275 research outputs found
II Jornadas de Lúpulo e Cerveja: livro de resumos
Livro que contém os resumos das II Jornadas de Lúpulo e Cerveja, que decorreu nos dias 18 E 19 de julho de 2019, na Escola Superior Agrária de Bragança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Detection Of Salmonella Spp. By Conventional Bacteriology And By Quantitative Polymerase-chain Reaction In Commercial Egg Structures
Conventional bacteriology techniques and quantitative polymerasechain reaction (qPCR) were applied to the eggshell, albumen, and yolk of washed and unwashed commercial white and brown eggs, to detect Salmonella spp. Pooled samples of eggshells, albumen, and yolk of white and brown eggs were collected at the poultry house and at the egg-storage room. Salmonella spp. was detected by conventional bacteriology in 5.4% (21/387) of analyzed samples and in 16% (68/387) by qPCR. In the 114 unwashed white eggs samples of eggshell, albumen and yolk, the bacterium was identified in 2.6% of the eggs (3/114) by conventional bacteriology and in 13.2% (15/114) by qPCR. In the 90 samples of washed eggs, 6.7% (6/90) were contaminated as detected by conventional bacteriology and 10.0% (9/90) by qPCR. In the 81 samples of unwashed brown eggs, Salmonella spp. was detected in 6.1% of the eggs (5/81) by conventional bacteriology and 27.2% (22/81) by qPCR. In the 102 samples of brown washed eggs, 6.9% (7/102) where positive by conventional bacteriology and 35.3% (16/102) by qPCR. All samples detected as positive by conventional bacteriology were also positive by qPCR. Salmonella Agona represented 18.2% (4/22) of identified serovars, Salmonella enterica subs. enterica O: 4.5 18.2% (4/22), Salmonella Schwarzengrund 18.2% (4/22), Salmonella Cerro 13.6% (3/22), Salmonella Anatum 13.6% (3/22), Salmonella Enteritidis 9.1% (2/22), Salmonella Johannesburg 4.5% (1/22), and Salmonella Corvallis 4.5% (1/22). The qPCR method provided better detection of Salmonella spp. in commercial eggs than conventional bacteriology. The conventional egg washing and disinfection procedures are not efficient to eliminate Salmonella. © 2016, Fundacao APINCO de Ciencia e Tecnologia Avicolas. All rights reserved.18111712
Compositional specification of functionality and timing of manufacturing systems
In this paper, a formal modeling approach is introduced for compositional specification of both functionality and timing of manufacturing systems. Functionality aspects can be considered orthogonally to the timing. The functional aspects are specified using two abstraction levels; high-level activities and lower level actions. Design of a functionally correct controller is possible by looking only at the activity level, abstracting from the different execution orders of actions. Furthermore, the specific timing of actions is not needed. As a result, controller designcan be performed on a much smaller state space compared to an explicit model where timing and actions are present. The performance of the controller can be analyzed and optimizedby taking into account the timing characteristics. Since formal semantics are given in terms of a (max, +) state space, various existing performance analysis techniques can be used. Weillustrate the approach, including performance analysis, on an example manufacturing system
Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal - setting up a project
Assessing chronic wasting disease risk in Portugal
Impacto da adubação orgânica sobre a incidência de tripes em cebola.
Analisou-se a relação entre adubação orgânica e a incidência de Thrips tabaci Lind. em cebola (Allium cepa L), na EE de Ituporanga,entre agosto e dezembro de 1998. Os tratamentos foram determinados de acordo com a necessidade de N para a cultura pela análise de solo. Empregou-se como fonte orgânica diversos adubos fornecendo 75 Kg/ha de N (esterco suíno; adubo Barriga Verde proveniente de esterco de aves; composto orgânico; esterco de peru; húmus); 37,5 Kg/ha de N (metade da dose normal com esterco de suíno); as testemunhas foram adubação mineral fornecendo 30-120-60 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O e o dobro da dose (60-240-120 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O); e testemunha sem adubação. Nenhum tratamento apresentou incidência de T. tabaci superior à testemunha sem adubo. A adubação mineral em relação à orgânica não favoreceu significativamente a incidência de T. tabaci . O processo de conversão do manejo do solo da área experimental de convencional para orgânico pode ter
favorecido a infestação similar do inseto entre tratamentos. No período de maior incidência de T. tabaci, a relação com nutrientes foi descrita por um modelo envolvendo K/Zn, B e N de maneira positiva. A correlação entre nutrientes e T. tabaci não foi linear na maioria
das avaliações. A adubação orgânica pode substituir a adubação mineral na cultura da cebola, pois foi possível atingir níveis de produtividade similares para ambos tratamentos
Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal: results and future work.
Número da Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias, dedicado à publicação dos "Proceedings of the 10th Iberian Congress on Prions" que decorreu em Vila Real, Portugal de 19 1 20 de maio de 2022.Chronic wasting disease risk assessment in Portugal: results and future work.This work was supported by the project WastingPrionRisk [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029947 / PTDC/
CVT-CVT/29947/2017] funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). FCT PhD grant [SFRH/BD/146961/2019] financed by FCT through FSE (Fundo Social Europeu). This work was also supported by national funds [UIDB/CVT/00772/2020], [LA/P/0059/2020] and [UIDB/04033/2020] by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) risk assessment in Portugal : The genetic approach to study prion protein gene (PRNP) variability in Portuguese populations of three cervid species: red deer, fallow deer and roe deer.
Número da Revista Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias, dedicado à publicação dos "Proceedings of the 10th Iberian Congress on Prions" que decorreu em Vila Real, Portugal de 19 1 20 de maio de 2022.Among the transmissible spongiform
encephalopathies (TSEs), chronic wasting disease
(CWD) in cervids is now the rising concern in wildlife
within Europe, after the first case was detected in Norway
in 2016, in a wild reindeer and until October 2021, a total
of 34 cases were described in Norway, Sweden and
Finland.This work was supported by the project WastingPrionRisk [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029947 / PTDC/
CVT-CVT/29947/2017] funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). FCT PhD grant [SFRH/BD/146961/2019] financed by FCT through FSE (Fundo Social Europeu). This work was also supported by national funds [UIDB/CVT/00772/2020], [LA/P/0059/2020] and [UIDB/04033/2020]
by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Search for the Flavor-Changing Neutral Current Decay with the HERA-B Detector
We report on a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay using events recorded with a dimuon trigger in
interactions of 920 GeV protons with nuclei by the HERA-B experiment. We find
no evidence for such decays and set a 90% confidence level upper limit on the
branching fraction .Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures (of which 1 double), paper to be submitted to
Physics Letters
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