135 research outputs found

    Relationship between demographic and environmental factors and knowledge of secondary school students on natural disasters

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    The subject of quantitative research is to examine the connection between demographic (gender, age) and environmental factors (family, school and media) and knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disasters. Bearing in mind the orientation of the research design on determination of character and strength of relationships of demographic and environmental factors with the knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disasters, research has explicative goal. The authors use the method of interviewing high school students to identify demographic and environmental factors associated with the knowledge and perceptions of students about natural disasters. The study included 3,063 students of secondary schools in the city of Belgrade. Results suggest the existence of links between gender, success achieved in school and education of parents and the knowledge of students about natural disasters. The results also indicate that the education of students at school and within family does not affect the knowledge, but affects their perception on natural disasters. Bearing in mind the geographical space of Serbia, the study is based only on the Belgrade region, so the findings can be generalized only to the population of students in this area. Research findings indicate potential ways to influence students to raise level of knowledge about natural disasters to a higher level. Given the evident lack of education about natural disasters in Serbia, the study results can be used for policies of educational programs, which would contribute to improving the safety of youth culture

    Preoperative identification and quantification of parameters for predicting technically complicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Laparoskopska holecistektomija(LC) je najĉeŔća endoskopska operativna procedura u svakodnevnom hirurÅ”kom radu i zlatni standard u lijeĉenju simptomatske holelitijaze zbog manje operativne traume, manjeg operativnog reza i problema vezanih za zarastanje operativne rane, manjeg postoperativnog morbiditeta i postoperativnog bola, kraće hospitalizacije i odsustvovanja sa posla, manjih troÅ”kova lijeĉenja i neuporedivo boljeg estetskog efekta . Danas se u razvijenim i bogatim zemljama viÅ”e od 90% bolesnika sa kalkulozom Å£uĉne kese operiÅ”e laparoskopskim putem. Bezbjednost LC je usko povezana sa iskustvom hirurga i makroskopskim izgledom Å£uĉne kese. Sa sticanjem iskustva i prevazilaÅ£enjem krivulje uĉenja, selekcija kriterijuma za LC kod laparoskopskih hirurga je sve liberalnija pa laparoskopski hirurzi nailaze na brojne probleme koji oteÅ£avaju bezbjedno izvodjenje operacije. Apsolutne kontraindikacije su bolesnici sa teÅ£im poremećajem koagulacije, karcinom Å£uĉne kese i bolesnici koji ne toleriÅ”u opÅ”tu anesteziju. Većina ranije opisanih kontraindikacija, kao Å”to su morbidna gojaznost, prethodne operacije u gornjem abdomenu i akutni holecistitis su danas faktori rizika za konverziju u referentnim centrima za endoskospku hirurgiju a relativna kontraindikacija u nereferentnim ustanovama za laparoskopsku hirurgiju i hirurzima u fazi uĉenja. Kao relativnu kontraindikaciju za LC treba smatrati i nedovoljno iskustvo laparoskopskog hirurga, nepostojanje uslova za rjeÅ”avanje intraoperativnih komplikacija i postojanje prediktivnih faktora koji ukazuju da će LC biti komplikovana sa većom uĉestaloŔću intraoperativnih komplikacija. U nereferentnim ustanovama za laparoskopsku hirurgiju i manjim regionalnim bolnicama sekundarna prevencija biliovaskularnih povreda je suÅ”tina operativnog rada zbog ĉesto diskutabilnog naĉina zbrinjavanja nastalih povreda...Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is most common endoscopic surgical procedure in everyday surgical work and golden standard in medical treatment of symptomatic cholelithiasis. This is due to smaller surgical trauma, smaller surgical incision and less issues connected to the healing of the incision, decreased postoperative mortality and pain, shorter hospitalisation and sick leave, smaller costs of the medical treatment and more incomparably better estetical effects. Presently in developed and rich countries, more than 90% of the patients with cholelithiasis are operated in laparoscopic surgery. Safety of LC is close connected with the experience of the surgeon and macroscopic look of the gallbladder(GB). With gain of the experience and overcoming of the locus of learning, selection of the criteria for LC in the case of the laparoscopic sergeant is becoming more liberal ā€“ therefore laparoscopic sergeants encounter numerous issues which make difficult for laparoscopic surgeon to safely perform the surgery. Absolute contraindications are the patients with serious disorder of coagulation, GB carcinoma and the patients who are intolerant to general anesthesia. Most of the previously described contraindications, such as morbid obesity, previous surgeries in upper abdomen and acute cholecystitis which are the risk factors for conversion in referential centers for endoscopic surgeries and relative contraindication in non-referential centers for laparoscopic surgery and for surgeons in a learning phase. As relative contraindications for LC should be taken into account insufficient experience of laparoscopic surgeon, non-existence of the conditions for solution of intraoperative complications and existence of predicative factors which indicate that LC will be complicated with higher occurrences of intraoperative complications. In non-referential centers for laparoscopic surgeries and smaller regional hospitals, secondary prevention of injury of biliary and vascular structures is the essence of the surgical work due to often questionable medical care of the incurred injuries..

    EvaluaciĆ³n de la inuencia del ciclo vital en la producciĆ³n de los productos de carne de cerdo sobre el medio ambiente

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the environmental performance of the production of pork products in Serbia. Life cycle assessment calculations have been performed to identify and quantify the environmental impacts from a cradle-to-grave perspective covering four subsystems: ā€˜pig housing farmā€™, ā€˜slaughterhouseā€™, ā€˜meat processing plantā€™ and ā€˜waste and waste water treatmentā€™. Structured survey has been conducted in order to collect life cycle inventory input data. Six environmental impact potentials were calculated in this study: global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog and human toxicity. The global warming potential associated with the production of 1 kg of pork products is 9.04 kg CO2eq. Acidification potential within the pork meat chain is 9.874 x 10-3 kg SO2eq while the eutrophication potential is 0.0151 kg PO4eq. The largest contributor to the environmental profile of meat production within the pork meat chain is the production of feed and manure management. Contributions of the processing plants are mainly due to water and energy requirement and use of refrigerants in the cold chain.Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti utjecaj proizvodnje proizvoda od svinjetine u Srbiji na okoliÅ”. Izračuni za procjenu životnog ciklusa provedeni su kako bi identi.cirali i kvanti.cirali utjecaj na okoliÅ” po načelu ā€žod kolijevke do grobaā€œ, koji obuhvaća četiri podsustava: ā€˜farmu za uzgoj svinjaā€™, ā€˜klaonicuā€™, pogone za preradu mesaā€™ i ā€˜pogon za zbrinjavanje otpada i otpadnih vodaā€™. U cilju prikupljanja ulaznih podataka inventara životnog ciklusa provedeno je strukturirano istraživanje. Navedenim smo istraživanjem procijenili Å”est potencijalnih utjecaja na okoliÅ”: potencijal globalnog zatopljenja, potencijal akiseljavanja, potencijal eutro.kacije, potencijal razaranja ozona, potencijal stvaranja fotokemijskog smoga i toksičnost za čovjeka. Potencijal globalnog zatopljenja povezan s proizvodnjom 1 kg proizvoda od svinjetine iznosi 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Potencijal zakiseljavanja unutar lanca svinjskog mesa iznosi 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, a potencijal eutro.kacije 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Na okoliÅ” u lancu svinjskog mesa tijekom proizvodnje najviÅ”e utječu proizvodnja stočne hrane i upravljanje gnojivom. Utjecaj pogona za preradu uglavnom se odnosi na zahtjeve za vodu i energiju te uporabu rashladnih sustava u hladnom lancu.Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Ein!uss der Herstellung von Schweine!eischprodukten in Serbien auf die Umwelt zu bewerten. Berechungen fĆ¼r die Bewertung des Lebenszyklus wurden vorgenommen, um die Umweltein!Ć¼sse zu identi.zieren und quanti.zieren, nach dem Grundsatz ā€žvon der Wiege bis zum Grabeā€œ, der vier Teilsysteme umfasst: ā€˜Schweinezuchtbetriebā€™, ā€˜Schlachtbetriebā€™, ā€˜Fleischverarbeitungsbetriebā€™ und ā€˜Abfall- und Abwasserentsorgungsbetriebā€™. Um Eingangsdaten Ć¼ber das Lebenszyklusinventar zu sammeln, wurde eine strukturierte Untersuchung durchgefĆ¼hrt. In der genannten Untersuchung haben wir sechs potentielle Umweltein!Ć¼sse ausgewertet: Potential der globalen ErwƤrmung, Potential der Versauerung, Potential der Eutrophierung, Potential der Ozonzerstƶrung, Potential der Entstehung von Sommersmog und ToxizitƤt fĆ¼r den Menschen. Das Potential der globalen ErwƤrmung, das mit der Herstellung von 1 kg Schweine!eischprodukten verbunden ist, betrƤgt 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Das Potential der Versauerung innerhalb der Schweine!eischkette belƤuft sich auf 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq und das Potential der Eutrophierung auf 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Der grĆ¶ĆŸte Ein!uss in der Fleischkette wƤhrend der Herstellung haben die Produktion von Viehfutter und die Verwaltung von DĆ¼ngemitteln. Die Auswirkung des Verarbeitungsbetriebs bezieht sich grĆ¶ĆŸtenteils auf die Wasser- und Energieanforderungen und den Einsatz von KĆ¼hlmitteln in der KĆ¼hlkette.Obiettivo di questo studio č quello di valutare lā€™incidenza della produzione dei prodotti di carne suina sullā€™ambiente in Serbia. I rilevamenti per la valutazione del ciclo vitale sono stati eseguiti ai .ni dellā€™identi.cazione e della quanti.cazione dellā€™incidenza sullā€™ambiente in base al principio ā€œdalla culla alla tombaā€, comprendente quattro sottosistemi: ā€œimpianto dā€™allevamento di suiniā€, ā€œmacello/mattatoioā€, ā€œimpianto di lavorazione delle carniā€ e ā€œimpianto per lo smaltimento dei ri.uti e delle acque reueā€. Ai .ni della raccolta dei dati dā€™ingresso dellā€™inventario del ciclo vitale animale, č stata eseguita una ricerca strutturata. Mediante detta ricerca, abbiamo valutato sei potenziali fattori dā€™incidenza sullā€™ambiente: il potenziale di riscaldamento globale, il potenziale di acidi.cazione, il potenziale di eutro.zzazione, il potenziale di degrado dellā€™ozono, il potenziale di creazione dello smog fotochimico e di tossicitŕ per lā€™uomo. Il potenziale di riscaldamento globale legato alla produzione di 1 kg di prodotti di carne suina č pari a 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Il potenziale di acidicazione nellā€™ambito della catena di produzione della carne suina č pari a 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, mentre il potenziale di eutro.zzazione čpari a 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Sullā€™ambiente, nel nellā€™ambito della catena della carne suina, nel corso della produzione, incidono maggiormente la produzione del mangime e la gestione del concime. Lā€™incidenza dellā€™impianto di lavorazione delle carni si riferisce in prevalenza alle esigenze di acqua ed energia e allā€™uso di sistemi di ra#reddamento nella catena del freddo.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la inuencia de la producciĆ³n de los productos de carne de cerdo en Serbia sobre el medio ambiente. Los cĆ”lculos para evaluar el ciclo vital fueron hechos para identi.car y cuanti.car la inuencia sobre el medio ambiente segĆŗn el principio ā€˜ā€™de la cuna a la tumbaā€™ā€™, el cual incluye cuatro subsistemas: ā€˜la planta para crianza de cerdosā€™, ā€˜el mataderoā€™, la planta para el procesamiento de carneā€™ y ā€˜la planta para deposito de residuos y aguas residualesā€™. Fue hecha una investigaciĆ³n estructurada el .n de recoger los datos de entrada del inventario del ciclo vital fue hecha una. Con la investigaciĆ³n mencionada evaluamos seis potenciales impactos sobre el medio ambiente: el potencial de calentamiento global, el potencial de acidi.caciĆ³n, el potencial de eutro.zaciĆ³n, el potencial de destrucciĆ³n de la capa de ozono, el potencial de formaciĆ³n de esmog fotoquĆ­mico y toxicidad para los seres humanos. El potencial de calentamiento global conectado con la producciĆ³n de 1 kg del producto de carne de cerdo es 9,04 kg CO2Eq. El potencial de acidi.caciĆ³n dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo es 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq y el potencial de eutro.zaciĆ³n es 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo los que mĆ”s inuyen sobre el medio ambiente son la producciĆ³n del pienso y la gestiĆ³n del estiĆ©rcol. La inuencia de la planta para el procesamiento de carne se re.ere principalmente a la demanda de agua y energĆ­a, y el uso de los sistemas de enfriamiento en la cadena de frĆ­o

    Ispitivanje uticaja mase pre klanja na rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja muÅ”kih tovnih junadi domaće Simenatalske rase

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    For the purpose of investigation of factors important for slaughter yield results, a trial with three groups of young cattle of Domestic Simmental breed of different body masses was carried out. Young cattle in the first group (G1) (n=6) had average body mass of 509,00 kg (475-525), in the second group (G2) of young cattle (n=7) average body mass of 554,29 kg (530 - 575) was recorded and in the third group of young cattle (G3) (n=8) 591,13kg (580-615). Subsequent to slaughtering warm carcass sides were measured individually, with and without kidney fat, mass of internal organs was measured (kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, spleen) and mass of other secondary slaughter products (head, tongue, tail, muscle part of diaphragm). After cooling carcass sides were cut into main parts. Based on obtained results of research it was established that male cattle of group (G2) of Domestic Simmental breed of average body mass of 554,29 kg have realized higher slaughter yield compared to groups G1 and G3, whereas the share of kidney fat was the same in all three groups of young cattle. Share of mass of internal organs was the lowest in young cattle of group G2 (2,47%) whereas in other two groups it was the same. Share of mass of other secondary slaughter products (head, tongue, tail, muscle part of diaphragm) in all three groups of young cattle was the same. Share of mass of round (I category part of the carcass) was the highest in young cattle of group G3 (29,86), and statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.05) lower in group G1 (28,39). Share of carcass parts of II category (loin, back, shoulder) was the lowest in young cattle of group G3 (23,655), and of carcass parts of category III (second thigh, second fore thigh, neck, breasts, ribs, belly) in young cattle of group G2 (44,45%).U cilju ispitivanja faktora značajnih za rezultate vrednosti randmana klanja, izveden je ogled sa tri grupe junadi domaće simentalske rase različite telesne mase. Prva grupa (G1) junadi (n=6) bila je prosečne mase 509,00 kg (475-525), druga grupa (G2) junadi (n=7) bila je prosečne mase 554,29 kg (530-575) i treća grupa (G3) junadi (n=8) bila je prosečne mase 591,13 kg (580-615). Posle klanja izvrÅ”eno je pojedinačno merenje toplih polutki sa i bez bubrežnog loja, merenje mase unutraÅ”njih organa (bubrezi, jetra, pluća, srce, slezina) i merenje mase ostalih pratećih proizvoda klanja (glava, jezik, rep, miÅ”ićni deo dijafragme). Posle hlađenja polutke su rasečene u osnovne delove. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je da su muÅ”ka junad druge grupe (G2) domaće simentalske rase prosečne mase 554,29 kg, ostvarila veći randman u poređenju sa grupama G1 i G3, dok je učeŔće bubrežnog loja bilo isto kod sve tri grupe junadi. UčeŔće mase unutraÅ”njih organa najmanje je kod junadi grupe G2 (2,47%) dok je kod je kod ostale dve grupe bilo isto. UčeŔće mase ostalih pratećih proizvoda klanja (glava, jezik, rep, miÅ”ićni deo dijafragme) u sve tri grupe junadi je isto. UčeŔće mase buta (deo trupa I kategorije) najveće je u junadi grupe G3 (29,86), a statistički značajno (P (lt) 0.05) manji u grupe G1 (28,39).Udeo delova trupa II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) najmanji je u junadi grupe G3 (23,655), a delova trupa III kategorije (potkolenica, podlaktica, vrat, grudi, rebra, potrbuÅ”ina) u junadi grupe G2 (44,45%)

    Osobine i sastav trupa junadi domaće Å”arene rase različitih težina pred klanje

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    Objective of this research was to determine the slaughter properties and carcass composition of carcass sides derived from young cattle of Domestic Spotted breed, of pre-slaughter weights of 500 (group A) and 600 kg (group B). Heavier cattle had higher share of kidney fat in carcass, whereas the share of offals showed no significant differences. Statistically significant difference was registered only in share of toungue (P lt 0.05), that was higher in cattle of group A. Share of extra/premium (tenderloin), I category (round) and II category (loin, back, shoulder) showed no significant differences between groups of cattle. Statistically significant difference (P lt 0.05) was established in the share of III category carcass parts. Share of forearm and chest was significantly higher in lighter cattle (3.55% and 7.95%) compared to heavier animals (2.89% and 6.33%), whereas the share of subshoulder was considerably lower in group A (6.89%) compared to cattle of group B (9.73%). Data obtained by dissection of main carcass side parts differed significantly in regard to the share of muscle tissue in round and belly, that was significantly higher in cattle of group A (P lt 0.05). Share of fat tissue (subcutaneous and intermuscular) was higher in cattle of group B in almost all carcass side parts, however, statistically significant difference between groups was determined only in round, back, neck and subshoulder. Also, share of bones in chest differed statistically significantly (P lt 0.05) and it was higher in group A (20.09%) compared to cattle of group B (15.52%).Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde klanične osobine i sastav polutki junadi domaće Å”arene rase, zaklanih pri dostizanju prosečne težine od 500 (grupa A) i 600 kg (grupa B). Teža junad su imala veći udeo bubrežnog loja u trupu, dok se udeo iznutrica nije značajno razlikovao. Statistički značajna razlika je pronađena samo u udelu jezika (P lt 0.05), koji je bio veći kod junadi grupe A. Udeo delova ekstra (biftek), I kategorije (but) i II kategorije (slabine, leđa, plećka) nisu se značajno razlikovali između grupa junadi. Statistički značajna razlika (P lt 0.05) je pronađena u udelu delova III kategorije. Udeo podlaktice i grudi bio je značajno veći kod lakÅ”ih (3.55% i 7.95%) u odnosu na težu junad (2.89% i 6.33%), dok je udeo potplećke bio znatno niži kod junadi grupe A (6.89%) u odnosu na junad grupe B (9.73%). Podaci dobijeni disekcijom osnovnih delova polutke su se statistički značajno razlikovali u udelu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu i potrbuÅ”ini, koji je bio značajno veći kod junadi grupe A (P lt 0.05). Udeo masnog tkiva (potkožnog i intermuskularnog) je bio veći kod junadi grupe B kod gotovo svih delova polutke, međutim, statistički značajna razlika između grupa je pronađena samo kod buta, leđa, vrata i potplećke. Takođe, udeo kostiju grudi se statistički značajno razlikovao (P lt 0.05) i bio je veći kod junadi grupe A (20.09%) u poređenju sa junadima grupe B (15.52%)

    Udeo tkiva u polutkama svinja autohtonih rasa u zavisnosti od telesne mase i pola

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    Objective of this paper was to determine the distribution of tissues in four major carcass side parts from fatteners of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa and Moravka breeds. The study included 42 animals (male castrated and female pigs) of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa strain (LM, n=19) and Moravka (M, n=23). Animals were kept and reared in the same farm conditions with free ranges. During fattening, animals were fed two complete mixtures containing 15 and 13% crude proteins. Dissection of left carcass sides and calculation of the meat percentage were carried out according to EU reference method (EC, No.3127/94). Obtained data was processed using GLM procedure of the software package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst.Inc., 2002-2003). Pre-slaughter body mass influenced variation of the mass of warm and cooled carcass sides (P lt .0001). Pre-slaughter body mass of SBM and M had impact on variation of the subcutaneous fat tissue and skin in the thigh and shoulder, and on bone tissue in the shoulder. Fatteners of Moravka breed had higher average mass of back-loin part of the carcass sides (P lt 0.01) and mass of subcutaneous fat tissue including the skin (P lt 0.05) compared to Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa. Share of muscle tissue of this carcass part in total mass of muscle tissue in all four carcass side parts was higher in Moravka breed pigs (+2.18%, P lt 0.01). Male castrated pigs had lower values of average mass of the thigh/leg (P lt 0.05), lower values of muscle tissue mass in the thigh/leg (P lt 0.01) and higher share of bone tissue (P lt 0.05) compared to female pigs. In the belly-rib part, castrates had less intermuscular fat tissue (P lt 0.05) and bone tissue (P lt 0.05) than female pigs.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrdi udeo tkiva u četiri glavna dela polutki tovljenika lasaste mangulice i moravke u zavisnosti od telesne mase pri klanju i pola grla. Na variranje mase toplih i hladnih polutki uticala je telesna masa pri klanju (P lt .0001). U četiri glavna dela polutki bilo je od 36,02 do 38,59% miÅ”ićnog tkiva. Potkožno masno tkivo, koža i intermuskularno masno tkivo činili su od 52,64 do 56,24% mase buta, plećke, leđno-slabinskog i trbuÅ”no-rebarnog dela polutke. Telesna masa pri klanju grla rase LM i M je uticala na variranje potkožnog masnog tkiva i kože u butu i plećki i na koÅ”tano tkivo u plećki. Tovljenici rase moravka imali su veću prosečnu masu ledjno-slabinskog dela polutki (P lt 0,01) i masu potkožnog masnog tkiva sa kožom (P lt 0,05) od lasaste mangulice. Udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva ovog dela u ukupnoj masi miÅ”ićnog tkiva u četiri dela polutki, bio je veći kod grla rase moravka (+2,18%, P lt 0,01). MuÅ”ka kastrirana grla su imala manju prosečnu masu buta (P lt 0,05), manju masu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu (P lt 0,01) i veći udeo koÅ”tanog tkiva (P lt 0,05) od ženskih grla. U trbuÅ”no-rebarnom delu, kastrati su imali manje intermuskularnog masnog tkiva (P lt 0,05) i koÅ”tanog (P lt 0,05) od ženskih grla

    Carcass properties, chemical content and fatty acid composition of the musculus longissimus of different pig genotypes

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    The aim of this study was to examine carcass properties and variability in chemical content and fatty acid composition in the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) of different genotypes of pigs. Of 36 male castrated animals used in the trial, 24 were from two strains of Mangalitsa pigs (12 Swallow bellied (SBM) and 12 White (WM)), while 12 were of the Swedish Landrace (SL) breed (the most abundant meat/fattening breed in Serbia). The warm and cold carcass weights at slaughter were significantly higher in the WM and SL compared with the SBM. Results showed differences in warm and cold carcass dressing percentage between the groups. The SBM had significant lower values than WM and SL pigs. The total fat content was higher in WM and SBM pigs than SL pigs. The SL pigs had a significant higher percentage of water in their MLLT than the SBM and WM pigs. The representative of pig meat breeds, SL, contained significantly less cholesterol in its MLLT compared with the SBM and WM (-15.23% and -15.84%). However, differences in the content of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were more expressed and distinct. A higher percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were present in MLTT originating from SL pigs compared with the two Mangalitsa strains. The total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content was higher in SBM and WM than in SL pigs. The alpha linolenic acid concentration (C18:3 n-3) was significantly higher in SBM than in WM and SL pigs

    Uticaj pola na karakteristike trbuŔno-rebarnog dela svinja hranjenih sa dodatkom sojinog ulja

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    Total of 40 castrated fatteners of Swedish Landrace breed, divided into two groups based on their gender (20 pigs in each group) were used in the study to determine the effect of gender on share of tissues and chemical composition of the fat taken from the belly carcass part. All pigs were fed diet containing additive of 1.25% of soybean oil. Even though the weight of belly part was similar in animals of both genders, female animals had higher share of muscle tissue (P lt 0.05), whereas male animals had higher share of intermuscular and total fat tissue (P lt 0.01). Addition of soybean oil, with high share of PUFA, to pig nutrition can significantly influence the increase of unsaturated fats. Female fatteners had more extracted fat in fat tissue and higher content of PUFA, however, statistically significant difference was established only in share of SFA, which was considerably lower (P lt 0.05) in comparison to male animals. Consequently, PUFA:SFA ratio was significantly higher in female animals (0.51) compared to male fatteners (0.39). Iodine number/value determined for fat was in the range from 63.00 in males to 64.36 in female animals without statistically significant difference. Based on obtained results it can be concluded that, in regard to the nutritional quality, belly part from female fatteners may provide a balanced fatty acid intake for consumers (PUFA:SFA>0.4). However, in regard to the technological quality, fat (bacon) obtained from female animals had lower sustainability, due to more rapid fat oxidation, and it was of poorer technological quality due to softer fat tissue and more difficult cutting.Ukupno 40 kastriranih tovljenika rase Å”vedski landras, podeljenih u dve grupe u zavisnosti od pola (po 20 svinja u grupi), je iskoriŔćeno za utvrđivanje uticaja pola na udeo tkiva i hemijski sastav masti trbuÅ”no-rebarnog dela. Sve svinje su hranjene sa dodatkom 1,25% sojinog ulja. Pol životinja nije značajno uticao na težinu trbuÅ”no-rebarnog dela, međutim, utvrđeno je da su ženska grla imala veći udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva (P lt 0,05), dok su muÅ”ka imala veći udeo intermuskularnog i ukupnog masnog tkiva (P lt 0,01). Dodatak sojinog ulja, koje ima visok udeo PUFA, u ishranu svinja, može značajno da utiče na povećanje nezasićenosti masti. Ženski tovljenici su imali viÅ”e ekstrahovane masti u masnom tkivu i veći sadržaj PUFA, međutim statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena samo u udelu SFA, koji je bio značajno niži (P lt 0,05) u odnosu na muÅ”ka grla. Kao posledica toga, odnos PUFA:SFA je bio značajno veći kod ženskih grla (0,51) u odnosu na muÅ”ka (0,39). Jodni broj masti se kretao od 63,00 kod muÅ”kih do 64,36 kod ženskih životinja i nije se statistički značajno razlikovao. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je, u pogledu nutritivnog kvaliteta, trbuÅ”no-rebarni deo ženskih tovljenika kvalitetniji u pogledu masno-kiselinskog sastava (PUFA:SFA>0.4). Međutim, u pogledu tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, slanina dobijena od ženskih životinja bi imala manju održivost, usled brže oksidacije masti, i bila bi loÅ”ijeg tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, zbog mekanog masnog tkiva i otežanog sečenja

    Banat donkey, a neglected donkey breed from the central Balkans (Serbia)

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    The dominant donkey breed in the Balkans is the mid-sized Balkan donkey with a grey to chocolate coat color. Local breeders from Serbia, however, still maintain a few larger individuals of a lighter coat color, named Banat donkey, and speculate that they are descendants of a Spanish donkey heard that had been transferred to the Banat region by the Hapsburg Queen Maria Theresa in the XVIII century for a specific purpose, to work in local vineyards. We have previously found a unique nuclear gene-pool and a prevalence of mitochondrial Clade 2 haplotypes in several such animals. In this study, we: (i) perform a comparative analysis of 18 morphological traits of the Banat donkey (seven individuals), Balkan donkey (53 individuals from two sub-populations of this breed) and the potential hybrids (eight individuals), and demonstrate the morphological distinctiveness of the Banat donkey, highlighting the diagnostic traits for distinguishing the breed: hip height, croup width, body length and chest depth; (ii) reanalyse published nuclear microsatellite data for these groups, and reveal that, although severely depopulated, the genetically distinct Banat donkey is not severely affected by the loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding; (iii) demonstrate that previously published Banat donkey mitochondrial haplotypes, analyzed genealogically together with those reported in ancient and modern individuals from Spain, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus and Africa, are shared with three Spanish breeds and individuals belonging to Amiata and some other Italian breeds. A unique morphological feature present in Banat and Somali wild donkeys, but also in Amiata donkeys, black stripes on legs, suggests that the origin of Clade 2 donkeys may be much more complex than previously thought. Actions to preserve the Banat donkey, a valuable but critically endangered genetic resource (<100 individuals), are urgent

    Research on technology, preservation and quality of small producers, dairy products from mountainous-hilly region of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Autori su izučavali tehnologiju, konzerviranje i kvalitetu autohtonih proizvoda nekih gazdinstava Bosne i Hercegovine, poimenično travničkog sira, livanjskog sira i kajmaka. Na osnovi izučavanja doŔli su do zaključka da su to proizvodi s visokim procentom masti i dobre kvalitete. Prerada mlijeka u autohtone proizvode u brdsko-planinskom području ekonomski je opravdana.The authors studied the technology, preservation and quality of dairy product from mountainous-hilly region of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They describe Travnik cheese, Livanjski cheese and kaymak, their technology, methods of preservation and dairy products, of good quality. The authors find the manufacture of these products under existing conditions to be justifiable
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