879 research outputs found

    Working Environment in Nursing: Needs Improvement?

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    Background: Knowing the quality of life of professionals is important because it is related to job performance, better results, and greater productivity, which results in better patient care. Objective: To know the Professional Quality of Life perceived by the nurses at the Geriatric Hospital of Toledo (Spain). Method: A descriptive cross-section study was employed to measure the Professional Quality of Life of all healthcare nurses (69 in total) at the Geriatric Hospital of Toledo. The questionnaire used as a measuring instrument was the Professional Quality of Life - 35. The data obtained was analyzed by means of: descriptive statistics, single-factor ANOVA variance analysis, T Student tests, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The study was approved by both the research commission and the ethics commission at the Hospital Complex of Toledo. Participation in the study on behalf of the nursing staff was voluntary. Results: In total, 45 responses were obtained (65.2%). The overall mean score measured the perceived Professional Quality of Life to be low. In relation to the three dimensions evaluated in the study, the highest average found was in “intrinsic motivation,” followed by “workload”, and then “management support.” In the multivariate analysis, “management support” was shown as the most influential factor in the Professional Quality of Life with a 23% influence (P<0.001), followed by workload with 9% (P = 0.01). Conclusions: The professionals at the participating center perceive their workplace as having an elevated degree of responsibility, a large quantity of work, a high occurrence of rushes and fatigue, and all this with little support on behalf of management. Promotions are scarce or the policies for receiving a promotion are inadequate. The perception of Professional Quality of Life in nursing is low. The obtained results indicate a need for an organizing cultural change based on participation, motivation, and increased management support

    Influencia del sedentarismo en las desviaciones raquídeas de la población escolar de Léon

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    Nuestra investigación trata de evaluar los hábitos sedentarios, en los escolares de 10 y 14 años de una zona de León, y su influencia en las desviaciones raquídeas. Para la obtención de los hábitos nos basamos en el tets de Medoza, R. también se realizó una evaluación física de los niños para observar las desviaciones raquídeas. En el tratamiento de la información se utilizó el análisis de la varianza univariante y multivariante, además del análisis de componentes principales y análisis discriminante. Llegando a la conclusión, respecto al tiempo de televisión que el día de la semana que más tiempo dedican los niños a ver la televisión es discrimante de los escolares que tienen desviación raquídea

    Instrument for analysing digital entrepreneurship competence in higher education

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    ©. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the, Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Relieve. To access the final edited and published work see: http://doi.org/10.30827/relieve.v28i1.22831Entre las competencias clave que el alumnado debe adquirir podemos encontrar la digital y el emprendimiento. Del análisis comparativo de ambas surge el modelo EmDigital. Este modelo describe la competencia de emprendimiento digital a partir de cuatro áreas y 15 sub-competencias. El objetivo del estudio es validar un instrumento cuantitativo para medir la competencia de emprendimiento digital en universitarios. Para ello se han utilizado las siguientes técnicas: grupo focal, juicio de expertos, entrevistas cognitivas y Análisis Factorial Exploratorio. Se ha utilizado una muestra piloto compuesta por 190 estudiantes de último curso de Grado (60% eran mujeres con edad media de 24.97). La fiabilidad mostrada por el instrumento ha sido muy buena. Los resultados del AFE muestran 4 factores que explican el 43% de la varianza. A partir de los resultados se ha revisado el instrumento y creado la versión definitiva del mismo, que presentamos en el artículo. Los datos solo reflejan diferencias en función del género en una de las dimensiones del instrumento, concretamente en la identificación de oportunidades, donde los hombres puntúan más alto.Entrepreneurship and digital skills are key competences that students must acquire throughout their formal education. The EmDigital model was developed to assess digital entrepreneurship competence following a comparative analysis of these two competences. This model describes the competence of digital entrepreneurship in terms of four areas and 15 sub competences. The aim of the present study was to validate a quantitative instrument to measure digital entrepreneurship competence in university students. The following techniques were used: focus group, expert panel, cognitive interview and exploratory factor analysis. A pilot sample of 190 final year undergraduate students (60% were female with an average age of 24.97) was used. The instrument produced very good reliability indices. EFA outcomes indicated a 4-factor instrument that explained 43% of total variance. Based on the presented outcomes, the instrument was revised and a definitive questionnaire created. The final version of the questionnaire is presented in the present article. Data only revealed gender differences in relation to one of the dimensions of the instrument, namely, the identification of opportunities, in which men scored more highly

    Smart Learning Environments y ergonomía: una aproximación al estado de la cuestión

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    Educational technology evolves constantly, in line with the innovative technologies we implement, but always catering for the improvement of teaching and learning. For this, Smart Learning Environments (SLE) emerge as an optimal alternative to traditional teaching as, through ergonomics, an inclusive outlook which is bound to enhance the educational experience of every student is provided. The method utilized is based on a systematic review of the existing literature which has allowed us to analyze in depth a final sample of 19 documents after an initial review of 633, being these all the works published between 2013 and 2019. Therefore, the principal objective of the present work is carrying out an analysis of the state of the art in relation to ergonomics, inclusiveness and the SLE. The analysis of results is performed utilizing a semantic network, generated through atlas.ti. v.8, by means of which 3 categories, 10 codes and 33 quotes are extracted. Namely, the results reveal the emerging nature of the thematic line researched and how ergonomics is linked to inclusiveness and stands out as one of the most defining components when designing an educational proposal based on SLE.La tecnología educativa se ve de forma continua transformada en función de las tecnologías innovadoras que vamos incorporando, pero siempre con la vista puesta en la mejora del proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Para ello, los Smart Learning Environments (SLE) se convierten en una alternativa óptima a la enseñanza tradicional, puesto que a través de la ergonomía se brinda una perspectiva inclusiva que mejorará la experiencia educativa de cualquier estudiante. Por lo tanto, el principal objetivo de este trabajo consiste en realizar un análisis del estado del arte en relación con la ergonomía, la inclusión y los SLE. El método utilizado se basa en una revisión sistemática de literatura que nos ha permitido analizar en profundidad una muestra final de 19 documentos tras una revisión inicial de 633, habiendo sido todos los trabajos publicados entre 2013 y 2019. El análisis de los resultados se realiza a través de una red semántica generada con atlas.ti. v.8, a partir de la cual se extraen 3 categorías, 10 códigos y 33 citas. Principalmente, los resultados reflejan el carácter emergente de la línea temática investigada y cómo la ergonomía se relaciona con la inclusión y se posiciona como uno de los principales componentes para diseñar una propuesta educativa basada en los SLE

    EmDigital to Promote Digital Entrepreneurship: The Relation with Open Innovation

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    Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).Entrepreneurial skills and digital competence are two basic competences in people’s education in the 21st century. They are also transversal competences in university degrees. We carried out an analysis of European models, which suggest areas and indicators within these two competencies (entrepreneurial and digital), with the ultimate goal of elaborating an original model of digital entrepreneurship competence, which we have named EmDigital. This analysis was performed by means of a qualitative approach and the combination of documentary analysis techniques, focus-group discussion and expert judgement through the Delphi method in a sequence of four consecutive phases. The proposed EmDigital model encompasses 4 areas, 15 sub-competences and 45 indicators. This model will be useful for the design of descriptive types of tests and certification tests, as well as for the design of formative proposals both for professors and for students of higher studies. Furthermore, the model will lead to new lines of research in the area of competence-based training

    Body composition in breast cancer survivors in Sonorenses women

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the worldwide. In the same sense, this disease is one of the most common cancers affecting Mexican women. In the year 2014 in México, there were 11,372 new cases of breast cancer with an incidence rate of 22.56 per 100,000 in habitants older than 10 years. Women with breast cancer are often subjected to an operation due to this affectation which decreases its functionality and body composition. PURPOSE: To examine the body composition in breast cancer survivors in a sample of women from Hermosillo, Sonora, México. METHODS: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study design. 21 women with breast cancer who had been operated on left arm and had been recruited at one university-based exercise program for breast cancer survivors in Hermosillo, Sonora, México. Body composition (BC) was measured. The right arm non-operated was considered as control. Statistical difference between the operated versus non-operated arm were determined with t-student test for independent samples. RESULTS: In the present study, body fat (1719.1 ± 456.7 vs. 1819.8 ± 467.9 grams, p ≤ 0.05), lean mass (1960.2 ± 308.7 vs. 2151.5 ± 313.5 grams, p ≤ 0.05) and total body mass (3679.3 ± 643.3 vs. 3971.1 ± 675.9 grams, p ≤ 0.05) of the left operated arm of women who breast cancer survivors were significantly lower than the mean of the right non-operated arm. CONCLUSION: Breast cancer survivors’ women who have underwent an operation on their left arm sowed a lower percentage of fat, fat mass and total mass compared to their non-operate arm. The present study underline the importance to apply rehabilitation or exercise program focused to reduce the changes in the body composition

    Efecto de la adición de restos de poda y biochar en las propiedades de una turba parda como sustrato de cultivo

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    Las turberas realizan la función de sumidero de carbono en los ecosistemas terrestres pero debido a su excesivo uso como combustible o como medio de cultivo se está produciendo la sobreexplotación de este recurso no renovable. En los últimos años se han llevado a cabo diversas investigaciones con el objetivo de encontrar sustratos procedentes de diferentes residuos orgánicos que sean de alta calidad y bajo coste con el fin de disminuir el consumo de turba