186 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis komik berorientasi pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) pada materi perubahan wujud benda kelas V Sekolah Dasar yang valid dan praktis serta juga untuk mengetahui keefektifan terhadap minat belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini yaitu metode Reseach and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, angket atau kuesioner, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukkan validitas, kepraktisan, serta keefektifan komik pada materi perubahan wujud benda. Hasil penelitian yaitu pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis komik berorientasi pendekatan contextual teaching and learning (CTL) dinyatakan sangat layak, berdasarkan hasil kevalidan menurut ahli media sebesar 86,73%; ahli materi 84,43%; dan ahli bahasa sebesar 81,7%. Bahan ajar berbasis komik berorientasi pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) juga dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan hasil penelitian kepraktisan pada uji lapangan kecil (small group) 72,18%. Hasil uji lapangan kelompok besar (large group) diperoleh 0,74 mengalami peningkatan dan bahan ajar berbasis komik dikategorikan  efektif


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penghitungan kerugian Negara yang dilakukan oleh Jaksa dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi (TIPIKOR), untuk mengetahui proses penghitungan kerugian Negara oleh Jaksa dalam surat penetapan tersangka Nomor : PRINT 05/N.9.11.4/Fd.1/12/2017, dan untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi Jaksa dalam proses penghitungan kerugian Negara, dalam upaya menjadi lebih baik dalam proses penghitungan kerugian Negara pada Tindak Pidana Korupsi (TIPIKOR). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriftif analisis  yaitu memberikan data-data  yang diteliti tentang keadaan objek yang diteliti, yaitu melakukan wawancara terhadap Kejaksaan terkait dengan yang diteliti, dan Pendekatan yuridis normatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penghitungan kerugian Negara yang dilakukan oleh Jaksa dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi (TIPIKOR), Jaksa tidak berwenang menghitung Kerugian Negara sebagaimana  SEMA Nomor 04 Tahun 2016, sehingga penghitungan kerugian Negara pada tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan oleh Jaksa merupakan penyalahgunaan wewenang yang mengakibatkan timbulnya ketidakadilan dalam proses peradilan pidana. Proses penghitungan kerugian Negara oleh jaksa dalam Surat Penetapan Tersangka Nomor: PRINT 05/N.9.11.4/Fd.1/12/2017, batal demi hukum karena penghitungan kerugian Negaranya tidak sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengaturnya


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    Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis komik berorientasi pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) pada materi perubahan wujud benda kelas V Sekolah Dasar yang valid dan praktis serta juga untuk mengetahui keefektifan terhadap minat belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam peneltian ini yaitu metode Reseach and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, angket atau kuesioner, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukkan validitas, kepraktisan, serta keefektifan komik pada materi perubahan wujud benda. Hasil penelitian yaitu pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis komik berorientasi pendekatan contextual teaching and learning (CTL) dinyatakan sangat layak, berdasarkan hasil kevalidan menurut ahli media sebesar 86,73%; ahli materi 84,43%; dan ahli bahasa sebesar 81,7%. Bahan ajar berbasis komik berorientasi pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) juga dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan hasil penelitian kepraktisan pada uji lapangan kecil (small group) 72,18%. Hasil uji lapangan kelompok besar (large group) diperoleh 0,74 mengalami peningkatan dan bahan ajar berbasis komik dikategorikan  efektif

    Розробка та валідація методики визначення супровідних домішок у таблетках рибоксин

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    Riboxin (inosine) is used in medicine for treating cardiovascular diseases, so the number of dosage forms containing this substance as an active ingredient is constantly increasing at the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. When developing quality control methods for a dosage form containing one active substance it is advisable to carry out tests on the presence of related impurities besides identification and assay tests. The article presents the data concerning development of the method for determination of related impurities (hypoxanthine, guanosine) in riboxine tablets using HPLC. The analysis was carried out using a HPLC column (125×4 mm i.d., 5 μm particles) filled with “Lichrospher 60 RP select B”sorbent. The mobile phase adjusted with the phosphate buffer to pH 3.5 was used. The UV detection was performed at 250 nm. The validation characteristics have been studied using the acceptance criteria for the tolerances of the content not more than 0.5% for each impurity, and they confirm specificity (the absence of the effect of excipients), linearity, precision (convergence), accuracy (Δz = 0.79≤max Δz = 5.0, δ = 0.21≤max δ = 0.26, a = 0.48, r = 0.99997>0.9976 for hypoxanthine, and Δz = 0.83≤max Δz = 5.0, δ = 0.17≤max δ = 0.28, a = 0.21, r = 0.99997>0.9976 for guanosine), and the application range for the method proposed.Рибоксин (инозин) применяют в медицинской практике для лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, поэтому количество готовых лекарственных форм, содержащих в качестве активного фармацевтического ингредиента именно это вещество, на фармацевтическом рынке Украины постоянно растет. При разработке методик контроля качества на готовую лекарственную форму, содержащую одно действующее вещество, целесообразно кроме испытаний на идентификацию и количественное определение также проводить испытания на содержание сопутствующих примесей. В предлагаемой работе приводятся данные по разработке методики определения сопутствующих примесей (гипоксантин, гуанозин) рибоксина в таблетках с использованием метода высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии. Определение проводили на колонке размером 125×4 мм, заполненной сорбентом «Lichrospher 60 RP select B» с размером частиц 5 мкм, использовали подвижную фазу на основе фосфатного буферного раствора с рН 3,5 и УФ-детектирование при длине волны 250 нм. Изученные валидационные характеристики с использованием критериев приемлемости для допусков содержания не более 0,5% для каждой из примесей подтверждают специфичность (отсутствие влияния вспомогательных веществ), линейность, прецизионность (сходимость), правильность (Δz = 0.79≤max Δz = 5.0, δ = 0.21≤max δ = 0.26, a = 0.48, r = 0.99997 гипоксантина и Δz = 0.83≤max Δz = 5.0, δ = 0.17≤max δ = 0.28, a = 0.21, r = 0.99997 гуанозина) и диапазон применения предлагаемой методики.Рибоксин (інозин) застосовують у медичній практиці для лікування серцево-судинних захворювань, тому кількість готових лікарських форм, що містять як активний фармацевтичний інгредієнт саме цю речовину, на фармацевтичному ринку України постійно зростає. При розробці методик контролю якості на готову лікарську форму, що містить одну діючу речовину, доцільно окрім випробувань на ідентифікацію та кількісне визначення також проводити випробування на вміст супутніх домішок. У запропонованій роботі наводяться дані по розробці методики визначення супровідних домішок (гіпоксантин, гуанозин) рибоксину в таблетках з використанням методу високоефективної рідинної хроматографії. Визначення проводили на колонці розміром 125×4 мм, заповненій сорбентом «Lichrospher 60 RP select B» з розміром часток 5 мкм, використовували рухому фазу на основі фосфатного буферного розчину з рН 3,5 та УФ-детектування за довжини хвилі 250 нм. Вивчені валідаційні характеристики з використанням критеріїв прийнятності для допусків вмісту не більше 0,5% для кожної з домішок підтверджують специфічність (відсутність впливу допоміжних речовин), лінійність, прецизійність (збіжність), правильність (Δz = 0.79≤max Δz = 5.0, δ = 0.21≤max δ = 0.26, a = 0.48, r = 0.99997>0.9976 гіпоксантину та Δz = 0.83≤max Δz = 5.0, δ = 0.17≤max δ = 0.28, a = 0.21, r = 0.99997>0.9976 гуанозину) та діапазон застосування запропонованої методики

    “Mura della Bastia” – Onigo di Pederobba (Treviso). Ricerche archeologiche, rilievo 3D laser scanning e anastilosi virtuale in un castello medievale del pedemonte trevigiano

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    The paper presents the results of the ongoing research coordinated by the Chair of Ancient Topography at the University of Padova. The work concerns the medieval site of “Mura della Bastia” in Onigo di Pederobba (Treviso), in the North-Eastern part of Italy. Historical information from written documents and results obtained from the archaeological investigation at the Onigo castle (1994-2007) are discussed. The study provided the historical reconstruction of recent collapses of the Onigo tower and allowed the virtual reconstruction of still-cohesive blocks, which had fallen down in 1989, and which were recovered during the summer of 2007. At this time, five of the ten building blocks have been positioned; the procedure was carried out by comparing the panoply of each agglomerate with the prospect of the tower, which was obtained from the photogrammetric rectification of the historical images (2D). The 3D survey of the tower and of nine blocks was performed with a Leica HDS 2500 laser scanner. The resulting point clouds were aligned with Cyclone software, also using the coordinates of some laser scanning targets, which were measured with the Leica TC 2003 total station in a local reference system. The final 3D model obtained by the co-registration of the scans was textured with the digital images acquired with a Canon EOS 1 ds Mark II camera. Subsequently, three of the five recognized blocks were positioned on the 3D model using Reconstructor software

    Tissue distribution of DNA-Hsp65/TDM-loaded PLGA microspheres and uptake by phagocytic cells

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    This study aimed to demonstrate that microspheres, used as delivery vehicle of DNA-Hsp65/TDM [plasmid DNA encoding heat shock protein 65 (Hsp65) coencapsulated with trehalose dimycolate (TDM) into PLGA microspheres], are widely spread among several organs after intramuscular administration in BALB/c mice. In general, we showed that these particles were phagocytosed by antigen presenting cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells. Besides, it was demonstrated herein that draining lymph node cells presented a significant increase in the number of cells expressing costimulatory molecules (CD80 and CD86) and MHC class II, and also that the administration of the DNA-Hsp65/TDM and vector/TDM formulations resulted in the up-regulation of CD80, CD86 and MHC class II expression when compared to control formulations (vector/TDM and empty). Regarding the intracellular trafficking we observed that following phagocytosis, the microspheres were not found in the late endosomes and/or lysosomes, until 15 days after internalization, and we suggest that these constructions were hydrolysed in early compartments. Overall, these data expand our knowledge on PLGA [poly (lactic-co- glycolic acid)] microspheres as gene carriers in vaccination strategies, as well as open perspectives for their potential use in clinical practice

    Therapeutic Efficacy of Cintredekin Besudotox (IL13-PE38QQR) in Murine Lung Fibrosis Is Unaffected by Immunity to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A

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    Background: We have previously explored a therapeutic strategy for specifically targeting the profibrotic activity of IL-13 during experimental pulmonary fibrosis using a fusion protein comprised of human IL-13 and a mutated form of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A (IL13-PE) and observed that the intranasal delivery of IL13-PE reduced bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis through its elimination of IL-13-responsive cells in the lung. The aim of the present study was to determine whether the presence of an immune response to P. aeruginosa and/or its exotoxin A (PE) would diminish the anti-fibrotic properties of IL13-PE. Methodology/Principal Findings: Fourteen days after P. aeruginosa infection, C57BL/6 mice were injected with bleomycin via the intratracheal route. Other groups of mice received 4 doses of saline or IL13-PE by either intranasal or intraperitoneal application, and were challenged i.t. with bleomycin 28 days later. At day 21 after bleomycin, all mice received either saline vehicle or IL13-PE by the intranasal route and histopatological analyses of whole lung samples were performed at day 28 after bleomycin. Intrapulmonary P. aeruginosa infection promoted a neutralizing IgG2A and IgA antibody response in BALF and serum. Surprisingly, histological analysis showed that a prior P. aeruginosa infection attenuated the development of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis, which was modestly further attenuated by the intranasal administration of IL13-PE. Although prior intranasal administration of IL13-PE failed to elicit an antibody response, the systemic administration of IL13-PE induced a strong neutralizing antibody response. However, the prior systemic sensitization of mice with IL13-PE did not inhibit the anti-fibrotic effect of IL13-PE in fibrotic mice. Conclusions: Thus, IL13-PE therapy in pulmonary fibrosis works regardless of the presence of a humoral immune response to Pseudomonas exotoxin A. Interestingly, a prior infection with P. aeruginosa markedly attenuated the pulmonary fibrotic response suggesting that the immune elicitation by this pathogen exerts anti-fibrotic effects.National Institutes of Health (NIH)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)NeoPharm, In

    Serum Amyloid P Therapeutically Attenuates Murine Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis via Its Effects on Macrophages

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    Macrophages promote tissue remodeling but few mechanisms exist to modulate their activity during tissue fibrosis. Serum amyloid P (SAP), a member of the pentraxin family of proteins, signals through Fcγ receptors which are known to affect macrophage activation. We determined that IPF/UIP patients have increased protein levels of several alternatively activated pro-fibrotic (M2) macrophage-associated proteins in the lung and monocytes from these patients show skewing towards an M2 macrophage phenotype. SAP therapeutically inhibits established bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis, when administered systemically or locally to the lungs. The reduction in aberrant collagen deposition was associated with a reduction in M2 macrophages in the lung and increased IP10/CXCL10. These data highlight the role of macrophages in fibrotic lung disease, and demonstrate a therapeutic action of SAP on macrophages which may extend to many fibrotic indications caused by over-exuberant pro-fibrotic macrophage responses