as absence of external electric and magnetic fields. In particular, it is shown that the presence of the electric field cancels the quantum numbers selection rules at the field direction, whereas in radial direction the selection rules are preserved. Perspectives of practical applications for device manufacturing based on ellipsoidal quantum dots are outlined

    Role of carbonate burial in Blue Carbon budgets

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    Calcium carbonates (CaCO 3 ) often accumulate in mangrove and seagrass sediments. As CaCO 3 production emits CO 2 , there is concern that this may partially offset the role of Blue Carbon ecosystems as CO 2 sinks through the burial of organic carbon (C org ). A global collection of data on inorganic carbon burial rates (C inorg , 12% of CaCO 3 mass) revealed global rates of 0.8 TgC inorg yr −1 and 15–62 TgC inorg yr −1 in mangrove and seagrass ecosystems, respectively. In seagrass, CaCO 3 burial may correspond to an offset of 30% of the net CO 2 sequestration. However, a mass balance assessment highlights that the C inorg burial is mainly supported by inputs from adjacent ecosystems rather than by local calcification, and that Blue Carbon ecosystems are sites of net CaCO 3 dissolution. Hence, CaCO 3 burial in Blue Carbon ecosystems contribute to seabed elevation and therefore buffers sea-level rise, without undermining their role as CO 2 sinks. © 2019, The Author(s)

    Narrative Exposure Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder associated with repeated interpersonal trauma in patients with Severe Mental Illness: a mixed methods design

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    Background: In the Netherlands, most patients with severe mental illness (SMI) receive flexible assertive community treatment (FACT) provided by multidisciplinary community mental health teams. SMI patients with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are sometimes offered evidence-based trauma-focused treatment like eye movement desensitization reprocessing or prolonged exposure. There is a large amount of evidence for the effectiveness of narrative exposure therapy (NET) within various vulnerable patient groups with repeated interpersonal trauma. Some FACT-teams provide NET for patients with comorbid PTSD, which is promising, but has not been specifically studied in SMI patients. Objectives: The primary aim is to evaluate NET in SMI patients with comorbid PTSD associated with repeated interpersonal trauma to get insight into whether (1) PTSD and dissociative symptoms changes and (2) changes occur in the present SMI symptoms, care needs, quality of life, global functioning, and care consumption. The second aim is to gain insight into patients’ experiences with NET and to identify influencing factors on treatment results. Methods: This study will have a mixed methods convergent design consisting of quantitative repeated measures and qualitative semi-structured in-depth interviews based on Grounded Theory. The study population will include adult SMI outpatients (n=25) with comorbid PTSD and receiving NET. The quantitative study parameters will be existence and severity of PTSD, dissociative, and SMI symptoms; care needs; quality of life; global functioning; and care consumption. In a longitudinal analysis, outcomes will be analyzed using mixed models to estimate the difference in means between baseline and repeated measurements. The qualitative study parameters will be experiences with NET and perceived factors for success or failure. Integration of quantitative and qualitative results will be focused on interpreting how qualitative results enhance the understanding of quantitative outcomes. Discussion: The results of this study will provide more insight into influencing factors for clinical changes in this population

    Detector Description and Performance for the First Coincidence Observations between LIGO and GEO

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    For 17 days in August and September 2002, the LIGO and GEO interferometer gravitational wave detectors were operated in coincidence to produce their first data for scientific analysis. Although the detectors were still far from their design sensitivity levels, the data can be used to place better upper limits on the flux of gravitational waves incident on the earth than previous direct measurements. This paper describes the instruments and the data in some detail, as a companion to analysis papers based on the first data.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures 17 Sept 03: author list amended, minor editorial change