1,643 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the stability of genetic switches by overlapping upstream regulatory domains

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    We study genetic switches formed from pairs of mutually repressing operons. The switch stability is characterised by a well defined lifetime which grows sub-exponentially with the number of copies of the most-expressed transcription factor, in the regime accessible by our numerical simulations. The stability can be markedly enhanced by a suitable choice of overlap between the upstream regulatory domains. Our results suggest that robustness against biochemical noise can provide a selection pressure that drives operons, that regulate each other, together in the course of evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX

    Analytical study of an exclusive genetic switch

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    The nonequilibrium stationary state of an exclusive genetic switch is considered. The model comprises two competing species and a single binding site which, when bound to by a protein of one species, causes the other species to be repressed. The model may be thought of as a minimal model of the power struggle between two competing parties. Exact solutions are given for the limits of vanishing binding/unbinding rates and infinite binding/unbinding rates. A mean field theory is introduced which is exact in the limit of vanishing binding/unbinding rates. The mean field theory and numerical simulations reveal that generically bistability occurs and the system is in a symmetry broken state. An exact perturbative solution which in principle allows the nonequilibrium stationary state to be computed is also developed and computed to first and second order.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figure

    Maximizing Maximal Angles for Plane Straight-Line Graphs

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    Let G=(S,E)G=(S, E) be a plane straight-line graph on a finite point set S⊂R2S\subset\R^2 in general position. The incident angles of a vertex p∈Sp \in S of GG are the angles between any two edges of GG that appear consecutively in the circular order of the edges incident to pp. A plane straight-line graph is called ϕ\phi-open if each vertex has an incident angle of size at least ϕ\phi. In this paper we study the following type of question: What is the maximum angle ϕ\phi such that for any finite set S⊂R2S\subset\R^2 of points in general position we can find a graph from a certain class of graphs on SS that is ϕ\phi-open? In particular, we consider the classes of triangulations, spanning trees, and paths on SS and give tight bounds in most cases.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures. Apart of minor corrections, some proofs that were omitted in the previous version are now include

    Vibrational Enhancement of the Effective Donor - Acceptor Coupling

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    The paper deals with a simple three sites model for charge transfer phenomena in an one-dimensional donor (D) - bridge (B) - acceptor (A) system coupled with vibrational dynamics of the B site. It is found that in a certain range of parameters the vibrational coupling leads to an enhancement of the effective donor - acceptor electronic coupling as a result of the formation of the polaron on the B site. This enhancement of the charge transfer efficiency is maximum at the resonance, where the effective energy of the fluctuating B site coincides with the donor (acceptor) energy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    On the Complexity of Searching in Trees: Average-case Minimization

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    We focus on the average-case analysis: A function w : V -> Z+ is given which defines the likelihood for a node to be the one marked, and we want the strategy that minimizes the expected number of queries. Prior to this paper, very little was known about this natural question and the complexity of the problem had remained so far an open question. We close this question and prove that the above tree search problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees with diameter at most 4. This results in a complete characterization of the complexity of the problem with respect to the diameter size. In fact, for diameter not larger than 3 the problem can be shown to be polynomially solvable using a dynamic programming approach. In addition we prove that the problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees of maximum degree at most 16. To the best of our knowledge, the only known result in this direction is that the tree search problem is solvable in O(|V| log|V|) time for trees with degree at most 2 (paths). We match the above complexity results with a tight algorithmic analysis. We first show that a natural greedy algorithm attains a 2-approximation. Furthermore, for the bounded degree instances, we show that any optimal strategy (i.e., one that minimizes the expected number of queries) performs at most O(\Delta(T) (log |V| + log w(T))) queries in the worst case, where w(T) is the sum of the likelihoods of the nodes of T and \Delta(T) is the maximum degree of T. We combine this result with a non-trivial exponential time algorithm to provide an FPTAS for trees with bounded degree

    Fluctuations in Gene Regulatory Networks as Gaussian Colored Noise

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    The study of fluctuations in gene regulatory networks is extended to the case of Gaussian colored noise. Firstly, the solution of the corresponding Langevin equation with colored noise is expressed in terms of an Ito integral. Then, two important lemmas concerning the variance of an Ito integral and the covariance of two Ito integrals are shown. Based on the lemmas, we give the general formulae for the variances and covariance of molecular concentrations for a regulatory network near a stable equilibrium explicitly. Two examples, the gene auto-regulatory network and the toggle switch, are presented in details. In general, it is found that the finite correlation time of noise reduces the fluctuations and enhances the correlation between the fluctuations of the molecular components.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    A Hierarchical Hybrid Architecture for Mission-Oriented Robot Control

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03413-3_26In this work is presented a general architecture for a multi physical agent network system based on the coordination and the behaviour management. The system is organised in a hierarchical structure where are distinguished the individual agent actions and the collective ones linked to the whole agent network. Individual actions are also organised in a hybrid layered system that take advantages from reactive and deliberative control. Sensing system is involved as well in the behaviour architecture improving the information acquisition performance.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the CICYT project Mission Based Control (COBAMI): DPI2011-28507-C02-02, under coordinated project High Integrity Partitioned Embedded Systems (Hi-PartES): TIN2011-28567-C03-03, and under the collaborative research project supported by the European Union MultiPARTES Project: FP7-ICT 287702. 2011-14.Muñoz Alcobendas, M.; Munera SĂĄnchez, E.; Blanes Noguera, F.; SimĂł Ten, JE. (2013). A Hierarchical Hybrid Architecture for Mission-Oriented Robot Control. En ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Vol. 1. Springer. 363-380. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03413-3_26S363380Aragues, R.: Consistent data association in multi-robot systems with limited communications. 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LNCS (LNAI), vol. 2527, pp. 903–912. Springer, Heidelberg (2002)Choset, H., Nagatani, K.: Topological simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM): toward exact localization without explicit localization. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 17(2), 125–137 (2001)Fox, D., Burgard, W., Dellaert, F., Thrun, S.: Monte carlo localization: Efficient position estimation for mobile robots. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 343–349 (1999)Hu, J., Xie, L., Xu, J.: Vision-based multi-agent cooperative target search. In: Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV), pp. 895–900 (2012)Huq, R., Mann, G.K.I., Gosine, R.G.: Behavior-modulation technique in mobile robotics using fuzzy discrete event system. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 22(5), 903–916 (2006)Jayasiri, A., Mann, G., Gosine, R.G.: Mobile robot behavior coordination using supervisory control of fuzzy discrete event systems. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2009, pp. 690–695 (2009)Jayasiri, A., Mann, G.K.I., Gosine, R.G.: Behavior coordination of mobile robotics using supervisory control of fuzzy discrete event systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 41(5), 1224–1238 (2011)Koenig, N., Howard, A.: Gazebo-3d multiple robot simulator with dynamics. Technical report (2006)Lin, F., Ying, H.: Modeling and control of fuzzy discrete event systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 32(4), 408–415 (2002)Madden, J.D.: Multi-robot system based on model of wolf hunting behavior to emulate wolf and elk interactions. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, ROBIO, pp. 1043–1050 (2010)Mataric, M.J.: Interaction and intelligent behavior. Technical report, DTIC Document (1994)Olivera, V.M., Molina, J.M., Sommaruga, L., et al.: Fuzzy cooperation of autonomous robots. In: Fourth International System on Intelligent Robotics Systems, Lisboa, Portugal (1996)McGann, C., Py, F., Rajan, K., Thomas, H., Henthorn, R., McEwen, R.: A deliberative architecture for auv control. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2008, pp. 1049–1054. IEEE (2008)Munera, E., Muñoz, M., SimĂł, J., Blanes, F.: Humanoid Robot Self-Location In SPL League. In: ComitĂ© Español de AutomĂĄtica (CEA), XXXIII Jornadas de Automatica, 797–804 (2012)Proetzsch, M., Luksch, T., Berns, K.: Development of complex robotic systems using the behavior-based control architecture iB2C. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58(1), 46–67 (2010)Qiu, D.: Supervisory control of fuzzy discrete event systems: a formal approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 35(1), 72–88 (2005)Aladebaran Robotics. NAO Software Documentation 1.12. Technical report (2012)St-Pierre, M., Gingras, D.: Comparison between the unscented Kalman filter and the extended Kalman filter for the position estimation module of an integrated navigation information system. In: 2004 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 831–835 (2004)Stoytchev, A., Arkin, R.C.: Combining deliberation, reactivity, and motivation in the context of a behavior-based robot architecture. In: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, pp. 290–295 (2001)Nicolau, V., Muñoz, M., SimĂł, J.: KertrolBot Platform. SiDiReLi: Distributed System with Limited Resources. Technical report, Institute of Control Systems and Industrial Computing - Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain (2011

    A tight lower bound for steiner orientation

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    In the STEINER ORIENTATION problem, the input is a mixed graph G (it has both directed and undirected edges) and a set of k terminal pairs T. The question is whether we can orient the undirected edges in a way such that there is a directed s⇝t path for each terminal pair (s,t)∈T. Arkin and Hassin [DAM’02] showed that the STEINER ORIENTATION problem is NP-complete. They also gave a polynomial time algorithm for the special case when k=2 . From the viewpoint of exact algorithms, Cygan, Kortsarz and Nutov [ESA’12, SIDMA’13] designed an XP algorithm running in nO(k) time for all k≄1. Pilipczuk and Wahlström [SODA ’16] showed that the STEINER ORIENTATION problem is W[1]-hard parameterized by k. As a byproduct of their reduction, they were able to show that under the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH) of Impagliazzo, Paturi and Zane [JCSS’01] the STEINER ORIENTATION problem does not admit an f(k)⋅no(k/logk) algorithm for any computable function f. That is, the nO(k) algorithm of Cygan et al. is almost optimal. In this paper, we give a short and easy proof that the nO(k) algorithm of Cygan et al. is asymptotically optimal, even if the input graph has genus 1. Formally, we show that the STEINER ORIENTATION problem is W[1]-hard parameterized by the number k of terminal pairs, and, under ETH, cannot be solved in f(k)⋅no(k) time for any function f even if the underlying undirected graph has genus 1. We give a reduction from the GRID TILING problem which has turned out to be very useful in proving W[1]-hardness of several problems on planar graphs. As a result of our work, the main remaining open question is whether STEINER ORIENTATION admits the “square-root phenomenon” on planar graphs (graphs with genus 0): can one obtain an algorithm running in time f(k)⋅nO(k√) for PLANAR STEINER ORIENTATION, or does the lower bound of f(k)⋅no(k) also translate to planar graphs
