84 research outputs found

    The Butcher--Oemler effect at z~0.35: a change in perspective

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    The present paper focuses on the much debated Butcher-Oemler effect: the increase with redshift of the fraction of blue galaxies in clusters. Considering a representative cluster sample made of seven group/clusters at z~0.35, we have measured the blue fraction from the cluster core to the cluster outskirts and the field mainly using wide field CTIO images. This sample represents a random selection of a volume complete x-ray selected cluster sample, selected so that there is no physical connection with the studied quantity (blue fraction), to minimize observational biases. In order to statistically assess the significance of the Butcher-Oemler effect, we introduce the tools of Bayesian inference. Furthermore, we modified the blue fraction definition in order to take into account the reduced age of the universe at higher redshifts, because we should no longer attempt to reject an unphysical universe in which the age of the Universe does depend on redshift, whereas the age of its content does not. We measured the blue fraction from the cluster center to the field and we find that the cluster affects the properties of the galaxies up to two virial radii at z~0.35. Data suggest that during the last 3 Gyrs no evolution of the blue fraction, from the cluster core to the field value, is seen beyond the one needed to account for the varying age with redshift of the Universe and of its content. The agreement of the radial profiles of the blue fraction at z=0 and z~0.35 implies that the pattern infall did not change over the last 3 Gyr, or, at least, its variation has no observational effect on the studied quantity.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Numerical Study of Heat Transfer and Flow of Nanofluid Using Multi-Phase Mixture Model through Elliptical Tubes

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    دراسة عددية لنقل الحرارة وتدفق السوائل باستخدام تدفق مضطرب كامل التطور داخل أنبوب بيضاوي الشكل مع اختلاف نسبة المقطع العرضي لأنابيب وبثبات في مساحة سطح للأنبوب، وذلك باستخدام (AL2O3-ماء) مائع نانوي مع متوسط ​​حجم الجسيمات النانوية (20 نانومتر). وقد تم استخدام نموذج خليط متعدد المراحل لحساب عدد نسلت، سرعة المائع النانوي، والفارق في الضغط. حيث تم حل المعادلات للأشكال الهندسية ثلاثية الأبعاد (Navier-Stokes)، والطاقة، والنسبة الحجمية باستخدام برنامج (ANSYS fluent) مع طريقة حجم محدود (FVM). النتائج المحسوبة العددية تظهر قبولية معقولة بحدود خطأ مقداره تقريباً (10.34%) مقارنةً مع النتائج العملية السابقة. وقد استنتج من النتائج العددية أن زيادة في تركيز الدقائق النانوية سيزيد من عدد نسلت وله تأثير ضئيل على الزيادة في انخفاض الضغط. أنبوب بيضوي الشكل مع نسبة الأبعاد 0.25 هو الأفضل لاستخدام في العمليات التي يتم من خلالها تبديد الحرارة أو الحصول عليها من السوائل إلى المحيط. ولكنه يكون أقل فعالية في عملية نقل الموائع لمسافات بسبب كبر فرق الضغط عبر دخول وخروج المائع بالمقارنة مع أنابيب ذات مقاطع دائرية ضمن مدى معين من معدل التدفق.This paper presents a numerical study of heat transfer of a fully developed turbulent flow inside elliptical tube with different aspect ratio of constant surface area, by using (AL2O3-water) nanofluid with average nanoparticles diameter (20 nm). Multi-phase mixture model has been used to calculate the Nusselt number, nanofluid velocity, and pressure drop. “The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes”, energy, and volume fraction equations are solved by ANSYS fluent with “finite volume method (FVM)”. The numerical results show reasonable acceptance with error bounds approximately to (10.34%) upon pervious experimental works. It is found that the increase in nanoparticles “volume concentration (φ)” will increase the Nusselt number with little “pressure drop” rise. The elliptical tube with 0.25 aspect ratio gives best enhancement in heat transfer compared with circular tube with maximum Nusselt number (52.9%) and nanofluid volume concentration of 1.5%, but it is less effective in the process of transporting fluids to distance due to the high pressure drops between entry and exit of fluid compared to tube with circular sections within a certain range of Reynolds number (3000-9240)

    Predictive Value of Alvarado Score and Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis (A prospective study

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    Background:  Acute appendicitis is the commonest non traumatic cause of acute abdominal pain that needs surgical management .Alvarado score and ultrasonographies are the most cost effective, easy and available aids for diagnosis. The aim of the study was determining   the reliability of Alvarado score and ultrasound in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Results: The study was applied with 100 cases with different types of abdominal pain at presentation with 51 males and 49 females .The sensitivity was97.3% ,specificity 90%, and accuracy  89 of combined usage of Alvarado score and U/S findings preoperatively. Patients and method:  A prospective non-interventional study including patients admitted with suggestive history with signs and symptoms of acute appendicitis to the surgical emergency ward of Baghdad teaching hospital from July 1st 2017 to Feb 10th 2018, Alvarado score calculated and ultrasonography done for each patient enrolled in this study, then to be followed for intraoperative findings. Conclusions: Combined application of Alvarado score and U/S has sensitivity 94.1% ,specificity 90% and accuracy 89% . In our medical facility and emergency ward, acute appendicitis remains as one of the top acute abdominal emergencies needing surgery in patients presenting with atypical clinical finding. So diagnosis becomes difficult. So Alvarado score along with ultrasound findings are useful for increasing the reliability in emergency department for  accurate diagnosis of acute appendicitis therefore there should be training for the use of U/S by emergency physician and general surgeon in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in order to decrease the rate of negative appendectomies

    Obscured and unobscured AGN populations in a hard-X-ray selected sample of the XMDS survey

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    Our goal is to probe the populations of obscured and unobscured AGN investigating their optical-IR and X-ray properties as a function of X-ray flux, luminosity and redshift within a hard X-ray selected sample of 136 X-ray sources in the XMM Medium Deep Survey (XMDS) with wide multiwavelength coverage. The XMDS area is covered with optical photometry from the VVDS and CFHTLS surveys and infrared Spitzer data. Based on the X-ray luminosity and X-ray to optical ratio, 132 sources are likely AGN, of which 122 have unambiguous optical - IR identification. The observed optical and IR spectral energy distributions of sources are fitted with AGN/galaxy templates in order to classify them and compute photometric redshifts. 70% of the AGN are fitted by a type 2 AGN or a star forming galaxy template and are grouped together in a single class of ``optically obscured'' AGN. They have ``red'' optical colors and generally show significant X-ray absorption from X-ray spectra or hardness ratios (NH>1022_H > 10^{22} cm2^{-2}). Sources with SEDs typical of type 1 AGN have ``blue'' optical colors and exhibit X-ray absorption in about 30% of cases. We performed a stacking analysis for obscured and type 1 AGN. The stacked X-ray spectrum of obscured AGN is flatter than that of type 1 AGN and has an average spectral slope of Gamma = 1.6. The subsample of objects fitted by a galaxy template has an even harder stacked spectrum, with Gamma = 1.2 - 1.3. The obscured fraction is larger at lower fluxes, lower redshifts and lower luminosities. X-ray absorption is less common than ``optical'' obscuration and its incidence is nearly constant with redshift and luminosity. This implies that X-ray absorption is not necessarily related to optical obscuration.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Predictive values of risk factors in management of diabetic foot

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    Background: Outcome of management of patients with diabetic foot is difficult to predict. Assessment of variables in history , examination and investigations were analyzed with outcome of management and whether can be assigned as prognostic factors . Methods: prospective study of 300 patients with diabetic foot in Baghdad teaching hospital during the period from April 2000 to March 2004,certain criteria was taken in history and examination, these were investigated and treated either by conservative procedure or amputation. Results: most common age group was 50-59 years ( 33.3%). The male to female ratio was 2:1. Conservative debridement was performed in ( 60%) of patients while amputation was employed in (40%). amputation was performed in 604 in patient above 60 years and in(75%) of patients who had diabetic foot lesions for > 2 weeks,and in 90% of smokers for 10 years or more. Amputation was needed in (71%) in those who had history of previous ulceration and 72.5% of patients who had positive history of previous amputation. Amputation was needed in (88%) of those who had their temperature >38°C. in (91%) of patients who had diabetic foot lesion of Wagner grade>III and 91%. patients with X-ray findings of osteomyelitis. Conclusions: Highly significant association was found between amputation with following variable , smokers > 10 years, patients with a temperature of > 38°C, Hypertension > 140/90 mmHg Wagner grade > III, white blood cell count of > 20,000/cc and positive foot X-ray findings. Slight significant association of amputation and the following variables: Age >60 years, duration of foot lesion >2 weeks, history of previous amputation, previous ulceration, negative pedal pulses, deformed feet and patients who had impaired normal vision

    Spectral Energy Distributions of Hard X-ray selected AGNs in the XMDS Survey

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    We present the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a hard X-ray selected sample. The sample contains 136 sources with F(2-10 keV)>10^-14 erg/cm^2/s and 132 are AGNs. The sources are detected in a 1 square degree area of the XMM-Newton-Medium Deep Survey where optical data from the VVDS, CFHTLS surveys, and infrared data from the SWIRE survey are available. Based on a SED fitting technique we derive photometric redshifts with sigma(1+z)=0.11 and 6% of outliers and identify AGN signatures in 83% of the objects. This fraction is higher than derived when a spectroscopic classification is available. The remaining 17+9-6% of AGNs shows star-forming galaxy SEDs (SF class). The sources with AGN signatures are divided in two classes, AGN1 (33+6-1%) and AGN2 (50+6-11). The AGN1 and AGN2 classes include sources whose SEDs are fitted by type 1 and type 2 AGN templates, respectively. On average, AGN1s show soft X-ray spectra, consistent with being unabsorbed, while AGN2s and SFs show hard X-ray spectra, consistent with being absorbed. The analysis of the average SEDs as a function of X-ray luminosity shows a reddening of the IR SEDs, consistent with a decreasing contribution from the host galaxy at higher luminosities. The AGNs in the SF classes are likely obscured in the mid-infrared, as suggested by their low L(3-20micron)/Lcorr(0.5-10 keV) ratios. We confirm the previously found correlation for AGNs between the radio luminosity and the X-ray and the mid-infrared luminosities. The X-ray-radio correlation can be used to identify heavily absorbed AGNs. However, the estimated radio fluxes for the missing AGN population responsible for the bulk of the background at E>10 keV are too faint to be detected even in the deepest current radio surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Brera Multi-scale Wavelet Chandra Survey. I. Serendipitous source catalogue

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    We present the BMW-Chandra source catalogue drawn from essentially all Chandra ACIS-I pointed observations with an exposure time in excess of 10ks public as of March 2003 (136 observations). Using the wavelet detection algorithm developed by Lazzati et al. (1999) and Campana et al. (1999), which can characterise both point-like and extended sources, we identified 21325 sources. Among them, 16758 are serendipitous, i.e. not associated with the targets of the pointings, and do not require a non-automated analysis. This makes our catalogue the largest compilation of Chandra sources to date. The 0.5--10 keV absorption corrected fluxes of these sources range from ~3E-16 to 9E-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1 with a median of 7E-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1. The catalogue consists of count rates and relative errors in three energy bands (total, 0.5-7keV; soft, 0.5-2keV; and hard, 2-7keV), and source positions relative to the highest signal-to-noise detection among the three bands. The wavelet algorithm also provides an estimate of the extension of the source. We include information drawn from the headers of the original files, as well, and extracted source counts in four additional energy bands, SB1 (0.5-1keV), SB2 (1-2keV), HB1 (2-4keV), and HB2 (4-7keV). We computed the sky coverage for the full catalogue and for a subset at high Galactic latitude (|b|> 20deg). The complete catalogue provides a sky coverage in the soft band (0.5-2keV, S/N =3) of ~8 deg^2 at a limiting flux of 1E-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1, and ~2 deg^2 at a limiting flux of ~1E-15 erg cm^-2 s^-1.Comment: Accepted by A&A, Higher res. Figs 4 and 5 at http://www.ifc.inaf.it/~romano/BMC/Docs/aapaper/9601f4.eps http://www.ifc.inaf.it/~romano/BMC/Docs/aapaper/9601f5.eps, Catalog Web pages: http://www.brera.inaf.it/BMC/bmc_home.html http://www.ifc.inaf.it/~romano/BMC/bmc_home.html (Mirror

    The XMM-LSS survey: The XMDS/VVDS 4 sigma catalogue

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    We present a first catalogue of X-ray sources resulting from the central area of the XMM-LSS (Large Scale Structure survey). We describe the reduction procedures and the database tools we developed and used to derive a well defined catalogue of X-ray sources. The present catalogue is limited to a sub-sample of 286 sources detected at 4 sigma in the 1 deg^2 area covered by the photometric VVDS (VIRMOS VLT Deep Survey), which allows us to provide optical and radio identifications. We also discuss the X-ray properties of a larger X-ray sample of 536 sources detected at > 4 sigma in the full 3 deg^2 area of the XMM Medium Deep Survey (XMDS) independently of the optical identification. We also derive the logN-logS relationship for a sample of more than one thousand sources that we discuss in the context of other surveys at similar fluxes.Comment: 15+6 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics The online catalogue announced in the paper will be accessible in about 2 weeks due to technical reasons Fig. 2 replaced with a low resolution on